package; import; import; public class Constants { // Report Freshness timeout. Default: 15 minutes // public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES; // Blacklist freshness timeout. Default 24h. // public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT_BLACKLIST = 30 * 1000; public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT_BLACKLIST = 24 * 3600 * 1000; // Blacklist freshness timeout. Default 2 days. // public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT_QUICKHOGS = 30 * 1000; public static final long FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT_QUICKHOGS = 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // If this preference is true, register this as a new device on the Carat // server. public static final String PREFERENCE_FIRST_RUN = ""; static final String REGISTERED_UUID = "carat.registered.uuid"; public static final String REGISTERED_OS = "carat.registered.os"; public static final String REGISTERED_MODEL = "carat.registered.model"; // if you change the preference key of any of our preference widgets (in // res/xml/preferences.xml), // update the following constants as well public static final String WIFI_ONLY_PREFERENCE_KEY = "wifiOnlyPrefKey"; public static final String SHARE_PREFERENCE_KEY = "sharePrefKey"; public static final String FEEDBACK_PREFERENCE_KEY = "feedbackPrefKey"; // for caching summary statistics fetched from server public static final String PREFERENCE_FILE_NAME = "caratPrefs"; public static final String STATS_WELLBEHAVED_COUNT_PREFERENCE_KEY = "wellbehavedPrefKey"; public static final String STATS_HOGS_COUNT_PREFERENCE_KEY = "hogsPrefKey"; public static final String STATS_BUGS_COUNT_PREFERENCE_KEY = "bugsPrefKey"; public static final String PREFERENCE_NEW_UUID = ""; public static final String PREFERENCE_TIME_BASED_UUID = "carat.uuid.timebased"; // Check for and send new samples at most every 15 minutes, but only when // the user wakes up/starts Carat public static final long COMMS_INTERVAL = AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES; // When waking up from screen off, wait 5 seconds for wifi etc to come up public static final long COMMS_WIFI_WAIT = 5 * 1000; // Send up to 10 samples at a time public static final int COMMS_MAX_UPLOAD_BATCH = 10; // Alarm event for sampling when battery has not changed for // SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS. Currently not used. public static final String ACTION_CARAT_SAMPLE = ""; // If true, install Sampling events to occur at boot. Currently not used. public static final String PREFERENCE_SAMPLE_FIRST_RUN = ""; public static final String PREFERENCE_SEND_INSTALLED_PACKAGES = "carat.sample.send.installed"; // default icon and Carat package name: public static final String CARAT_PACKAGE_NAME = ""; // Used to blacklist old Carat public static final String CARAT_OLD = "edu.berkeley.cs.amplab.carat"; // Not in Android 2.2, but needed for app importances public static final int IMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE = 130; // Used for non-app suggestions public static final int IMPORTANCE_SUGGESTION = 123456789; public static final String IMPORTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Not Running"; public static final String IMPORTANCE_UNINSTALLED = "uninstalled"; public static final String IMPORTANCE_DISABLED = "disabled"; public static final String IMPORTANCE_INSTALLED = "installed"; public static final String IMPORTANCE_REPLACED = "replaced"; public static final int COMMS_MAX_BATCHES = 50; // Used for bugs and hogs, and EnergyDetails sub-screen (previously known as drawing) public static enum Type { OS, MODEL, HOG, BUG, SIMILAR, JSCORE, OTHER, BRIGHTNESS, WIFI, MOBILEDATA } // used in the PrefetchData class and MainActivity // (to check whether the users statistics are fetched from the server) public static final String DATA_NOT_AVAIABLE = "not_available"; public static final String MAIN_ACTIVITY_PREFERENCE_KEY = "Main_Activity_Shared_Preferences_Key"; // keys for retrieving values from the shared preference public static final String WELL_BEHAVED_APPS_COUNT_PREF_KEY = "wellbehaved"; public static final String HOGS_COUNT_PREF_KEY = "hogs"; public static final String BUGS_COUNT_PREF_KEY = "bugs"; // Used for messages in comms threads static final String MSG_TRY_AGAIN = " will try again in " + (FRESHNESS_TIMEOUT / 1000) + "s."; public static int VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE = -1; public static final int[] CARAT_COLORS = { Color.rgb(90, 198, 108), /* green 3 - Normal green*/ Color.rgb(240, 71, 31) /*Beautiful Orange*/, Color.rgb(250, 150, 38) /*Yellow*/, Color.rgb(193, 216, 216) /*Gray*/, Color.rgb(207, 218, 227) /*Mild Gray*/ /* Color.rgb(220, 84, 26), //Orange Color.rgb(54, 185, 52), Color.rgb(43, 188, 66), // green 2 Color.rgb(90, 198, 108), // green 3 - Normal green Color.rgb(138, 221, 96), // green 4 Color.rgb(113, 204, 85), // green 5 Color.rgb(130, 201, 142), // mate green Color.rgb(55, 145, 120), //dark green */ }; }