package com.breeze.hib; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.hibernate.EntityMode; import org.hibernate.LockOptions; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata; import org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister; import org.hibernate.type.ComponentType; import org.hibernate.type.EntityType; import org.hibernate.type.ForeignKeyDirection; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import; import; import; /** * Utility class for re-establishing the relationships between entities prior to saving them in Hibernate. * Breeze requires many-to-one relationships to have properties both the related entity and its ID, and it * sends only the ID in the save bundle. To make it work with Hibernate, we map the <code>many-to-one</code> entity, and map the * foreign key ID with <code> insert="false" update="false" </code>, so the <code>many-to-one</code> entity must * be populated in order for the foreign key value to be saved in the DB. To work * around this problem, this class uses the IDs sent by Breeze to re-connect the related entities. * @author Steve */ class RelationshipFixer { private SaveWorkState saveWorkState; private Map<String, String> fkMap; private Session session; private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private List<EntityInfo> saveOrder; private List<EntityInfo> deleteOrder; // map of EntityInfo -> list of parent EntityInfo private Map<EntityInfo, List<EntityInfo>> dependencyGraph; private boolean removeMode; /** * Create new instance with the given saveMap and fkMap. Since the saveMap is unique per save, * this instance will be useful for processing one entire save bundle only. * @param saveMap Map of entity types -> entity instances to save. This is provided by Breeze in the SaveChanges call. * @param fkMap Map of relationship name -> foreign key name. This is built in the MetadataBuilder class. * @param session Hibernate session that will save the entities */ public RelationshipFixer(SaveWorkState saveWorkState, Session session) { super(); this.saveWorkState = saveWorkState; this.fkMap = saveWorkState.getMetadata().getRawMetadata().foreignKeyMap; this.session = session; this.sessionFactory = session.getSessionFactory(); this.dependencyGraph = new HashMap<EntityInfo, List<EntityInfo>>(); } /** * Connect the related entities in the saveMap to other entities. If the related entities * are not in the saveMap, they are loaded from the session. * @return The list of entities in the order they should be saved, according to their relationships. */ public void fixupRelationships() { this.removeMode = false; processRelationships(); } /** * Remove the navigations between entities in the saveMap. * This flattens the JSON result so Breeze can handle it. */ public void removeRelationships() { this.removeMode = true; processRelationships(); } /** * Sort the entries in the dependency graph according to their dependencies. * @return the sorted list */ public List<EntityInfo> sortDependencies() { saveOrder = new ArrayList<EntityInfo>(); deleteOrder = new ArrayList<EntityInfo>(); for (EntityInfo entityInfo : dependencyGraph.keySet()) { addToSaveOrder(entityInfo, 0); } Collections.reverse(deleteOrder); saveOrder.addAll(deleteOrder); return saveOrder; } public void processRelationships(EntityInfo entityInfo, boolean removeMode) { this.removeMode = removeMode; Class entityType = entityInfo.entity.getClass(); ClassMetadata classMeta = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(entityType); processRelationships(entityInfo, classMeta); } /** * Add the relationship to the dependencyGraph * @param child Entity that depends on parent (e.g. has a many-to-one relationship to parent) * @param parent Entity that child depends on (e.g. one parent has one-to-many children) */ private void addToGraph(EntityInfo child, EntityInfo parent) { List<EntityInfo> list = dependencyGraph.get(child); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<EntityInfo>(5); dependencyGraph.put(child, list); } if (parent != null) list.add(parent); // if (removeReverse) { // List<EntityInfo> parentList = dependencyGraph.get(parent); // if (parentList != null) { // parentList.remove(child); // } // } } /** * Recursively add entities to the saveOrder or deleteOrder according to their dependencies * @param entityInfo Entity to be added. Its dependencies will be added depth-first. * @param depth prevents infinite recursion in case of cyclic dependencies */ private void addToSaveOrder(EntityInfo entityInfo, int depth) { if (saveOrder.contains(entityInfo)) return; if (deleteOrder.contains(entityInfo)) return; if (depth > 10) return; List<EntityInfo> dependencies = dependencyGraph.get(entityInfo); for (EntityInfo dep : dependencies) { addToSaveOrder(dep, depth + 1); } if (entityInfo.entityState == EntityState.Deleted) deleteOrder.add(entityInfo); else saveOrder.add(entityInfo); } /** * Add or remove the entity relationships according to the current removeMode. */ private void processRelationships() { for (Entry<Class, List<EntityInfo>> entry : saveWorkState.entrySet()) { Class entityType = entry.getKey(); ClassMetadata classMeta = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(entityType); for (EntityInfo entityInfo : entry.getValue()) { processRelationships(entityInfo, classMeta); } } } /** * Connect the related entities based on the foreign key values. * Note that this may cause related entities to be loaded from the DB if they are not already in the session. * @param entityInfo Entity that will be saved * @param meta Metadata about the entity type */ private void processRelationships(EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta) { addToGraph(entityInfo, null); // make sure every entity is in the graph String[] propNames = meta.getPropertyNames(); Type[] propTypes = meta.getPropertyTypes(); Type propType = meta.getIdentifierType(); if (propType != null) { processRelationship(meta.getIdentifierPropertyName(), propType, entityInfo, meta); } for (int i = 0; i < propNames.length; i++) { processRelationship(propNames[i], propTypes[i], entityInfo, meta); } } /** * Handle a specific property if it is a Association or Component relationship. * @param propName * @param propType * @param entityInfo * @param meta */ private void processRelationship(String propName, Type propType, EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta) { if (propType.isAssociationType() && propType.isEntityType()) { fixupRelationship(propName, (EntityType) propType, entityInfo, meta); } else if (propType.isComponentType()) { fixupComponentRelationships(propName, (ComponentType) propType, entityInfo, meta); } } /** * Connect the related entities based on the foreign key values found in a component type. * This updates the values of the component's properties. * @param propName Name of the (component) property of the entity. May be null if the property is the entity's identifier. * @param compType Type of the component * @param entityInfo Breeze EntityInfo * @param meta Metadata for the entity class */ private void fixupComponentRelationships(String propName, ComponentType compType, EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta) { String[] compPropNames = compType.getPropertyNames(); Type[] compPropTypes = compType.getSubtypes(); Object component = null; Object[] compValues = null; boolean isChanged = false; for (int j = 0; j < compPropNames.length; j++) { Type compPropType = compPropTypes[j]; if (compPropType.isAssociationType() && compPropType.isEntityType()) { if (compValues == null) { // get the value of the component's subproperties component = getPropertyValue(meta, entityInfo.entity, propName); compValues = compType.getPropertyValues(component, EntityMode.POJO); } if (compValues[j] == null) { // the related entity is null Object relatedEntity = getRelatedEntity(compPropNames[j], (EntityType) compPropType, entityInfo, meta); if (relatedEntity != null) { compValues[j] = relatedEntity; isChanged = true; } } else if (removeMode) { // remove the relationship compValues[j] = null; isChanged = true; } } } if (isChanged) { compType.setPropertyValues(component, compValues, EntityMode.POJO); } } /** * Set an association value based on the value of the foreign key. This updates the property of the entity. * @param propName Name of the navigation/association property of the entity, e.g. "Customer". May be null if the property is the entity's identifier. * @param propType Type of the property * @param entityInfo Breeze EntityInfo * @param meta Metadata for the entity class */ private void fixupRelationship(String propName, EntityType propType, EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta) { Object entity = entityInfo.entity; if (removeMode) { meta.setPropertyValue(entity, propName, null); return; } Object relatedEntity = getPropertyValue(meta, entity, propName); if (relatedEntity != null) { // entities are already connected - still need to add to dependency graph EntityInfo relatedEntityInfo = saveWorkState.findEntityInfo(relatedEntity); maybeAddToGraph(entityInfo, relatedEntityInfo, propType); return; } relatedEntity = getRelatedEntity(propName, propType, entityInfo, meta); if (relatedEntity != null) { meta.setPropertyValue(entity, propName, relatedEntity); } } /** * Get a related entity based on the value of the foreign key. Attempts