package; /** * CatalogManager * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Class to store context about the current Catalog that is being generated, * and to provide methods for manipulating Catalog generic information. * * NOTE: As there should only ever be one instance of this class all global * variables and methods are declared static */ import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; public class CatalogManager { private final static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(CatalogManager.class); //----------------------------------------- private static final boolean syncLog = true; // Set to true to get a log of the file copy process //----------------------------------------- (If set false, code is optimised out by compiler) public static BookFilter featuredBooksFilter; // TODO Does not seem to be used any more - remove it? // private static List<CachedFile> listOfFilesToCopy; // The list of non-image files that need to be copied from the // source library to the target library private static List<String> listOfLibraryFilesToCopy; // The list of image files that need to ce copied from the source library private static Map<String, CachedFile> mapOfImagesToCopy; // TODO: Itimpi: Does not seem to be needed any more? // private static Map<String, Book> mapOfBookByPathToCopy; private static Map<String, String> mapOfCatalogFolderNames; // List of file in catalog that are unchanged // TODO - Not yet used - intended to help with optimisation private static List<CachedFile> listOfUnchangedCatalogFiles; private static String securityCode; private static String securityCodeAndSeparator; private static String initialUrl; private static CachedFile libraryFolder; // Folder holding the Calibre library private static int libraryFolderPathLength; private static File generateFolder; // Location where catalog is generated private static int generateFolderPathLength; private static File catalogFolder; // Location where catalog is to be placed private static int catalogFolderPathLength; private static File targetFolder; // Location where final catalog will be copied to (if required) private static int targetFolderPathLength; private static PrintWriter syncLogFile; // File to be used for the Sync log public static HtmlManager htmlManager; public static ThumbnailManager thumbnailManager; public static ImageManager coverManager; public static CatalogCallbackInterface callback; public static SecurityManager securityManager; public static ConfigurationHolder currentProfile; // This is the date format used within the book details. // At the moment it is either a full date or jsut the year // If users ask for more flexibility the coniguration options can be re-visited. public static DateFormat titleDateFormat; // This is the date format that is to be used in the titles for the Recent Books sub-catalog section // It is currently a hard-coded format. If there is user feedback suggestion that variations are // desireable then it could be come a configurable option public static DateFormat bookDateFormat; // Tags that the user has specified should not be included private static List<Tag> tagsToIgnore; public static Map<String, BookFilter> customCatalogsFilters; // We set this to false if the cover flow mode has changed (or is unknown) public static Boolean coverFlowModeSame; // Date previous catalog was generated (0 if not known) for use by optimizer public static long generatedDate; // Configuration used to generate a particular catalog. // Can be used to help decide what optimisations are possible. public static ConfigurationHolder generatedConfig; // Some Stats to accumulate // NOTE. We make them public to avoid needing getters public static long statsXmlChanged; // Count of files where we realise during generation that XML unchanged public static long statsXmlDiscarded; // count of XML files generated and then discarded as not needed for final catalog public static long statsHtmlChanged; // Count of files where HTML not generated as XML unchanged. public static long statsXmlUnchanged; // Count of files where we realise during generation that XML unchanged public static long statsHtmlUnchanged; // Count of files where HTML not generated as XML unchanged. public static long statsCopyExistHits; // Count of Files that are copied because target does not exist public static long