package org.buddycloud.channelserver; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.buddycloud.channelserver.db.exception.NodeStoreException; import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException; import org.xmpp.component.ComponentException; public class Main { public static final String UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_CHANNEL_COMPONENT = "Unable to connect channel component"; public static final String UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TOPIC_COMPONENT = "Unable to connect topic component"; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Main.class); public static final String MISSING_CHANNEL_COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION = "Property server.domain.channels is mandatory"; private static Configuration configuration; private static long componentConnectionDelay; private static TopicsComponent topicComponent; private static XmppComponent channelComponent; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { startComponents(); } private static void startComponents() throws Exception { PropertyConfigurator.configure("");"Starting Buddycloud channel mockup version..."); configuration = Configuration.getInstance(); componentConnectionDelay = Long.parseLong( configuration.getProperty(Configuration.COMPONENT_STARTUP_DELAY, "5000") );"Connecting to '" + configuration.getXmppHost() + ":" + configuration.getComponentPort() + "' and trying to claim address '" + configuration.getProperty("server.domain") + "'."); int channelCounter = 0; while (false == startChannelComponent()) { Thread.sleep(componentConnectionDelay);"Waiting for component connection (attempt " + channelCounter + ")"); ++channelCounter; if (channelCounter > 5) { throw new Exception(UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_CHANNEL_COMPONENT); } } int topicCounter = 0; while (false == startTopicComponent()) { Thread.sleep(componentConnectionDelay);"Waiting for topic component connection (attempt " + topicCounter + ")"); ++topicCounter; if (topicCounter > 5) { throw new Exception(UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TOPIC_COMPONENT); } } hang(); } private static boolean startTopicComponent() throws Exception { String topicDomain = configuration.getProperty(Configuration.CONFIGURATION_SERVER_TOPICS_DOMAIN); if (topicDomain == null) { return true; } getTopicComponent(topicDomain); return; } private static TopicsComponent getTopicComponent(String topicDomain) { if (null == topicComponent) { topicComponent = new TopicsComponent(configuration, topicDomain); } return topicComponent; } private static boolean startChannelComponent() throws Exception { String channelDomain = configuration.getProperty(Configuration.CONFIGURATION_SERVER_CHANNELS_DOMAIN); if (channelDomain == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MISSING_CHANNEL_COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION); } XmppComponent component = getChannelComponent(channelDomain); return; } private static XmppComponent getChannelComponent(String channelDomain) throws ProxoolException { if (null == channelComponent) { channelComponent = new XmppComponent(configuration, channelDomain); } return channelComponent; } public static void setChannelComponent(XmppComponent component) { channelComponent = component; } public static void setTopicComponent(TopicsComponent component) { topicComponent = component; } private static void hang() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } } }