/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.examples.SleepJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.FinishTaskControlAction; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.MRCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.JTClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.TTClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.JTProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.TaskInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.JobInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.NetworkedJob; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Assert; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Verifying the non-writable cache folders and files for various jobs. */ public class TestJobCacheDirectoriesCleanUp { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory .getLog(TestJobCacheDirectoriesCleanUp.class); private static Configuration conf = new Configuration(); private static MRCluster cluster; private static JTClient jtClient; private static TTClient ttClient; private static JTProtocol rtClient; private static String CUSTOM_CREATION_FILE = "_custom_file_"; private static String CUSTOM_CREATION_FOLDER = "_custom_folder_"; private static FsPermission permission = new FsPermission(FsAction.READ, FsAction.READ, FsAction.READ); @BeforeClass public static void before() throws Exception { conf = new Configuration(); cluster = MRCluster.createCluster(conf); cluster.setUp(); jtClient = cluster.getJTClient(); rtClient = jtClient.getProxy(); } @AfterClass public static void after() throws Exception { cluster.tearDown(); } /** * Submit a job and create folders and files in work folder with * non-writable permissions under task attempt id folder. * Wait till the job completes and verify whether the files * and folders are cleaned up or not. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testJobCleanupAfterJobCompletes() throws IOException { HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>>(); JobID jobId = createJobAndSubmit().getID(); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been started for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStarted(jobId)); TaskInfo [] taskInfos = rtClient.getTaskInfo(jobId); for (TaskInfo taskinfo : taskInfos) { if (!taskinfo.isSetupOrCleanup()) { Assert.assertTrue("Task has not been started for 1 min ", jtClient.isTaskStarted(taskinfo)); String tasktracker = getTaskTracker(taskinfo); Assert.assertNotNull("TaskTracker has not been found", tasktracker); TTClient ttclient = getTTClient(tasktracker); UtilsForTests.waitFor(100); map.put(ttClient, getTTClientMapRedLocalDirs(ttClient, taskinfo, jobId)); } } LOG.info("Waiting till the job is completed..."); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been completed for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStopped(jobId)); UtilsForTests.waitFor(3000); Assert.assertTrue("Job directories have not been cleaned up properly " + "after completion of job", verifyJobDirectoryCleanup(map)); } /** * Submit a job and create folders and files in work folder with * non-writable permissions under task attempt id folder. * Kill the job and verify whether the files and folders * are cleaned up or not. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testJobCleanupAfterJobKill() throws IOException { HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>>(); JobID jobId = createJobAndSubmit().getID(); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been started for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStarted(jobId)); TaskInfo [] taskInfos = rtClient.getTaskInfo(jobId); for (TaskInfo taskinfo : taskInfos) { if (!taskinfo.isSetupOrCleanup()) { Assert.assertTrue("Task has not been started for 1 min ", jtClient.isTaskStarted(taskinfo)); String tasktracker = getTaskTracker(taskinfo); Assert.assertNotNull("TaskTracker has not been found", tasktracker); TTClient ttclient = getTTClient(tasktracker); map.put(ttClient, getTTClientMapRedLocalDirs(ttClient, taskinfo, jobId)); } } jtClient.getClient().killJob(jobId); LOG.info("Waiting till the job is completed..."); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been completed for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStopped(jobId)); JobInfo jobInfo = rtClient.getJobInfo(jobId); Assert.assertEquals("Job has not been killed", jobInfo.getStatus().getRunState(), JobStatus.KILLED); UtilsForTests.waitFor(3000); Assert.assertTrue("Job directories have not been cleaned up properly " + "after completion of job", verifyJobDirectoryCleanup(map)); } /** * Submit a job and create folders and files in work folder with * non-writable permissions under task attempt id folder. * Fail the job and verify whether the files and folders * are cleaned up or not. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testJobCleanupAfterJobFail() throws IOException { HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<TTClient,ArrayList<String>>(); conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf(); SleepJob job = new SleepJob(); job.setConf(conf); JobConf jobConf = job.setupJobConf(1, 0, 10000,0, 10, 10); JobClient client = jtClient.getClient(); RunningJob runJob = client.submitJob(jobConf); JobID jobId = runJob.getID(); JobInfo jobInfo = rtClient.getJobInfo(jobId); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been started for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStarted(jobId)); TaskInfo [] taskInfos = rtClient.getTaskInfo(jobId); boolean isFailTask = false; for (TaskInfo taskinfo : taskInfos) { if (!taskinfo.isSetupOrCleanup()) { Assert.assertTrue("Task has not been started for 1 min ", jtClient.isTaskStarted(taskinfo)); String tasktracker = getTaskTracker(taskinfo); Assert.assertNotNull("TaskTracker has not been found", tasktracker); TTClient ttclient = getTTClient(tasktracker); map.put(ttClient, getTTClientMapRedLocalDirs(ttClient, taskinfo, jobId)); if (!isFailTask) { Assert.assertNotNull("TaskInfo is null.", taskinfo); TaskID taskId = TaskID.downgrade(taskinfo.getTaskID()); TaskAttemptID taskAttID = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, taskinfo.numFailedAttempts()); int MAX_MAP_TASK_ATTEMPTS = Integer. parseInt(jobConf.get("mapred.map.max.attempts")); while(taskinfo.numFailedAttempts() < MAX_MAP_TASK_ATTEMPTS) { NetworkedJob networkJob = jtClient.getClient(). new NetworkedJob(jobInfo.getStatus()); networkJob.killTask(taskAttID, true); taskinfo = rtClient.getTaskInfo(taskinfo.getTaskID()); taskAttID = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, taskinfo.numFailedAttempts()); jobInfo = rtClient.getJobInfo(jobId); } isFailTask=true; } } } LOG.info("Waiting till the job is completed..."); Assert.assertTrue("Job has not been completed for 1 min", jtClient.isJobStopped(jobId)); jobInfo = rtClient.getJobInfo(jobId); Assert.assertEquals("Job has not been failed", jobInfo.getStatus().getRunState(), JobStatus.FAILED); UtilsForTests.waitFor(3000); Assert.assertTrue("Directories have not been cleaned up " + "after completion of job", verifyJobDirectoryCleanup(map)); } private static ArrayList <String> getTTClientMapRedLocalDirs( TTClient ttClient, TaskInfo taskinfo, JobID jobId) throws IOException { ArrayList <String> fileList = null; TaskID taskId = TaskID.downgrade(taskinfo.getTaskID()); FinishTaskControlAction action = new FinishTaskControlAction(taskId); if (ttClient != null ) { String localDirs[] = ttClient.getMapredLocalDirs(); TaskAttemptID taskAttID = new TaskAttemptID(taskId, 0); fileList = createFilesInTaskDir(localDirs, jobId, taskAttID, ttClient); } ttClient.getProxy().sendAction(action); return fileList; } private static boolean verifyJobDirectoryCleanup(HashMap<TTClient, ArrayList<String>> map) throws IOException { boolean status = true; for (TTClient ttClient : map.keySet()) { if (map.get(ttClient) != null) { for(String path : map.get(ttClient)){ FileStatus [] fs = ttClient.listStatus(path, true); if (fs.length > 0) { status = false; } } } } return status; } private static ArrayList<String> createFilesInTaskDir(String [] localDirs, JobID jobId, TaskAttemptID taskAttID, TTClient ttClient) throws IOException { Random random = new Random(100); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String customFile = CUSTOM_CREATION_FILE + random.nextInt(); String customFolder = CUSTOM_CREATION_FOLDER + random.nextInt(); int index = 0; for (String localDir : localDirs) { String localTaskDir = localDir + "/" + TaskTracker.getLocalTaskDir(getUser(), jobId.toString(), taskAttID.toString() + "/work/"); boolean fstatus = false; try { fstatus = ttClient.getFileStatus(localTaskDir,true).isDir(); } catch(Exception exp) { fstatus = false; } if (fstatus) { ttClient.createFile(localTaskDir, customFile, permission, true); ttClient.createFolder(localTaskDir, customFolder, permission, true); list.add(localTaskDir + customFile); list.add(localTaskDir + customFolder); } } return list; } private static RunningJob createJobAndSubmit() throws IOException { conf = rtClient.getDaemonConf(); SleepJob job = new SleepJob(); job.setConf(conf); JobConf jobConf = job.setupJobConf(3, 1, 12000, 12000, 100, 100); JobClient client = jtClient.getClient(); RunningJob runJob = client.submitJob(jobConf); return runJob; } private static String getUser() throws IOException { JobStatus[] jobStatus = jtClient.getClient().getAllJobs(); String userName = jobStatus[0].getUsername(); return userName; } private static String getTaskTracker(TaskInfo taskInfo) throws IOException { String taskTracker = null; String taskTrackers [] = taskInfo.getTaskTrackers(); int counter = 0; while (counter < 30) { if (taskTrackers.length != 0) { taskTracker = taskTrackers[0]; break; } UtilsForTests.waitFor(1000); taskInfo = rtClient.getTaskInfo(taskInfo.getTaskID()); taskTrackers = taskInfo.getTaskTrackers(); counter ++; } return taskTracker; } private static TTClient getTTClient(String taskTracker) { String hostName = taskTracker.split("_")[1]; hostName = hostName.split(":")[0]; ttClient = cluster.getTTClient(hostName); return ttClient; } }