to find the related entity in the * saveMap; if its not found there, it is loaded via the Session (which should create a proxy, not actually load * the entity from the database). * Related entities are Promoted in the saveOrder according to their state. * @param propName Name of the navigation/association property of the entity, e.g. "Customer". May be null if the property is the entity's identifier. * @param propType Type of the property * @param entityInfo Breeze EntityInfo * @param meta Metadata for the entity class * @return */ private Object getRelatedEntity(String propName, EntityType propType, EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta) { Object relatedEntity = null; String foreignKeyName = findForeignKey(propName, meta); Object id = getForeignKeyValue(entityInfo, meta, foreignKeyName); if (id != null) { Class returnEntityClass = propType.getReturnedClass(); EntityInfo relatedEntityInfo = saveWorkState.findEntityInfoById(returnEntityClass, id); if (relatedEntityInfo == null) { EntityState state = entityInfo.entityState; // if (state == EntityState.Added || state == EntityState.Modified || (state == EntityState.Deleted // && propType.getForeignKeyDirection() != ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT)) { if (state != EntityState.Deleted || propType.getForeignKeyDirection() != ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT) { String relatedEntityName = propType.getName(); relatedEntity = session.load(relatedEntityName, (Serializable) id, LockOptions.NONE); } } else { maybeAddToGraph(entityInfo, relatedEntityInfo, propType); relatedEntity = relatedEntityInfo.entity; } } return relatedEntity; } /** Add the parent-child relationship for certain propType conditions */ private void maybeAddToGraph(EntityInfo child, EntityInfo parent, EntityType propType) { if (!(propType.isOneToOne() && propType.useLHSPrimaryKey() && (propType.getForeignKeyDirection() == ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT))) { addToGraph(child, parent); } } /** * Find a foreign key matching the given property, by looking in the fkMap. * The property may be defined on the class or a superclass, so this function calls itself recursively. * @param propName Name of the property e.g. "Product" * @param meta Class metadata, for traversing the class hierarchy * @return The name of the foreign key, e.g. "ProductID" */ private String findForeignKey(String propName, ClassMetadata meta) { String relKey = meta.getEntityName() + '.' + propName; if (fkMap.containsKey(relKey)) { return fkMap.get(relKey); } else if (meta.isInherited() && meta instanceof AbstractEntityPersister) { String superEntityName = ((AbstractEntityPersister) meta).getMappedSuperclass(); ClassMetadata superMeta = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(superEntityName); return findForeignKey(propName, superMeta); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Foreign Key '" + relKey + "' could not be found."); } } /** * Get the value of the foreign key property. This comes from the entity, but if that value is * null, and the entity is deleted, we try to get it from the originalValuesMap. * @param entityInfo Breeze EntityInfo * @param meta Metadata for the entity class * @param foreignKeyName Name of the foreign key property of the entity, e.g. "CustomerID" * @return */ private Object getForeignKeyValue(EntityInfo entityInfo, ClassMetadata meta, String foreignKeyName) { Object entity = entityInfo.entity; Object id = null; if (foreignKeyName.equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getIdentifierPropertyName())) { id = meta.getIdentifier(entity, null); } else if (Arrays.asList(meta.getPropertyNames()).contains(foreignKeyName)) { id = meta.getPropertyValue(entity, foreignKeyName); } else if (meta.getIdentifierType().isComponentType()) { // compound key ComponentType compType = (ComponentType) meta.getIdentifierType(); int index = Arrays.asList(compType.getPropertyNames()).indexOf(foreignKeyName); if (index >= 0) { Object idComp = meta.getIdentifier(entity, null); id = compType.getPropertyValue(idComp, index, EntityMode.POJO); } } if (id == null && entityInfo.entityState == EntityState.Deleted) { id = entityInfo.originalValuesMap.get(foreignKeyName); } return id; } /** * Return the property value for the given entity. * @param meta * @param entity * @param propName If null, the identifier property will be returned. * @return */ private Object getPropertyValue(ClassMetadata meta, Object entity, String propName) { if (propName == null || propName == meta.getIdentifierPropertyName()) return meta.getIdentifier(entity, null); else return meta.getPropertyValue(entity, propName); } }