/* * Copyright 2007 Yusuke Yamamoto * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package twitter4j.conf; import twitter4j.internal.util.z_T4JInternalStringUtil; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Yusuke Yamamoto - yusuke at mac.com */ public final class PropertyConfiguration extends ConfigurationBase implements java.io.Serializable { public static final String DEBUG = "debug"; public static final String HTTP_USER_AGENT = "http.userAgent"; public static final String USER = "user"; public static final String PASSWORD = "password"; public static final String HTTP_USE_SSL = "http.useSSL"; public static final String HTTP_PRETTY_DEBUG = "http.prettyDebug"; public static final String HTTP_GZIP = "http.gzip"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_HOST = "http.proxyHost"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_HOST_FALLBACK = "http.proxyHost"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_USER = "http.proxyUser"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD = "http.proxyPassword"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PORT = "http.proxyPort"; public static final String HTTP_PROXY_PORT_FALLBACK = "http.proxyPort"; public static final String HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "http.connectionTimeout"; public static final String HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT = "http.readTimeout"; public static final String HTTP_STREAMING_READ_TIMEOUT = "http.streamingReadTimeout"; public static final String HTTP_RETRY_COUNT = "http.retryCount"; public static final String HTTP_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECS = "http.retryIntervalSecs"; public static final String HTTP_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS = "http.maxTotalConnections"; public static final String HTTP_DEFAULT_MAX_PER_ROUTE = "http.defaultMaxPerRoute"; public static final String OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY = "oauth.consumerKey"; public static final String OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET = "oauth.consumerSecret"; public static final String OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN = "oauth.accessToken"; public static final String OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "oauth.accessTokenSecret"; public static final String OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE = "oauth2.tokenType"; public static final String OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN = "oauth2.accessToken"; public static final String OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = "oauth.requestTokenURL"; public static final String OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL = "oauth.authorizationURL"; public static final String OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = "oauth.accessTokenURL"; public static final String OAUTH_AUTHENTICATION_URL = "oauth.authenticationURL"; public static final String OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL = "oauth2.tokenURL"; public static final String OAUTH2_INVALIDATE_TOKEN_URL = "oauth2.invalidateTokenURL"; public static final String REST_BASE_URL = "restBaseURL"; public static final String STREAM_BASE_URL = "streamBaseURL"; public static final String USER_STREAM_BASE_URL = "userStreamBaseURL"; public static final String SITE_STREAM_BASE_URL = "siteStreamBaseURL"; public static final String ASYNC_NUM_THREADS = "async.numThreads"; public static final String CONTRIBUTING_TO = "contributingTo"; public static final String ASYNC_DISPATCHER_IMPL = "async.dispatcherImpl"; public static final String INCLUDE_RTS = "includeRTs"; public static final String INCLUDE_ENTITIES = "includeEntities"; public static final String INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET = "includeMyRetweet"; public static final String LOGGER_FACTORY = "loggerFactory"; public static final String JSON_STORE_ENABLED = "jsonStoreEnabled"; public static final String MBEAN_ENABLED = "mbeanEnabled"; public static final String STREAM_USER_REPLIES_ALL = "stream.user.repliesAll"; public static final String STREAM_STALL_WARNINGS_ENABLED = "stream.enableStallWarnings"; public static final String APPLICATION_ONLY_AUTH_ENABLED = "enableApplicationOnlyAuth"; public static final String MEDIA_PROVIDER = "media.provider"; public static final String MEDIA_PROVIDER_API_KEY = "media.providerAPIKey"; public static final String MEDIA_PROVIDER_PARAMETERS = "media.providerParameters"; // hidden portion public static final String CLIENT_VERSION = "clientVersion"; public static final String CLIENT_URL = "clientURL"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 6458764415636588373L; public PropertyConfiguration(InputStream is) { super(); Properties props = new Properties(); loadProperties(props, is); setFieldsWithTreePath(props, "/"); } public PropertyConfiguration(Properties props) { this(props, "/"); } public PropertyConfiguration(Properties props, String treePath) { super(); setFieldsWithTreePath(props, treePath); } PropertyConfiguration(String treePath) { super(); Properties props; // load from system properties try { props = (Properties) System.getProperties().clone(); try { Map<String, String> envMap = System.getenv(); for(String key :envMap.keySet()){ props.setProperty(key, envMap.get(key)); } }catch(SecurityException ignore){} normalize(props); } catch (SecurityException ignore) { // Unsigned applets are not allowed to access System properties props = new Properties(); } final String TWITTER4J_PROPERTIES = "twitter4j.properties"; // override System properties with ./twitter4j.properties in the classpath loadProperties(props, "." + File.separatorChar + TWITTER4J_PROPERTIES); // then, override with /twitter4j.properties in the classpath loadProperties(props, Configuration.