statsCopyLengthHits; // Count of files that are copied because lengths differ public static long statsCopyDateMisses; // Count of files that are not copied because source older public static long statsCopyCrcHits; // Count of files that are copied because CRC different public static long statsCopyCrcMisses; // Count of files copied because CRC same public static long statsCopyToSelf; // Count of cases where copy to self requested public static long statsCopyUnchanged; // Count of cases where copy skipped because file was not even generated public static long statsCopyDeleted; // Count of files/folders deleted during copy process public static long statsBookUnchanged; // We detected that the book was unchanged since last run public static long statsBookChanged; // We detected that the book was changed since last run public static long statsCoverUnchanged; // We detected that the cover was unchanged since last run public static long statsCoverChanged; // We detected that the cover was changed since last run // public CatalogManager() { public static void initialize() { // super(); // Avoid superflous settings of static object! securityCode = ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getSecurityCode(); if (Helper.isNullOrEmpty(securityCode)) { Random generator = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); securityCode = Integer.toHexString(generator.nextInt()); ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().setSecurityCode(securityCode); } if (! ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getCryptFilenames()) { securityCode = ""; } initialUrl = securityCode; if (securityCode.length() != 0) initialUrl += Constants.SECURITY_SEPARATOR; initialUrl += Constants.INITIAL_URL; resetStats(); // TODO Decide if these should be conditional or just done every time! if (htmlManager == null) htmlManager = new HtmlManager(); if (thumbnailManager == null) thumbnailManager = ImageManager.newThumbnailManager(); if (coverManager==null) coverManager = ImageManager.newCoverManager(); if (securityManager==null) securityManager = new SecurityManager(); if (currentProfile==null) currentProfile = ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile(); if (bookDateFormat==null) bookDateFormat = currentProfile.getPublishedDateAsYear() ? new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy") : SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG,currentProfile.getLanguage()); if (titleDateFormat==null) titleDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, currentProfile.getLanguage()); if (customCatalogsFilters==null) customCatalogsFilters = new HashMap<String, BookFilter>(); } public static void reset() { libraryFolder = null; generateFolder = null; targetFolder = null; catalogFolder = null; syncLogFile = null; featuredBooksFilter = null; // listOfFilesToCopy = new LinkedList<CachedFile>(); listOfLibraryFilesToCopy = new LinkedList<String>(); // mapOfBookByPathToCopy = new HashMap<String, Book>(); mapOfCatalogFolderNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); // bookEntriesFiles = new LinkedList<File>(); bookDetailsCustomColumns = null; listOfUnchangedCatalogFiles = new LinkedList<CachedFile>(); mapOfImagesToCopy = new HashMap<String, CachedFile>(); htmlManager = null; thumbnailManager = null; coverManager = null; securityManager = null; currentProfile = null; titleDateFormat = null; bookDateFormat = null; tagsToIgnore = null; customCatalogsFilters = null; JDOMManager.reset(); securityCode = ""; securityCodeAndSeparator = null; coverFlowModeSame = null; generatedDate = 0; generatedConfig = null; resetStats(); } private static void resetStats() { statsXmlChanged = statsXmlDiscarded = statsHtmlChanged = statsXmlUnchanged = statsHtmlUnchanged = statsCopyExistHits = statsCopyLengthHits = statsCopyCrcHits = statsCopyCrcMisses = statsCopyDateMisses = statsCopyUnchanged = statsBookUnchanged = statsBookChanged = statsCoverUnchanged = statsCoverChanged = 0; } public static String getSecurityCode() { if (securityCode == null) { securityCode = CatalogManager.getSecurityCode(); } return securityCode; } public static String getSecurityCodeAndSeparator() { if (securityCodeAndSeparator == null) { securityCodeAndSeparator = securityCode + (securityCode.length() == 0 ? "" : Constants.SECURITY_SEPARATOR); } return securityCodeAndSeparator; } public static String getInitialUr() { return