package org.chartsy.macd; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.chartsy.main.ChartFrame; import org.chartsy.main.chart.Indicator; import; import; import org.chartsy.main.utils.DefaultPainter; import org.chartsy.main.utils.Range; import org.chartsy.main.utils.SerialVersion; import org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode; /** * * @author viorel.gheba */ public class MACD extends Indicator { private static final long serialVersionUID = SerialVersion.APPVERSION; public static final String MACD = "macd"; public static final String SIGNAL = "signal"; public static final String HISTOGRAM = "histogram"; private Color histogramColor = null; private IndicatorProperties properties; public MACD() { super(); properties = new IndicatorProperties(); } public String getName() { return "MACD"; } public String getLabel() { return properties.getLabel() + " (" + properties.getFast() + ", " + properties.getSlow() + ", " + properties.getSmooth() + ")"; } public String getPaintedLabel(ChartFrame cf){ return getLabel(); } public Indicator newInstance(){ return new MACD(); } public LinkedHashMap getHTML(ChartFrame cf, int i) { LinkedHashMap ht = new LinkedHashMap(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); double[] values = getValues(cf, i); String[] labels = {"Histogram:", "Signal:", "MACD:"}; ht.put(getLabel(), " "); if (values.length > 0) { Color[] colors = getColors(); colors[0] = values[0] > 0 ? properties.getHistogramPositiveColor() : properties.getHistogramNegativeColor(); for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { ht.put(getFontHTML(colors[j], labels[j]), getFontHTML(colors[j], df.format(values[j]))); } } return ht; } @Override public Range getRange(ChartFrame cf) { Range range = super.getRange(cf); double d = Math.max(Math.abs(range.getLowerBound()), Math.abs(range.getUpperBound())); return new Range(-1 * d, d); } public void paint(Graphics2D g, ChartFrame cf, Rectangle bounds) { Dataset macd = visibleDataset(cf, MACD); Dataset signal = visibleDataset(cf, SIGNAL); Dataset histogram = visibleDataset(cf, HISTOGRAM); if (histogram != null && signal != null && macd != null) { if (maximized) { Range range = getRange(cf); DefaultPainter.histogram(g, cf, range, bounds, histogram, properties.getHistogramPositiveColor(), properties.getHistogramNegativeColor()); // paint the histogram DefaultPainter.line(g, cf, range, bounds, signal, properties.getSignalColor(), properties.getSignalStroke()); // paint the signal DefaultPainter.line(g, cf, range, bounds, macd, properties.getMacdColor(), properties.getMacdStroke()); // paint the MACD } } } public void calculate() { Dataset initial = getDataset(); if (initial != null && !initial.isEmpty()) { int fast = properties.getFast(); int slow = properties.getSlow(); int smooth = properties.getSmooth(); Dataset fastEMA = Dataset.EMA(initial, fast); Dataset slowEMA = Dataset.EMA(initial, slow); Dataset macd = getMACD(fastEMA, slowEMA, slow); addDataset(MACD, macd); Dataset signal = getSignal(macd, slow, smooth); addDataset(SIGNAL, signal); Dataset MACDHistogram = getMACDHistogram(macd, signal); addDataset(HISTOGRAM, MACDHistogram); } } public boolean hasZeroLine(){ return true; } public boolean getZeroLineVisibility(){ return properties.getZeroLineVisibility(); } public Color getZeroLineColor(){ return properties.getZeroLineColor(); } public Stroke getZeroLineStroke(){ return properties.getZeroLineStroke(); } public boolean hasDelimiters(){ return false; } public boolean getDelimitersVisibility(){ return false; } public double[] getDelimitersValues(){ return new double[] {}; } public Color getDelimitersColor(){ return null; } public Stroke getDelimitersStroke(){ return null; } public Color[] getColors() { return new Color[] {histogramColor!=null ? histogramColor : properties.getHistogramPositiveColor(), properties.getSignalColor(), properties.getMacdColor()}; } public double[] getValues(ChartFrame cf) { Dataset macd = visibleDataset(cf, MACD); Dataset signal = visibleDataset(cf, SIGNAL); Dataset histogram = visibleDataset(cf, HISTOGRAM); if (macd != null && signal != null && histogram != null) { int i = histogram.getLastIndex(); double[] values = new double[3]; values[0] = histogram.getDataItem(i) != null ? histogram.getCloseAt(i) : 0; values[1] = signal.getDataItem(i) != null ? signal.getCloseAt(i) : 0; values[2] = macd.getDataItem(i) != null ? macd.getCloseAt(i) : 0; if (histogram.getDataItem(i) != null) histogramColor = histogram.getCloseAt(i) > 0 ? properties.getHistogramPositiveColor() : properties.getHistogramNegativeColor(); return values; } return new double[] {}; } public double[] getValues(ChartFrame cf, int i) { Dataset macd = visibleDataset(cf, MACD); Dataset signal = visibleDataset(cf, SIGNAL); Dataset histogram = visibleDataset(cf, HISTOGRAM); if (macd != null && signal != null && histogram != null) { double[] values = new double[3]; values[0] = histogram.getDataItem(i) != null ? histogram.getCloseAt(i) : 0; values[1] = signal.getDataItem(i) != null ? signal.getCloseAt(i) : 0; values[2] = macd.getDataItem(i) != null ? macd.getCloseAt(i) : 0; if (histogram.getDataItem(i) != null) histogramColor = histogram.getCloseAt(i) > 0 ? properties.getHistogramPositiveColor() : properties.getHistogramNegativeColor(); return values; } return new double[] {}; } public boolean getMarkerVisibility(){ return properties.getMarker(); } public AbstractNode getNode(){ return new IndicatorNode(properties); } @Override public Double[] getPriceValues(ChartFrame cf) { List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); Range range = getRange(cf); Double value; if (range.getUpperBound() >= 1) { int step = (int) (range.getUpperBound() / 3) + 1; for (int i = step; i <= range.getUpperBound(); i+=step) { value = new Double(i); list.add(value); value = new Double(-1 * i); list.add(value); } } else { double step = (range.getUpperBound() > 0.5) ? 0.25 : 0.15; for (double i = step; i <= range.getUpperBound(); i+=step) { value = new Double(i); list.add(value); value = new Double(-1 * i); list.add(value); } } return list.toArray(new Double[list.size()]); } private Dataset getMACD(final Dataset fastEMA, final Dataset slowEMA, final int slow) { int count = fastEMA.getItemsCount(); Dataset result = Dataset.EMPTY(count); for (int i = slow; i < count; i++) { double diff = fastEMA.getCloseAt(i) - slowEMA.getCloseAt(i); result.setDataItem(i, new DataItem(fastEMA.getTimeAt(i), diff)); } return result; } private Dataset getSignal(final Dataset MACD, final int slow, final int smooth) { int count = MACD.getItemsCount(); Dataset result = Dataset.EMPTY(count); double close = 0; for (int i = slow; i < slow + smooth; i++) close += MACD.getCloseAt(i); close /= smooth; for (int i = (slow + smooth); i < count; i++) { double close2 = (2 * (MACD.getCloseAt(i) - close))/(1 + smooth) + close; result.setDataItem(i, new DataItem(MACD.getTimeAt(i), close)); close = close2; } return result; } private Dataset getMACDHistogram(final Dataset MACD, final Dataset signal) { int count = MACD.getItemsCount(); Dataset result = Dataset.EMPTY(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (signal.getDataItem(i) != null && MACD.getDataItem(i) != null) { double diff = MACD.getCloseAt(i) - signal.getCloseAt(i); result.setDataItem(i, new DataItem(MACD.getTimeAt(i), diff)); } } return result; } }