package camelinaction; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.builder.NotifyBuilder; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.apache.camel.test.junit4.CamelTestSupport; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test to show how to stop a route when its done. */ public class ControlBusTest extends CamelTestSupport { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { deleteDirectory("target/inventory"); super.setUp(); } @Override protected RouteBuilder[] createRouteBuilders() throws Exception { // showing a trick how you can append the two routes together RouteBuilder[] answer = new RouteBuilder[]{new ControlBusRoute(), new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:update").to("log:update", "mock:update"); } }}; return answer; } @Test public void testControlBusStop() throws Exception { // notify us when the exchange is done NotifyBuilder notify = new NotifyBuilder(context).whenDone(1).create(); // we actually do not need to use a mock but since we wanted to show the trick // in the createRouteBuilders we do both. We could just have relied on using // the NotifyBuilder to signal when the exchange is done getMockEndpoint("mock:update").expectedMessageCount(2); // route should be stopped at startup assertTrue("Route should be stopped at startup", context.getRouteStatus("manual").isStopped()); // then start the route context.startRoute("manual"); // send a file which is picked up and processed String input = "4444,57123,Bumper,50\n4444,57124,Fender,87"; template.sendBodyAndHeader("file:target/inventory/manual", input, Exchange.FILE_NAME, "manual.csv"); // assert we got the message assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); // wait for the route to be done boolean matches = notify.matches(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertTrue("Should match notifier", matches); // we gotta wait just a little extra to stop, before querying status Thread.sleep(5000); // it should have stopped itself assertTrue("Route should be stopped", context.getRouteStatus("manual").isStopped()); } }