initialUrl; } /** * Get the current catalog folder * @return */ /** * We always generate into a temporary folder * We need to create one if we do not already have one setup * * @return */ public static File getGenerateFolder() { if (generateFolder == null) try { // Initialise area for generating the catalog files File temp = File.createTempFile("calibre2opds", ""); String tempPath = temp.getAbsolutePath(); temp.delete(); // Remove file just created as we are going to create a folder there instead // See if user has specified a specific location for the TEMP folder String tempDirectory = System.getenv("CALIBRE2OPDS_TEMP"); if (Helper.isNotNullOrEmpty(tempDirectory)) { tempPath = tempDirectory + Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR + temp.getName(); } generateFolder = new File(tempPath); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("generateFolder set to " + generateFolder); generateFolder.mkdir(); generateFolder.deleteOnExit(); generateFolderPathLength = getGenerateFolder().getAbsolutePath().length();"Temporary Files folder: " + generateFolder.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { // Do not believe this is possible // If it happens we need to abort the run! logger.error("Unable to create temp folder"); System.exit(-8); } return generateFolder; } public static int getGenerateFolderpathLength() { assert generateFolderPathLength != 0; return generateFolderPathLength; } /** * Get the library folder associated with the current catalog generation * * @return */ public static CachedFile getLibraryFolder() { if (libraryFolder == null) { libraryFolder = CachedFileManager.addCachedFile(currentProfile.getDatabaseFolder()); libraryFolderPathLength = libraryFolder.getAbsolutePath().length(); } return libraryFolder; } public static int getLibraryFolderPathLength() { assert libraryFolderPathLength != 0; return libraryFolderPathLength; } /** * Get the target folder for the current catalog generation * * @return */ public static File getTargetFolder() { if (targetFolder == null) { targetFolder = currentProfile.getTargetFolder(); targetFolderPathLength = targetFolder == null ? 0 : targetFolder.getAbsolutePath().length(); } return targetFolder; } public static int getTargetFolderPathLength() { assert targetFolderPathLength != 0; return targetFolderPathLength; } /** * Only used in Nook mode! */ public static void setTargetFolder(File f) { assert currentProfile.getDeviceMode().equals(DeviceMode.Nook); targetFolder = f; targetFolderPathLength = targetFolder.getAbsolutePath().length(); } public static boolean getSyncLog() { return syncLog; } private static PrintWriter getSyncLogFile() { if (! syncLog) return null; if (syncLogFile == null) try { syncLogFile = new PrintWriter(ConfigurationManager.getConfigurationDirectory() + "/" + Constants.LOGFILE_FOLDER + "/" + Constants.SYNCFILE_NAME); } catch (IOException e) { // This should not happen logger.error("Unable to create SyncLog File"); System.exit(-7); } return syncLogFile; } /** * Print a line if sync loggining is active * Accepts formatting parameters like a printf method * * @param s formatting string/fixed text * @param args (optionla) arguments to use with formatting */ public static void syncLogPrintln(String s, Object ... args ) { if (syncLog) { getSyncLogFile().print(String.format(s,args)); getSyncLogFile().println(); } return; } public static void syncLogClose() { if (syncLogFile != null) { syncLogFile.close(); } } /** * Get the name of the catalog folder. * It will take into account the current mode if relevant * @return */ public static String getCatalogFolderName() { if (ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getDeviceMode() == DeviceMode.Nook) return Constants.NOOK_CATALOG_FOLDERNAME; else return ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getCatalogFolderName(); } /** * Get the location where the generated catalog must be copied to * * @return */ public static File getCatalogFolder() { return catalogFolder; } /** * Set the location where the generated catalog must be copied to * * @param folder */ public static void setCatalogFolder(File folder) { catalogFolder = folder; catalogFolderPathLength = catalogFolder.getAbsolutePath().length(); } public static int getCatalogFolderPathLength() { assert catalogFolderPathLength != 0; return catalogFolderPathLength; } /** * * @return */ public static