package eu.choreos.vv.aggregations; import java.util.List; /** * Implements percentile computation, i. e., a value for which a given percentile of a list is bellow it. * */ public class Percentile implements AggregationFunction { private int percentile; final private String LABEL = "percentile"; /** * Creates an instance of Percentile for a specified value. * @param value the percentile this object will work on */ public Percentile(int value) { percentile = value; } @Override public String getLabel() { return percentile + "-" + LABEL; } /** * calculates the percentile for a given list * @param series a list of numbers * @return the percentile for the given list */ @Override public Double aggregate(List<Number> series) { return DescriptiveStatisticsFactory.create(series).getPercentile( percentile); } }