/** * Copyright 2014 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC * * This file is part of CATS. * * CATS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CATS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.comcast.cats.service.power; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.junit.Assert; import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * The Class PowerStatusExceptionTest. * @Author : Aneesh * @since : 28th Sept 2012 * Description : The class WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDeviceTest is the unit test of {@link WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice} */ public class WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDeviceTest { /** The pwr device. */ private WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice pwrDevice; /** The Constant CONNECT_TIMEOUT. */ private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5000; /** * Sets the up. */ @BeforeMethod public void setUp() { pwrDevice = new WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice(){ @Override protected void updateStatistics(int outlet, String cmd, boolean ret){ } }; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "ip", "" ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "port", 5000 ); } /** * Test create power dev conn. */ @Test public void testCreatePowerDevConn() { pwrDevice.createPowerDevConn(); Assert.assertNotNull( pwrDevice.client ); Assert.assertTrue( pwrDevice.client.getInitialCR() ); } /** * Test power when device is disabled. */ @Test public void testPowerWhenDeviceIsDisabled() { Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.OFF ); Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( PowerControllerDevice.ON, 3 ) ); } /** * Test power for invalid command. */ @Test(expectedExceptions=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testPowerForInvalidCommand() { Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); pwrDevice.power( "UNKNOWN", 3 ); } /** * Test power for invalid out let. */ @Test(expectedExceptions=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testPowerForInvalidOutLet() { Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, -3 ); } /** * Test power when device connection false. */ @Test public void testPowerWhenDeviceConnectionFalse() { int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( false ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, 2 ) ); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet status when it's unknown. */ @Test public void testPowerForUnknownResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "RESPONSE>"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power off for valid response. */ @Test public void testPowerOffForValidResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "IPSRESPONSE"; String mockedCmd = "/OFF 2"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( mockedCmd, true )).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertTrue( pwrDevice.powerOff( 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power off for invalid response. */ @Test public void testPowerOffForInvalidResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "IPSRESPONSE"; String mockedCmd = "/OFF 2"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( mockedCmd, true )).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( "Invalid" ).once(); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power on for valid response. */ @Test public void testPowerOnForValidResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "IPSRESPONSE"; String mockedCmd = "/ON 2"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( mockedCmd, true )).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertTrue( pwrDevice.powerOn( 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power boot for valid response. */ @Test public void testPowerBootForValidResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "IPSRESPONSE"; String mockedCmd = "/BOOT 2"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( mockedCmd, true )).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertTrue( pwrDevice.powerToggle( 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power send command failed. */ @Test public void testPowerSendCommandFailed() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "IPSRESPONSE"; String mockedCmd = "/OFF 2"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( mockedCmd, true )).andReturn( false ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test power send invalid response. */ @Test public void testPowerSendInvalidResponse() { int responseTime = 5000; String prompt = "IPS"; String response = "RESPONSE"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.waitForString( prompt, responseTime ) ).andReturn( response ).once(); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertFalse( pwrDevice.power( WTI_IPS_1600_PowerDevice.OFF, 2 )); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet status when it's unknown. */ @Test public void testGetOutletStatusUnknown() { String plugStatus = "/S"; String status = "UNKNOWN"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( plugStatus,false ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.read(1000 )).andReturn( "-----\\+------------------\\+-------------\\+--------\\+-----------------\\+---------\\+" ); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertEquals( pwrDevice.getOutletStatus( 2 ) , status); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet status when not connected. */ @Test public void testGetOutletStatusWhenNotConnected() { String status = "UNKNOWN"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( false ); EasyMock.expect( client.isConnected() ).andReturn( false ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertEquals( pwrDevice.getOutletStatus( 2 ) , status); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet status when not connected true. */ @Test public void testGetOutletStatusWhenNotConnectedTrue() { String status = "UNKNOWN"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( false ); EasyMock.expect( client.isConnected() ).andReturn( true ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertEquals( pwrDevice.getOutletStatus( 2 ) , status); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet status response empty. */ @Test public void testGetOutletStatusResponseEmpty() { String status = "UNKNOWN"; String plugStatus = "/S"; int numOutlets = 3; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( plugStatus,false ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.read(1000 )).andReturn( "" ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); pwrDevice.client = client; EasyMock.replay( client ); Assert.assertEquals( pwrDevice.getOutletStatus( 2 ) , status); EasyMock.verify( client ); } /** * Test get outlet in valid response index out of bounds exception. */ @Test public void testGetOutletInValidResponseIndexOutOfBoundsException() { String plugStatus = "/S"; String status = "UNKNOWN"; int numOutlets = 3; String mockedResponse = "AAA-----+------------------+-------------+--------+-----------------+---------+BBB-----+------------------+-------------+--------+-----------------+---------+CCC"; Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "state", PowerControllerDevice.ON ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "numOutlets", numOutlets ); PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); EasyMock.expect( client.connect( CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.sendCmd( plugStatus,false ) ).andReturn( true ); EasyMock.expect( client.read(1000 )).andReturn( mockedResponse ); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.client = client; Assert.assertEquals( pwrDevice.getOutletStatus( 2 ) , status); EasyMock.verify( client ); } @Test public void testDestroy() { PowerDeviceConnection client = EasyMock.createMock( PowerDeviceConnection.class ); Whitebox.setInternalState( pwrDevice, "client", client); client.close(); EasyMock.expectLastCall(); EasyMock.replay( client ); pwrDevice.destroy(); EasyMock.verify( client ); } }