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + TWITTER4J_PROPERTIES)); // then, override with /WEB/INF/twitter4j.properties in the classpath loadProperties(props, Configuration.class.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/" + TWITTER4J_PROPERTIES)); // for Google App Engine try { loadProperties(props, new FileInputStream("WEB-INF/" + TWITTER4J_PROPERTIES)); } catch (SecurityException ignore) { } catch (FileNotFoundException ignore) { } setFieldsWithTreePath(props, treePath); } /** * Creates a root PropertyConfiguration. This constructor is equivalent to new PropertyConfiguration("/"). */ PropertyConfiguration() { this("/"); } private boolean notNull(Properties props, String prefix, String name) { return props.getProperty(prefix + name) != null; } private boolean loadProperties(Properties props, String path) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { fis = new FileInputStream(file); props.load(fis); normalize(props); return true; } } catch (Exception ignore) { } finally { try { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } return false; } private boolean loadProperties(Properties props, InputStream is) { try { props.load(is); normalize(props); return true; } catch (Exception ignore) { } return false; } private void normalize(Properties props) { Set keys = props.keySet(); ArrayList<String> toBeNormalized = new ArrayList<String>(10); for (Object key : keys) { String keyStr = (String) key; if (-1 != (keyStr.indexOf("twitter4j."))) { toBeNormalized.add(keyStr); } } for (String keyStr : toBeNormalized) { String property = props.getProperty(keyStr); int index = keyStr.indexOf("twitter4j."); String newKey = keyStr.substring(0, index) + keyStr.substring(index + 10); props.setProperty(newKey, property); } } /** * passing "/foo/bar" as treePath will result:<br> * 1. load [twitter4j.]restBaseURL<br> * 2. override the value with foo.[twitter4j.]restBaseURL<br> * 3. override the value with foo.bar.[twitter4j.]restBaseURL<br> * * @param props properties to be loaded * @param treePath the path */ private void setFieldsWithTreePath(Properties props, String treePath) { setFieldsWithPrefix(props, ""); String[] splitArray = z_T4JInternalStringUtil.split(treePath, "/"); String prefix = null; for (String split : splitArray) { if (!"".equals(split)) { if (null == prefix) { prefix = split + "."; } else { prefix += split + "."; } setFieldsWithPrefix(props, prefix); } } } private void setFieldsWithPrefix(Properties props, String prefix) { if (notNull(props, prefix, DEBUG)) { setDebug(getBoolean(props, prefix, DEBUG)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, USER)) { setUser(getString(props, prefix, USER)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, PASSWORD)) { setPassword(getString(props, prefix, PASSWORD)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_USE_SSL)) { setUseSSL(getBoolean(props, prefix, HTTP_USE_SSL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PRETTY_DEBUG)) { setPrettyDebugEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, HTTP_PRETTY_DEBUG)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_GZIP)) { setGZIPEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, HTTP_GZIP)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_HOST)) { setHttpProxyHost(getString(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_HOST)); } else if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_HOST_FALLBACK)) { setHttpProxyHost(getString(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_HOST_FALLBACK)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_USER)) { setHttpProxyUser(getString(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_USER)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD)) { setHttpProxyPassword(getString(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PORT)) { setHttpProxyPort(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PORT)); } else if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PORT_FALLBACK)) { setHttpProxyPort(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_PROXY_PORT_FALLBACK)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)) { setHttpConnectionTimeout(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT)) { setHttpReadTimeout(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_STREAMING_READ_TIMEOUT)) { setHttpStreamingReadTimeout(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_STREAMING_READ_TIMEOUT)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_RETRY_COUNT)) { setHttpRetryCount(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_RETRY_COUNT)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECS)) { setHttpRetryIntervalSeconds(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECS)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS)) { setHttpMaxTotalConnections(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_DEFAULT_MAX_PER_ROUTE)) { setHttpDefaultMaxPerRoute(getIntProperty(props, prefix, HTTP_DEFAULT_MAX_PER_ROUTE)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY)) { setOAuthConsumerKey(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)) { setOAuthConsumerSecret(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)) { setOAuthAccessToken(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)) { setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE)) { setOAuth2TokenType(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH2_TOKEN_TYPE)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN)) { setOAuth2AccessToken(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, ASYNC_NUM_THREADS)) { setAsyncNumThreads(getIntProperty(props, prefix, ASYNC_NUM_THREADS)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, CONTRIBUTING_TO)) { setContributingTo(getLongProperty(props, prefix, CONTRIBUTING_TO)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, ASYNC_DISPATCHER_IMPL)) { setDispatcherImpl(getString(props, prefix, ASYNC_DISPATCHER_IMPL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, CLIENT_VERSION)) { setClientVersion(getString(props, prefix, CLIENT_VERSION)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, CLIENT_URL)) { setClientURL(getString(props, prefix, CLIENT_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, HTTP_USER_AGENT)) { setUserAgent(getString(props, prefix, HTTP_USER_AGENT)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL)) { setOAuthRequestTokenURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL)) { setOAuthAuthorizationURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL)) { setOAuthAccessTokenURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH_AUTHENTICATION_URL)) { setOAuthAuthenticationURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH_AUTHENTICATION_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL)) { setOAuth2TokenURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, OAUTH2_INVALIDATE_TOKEN_URL)) { setOAuth2InvalidateTokenURL(getString(props, prefix, OAUTH2_INVALIDATE_TOKEN_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, REST_BASE_URL)) { setRestBaseURL(getString(props, prefix, REST_BASE_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, STREAM_BASE_URL)) { setStreamBaseURL(getString(props, prefix, STREAM_BASE_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, USER_STREAM_BASE_URL)) { setUserStreamBaseURL(getString(props, prefix, USER_STREAM_BASE_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, SITE_STREAM_BASE_URL)) { setSiteStreamBaseURL(getString(props, prefix, SITE_STREAM_BASE_URL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, INCLUDE_RTS)) { setIncludeRTsEnbled(getBoolean(props, prefix, INCLUDE_RTS)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, INCLUDE_ENTITIES)) { setIncludeEntitiesEnbled(getBoolean(props, prefix, INCLUDE_ENTITIES)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET)) { setIncludeMyRetweetEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, LOGGER_FACTORY)) { setLoggerFactory(getString(props, prefix, LOGGER_FACTORY)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, JSON_STORE_ENABLED)) { setJSONStoreEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, JSON_STORE_ENABLED)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, MBEAN_ENABLED)) { setMBeanEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, MBEAN_ENABLED)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, STREAM_USER_REPLIES_ALL)) { setUserStreamRepliesAllEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, STREAM_USER_REPLIES_ALL)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, STREAM_STALL_WARNINGS_ENABLED)) { setStallWarningsEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, STREAM_STALL_WARNINGS_ENABLED)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, APPLICATION_ONLY_AUTH_ENABLED)) { setApplicationOnlyAuthEnabled(getBoolean(props, prefix, APPLICATION_ONLY_AUTH_ENABLED)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER)) { setMediaProvider(getString(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER_API_KEY)) { setMediaProviderAPIKey(getString(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER_API_KEY)); } if (notNull(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER_PARAMETERS)) { String[] propsAry = z_T4JInternalStringUtil.split(getString(props, prefix, MEDIA_PROVIDER_PARAMETERS), "&"); Properties p = new Properties(); for (String str : propsAry) { String[] parameter = z_T4JInternalStringUtil.split(str, "="); p.setProperty(parameter[0], parameter[1]); } setMediaProviderParameters(p); } cacheInstance(); } protected boolean getBoolean(Properties props, String prefix, String name) { String value = props.getProperty(prefix + name); return Boolean.valueOf(value); } protected int getIntProperty(Properties props, String prefix, String name) { String value = props.getProperty(prefix + name); try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return -1; } } protected long getLongProperty(Properties props, String prefix, String name) { String value = props.getProperty(prefix + name); try { return Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return -1L; } } protected String getString(Properties props, String prefix, String name) { return props.getProperty(prefix + name); } // assures equality after deserialization protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return super.readResolve(); } }