package org.jboss.capedwarf.prospectivesearch; /** * @author <a href="">Marko Luksa</a> */ public class DoubleBridge { public static final DoubleBridge INSTANCE = new DoubleBridge(); public String objectToString(Object object) { return double2sortableStr(((Number) object).doubleValue()); } public static String double2sortableStr(double val) { long f = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(val); if (f < 0) f ^= 0x7fffffffffffffffL; return long2sortableStr(f); } // uses binary representation of an int to build a string of // chars that will sort correctly. Only char ranges // less than 0xd800 will be used to avoid UCS-16 surrogates. // we can use the lowest 15 bits of a char, (or a mask of 0x7fff) private static String long2sortableStr(long val) { char[] out = new char[5]; int offset = 0; val += Long.MIN_VALUE; out[offset++] = (char) (val >>> 60); out[offset++] = (char) (val >>> 45 & 0x7fff); out[offset++] = (char) (val >>> 30 & 0x7fff); out[offset++] = (char) (val >>> 15 & 0x7fff); out[offset] = (char) (val & 0x7fff); return new String(out); } }