/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.compare; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.branch.CDOBranch; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.branch.CDOBranchPoint; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.id.CDOID; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.compare.CDOCompare.CDOIDFunction; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.compare.CDOComparisonScope.AllContents; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.compare.CDOComparisonScope.Minimal; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.CDOResource; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.CDOResourceFolder; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.CDOResourceNode; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.branch.CDOBranchUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction.CDOTransaction; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view.CDOView; import org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view.CDOViewOpener; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.Comparison; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.Match; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.match.eobject.IEObjectMatcher; import org.eclipse.emf.compare.scope.IComparisonScope; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import java.util.Set; /** * Provides static factory methods that return CDO-scoped {@link Comparison comparisons}. * <p> * Two different {@link IComparisonScope scopes} are supported: * <ul> * <li>{@link AllContents CDOComparisonScope.AllContents} takes an arbitrary {@link CDOObject object} (including {@link CDOResourceNode resource nodes}) * and returns {@link Match matches} for <b>all</b> elements of its {@link EObject#eAllContents() content tree}. This scope has the advantage that the comparison can * be rooted at specific objects that are different from (below of) the root resource. The disadvantage is that all the transitive children of this specific object are * matched, whether they differ or not. Major parts of huge repositories can be loaded to the client side easily, if no attention is paid. * The following method returns comparisons that are based on this scope algorithm: * <ul> * <li>{@link #compare(CDOObject, CDOView, CDOView[])} * </ul> * <li>{@link Minimal CDOComparisonScope.Minimal} takes a {@link CDOView view}/{@link CDOTransaction transaction} * and returns {@link Match matches} only for the <b>changed</b> elements of the entire content tree of its {@link CDOView#getRootResource() root resource}. * The advantage of this scope is that CDO-specific mechanisms are used to efficiently (remotely) determine the set of changed objects. Only those and their container * objects are considered as matches, making this scope scale seamlessly with the overall size of a repository. * The following method returns comparisons that are based on this scope algorithm: * <ul> * <li>{@link #compare(CDOView, CDOView, CDOView[])} * </ul> * </ul> * The {@link IComparisonScope#getOrigin() origin side} of a comparison is automatically {@link CDOBranchUtil#getAncestor(CDOBranchPoint, CDOBranchPoint) determined} by * inspecting the {@link CDOBranch branch tree} and used if its different from the left or right side. * <p> * The {@link IEObjectMatcher matcher} used by the comparisons is based on an {@link CDOIDFunction ID function} that considers the {@link CDOID}s of the {@link CDOObject objects}. * {@link CDOResource Resources} and {@link CDOResourceFolder folders} are treated as normal {@link EObject}s. * * @author Eike Stepper */ public final class CDOCompareUtil { /** * @since 4.3 */ public static final CDOViewOpener DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER = null; private CDOCompareUtil() { } public static Comparison compare(IComparisonScope scope) { return new CDOCompare().compare(scope); } /** * Takes an arbitrary {@link CDOObject object} (including {@link CDOResourceNode resource nodes}) and returns {@link Match matches} for <b>all</b> elements of its {@link EObject#eAllContents() content tree}. This scope has the advantage that the comparison can * be rooted at specific objects that are different from (below of) the root resource. The disadvantage is that all the transitive children of this specific object are * matched, whether they differ or not. Major parts of huge repositories can be loaded to the client side easily, if no attention is paid. */ public static Comparison compare(CDOObject left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView) { return compare(left, rightView, originView, DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER); } /** * Takes an arbitrary {@link CDOObject object} (including {@link CDOResourceNode resource nodes}) and returns {@link Match matches} for <b>all</b> elements of its {@link EObject#eAllContents() content tree}. This scope has the advantage that the comparison can * be rooted at specific objects that are different from (below of) the root resource. The disadvantage is that all the transitive children of this specific object are * matched, whether they differ or not. Major parts of huge repositories can be loaded to the client side easily, if no attention is paid. * * @since 4.3 */ public static Comparison compare(CDOObject left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, CDOViewOpener viewOpener) { if (viewOpener == DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER) { viewOpener = left.cdoView().getSession(); } return compare(CDOComparisonScope.AllContents.create(left, rightView, originView, viewOpener)); } /** * Takes a {@link CDOView view}/{@link CDOTransaction transaction} * and returns {@link Match matches} only for the <b>changed</b> elements of the entire content tree of its {@link CDOView#getRootResource() root resource}. * The advantage of this scope is that CDO-specific mechanisms are used to efficiently (remotely) determine the set of changed objects. Only those and their container * objects are considered as matches, making this scope scale seamlessly with the overall size of a repository. */ public static Comparison compare(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView) { return compare(leftView, rightView, originView, DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER); } /** * Takes a {@link CDOView view}/{@link CDOTransaction transaction} * and returns {@link Match matches} only for the <b>changed</b> elements of the entire content tree of its {@link CDOView#getRootResource() root resource}. * The advantage of this scope is that CDO-specific mechanisms are used to efficiently (remotely) determine the set of changed objects. Only those and their container * objects are considered as matches, making this scope scale seamlessly with the overall size of a repository. * * @since 4.3 */ public static Comparison compare(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, CDOViewOpener viewOpener) { if (viewOpener == DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER) { viewOpener = leftView.getSession(); } return compare(CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(leftView, rightView, originView, viewOpener)); } public static Comparison compare(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids) { return compare(leftView, rightView, originView, ids, DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER); } /** * @since 4.3 */ public static Comparison compare(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids, CDOViewOpener viewOpener) { if (viewOpener == DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER) { viewOpener = leftView.getSession(); } return compare(CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(leftView, rightView, originView, ids, viewOpener)); } public static Comparison compareUncommittedChanges(CDOTransaction transaction) { return compareUncommittedChanges(transaction, DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER); } /** * @since 4.3 */ public static Comparison compareUncommittedChanges(CDOTransaction transaction, CDOViewOpener viewOpener) { if (viewOpener == DEFAULT_VIEW_OPENER) { viewOpener = transaction.getSession(); } return compare(CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(transaction, viewOpener)); } }