List<String> getListOfFilesPathsToCopy() { return listOfLibraryFilesToCopy; } /** * * @param pathToCopy * @return */ /* public static Book getBookByPathToCopy(String pathToCopy) { return mapOfBookByPathToCopy.get(pathToCopy); } */ /** * * @param file */ public static void addFileToTheMapOfFilesToCopy(CachedFile file) { addFileToTheMapOfLibraryFilesToCopy(file, null); } /** * * @param file * @param book */ public static void addFileToTheMapOfLibraryFilesToCopy(CachedFile file, Book book) { final String databasePath = ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getDatabaseFolder().getAbsolutePath(); final int databasePathLength = databasePath.length() + 1; if (file == null) return; String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); // Lets not copy files outside the database folder if (!filePath.startsWith(databasePath) ) { if (filePath.endsWith(Constants.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_FILENAME) || filePath.endsWith(Constants.CALIBRE_COVER_FILENAME)) { // Expected to happen when cover image missing return; } logger.warn("addFileToTheMapOfLibraryFilesToCopy: adding file not in library area! (" + filePath + ")"); return; } String relativePath = filePath.substring(databasePathLength); if (! listOfLibraryFilesToCopy.contains(relativePath)) { listOfLibraryFilesToCopy.add(relativePath); } // TODO Work out if this following line is ever needed // TODO If not we can eliminate the version that passed in book as a parameter // if (book != null) { // assert ! mapOfBooksByPathToCopy.contains(relativePath); // mapOfBookByPathToCopy.put(relativePath, book); // } // TODO It appear we no longer need the following list either. // TODO Perhaps it is necessary to validate what is was intended for? // if (listOfFilesToCopy.contains(file)) { // logger.trace("addFileToTheMapOfLibraryFilesToCopy: listOfFilesToCopy alread contains file " + file); // } else { // listOfFilesToCopy.add(file); // } } /** * Add a file to the map of image files that are to be copied * to the catalog (assuming this option is even set!) */ public static void addImageFileToTheMapOfCatalogImages(String key, CachedFile file) { assert file != null : "Program Error: attempt to add 'null' file to image map"; assert (file.getName().equals("c2o_thumbnail.jpg") || file.getName().equals("c2o_resizedcover.jpg") || file.getName().equals(Constants.CALIBRE_COVER_FILENAME) || file.getName().equals(Constants.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILENAME)): "Program Error: Unexpected name '" + file.getName() + "' when trying to add image to map"; if (! mapOfImagesToCopy.containsKey(key)) { mapOfImagesToCopy.put(key, file); } } /** * * @return */ public static Map<String,CachedFile> getMapOfCatalogImages() { return mapOfImagesToCopy; } /** * Get the URL that is used to reference a particular file. * If not alreaady present then added it to the map of files * that are currently in the catalog. * * It will have the appropriate suffix added to ensure that it * correctly references the current or parent folder. * * @param catalogFileName * @return */ public static String getCatalogFileUrl(String catalogFileName, Boolean inSubDir) { assert Helper.isNotNullOrEmpty(catalogFileName); int pos = catalogFileName.indexOf(Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR); String catalogFolderName = mapOfCatalogFolderNames.get(catalogFileName); if (Helper.isNullOrEmpty(catalogFolderName)) { storeCatalogFile(catalogFileName); // catalogFolderName = mapOfCatalogFolderNames.get(catalogFileName); catalogFolderName = pos == -1 ? "" : catalogFileName.substring(0,pos); } return (inSubDir ? Constants.PARENT_PATH_PREFIX : Constants.CURRENT_PATH_PREFIX) + FeedHelper.urlEncode(catalogFolderName) + (pos == - 1 ? "" : Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR) + FeedHelper.urlEncode(catalogFileName.substring(pos + 1)); } /** * Get the Folder that a particular catalog file belongs in * * @param pCatalogFileName * @return */ public static String getFolderName(String pCatalogFileName) { if (Helper.isNullOrEmpty(pCatalogFileName)) return ""; int pos = pCatalogFileName.indexOf(Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR); return (pos == -1) ? pCatalogFileName : pCatalogFileName.substring(0,pos); } /** * Set up an entry for the given file in the catalog. * Checks to see if the file is already present and if not