package experimental.analyzer.simple; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import marmot.util.Converter; import marmot.util.Encoder; import marmot.util.FeatUtil; import marmot.util.FeatureTable; import marmot.util.SymbolTable; import experimental.analyzer.AnalyzerInstance; import experimental.analyzer.AnalyzerReading; import experimental.analyzer.AnalyzerTag; public class SimpleAnalyzerModel implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private SymbolTable<AnalyzerTag> tag_table_; private SymbolTable<String> pos_table_; private SymbolTable<String> morph_table_; private SymbolTable<Character> char_table_; private Set<String> vocab_; private List<List<Integer>> tag_to_sub_; private static enum Features { affix_feature, signature_feature, dict_feature } private static final int feature_bits_ = Encoder.bitsNeeded(Features .values().length - 1); private int char_bits_; private int sig_bits_; private Encoder encoder_; private FeatureTable feature_table_; transient private Context context_; private FloatDict dict_; private boolean special_signature_ = true; private int max_affix_length_ = 10; private boolean use_hash_table_ = false; private static class Context { public List<Integer> list; public boolean insert; public Context() { list = new ArrayList<>(); } } private double[] weights_; private long feat_length_; private int dict_bits_; public void init(Collection<SimpleAnalyzerInstance> instances, String dictfile) { tag_table_ = new SymbolTable<>(true); pos_table_ = new SymbolTable<>(); morph_table_ = new SymbolTable<>(); tag_to_sub_ = new ArrayList<>(); char_table_ = new SymbolTable<>(); vocab_ = new HashSet<>(); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); if (dictfile != null && !dictfile.isEmpty()) { dict_ = FloatDict.fromFile(dictfile); dict_bits_ = Encoder.bitsNeeded(dict_.getDimension()); "read dict with dimension %d and %d entries.", dict_.getDimension(), dict_.numEntries())); } for (SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance : instances) { init(instance, true); } //"tags: %d %s", tag_table_.size(), // tag_table_)); //"pos tags: %d %s", pos_table_.size(), // pos_table_)); //"morph tags: %d %s", morph_table_.size(), // morph_table_)); sig_bits_ = Encoder.bitsNeeded(FeatUtil .getMaxSignature(special_signature_)); char_bits_ = Encoder.bitsNeeded(char_table_.size()); encoder_ = new Encoder(6); feature_table_ = FeatureTable.StaticMethods.create(use_hash_table_); for (SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance : instances) { add_features(instance, true); } feat_length_ = feature_table_.size(); weights_ = new double[10_000_000]; } private void add_features(SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance, boolean insert) { if (context_ == null) { context_ = new Context(); } context_.insert = insert; context_.list.clear(); addAffixIndexes(instance.getFormChars()); encoder_.append(Features.signature_feature.ordinal(), feature_bits_); encoder_.append(instance.getSignature(), sig_bits_); addFeature(true); instance.setFeatureIndexes(Converter.toIntArray(context_.list)); context_.list.clear(); FloatDict.Vector vector = instance.getVector(); if (vector != null) { for (int index : vector.getIndexes()) { encoder_.append(Features.dict_feature.ordinal(), feature_bits_); encoder_.append(index, dict_bits_); addFeature(true); } instance.setFloatFeatIndexes(Converter.toIntArray(context_.list)); } } private void init(SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance, boolean insert) { List<Integer> tag_indexes = new LinkedList<>(); if (insert) { vocab_.add(instance.getInstance().getForm()); } for (AnalyzerTag tag : instance.getTags()) { int tag_index = tag_table_.toIndex(tag, -1, insert); if (tag_index >= 0) { tag_indexes.add(tag_index); if (tag_to_sub_.size() <= tag_index && insert) { assert insert; assert tag_to_sub_.size() == tag_index; int pos_index = pos_table_.toIndex(tag.getPosTag(), true); int morph_index = morph_table_.toIndex(tag.getMorphTag(), true); tag_to_sub_.add(Arrays.asList(pos_index, morph_index)); } } } instance.setTagIndexes(tag_indexes); AnalyzerInstance a_instance = instance.getInstance(); String form = a_instance.getForm(); int signature = FeatUtil.getSignature(form, special_signature_); instance.setSignature(signature); String lower_form = form.toLowerCase(); short[] form_chars = FeatUtil.getCharIndexes(lower_form, char_table_, insert); instance.setFormChars(form_chars); if (dict_ != null) { instance.setVector(dict_.getVector(form)); } } private void addPrefixFeatures(short[] chars) { encoder_.append(false); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(chars.length, max_affix_length_); i++) { int c = chars[i]; if (c < 0) return; encoder_.append(c, char_bits_); addFeature(false); } } private void addSuffixFeatures(short[] chars) { encoder_.append(true); for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= Math.max(0, chars.length - max_affix_length_); i--) { int c = chars[i]; if (c < 0) return; encoder_.append(c, char_bits_); addFeature(false); } } private void addAffixIndexes(short[] lemma_chars) { encoder_.append(Features.affix_feature.ordinal(), feature_bits_); addPrefixFeatures(lemma_chars); encoder_.reset(); encoder_.append(Features.affix_feature.ordinal(), feature_bits_); addSuffixFeatures(lemma_chars); encoder_.reset(); } private void addFeature(boolean reset) { int index = feature_table_.getFeatureIndex(encoder_, context_.insert); if (index >= 0) { context_.list.add(index); } if (reset) encoder_.reset(); } public double[] getWeights() { return weights_; } public void setWeights(double[] weights) { weights_ = weights; } public int getNumTags() { return tag_table_.size(); } private void updateScore(SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance, double[] scores, double[] updates) { for (int tag_index = 0; tag_index < getNumTags(); tag_index++) { for (int feat_index : instance.getFeatIndexes()) { updateScores(feat_index, scores, updates, tag_index, 1.0); } int[] float_feat_indexes = instance.getFloatFeatIndexes(); if (float_feat_indexes != null) { double[] values = instance.getFloatValues(); for (int i = 0; i < float_feat_indexes.length; i++) { double value = values[i]; updateScores(float_feat_indexes[i], scores, updates, tag_index, value); } } } } private void updateScores(int feat_index, double[] scores, double[] updates, int tag_index, double value) { long index; List<Integer> sub_indexes = tag_to_sub_.get(tag_index); long pos_index = sub_indexes.get(0); index = (long) feat_index + feat_length_ * pos_index; updateScore(index, scores, updates, tag_index, value); long morph_index = sub_indexes.get(1); index = (long) feat_index + feat_length_ * (morph_index + (long) pos_table_.size()); updateScore(index, scores, updates, tag_index, value); index = (long) feat_index + feat_length_ * ((long) tag_index + (long) pos_table_.size() + (long) morph_table_ .size()); updateScore(index, scores, updates, tag_index, value); } private void updateScore(long index, double[] scores, double[] updates, int tag_index, double value) { int int_index = (int) (index % (long) weights_.length); if (updates != null) { weights_[int_index] += updates[tag_index] * value; } if (scores != null) { scores[tag_index] += weights_[int_index] * value; } } public void score(SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance, double[] scores) { Arrays.fill(scores, 0.0); updateScore(instance, scores, null); } public void update(SimpleAnalyzerInstance instance, double[] updates) { updateScore(instance, null, updates); } public SimpleAnalyzerInstance getInstance(AnalyzerInstance instance) { Collection<AnalyzerTag> tags = AnalyzerReading.toTags(instance .getReadings()); SimpleAnalyzerInstance simple_instance = new SimpleAnalyzerInstance( instance, tags); init(simple_instance, false); add_features(simple_instance, false); return simple_instance; } public SymbolTable<AnalyzerTag> getTagTable() { return tag_table_; } public boolean isUnknown(AnalyzerInstance instance) { return !vocab_.contains(instance.getForm()); } }