/* * Licensed to STRATIO (C) under one or more contributor license agreements. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The STRATIO (C) licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.search.condition; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.IndexException; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.Schema; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.mapping.SingleColumnMapper; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.mapping.builder.MapperBuilder; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.search.condition.builder.MatchConditionBuilder; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UUIDType; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery; import org.apache.lucene.search.NumericRangeQuery; import org.apache.lucene.search.Query; import org.apache.lucene.search.TermQuery; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.UUID; import static com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.SchemaBuilders.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; /** * @author Andres de la Pena {@literal <adelapena@stratio.com>} */ public class MatchConditionTest extends AbstractConditionTest { @Test public void testBuildDefaults() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", "value"); MatchCondition condition = builder.build(); assertNotNull("Condition is not built", condition); assertEquals("Boost is not set to default", Condition.DEFAULT_BOOST, condition.boost, 0); assertEquals("Field is not set", "field", condition.field); assertEquals("Value is not set", "value", condition.value); } @Test public void testBuildString() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", "value").boost(0.7); MatchCondition condition = builder.build(); assertNotNull("Condition is not built", condition); assertEquals("Boost is not set", 0.7f, condition.boost, 0); assertEquals("Field is not set", "field", condition.field); assertEquals("Value is not set", "value", condition.value); } @Test public void testBuildNumber() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", 3).boost(0.7); MatchCondition condition = builder.build(); assertNotNull("Condition is not built", condition); assertEquals("Boost is not set", 0.7f, condition.boost, 0); assertEquals("Field is not set", "field", condition.field); assertEquals("Value is not set", 3, condition.value); } @Test public void testBlankValue() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", " ").boost(0.7); MatchCondition condition = builder.build(); assertEquals("Boost is not set", 0.7f, condition.boost, 0); assertEquals("Field is not set", "field", condition.field); assertEquals("Value is not set", " ", condition.value); } @Test public void testJsonSerializationDefaults() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", "value"); testJsonSerialization(builder, "{type:\"match\",field:\"field\",value:\"value\"}"); } @Test public void testJsonSerializationString() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", "value").boost(0.7); testJsonSerialization(builder, "{type:\"match\",field:\"field\",value:\"value\",boost:0.7}"); } @Test public void testJsonSerializationNumber() { MatchConditionBuilder builder = new MatchConditionBuilder("field", 3).boost(0.7); testJsonSerialization(builder, "{type:\"match\",field:\"field\",value:3,boost:0.7}"); } @Test public void testString() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", stringMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", "value"); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", TermQuery.class, query.getClass()); TermQuery termQuery = (TermQuery) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", "value", termQuery.getTerm().bytes().utf8ToString()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testStringStopwords() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", textMapper().analyzer("english")).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", "the"); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", BooleanQuery.class, query.getClass()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testInteger() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", integerMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", 42); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", NumericRangeQuery.class, query.getClass()); NumericRangeQuery<?> numericRangeQuery = (NumericRangeQuery<?>) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42, numericRangeQuery.getMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42, numericRangeQuery.getMax()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMax()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testLong() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", longMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", 42L); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", NumericRangeQuery.class, query.getClass()); NumericRangeQuery<?> numericRangeQuery = (NumericRangeQuery<?>) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42L, numericRangeQuery.getMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42L, numericRangeQuery.getMax()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMax()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testFloat() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", floatMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", 42.42F); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", NumericRangeQuery.class, query.getClass()); NumericRangeQuery<?> numericRangeQuery = (NumericRangeQuery<?>) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42.42F, numericRangeQuery.getMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42.42F, numericRangeQuery.getMax()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMax()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testDouble() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", doubleMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", 42.42D); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", NumericRangeQuery.class, query.getClass()); NumericRangeQuery<?> numericRangeQuery = (NumericRangeQuery<?>) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42.42D, numericRangeQuery.getMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", 42.42D, numericRangeQuery.getMax()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMin()); assertEquals("Query value is wrong", true, numericRangeQuery.includesMax()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testBlob() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", blobMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", "0Fa1"); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", TermQuery.class, query.getClass()); TermQuery termQuery = (TermQuery) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", "0fa1", termQuery.getTerm().bytes().utf8ToString()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testInetV4() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", inetMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", ""); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", TermQuery.class, query.getClass()); TermQuery termQuery = (TermQuery) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", "", termQuery.getTerm().bytes().utf8ToString()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test public void testInetV6() { Schema schema = schema().mapper("name", inetMapper()).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", "2001:DB8:2de::0e13"); Query query = matchCondition.query(schema); assertNotNull("Query is not built", query); assertEquals("Query type is wrong", TermQuery.class, query.getClass()); TermQuery termQuery = (TermQuery) query; assertEquals("Query value is wrong", "2001:db8:2de:0:0:0:0:e13", termQuery.getTerm().bytes().utf8ToString()); assertEquals("Query boost is wrong", 0.5f, query.getBoost(), 0); } @Test(expected = IndexException.class) public void testUnsupportedMapper() { final MockedMapper mapper = new MockedMapper(); Schema schema = schema().mapper("field", new MockedMapperBuilder(mapper)).build(); MatchCondition matchCondition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "field", "2001:DB8:2de::0e13"); matchCondition.query(schema); } private class MockedMapper extends SingleColumnMapper.SingleFieldMapper<UUID> { MockedMapper() { super("field", null, null, null, true, null, UUID.class, UUIDType.instance); } @Override public Field indexedField(String name, UUID value) { return null; } @Override public Field sortedField(String name, UUID value) { return null; } @Override protected UUID doBase(String name, Object value) { return null; } @Override public org.apache.lucene.search.SortField sortField(String name, boolean reverse) { return null; } } private class MockedMapperBuilder extends MapperBuilder<MockedMapper, MockedMapperBuilder> { private MockedMapper mapper; public MockedMapperBuilder(MockedMapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } @Override public MockedMapper build(String field) { return mapper; } } @Test public void testToString() { MatchCondition condition = new MatchCondition(0.5f, "name", "2001:DB8:2de::0e13"); assertEquals("Method #toString is wrong", "MatchCondition{boost=0.5, field=name, value=2001:DB8:2de::0e13}", condition.toString()); } }