adds it * * @param catalogFileName The name of the file to be stored. Includes folder if relevant * @return File object corresponding to the given path */ public static File storeCatalogFile(String catalogFileName) { File folder = null; String folderName; int pos = catalogFileName.indexOf(Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR); // Look for catalog name terminator being present if (pos != -1 ) { // truncate name supplied to use to only be folder part folderName = catalogFileName.substring(0, pos); folder = new File(getGenerateFolder(), folderName); } else { folderName = ""; folder = new File(getGenerateFolder(), folderName); } if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } mapOfCatalogFolderNames.put(catalogFileName, folderName); File result = new File(getGenerateFolder(), catalogFileName); return result; } private static List<CustomColumnType> bookDetailsCustomColumns = null; /** * Get the list of curom columns that are to be included in Book Details. * If we do not recognize any of them they are ignored as an earlier * validation tst will have checked this with the user. * * @return */ public static List<CustomColumnType> getBookDetailsCustomColumns() { if (bookDetailsCustomColumns == null) { List<CustomColumnType> types = DataModel.getListOfCustomColumnTypes(); if (types == null) { logger.warn("getBookDetailsCustomColumns: No custom columns read from database."); return null; } bookDetailsCustomColumns = new LinkedList<CustomColumnType>(); for (String customColumnLabel : ConfigurationManager.getCurrentProfile().getTokenizedBookDetailsCustomColumns()) { if (customColumnLabel.startsWith("#")) { customColumnLabel = customColumnLabel.substring(1); } for (CustomColumnType type : types) { if (type.getLabel().toUpperCase().equals(customColumnLabel.toUpperCase())) { bookDetailsCustomColumns.add(type); } } } } return bookDetailsCustomColumns; } /** * TODO Not yet used - planned for optimisation * Track the list of files that are part of the catalog, * but are are unchanged since the last run * @param f */ public static void addUnchangedFileToList (CachedFile f) { if (! listOfUnchangedCatalogFiles.contains(f)) { listOfUnchangedCatalogFiles.add(f); } } /* Make these properties public to avoid the need for simpe get/set routines that do nothing else! public static BookFilter getFeaturedBooksFilter() { return featuredBooksFilter; } public static void setFeaturedBooksFilter(BookFilter featuredBooksFilter) { this.featuredBooksFilter = featuredBooksFilter; } public static List<Composite<String, String>> getCustomCatalogs() { return customCatalogs; } public static void setCustomCatalogs (List<Composite<String, String>> pcustomCatalogs) { customCatalogs = pcustomCatalogs; } public static Map<String, BookFilter> getCustomCatalogFilters () { return customCatalogsFilters; } public static void setCustomCatalogsFilter (Map<String, BookFilter> pcustomCatalogsFilters) { customCatalogsFilters = pcustomCatalogsFilters; } */ /** * Get the list of tags to ignore. If it has not been done, * convert the list of tags to ignore from the string * representation to the appropriate object representation * as this is more effecient in later processing. * * @return */ public static List<Tag> getTagsToIgnore () { if (tagsToIgnore == null) { tagsToIgnore = new LinkedList<Tag>(); for (Tag tag : DataModel.getListOfTags()) { List<String> regextagsToIgnore = currentProfile.getRegExTagsToIgnore(); for (String regexTag : regextagsToIgnore) { if (tag.getName().toUpperCase().matches("^" + regexTag)) { if (! tagsToIgnore.contains(tag)) { tagsToIgnore.add(tag); } } } } } return tagsToIgnore; } /** * Determine if images need to be resized * * @param filename * @param TargetSize * @return */ private static boolean isImagesResized(String filename, int TargetSize) { File sizeFile = new File(filename); return false; } /** * Check if specified file different in generate and target folders. * * Ensures that there are entries in the cache for these files. * * The following checks are made as part of determining if the * files are iendtical: * - The file must exist in both locations * = The sizes must be the same * - The CRC's must match * * If these criteria are saitisfied then the 'Changed' attribute is * cleared on the cache entry for both sourcc and target. * * @param sourcefile * @return */ public static boolean