package org.civilian.text; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Locale; import org.civilian.util.Check; import org.civilian.util.StringUtil; /** * NumberFormat provides locale dependent formatting of numbers. */ public class NumberFormat implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Creates a new NumberFormat. */ public NumberFormat(Locale locale) { locale_ = Check.notNull(locale, "locale"); impl_ = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); if (impl_ instanceof DecimalFormat) { DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = ((DecimalFormat)impl_).getDecimalFormatSymbols(); groupingSeparator_ = symbols.getGroupingSeparator(); groupingSeparatorString_ = groupingSeparator_ > 0 ? String.valueOf(groupingSeparator_) : null; decimalSeparator_ = symbols.getDecimalSeparator(); } } /** * Returns the locale of the NumberFormat. */ public Locale getLocale() { return locale_; } /** * Returns the grouping separator char of the NumberFormat. * @return the separator or 0 if not defined */ public char getGroupingSeparator() { return groupingSeparator_; } /** * Returns the grouping separator as String. * @return the separator or null if not defined */ public String getGroupingSepString() { return groupingSeparatorString_; } /** * Returns the decimal separator char of the NumberFormat. * @return the separator or 0 if not known */ public char getDecimalSeparator() { return decimalSeparator_; } //---------------------------- // format natural //---------------------------- /** * Formats a long value. */ public String formatNatural(long value) { return formatNatural(value, null).toString(); } /** * Formats a long value. */ public String formatNatural(long value, NumberStyle style) { return formatNatural(value, style, null).toString(); } /** * Formats a long value. */ public StringBuilder formatNatural(long value, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { return formatNatural(String.valueOf(value), style, builder); } /** * Formats a natural number. * @param value the value. * @param style a NumberStyle to determine grouping. If null the default * NumberStyle is used. * @param builder a StringBuilder to which the formatted number is appended. * If the builder is null, then a new StringBuilder will be created. * @return the StringBuilder containing the number */ public StringBuilder formatNatural(Number value, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { return formatNatural(value != null ? value.toString() : "", style, builder); } private StringBuilder formatNatural(String raw, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { builder = setup(builder); format(raw, norm(style).useGrouping(), 0, 0, builder); return builder; } //---------------------------- // format decimal //---------------------------- /** * Formats a double value. */ public String formatDecimal(double value) { return formatDecimal(value, null); } /** * Formats a double value. */ public String formatDecimal(double value, NumberStyle style) { return formatDecimal(value, style, null).toString(); } /** * Formats a long value. */ public StringBuilder formatDecimal(double value, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { return formatDecimal(String.valueOf(value), style, builder); } /** * Formats a number. */ public StringBuilder formatDecimal(Number value, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { return formatDecimal(value != null ? value.toString() : "", style, builder); } /** * Formats a decimal number. * @param raw the raw value. * @param style a NumberStyle to determine grouping and number of decimals. If null the default * NumberStyle is used. * @param builder a StringBuilder to which the formatted number is appended. * If the builder is null, then a new StringBuilder will be created. * @return the StringBuilder containing the number */ private StringBuilder formatDecimal(String raw, NumberStyle style, StringBuilder builder) { builder = setup(builder); if (raw.indexOf('E') >= 0) builder.append(raw); // scientific notation: give up else { style = norm(style); format(raw, style.useGrouping(), style.minDecimals(), style.maxDecimals(), builder); } return builder; } //---------------------------- // format helpers //---------------------------- private void format(String raw, boolean grouping, int minDecimals, int maxDecimals, StringBuilder builder) { int length = raw.length(); int dot = raw.indexOf('.'); formatNaturalPart(raw, grouping, dot < 0 ? length : dot, builder); if (maxDecimals > 0) formatFractionPart(raw, dot, minDecimals, maxDecimals, builder); } private