package org.camunda.bpm.extension.osgi.eventing.api; /** * This enum contains constants for the properties that can appear inside an event dictionary. * * @author Ronny Bräunlich */ public enum BusinessProcessEventProperties { ; /** * the id of the process definition in which the event is happening / has * happened or null the event was not related to a process definition */ public static final String PROCESS_DEFINITION = "processDefinitionId"; /** * the id of the activity the process is currently in / was in at the * moment the event was fired. */ public static final String ACTIVITY_ID = "activityId"; /** * the id of the transition being taken / that was taken */ public static final String TRANSITION_ID = "transitionId"; /** * the id of the {@link org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance} this event corresponds to */ public static final String PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID = "processInstanceId"; /** * the id of the {@link org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution} this event corresponds to */ public static final String EXECUTION_ID = "executionId"; /** * the type of the event, one of the constants in {@link org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.TaskListener} or {@link org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.ExecutionListener} */ public static final String TYPE = "type"; /** * the timestamp indicating the local time at which the event was * fired. */ public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; /** * the task id of the current task or null if this is not a task event. */ public static final String TASK_ID = "taskId"; /** * the id of the task in the process definition (BPMN XML) or null if this is not a task event. */ public static final String TASK_DEFINITION_KEY = "taskDefinitionKey"; }