isSourceFileSameAsTargetFile(CachedFile sourcefile, CachedFile targetfile) { // Assumptions we should be able to make assert sourcefile != null; assert sourcefile.exists() == true; assert targetfile != null; // If target does not exist then they cannot be the same // (even if the generate file appears unchanged if (! targetfile.exists()) { assert targetfile.isChanged() == true; return false; } // See if we already know they match if (! sourcefile.isChanged()) { targetfile.setChanged(false); } if (! targetfile.isChanged()) { return true; } // Must be different if length changed if (sourcefile.length() != targetfile.length()) { assert targetfile.isChanged() == true; return false; } // If length appears identical need to check CRC targetfile.setChanged(sourcefile.getCrc() != targetfile.getCrc()); return (targetfile.isChanged() == false); } /** * * Check if specified file different in generate and catalog folders. * The filename rovided should be the path relative to the folders * in question and not include the path itself. * * Uses isGenerateFileSameAsTargetFile() supplying catalog folder as target. * * @param filename * @return */ public static boolean isGenerateFileSameAsCatalogFile(String filename) { // Create absolute path entries and ensure theya re in the cache CachedFile generateFile = CachedFileManager.addCachedFile(CatalogManager.getGenerateFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename); CachedFile catalogFile = CachedFileManager.addCachedFile(CatalogManager.getCatalogFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename); assert generateFile != null; assert catalogFile != null; return isSourceFileSameAsTargetFile(generateFile, catalogFile); } // Collect some information about the RAM usage while running private static String ramPoolMeasurement[] = new String[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static String ramPoolName[] = new String[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static String ramPoolType[] = new String[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static long ramPoolCommitted[] = new long[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static long ramPoolInit[] = new long[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static long ramPoolMax[] = new long[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; private static long ramPoolUsed[] = new long[ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().size()]; /** * Provide an end-of-run summary of RAM usage */ public static void reportRamUsage(String measurementPoint) {"");"Java VM RAM Usage " + measurementPoint);" %-20s %-15s%10s%10s%10s%10s", "NAME", "TYPE", "COMMITTED", "INIT", "MAX", "USED")); for (int i = 0 ; i < ramPoolType.length; i++) {" %-20s %-15s%10d MB%7d MB%7d MB%7d MB", ramPoolName[i], ramPoolType[i], ramPoolCommitted[i] / (2<<20), ramPoolInit[i] / (2<<20), ramPoolMax[i] / (2<<20), ramPoolUsed[i] / (2<<20))); }""); } /** * Record the RAM usage at the specified measuring point. * * If in a debug mode we also output to log file, otherwise * just accumlate results. */ public static void recordRamUsage(String measurementPoint) { List<MemoryPoolMXBean> pools = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans(); if (ramPoolName.length != pools.size()) { // This is safety check - not sure it can really happen logger.error("Unexpected change in number of RAM areas (was " + ramPoolName.length + ", now " + pools.size()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < pools.size() ; i++) { MemoryPoolMXBean pool = pools.get(i); if (ramPoolName[i] == null) ramPoolName[i] = pool.getName(); if (ramPoolType[i] == null) ramPoolType[i] = pool.getType().toString(); if (! ramPoolName[i].equals(pool.getName())) { logger.error("Mismatch on RAM Pool " + i + " name (expected " + ramPoolName[i] + ", got " + pool.getName() + "0" ); } else { MemoryUsage usage = pool.getUsage(); if (usage.getCommitted() > ramPoolCommitted[i]) ramPoolCommitted[i] = usage.getCommitted(); if (usage.getInit() > ramPoolInit[i]) ramPoolInit[i] = usage.getInit(); if (usage.getMax() > ramPoolMax[i]) ramPoolMax[i] = usage.getMax(); if (usage.getUsed() > ramPoolUsed[i]) ramPoolUsed[i] = usage.getUsed(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (i == 0) {"");"Java VM RAM Usage " + measurementPoint);" %-20s %-15s%10s%10s%10s%10s", "NAME", "TYPE", "COMMITTED", "INIT", "MAX", "USED")); }" %-20s %-15s%10d MB%7d MB%7d MB%7d MB", pool.getName(), pool.getType().toString(), usage.getCommitted() / (2 << 20), usage.getInit() / (2 << 20), usage.getMax() / (2 << 20), usage.getUsed() / (2 << 20)));""); } } } } } private static File getOptimizeFile() { return new File(getCatalogFolder(), "c2o_optimizer.dat"); } /** * Save information that can be used by the optiizer on * the next run to see where we can avoid generating new * catalog files unnecesarily. The information we * currently save is: * - CoverFlowMode used (it changed then all relevant HTML files need regenerating) * - generation date (used to see if book record changed since last generate) * - max page size * - max split levels * - entries before split * - summary max length in lists * - summary max length in book details */ public static void saveOptimizerData() { File f = getOptimizeFile(); if (! f.getParentFile().exists()) { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // create the path if it does not already exist"optimizer.createPath", f.getParentFile())); } // Perhaps this should always exist - but lets play safe! if (generatedConfig == null) { generatedConfig = new ConfigurationHolder(f);"optimizer.createDefaults")); } // Now set any settings of use to optimizer from current profile generatedConfig.setMaxBeforePaginate(currentProfile.getMaxBeforePaginate()); generatedConfig.setMaxSplitLevels(currentProfile.getMaxSplitLevels()); generatedConfig.setMaxBeforeSplit(currentProfile.getMaxBeforeSplit()); generatedConfig.setMaxSummaryLength(currentProfile.getMaxSummaryLength()); generatedConfig.setMaxBookSummaryLength(currentProfile.getMaxBookSummaryLength()); generatedConfig.setSecurityCode(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())); // Reuse security code as time generatedConfig.setBrowseByCover(currentProfile.getBrowseByCover());;"optimizer.savedFile", f)); } /** * Once the genration phase has completed and file sync is started then the * state of the library is indeterminate from an optimizer perspective. * Removing the optimizer file during this stage is therefore needed. */ public static void deleteoptimizerFile() { try { getOptimizeFile().delete(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore errors on delete } } /** * Load information from previous generate that is relevant to this run to work * out what optimisations are valid for this run. * - If cover flow mode is unchanged then we can avoid trying to generate the * corresponding HTML file if the CML file is known to be unchanged. */ public static void loadOptimizerDetail() { // Set some default values for optimisations in case we cannot load better ones File f = getOptimizeFile(); coverFlowModeSame = false; generatedDate = 0; if (currentProfile.getDisableOptimizer()) {"optimizer.disabled")); } else { if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) {"optimizer.catalogNotFound", f.getParentFile())); } else { if (!f.exists()) {"optimizer.fileNotFound", f)); } else { try { generatedConfig = new ConfigurationHolder(getOptimizeFile()); generatedConfig.load();"optimizer.loadedFile", f)); generatedDate = Long.parseLong(generatedConfig.getSecurityCode()); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy-HH:mm");"optimizer.previousCatalogOn", sdf.format(generatedDate))); boolean oldCoverFlowMode = generatedConfig.getBrowseByCover(); boolean newCoverFlowMode = currentProfile.getBrowseByCover(); coverFlowModeSame = (oldCoverFlowMode == newCoverFlowMode); if (!coverFlowModeSame) {"optimizer.coverFlowChanged")); } deleteoptimizerFile(); // Remove in case run fails when state will be unknown } catch (Exception e) { // If we failed in any waythen defauts set earlier are ued"optimizer.fileNotLoaded"), f); } } } } deleteoptimizerFile(); // Remove in case run fails when state will be unknown } /** * Work out if the cover mode (if any ) stroed in the catatlog * is the same as the one we want for this run. * @return */ public static Boolean IsCoverFlowModeSame() { if (coverFlowModeSame == null) { loadOptimizerDetail(); } return coverFlowModeSame; } /** * Get the generated ate (if any) for the provious version of the catalog * This will be used to try and optimize the generation process as we can * use the modifed date of books to see if they are unchanged since then * * @return */ public static long getLastGenerated() { return generatedDate; } }