package eu.choreos.monitoring.platform.daemon; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import eu.choreos.monitoring.platform.utils.YamlParser; public class Config { private static final String THRESHOLD_SPECS_FOLDER = "threshold_specs/"; /* types of instances based on EC2 instances. * A default file is needed to start daemon * */ private static final String[] instanceTypedSpecsFiles = {"small","medium","large","extralarge"}; /* * File name to file that contains threshold definitions ] * */ private static String thresholdConfigFile = null; /* * A map of threshold for this host: map<name_of_config, List<threshold>> * */ private Map<String, List<AbstractThreshold>> thresholds ; private Config ( String file ) { this.thresholds = new HashMap<String, List<AbstractThreshold>>(); thresholdConfigFile = file; this.setConfig(); } public Map<String, List<AbstractThreshold>> getThresholdsConfig () { return thresholds; } private void setConfig() { InputStream data; if(thresholdConfigFile != null) data = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(THRESHOLD_SPECS_FOLDER+thresholdConfigFile); else data = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(THRESHOLD_SPECS_FOLDER+"default.yml"); List<AbstractThreshold> defaultThresholds = new ArrayList<AbstractThreshold>(); defaultThresholds = YamlParser.getThresholdsFromStream(data); this.thresholds.put("default", defaultThresholds); for (String it : instanceTypedSpecsFiles) { List<AbstractThreshold> thresholds = YamlParser.getThresholdsFromStream( this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(THRESHOLD_SPECS_FOLDER+it + ".yml")) ; if(thresholds.isEmpty() || thresholds == null) continue; this.thresholds.put(it, thresholds); } } private static volatile Config instance = null; public static Config getInstance(String thresholdListFileName) { if(thresholdConfigFile == null) thresholdConfigFile = thresholdListFileName; if(thresholdListFileName != null) if(thresholdConfigFile.compareTo(thresholdListFileName) != 0) thresholdConfigFile = thresholdListFileName; if (instance == null) instance = new Config(thresholdConfigFile); else instance.setConfig(); return instance; } }