void formatNaturalPart(String raw, boolean grouping, int end, StringBuilder builder) { int length = end; int start = 0; if (raw.startsWith("-")) { start = 1; length--; builder.append('-'); } if ((length > 3) && grouping) { String sep = getGroupingSepString(); if (sep != null) { int next = length % 3; if (next == 0) next = 3; next += start; builder.append(raw, start, next); while(next < end) { builder.append(sep); builder.append(raw, next, next + 3); next += 3; } return; } } // fallback if (length == 0) builder.append('0'); else builder.append(raw, start, end); } private void formatFractionPart(String raw, int dot, int minDecimals, int maxDecimals, StringBuilder builder) { builder.append(getDecimalSeparator()); int length = raw.length(); int added = 0; if (dot >= 0) { int start = dot + 1; int decimals = length - start; added = Math.min(maxDecimals, decimals); builder.append(raw, start, start + added); } for (int i=added; i<minDecimals; i++) builder.append('0'); } private static NumberStyle norm(NumberStyle style) { return style != null ? style : NumberStyle.DEFAULT; } private StringBuilder setup(StringBuilder builder) { return builder != null ? builder : new StringBuilder(); } //---------------------------- // parse //---------------------------- public BigDecimal parseBigDecimal(String s) throws ParseException { Number n = parseNumber(s); if (n == null) return null; else if (n instanceof BigDecimal) return (BigDecimal)n; else if (groupingSeparatorString_ != null) { s = s.replace(groupingSeparatorString_, ""); if (decimalSeparator_ != '.') s = s.replace(decimalSeparator_, '.'); return new BigDecimal(s); } else return new BigDecimal(n.doubleValue()); } public BigInteger parseBigInteger(String s) throws ParseException { Number n = parseNumber(s); if (n == null) return null; else if (n instanceof BigInteger) return (BigInteger)n; else if (groupingSeparatorString_ != null) { s = s.replace(groupingSeparatorString_, ""); return new BigInteger(s); } else return new BigInteger(String.valueOf(n.longValue())); } public Double parseDouble(String s) throws ParseException { Number n = parseNumber(s); if (n == null) return null; else return (n instanceof Double) ? (Double)n : new Double(n.doubleValue()); } public Float parseFloat(String s) throws ParseException { Number n = parseNumber(s); if (n == null) return null; else return (n instanceof Float) ? (Float)n : Float.valueOf(n.floatValue()); } public Integer parseInteger(String s) { return StringUtil.isBlank(s) ? null : Integer.valueOf((int)parseLongValue(s)); } public Long parseLong(String s) { return StringUtil.isBlank(s) ? null : Long.valueOf(parseLongValue(s)); } private long parseLongValue(String s) { int length = s.length(); long result = 0; boolean negative = false; int i = skipSpace(s, 0, true); char c = s.charAt(i); if ((c == '-') || (c == '+')) { negative = (c == '-'); i = skipSpace(s, i+1, true); } while(i < length) { c = s.charAt(i); if (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) { result *= 10; result -= (c - '0'); } else if (c != groupingSeparator_) { if (isSpace(c)) { if (!isSpace(groupingSeparator_)) { skipSpace(s, i, false); } } else throw new NumberFormatException(s); } i++; } return negative ? result : -result; } public Short parseShort(String s) { return StringUtil.isBlank(s) ? null : Short.valueOf((short)parseLongValue(s)); } private Number parseNumber(String s) throws ParseException { return StringUtil.isBlank(s) ? null : impl_.parse(normNumberString(s)); } /** * Motivation: french numbers use \160 as grouping separator * if such a number is entered with a space, only the part until the * first separator is recognized as number */ private String normNumberString(String s) { if (isSpace(groupingSeparator_)) { if (s.indexOf(' ') != -1) s = s.replace(" ", ""); if (s.indexOf((char)0xa0) != -1) s = s.replace("\u00a0", ""); } return s; } private int skipSpace(String s, int start, boolean expectMore) { int length = s.length(); int i = start; while ((i < length) && isSpace(s.charAt(i))) i++; if (expectMore && (i == length)) throw new NumberFormatException("unexpected end of number: " + s); else if (!expectMore && (i < length)) throw new NumberFormatException("unexpected characters of number: " + s); return i; } /** * Returns true iif the character is 0x20 or 0xA0 (nbsp). */ private static boolean isSpace(char c) { return (c == ' ') || (c == 0xa0); } private final Locale locale_; private final java.text.NumberFormat impl_; private char decimalSeparator_ = 0; private char groupingSeparator_ = 0; private String groupingSeparatorString_; }