package com.christophdietze.jack.shared.pgn; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.Piece; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.PieceType; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.Position; /** * Parser for a reduced version of FEN. The differences are: * <ul> * <li>Only the position is stored. Meta info such as e.p., castles, etc. is omitted.</li> * <li>The seperator '/' is omitted.</li> * <li>It starts from a1 instead of a8.</li> * <li>Any consecutive numbers are replaced by their sum.</li> * <li>A trailing number is omitted.</li> * </ul> * E.g. 'RNBQKBNRPPPPPPPP32pppppppprnbqkbnr' is the initial position. */ public class ReducedFenParser { private Position.Builder builder; private String inputString; public ReducedFenParser() { } public void parse(String inputString) throws ReducedFenParsingException { this.inputString = inputString; builder = new Position.Builder(); parsePosition(); } public Position getPosition() { return; } private void parsePosition() throws ReducedFenParsingException { int skipCount = 0; int index = 0; for (char ch : inputString.toCharArray()) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { skipCount *= 10; skipCount += ch - '0'; continue; } if (skipCount > 0) { index += skipCount; skipCount = 0; } boolean isWhite; if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) { isWhite = true; } else { isWhite = false; ch = Character.toUpperCase(ch); } PieceType piece = PieceType.getBySymbol(ch); if (piece == null) { throw new ReducedFenParsingException("Unrecognized symbol '" + ch + "'"); } Piece square = Piece.getFromColorAndPieceType(isWhite, piece); if (index > 63) { throw new ReducedFenParsingException("Input too long"); } builder.piece(index, square); index++; } } }