package com.bc.ceres.standalone; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashMap; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class CliHandlerTest { private CliHandler cliHandler; private String[] command; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { command = new String[]{ "-v", "template1=/my/template/dir/veltemp.vm.txt", "-v", "template2=/my/template/dir/veltemp.vm.xml", "-t", "/my/out/product.n1", "-S", "source1=foo/baa/prod.N1", "-S", "source2=foo/bah/MER.N1", "-S", "source3=foo/bar/ATS.N1", "-m", "meta1=/root/dir/global-metadata.txt", "-m", "meta2=/root/dir/", "var1", "var2", "var3 var3a"}; cliHandler = new CliHandler(command); } @Test public void testCreateOptions() throws Exception { Options options = cliHandler.createOptions(); Option option = options.getOption("-v"); assertNotNull(option); assertTrue(option.isRequired()); assertNull(option.getValue()); assertEquals("template>=<filePath", option.getArgName()); assertEquals("The absolute path of the velocity templates (*.vm). Could be several given by key-value-pairs.", option.getDescription()); option = options.getOption("-t"); assertNotNull(option); assertTrue(option.isRequired()); assertNull(option.getValue()); assertEquals("filePath", option.getArgName()); String desc = "The absolute item path (e.g. a product), the metadata file will be placed next to the item. It gets the name " + "'itemName-templateName.templateSuffix'. Refer to as $targetPath in velocity templates. If the targetPath is a " + "directory, the metadata file will get the name of the velocity template without the suffix *.vm"; assertEquals(desc, option.getDescription()); option = options.getOption("-S"); assertNotNull(option); assertFalse("source item paths are optional", option.isRequired()); assertNull(option.getValue()); assertEquals("source>=<filePath", option.getArgName()); desc = "Optional. The absolute path and name of the source items. Could be several given by key-value-pairs. In the velocity " + "templates the key will give you the content of the associated metadata file(s). The reference $sourcePaths holds a " + "map of the input item paths. The reference $sourceMetadata holds a map with all source-metadata, which can be referenced " + "by their key. ($sourceMetadata.get(\"source\").get(\"metadata_xml\").content"; assertEquals(desc, option.getDescription()); option = options.getOption("-m"); assertNotNull(option); assertFalse("static metadata are optional", option.isRequired()); assertNull(option.getValue()); assertEquals("myKey>=<filePath", option.getArgName()); desc = "Optional. The absolute path and name of text file(s) (e.g. global metadata, LUTs) to be included as ceres-metadata - Resource. " + "Refer to as $myKey in velocity templates. ($myKey.content; $\"key\"), if it was a *.properties file " + "or $myKey.path)"; assertEquals(desc, option.getDescription()); } @Test public void testParseTemplateFiles() throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> templateFiles = cliHandler.fetchTemplateFiles(); assertEquals(2, templateFiles.size()); assertEquals("/my/template/dir/veltemp.vm.txt", templateFiles.get("template1")); assertEquals("/my/template/dir/veltemp.vm.xml", templateFiles.get("template2")); } @Test public void testParseTemplateFilesWithIllegalArgumentFormat() throws Exception { command = new String[]{"-v", "/a/path/temp1.vm.txt", "-t", "bla/"}; cliHandler = new CliHandler(command); try { cliHandler.fetchTemplateFiles(); fail("Do not reach this statement."); } catch (ParseException e) { fail("Not this exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("Pattern for values of the option -v is: key=value", expected.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testParseSourceItemFiles() throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> sourceItemFiles = cliHandler.fetchSourceItemFiles(); assertEquals(3, sourceItemFiles.size()); assertEquals("foo/baa/prod.N1", sourceItemFiles.get("source1")); assertEquals("foo/bah/MER.N1", sourceItemFiles.get("source2")); assertEquals("foo/bar/ATS.N1", sourceItemFiles.get("source3")); } @Test public void testFetchSourceItemFiles() throws Exception { command = new String[]{ "-v", "template1=/my/template/dir/veltemp.vm.txt", "-t", "/my/out/product.n1"}; cliHandler = new CliHandler(command); HashMap<String, String> sourceItemFiles = cliHandler.fetchSourceItemFiles(); assertNotNull(sourceItemFiles); assertEquals(0, sourceItemFiles.size()); } @Test public void testParseTargetItemFile() throws Exception { String targetItemFile = cliHandler.fetchTargetItemFile(); assertEquals("/my/out/product.n1", targetItemFile); } @Test public void testParseStaticMetadataTextFiles() throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> metadataFile = cliHandler.fetchGlobalMetadataFiles(); assertEquals(2, metadataFile.size()); assertEquals("/root/dir/global-metadata.txt", metadataFile.get("meta1")); assertEquals("/root/dir/", metadataFile.get("meta2")); } @Test public void testParseArguments() throws Exception { String[] arguments = cliHandler.fetchArguments(); assertEquals(3, arguments.length); assertEquals("var1", arguments[0]); assertEquals("var2", arguments[1]); assertEquals("var3 var3a", arguments[2]); } @Test public void testPrintUsage() throws Exception { // cliHandler.printUsage(); } }