package me.test.server; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle; import; import; import me.test.mymath.AddFault; import me.test.mymath.AddFault_Exception; import me.test.mymath.DivideFault_Exception; import me.test.mymath.MinusFault; import me.test.mymath.MinusResponseType; import me.test.mymath.MinusType; import me.test.mymath.MultiplyFault; import me.test.mymath.MyFaultType; import me.test.mymath.MyMath; public class MyMathImpl implements MyMath { @WebResult(name = "out", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "add", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.Add") @WebMethod(action = "") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "addResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.AddResponse") public int add(@WebParam(name = "x", targetNamespace = "") int x, @WebParam(name = "y", targetNamespace = "") int y) throws AddFault_Exception { if (y == -1) { String errorCode = "err-add"; String errorMessage = "y cannot be minus."; AddFault addFault = new AddFault(); addFault.setErrorCode(errorCode); addFault.setErrorMessage(errorMessage); throw new AddFault_Exception(errorMessage, addFault); } return x + y; } @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.BARE) @WebResult(name = "parameters", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters") @WebMethod public MinusResponseType minus( @WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "parameters", targetNamespace = "") MinusType parameters) throws MinusFault { if (parameters.getY() == -1) { String errorCode = "err-multiply"; String errorMessage = "y cannot be minus."; MyFaultType myFaultType = new MyFaultType(); myFaultType.setErrorCode(errorCode); myFaultType.setErrorMessage(errorMessage); throw new MinusFault(errorMessage, myFaultType); } MinusResponseType minusResponseType = new MinusResponseType(); minusResponseType.setOut(parameters.getX() - parameters.getY()); return minusResponseType; } @WebResult(name = "out", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "multiply", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.MultiplyType") @WebMethod @ResponseWrapper(localName = "multiplyResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.MultiplyResponseType") public int multiply(@WebParam(name = "x", targetNamespace = "") int x, @WebParam(name = "y", targetNamespace = "") int y) throws MultiplyFault { if (y == -1) { String errorCode = "err-multiply"; String errorMessage = "y cannot be minus."; MyFaultType myFaultType = new MyFaultType(); myFaultType.setErrorCode(errorCode); myFaultType.setErrorMessage(errorMessage); throw new MultiplyFault(errorMessage, myFaultType); } return x * y; } @WebResult(name = "out", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "divide", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.DivideType") @WebMethod @ResponseWrapper(localName = "divideResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "me.test.mymath.DivideResponseType") public int divide(@WebParam(name = "x", targetNamespace = "") int x, @WebParam(name = "y", targetNamespace = "") int y) throws DivideFault_Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } }