package org.eclipse.bpel.model.util; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.wsdl.WSDLException; import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Activity; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Assign; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.BPELFactory; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.BPELPackage; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.BPELPlugin; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Branches; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Catch; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CatchAll; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Compensate; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CompensateScope; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CompensationHandler; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CompletionCondition; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Condition; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Copy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Correlation; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CorrelationPattern; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CorrelationSet; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.CorrelationSets; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Correlations; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Documentation; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Else; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.ElseIf; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Empty; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.EndpointReferenceRole; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.EventHandler; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Exit; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Expression; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.BPELExtensibleElement; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Extension; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Extensions; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.FaultHandler; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Flow; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.ForEach; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.From; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.FromPart; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.FromParts; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.If; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Import; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Invoke; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Link; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Links; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.MessageExchange; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.MessageExchanges; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.OnAlarm; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.OnEvent; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.OnMessage; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.OpaqueActivity; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerActivity; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLink; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.PartnerLinks; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Pick; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Process; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Query; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Receive; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.RepeatUntil; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Reply; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Rethrow; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Scope; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Sequence; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.ServiceRef; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Source; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Sources; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Target; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Targets; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.TerminationHandler; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Throw; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.To; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.ToPart; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.ToParts; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Validate; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Variable; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Variables; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.Wait; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.While; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.extensions.BPELActivityDeserializer; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.extensions.BPELExtensionDeserializer; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.extensions.BPELExtensionRegistry; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.extensions.BPELUnknownExtensionDeserializer; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.extensions.ServiceReferenceDeserializer; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.DocumentationImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.FromImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.FromPartImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.OnEventImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.OnMessageImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.PartnerActivityImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.ToImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.impl.ToPartImpl; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.messageproperties.Property; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.messageproperties.util.MessagepropertiesConstants; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.partnerlinktype.PartnerLinkType; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.partnerlinktype.Role; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.CorrelationSetProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.LinkProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.MessageExchangeProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.MessageProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.PartnerLinkProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.PartnerLinkTypeProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.PropertyProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.RoleProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.VariableProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.XSDElementDeclarationProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.proxy.XSDTypeDefinitionProxy; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.BPELLinkResolver; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.BPELReader; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.BPELVariableResolver; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.LineCapturingDOMParser; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.LinkResolver; import org.eclipse.bpel.model.resource.VariableResolver; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.WrappedException; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Message; import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.PortType; import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; public class ReconciliationBPELReader extends BPELReader implements ErrorHandler { // The process we are reading private Process process = null; // The resource we are reading from private Resource fResource = null; // The document builder controls various DOM characteristics private DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; // Registry for extensibility element serializers and deserializers private BPELExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = BPELExtensionRegistry .getInstance(); private DOMParser fDOMParser; /** The XML Error handler */ ErrorHandler fErrorHandler = null; /** * The WS-BPEL Specification says how to resolve variables, taking into * account scopes, etc. Technically, no one should override this behavior, * but replacing this field with another implementation could allow you to * optimize the search or provide different behavior. */ public static VariableResolver VARIABLE_RESOLVER = new BPELVariableResolver(); /** * The WS-BPEL Specification says how to resolve links, taking into account * scopes, etc. Technically, no one should override this behavior, but * replacing this field with another implementation could allow you to * optimize the search or provide different behavior. */ public static LinkResolver LINK_RESOLVER = new BPELLinkResolver(); /** * Construct a new BPELReader using the given DocumentBuilder to determine * how the DOM tree is constructed. * * @param builder * the document builder to use when parsing the file * @throws IOException * if no document builder is specified */ public ReconciliationBPELReader(DocumentBuilder builder) throws IOException { if (builder == null) { throw new IOException(BPELPlugin.INSTANCE .getString("%BPELReader.missing_doc_builder")); } this.docBuilder = builder; } /** * @param parser */ public ReconciliationBPELReader(DOMParser parser) { this.fDOMParser = parser; } public ReconciliationBPELReader(Process process) { this.process = process; this.fResource = process.eResource(); } public ReconciliationBPELReader() { this.fDOMParser = new LineCapturingDOMParser(); // domParser.setProperty("",true); try { fDOMParser.setFeature( "", false); fDOMParser.setFeature("", false); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) { BPELPlugin.log("Not Recognized DOM Parser Feature", e); } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) { BPELPlugin.log("Not Supported DOM Parser Feature", e); } } /** * Set the error handler * * @param errorHandler */ public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) { fErrorHandler = errorHandler; } void armErrorHandler() { assert (docBuilder != null || fDOMParser != null); if (docBuilder != null) { docBuilder.setErrorHandler(fErrorHandler != null ? fErrorHandler : this); } else { fDOMParser.setErrorHandler(fErrorHandler != null ? fErrorHandler : this); } } Document read(InputSource inputSource) throws IOException, SAXException { assert (docBuilder != null || fDOMParser != null) : "No document builder/parser set"; if (docBuilder != null) { return docBuilder.parse(inputSource); } fDOMParser.parse(inputSource); return fDOMParser.getDocument(); } /** * Return the resource that was used to read in this BPEL process. * * @return the resource that was used to read in this BPEL process. */ public Resource getResource() { return fResource; } /** * In pass 1, we parse and create the structural elements and attributes, * and add the process to the EMF resource's contents * * @param document * the DOM document to parse */ protected void pass1(Document document) { Process p = xml2Resource(document); if (p != null) { fResource.getContents().add(p); } } /** * Returns a list of child nodes of <code>parentElement</code> that are * {@link Element}s. Returns an empty list if no elements are found. * * @param parentElement * the element to find the children of * @return a node list of the children of parentElement */ protected List<Element> getChildElements(Element parentElement) { List<Element> list = new ArrayList<Element>(); NodeList children = parentElement.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) list.add((Element) children.item(i)); } return list; } /** * Walk from the given element up through its parents, looking for any xmlns * definitions. Collect them all in a map (mapping the prefix to the * namespace value) and return the map. * * @param element * the element to get the xmlns definitions for * @return a map of visible xmlns definitions */ protected Map<String, String> getAllNamespacesForElement(Element element) { Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); Node tempNode = element; while (tempNode != null && tempNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { NamedNodeMap attrs = ((Element) tempNode).getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i); // XML namespace attributes use the reserved namespace // "". if (XSDConstants.XMLNS_URI_2000.equalsIgnoreCase(attr .getNamespaceURI())) { final String key = BPELUtils.getNSPrefixMapKey(attr .getLocalName()); if (!nsMap.containsKey(key)) { nsMap.put(key, attr.getValue()); } } } tempNode = tempNode.getParentNode(); } return nsMap; } /** * For all attributes of the given element, ensure that their namespace * prefixes are in the resource's prefix-to-namespace-map. * * @param eObject * @param element */ protected void saveNamespacePrefix(EObject eObject, Element element) { // Map<String, String> nsMap = null; // lazy init since it may require a // // new map // NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes(); // // for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { // Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i); // // XML namespace attributes use the reserved namespace // // "". // if (XSDConstants.XMLNS_URI_2000.equals(attr.getNamespaceURI())) { // if (nsMap == null) { // nsMap = BPELUtils.getNamespaceMap(eObject); // // nsMap = // ((BPELResource)fResource).getPrefixToNamespaceMap(eObject); // // nsMap.clear(); // } // nsMap.put(BPELUtils.getNSPrefixMapKey(attr.getLocalName()), // attr.getValue()); // } // } } /** * Given a DOM Element, find the child element which is a BPEL activity (of * some type), parse it, and return the Activity. * * @param element * the element in which to find an activity * @return the activity, or null if no activity could be found */ protected Activity getChildActivity(Object parent, Element element) { NodeList activityElements = element.getChildNodes(); Activity childActivity = ReconciliationHelper.getActivity(parent); if (childActivity != null && childActivity.getElement() != null && childActivity.getElement().getParentNode() == element) { return childActivity; } for (int i = 0; i < activityElements.getLength(); i++) { if (activityElements.item(i).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } Element activityElement = (Element) activityElements.item(i); Activity activity = xml2Activity(null, activityElement); if (activity != null) { return activity; } } return null; } /** * Sets a PartnerLink element for a given EObject. The given activity * element must contain an attribute named "partnerLink". * * @param activityElement * the DOM element of the activity * @param eObject * the EObject in which to set the partner link */ protected void setPartnerLink(Element activityElement, final EObject eObject, final EReference reference) { if (!activityElement.hasAttribute("partnerLink")) { eObject.eSet(reference, null); return; } final String partnerLinkName = activityElement .getAttribute("partnerLink"); PartnerLink targetPartnerLink = BPELUtils.getPartnerLink(eObject, partnerLinkName); if (targetPartnerLink == null) { targetPartnerLink = new PartnerLinkProxy(getResource().getURI(), partnerLinkName); } eObject.eSet(reference, targetPartnerLink); } /** * Sets a PartnerLink element for a given EObject. The given activity * element must contain an attribute named "messageExchange". * * @param activityElement * the DOM element of the activity * @param eObject * the EObject in which to set the message exchange */ protected void setMessageExchange(Element activityElement, final EObject eObject, final EReference reference) { if (!activityElement.hasAttribute("messageExchange")) { eObject.eSet(reference, null); return; } final String messageExchangeName = activityElement .getAttribute("messageExchange"); MessageExchange targetMessageExchange = BPELUtils.getMessageExchange( eObject, messageExchangeName); if (targetMessageExchange == null) { targetMessageExchange = new MessageExchangeProxy(getResource() .getURI(), messageExchangeName); } eObject.eSet(reference, targetMessageExchange); } /** * Sets a Variable element for a given EObject. The given activity element * must contain an attribute with the given name * * @param activityElement * the DOM element of the activity * @param eObject * the EObject in which to set the variable * @param variableAttrName * the name of the attribute containing the variable name * @param reference * the EReference which is the variable pointer in EObject */ protected void setVariable(Element activityElement, final EObject eObject, String variableNameAttr, final EReference reference) { if (!activityElement.hasAttribute(variableNameAttr)) { eObject.eSet(reference, null); return; } final String variableName = activityElement .getAttribute(variableNameAttr); Variable targetVariable = getVariable(eObject, variableName); if (targetVariable == null) { targetVariable = new VariableProxy(getResource().getURI(), variableName); } eObject.eSet(reference, targetVariable); } /** * Find a Property name in element (in the named attribute) and set it into * the given EObject. If EObject is a CorrelationSet, add the property to * the list of properties. If it is a To, set the property. * * @param element * the DOM element containing the property name * @param eObject * the EObject in which to set the property * @param propertyName * the name of the attribute containing the property name */ protected void setProperties(Element element, EObject eObject, String propertyName) { String propertyAttribute = element.getAttribute(propertyName); if (eObject instanceof CorrelationSet) { ((CorrelationSet) eObject).getProperties().clear(); } else if (eObject instanceof To) { ((To) eObject).setProperty(null); } else if (eObject instanceof From) { ((From) eObject).setProperty(null); } if (propertyAttribute == null) { return; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(propertyAttribute); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createQName(element, st.nextToken()); Property property = new PropertyProxy(getResource().getURI(), qName); if (eObject instanceof CorrelationSet) { ((CorrelationSet) eObject).getProperties().add(property); } else if (eObject instanceof To) { ((To) eObject).setProperty(property); } else if (eObject instanceof From) { ((From) eObject).setProperty(property); } } } /** * Sets a CompensationHandler element for a given eObject. */ protected void setCompensationHandler(Element element, EObject eObject) { Element compensationHandlerElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(element, "compensationHandler"); CompensationHandler compensationHandler = null; if (eObject instanceof Invoke) { compensationHandler = ((Invoke) eObject).getCompensationHandler(); } else if (eObject instanceof Scope) { compensationHandler = ((Scope) eObject).getCompensationHandler(); } CompensationHandler oldCompensationHandler = compensationHandler; if (compensationHandlerElement != null && compensationHandler == null) { compensationHandler = xml2CompensationHandler( null, compensationHandlerElement ); xml2ExtensibleElement( compensationHandler, compensationHandlerElement ); } else if (compensationHandlerElement == null) { compensationHandler = null; } if (oldCompensationHandler != compensationHandler) { if (eObject instanceof Invoke) ((Invoke) eObject).setCompensationHandler(compensationHandler); else if (eObject instanceof Scope) ((Scope) eObject).setCompensationHandler(compensationHandler); } } /** * Sets a FaultHandler element for a given extensibleElement. */ protected void setFaultHandler(Element element, BPELExtensibleElement extensibleElement) { Element faultHandlerElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(element, "faultHandlers"); FaultHandler faultHandler = null; if (extensibleElement instanceof Process) { faultHandler = ((Process) extensibleElement).getFaultHandlers(); } else if (extensibleElement instanceof Invoke) { faultHandler = ((Invoke) extensibleElement).getFaultHandler(); } FaultHandler oldFaultHandler = faultHandler; if (faultHandlerElement != null && faultHandler == null) { faultHandler = xml2FaultHandler( null, faultHandlerElement ); } else if (faultHandlerElement == null) { faultHandler = null; } if (oldFaultHandler != faultHandler) { if (extensibleElement instanceof Process) { ((Process) extensibleElement).setFaultHandlers(faultHandler); } else if (extensibleElement instanceof Invoke) { ((Invoke) extensibleElement).setFaultHandler(faultHandler); } } } /** * Sets a EventHandler element for a given extensibleElement. */ protected void setEventHandler(Element element, BPELExtensibleElement extensibleElement) { Element eventHandlerElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(element, "eventHandlers"); EventHandler eventHandler = null; if (extensibleElement instanceof Process) eventHandler = ((Process) extensibleElement).getEventHandlers(); else if (extensibleElement instanceof Scope) eventHandler = ((Scope) extensibleElement).getEventHandlers(); EventHandler oldEventHandler = eventHandler; if (eventHandlerElement != null && eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = xml2EventHandler( null, eventHandlerElement ); } else if (eventHandlerElement == null) { eventHandler = null; } if (oldEventHandler != eventHandler) { if (extensibleElement instanceof Process) ((Process) extensibleElement).setEventHandlers(eventHandler); else if (extensibleElement instanceof Scope) ((Scope) extensibleElement).setEventHandlers(eventHandler); } } /** * Sets the standard attributes (name, joinCondition, and * suppressJoinFailure). */ protected void setStandardAttributes(Element activityElement, Activity activity) { // Set name Attr name = activityElement.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getSpecified()) { activity.setName(name.getValue()); } else { activity.setName(null); } // Set suppress join failure Attr suppressJoinFailure = activityElement .getAttributeNode("suppressJoinFailure"); if (suppressJoinFailure != null && suppressJoinFailure.getSpecified()) { activity.setSuppressJoinFailure(BPELUtils .xml2boolean(suppressJoinFailure.getValue())); } else { activity.unsetSuppressJoinFailure(); } } /** * Sets name, portType, operation, partner, variable and correlation for a * given PartnerActivity object. */ protected void setOperationParms(final Element activityElement, final PartnerActivity activity, EReference variableReference, EReference inputVariableReference, EReference outputVariableReference, EReference partnerReference) { // Set partnerLink setPartnerLink(activityElement, activity, partnerReference); // Set portType PortType portType = null; if (activityElement.hasAttribute("portType")) { portType = BPELUtils.getPortType(getResource().getURI(), activityElement, "portType"); activity.setPortType(portType); } else { activity.setPortType(null); } // Set operation if (activityElement.hasAttribute("operation")) { if (portType != null) { activity.setOperation(BPELUtils.getOperation(getResource() .getURI(), portType, activityElement, "operation")); } else { ((PartnerActivityImpl) activity) .setOperationName(activityElement .getAttribute("operation")); } } else { activity.setOperation(null); } // Set variable if (variableReference != null) { setVariable(activityElement, activity, "variable", variableReference); } if (inputVariableReference != null) { setVariable(activityElement, activity, "inputVariable", inputVariableReference); } if (outputVariableReference != null) { setVariable(activityElement, activity, "outputVariable", outputVariableReference); } // Set correlations Element correlationsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(activityElement, "correlations"); if (correlationsElement != null && activity.getCorrelations() == null) { activity.setCorrelations(xml2Correlations(activity .getCorrelations(), correlationsElement)); } else if (correlationsElement == null) { activity.setCorrelations(null); } } /** * Sets name, portType, operation, partner, variable and correlation for a * given PartnerActivity object. */ protected void setOperationParmsOnMessage(final Element activityElement, final OnMessage onMessage) { // Set partnerLink setPartnerLink(activityElement, onMessage, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getOnMessage_PartnerLink()); // Set portType PortType portType = null; if (activityElement.hasAttribute("portType")) { portType = BPELUtils.getPortType(getResource().getURI(), activityElement, "portType"); onMessage.setPortType(portType); } else { onMessage.setPortType(null); } // Set operation if (activityElement.hasAttribute("operation")) { if (portType != null) { onMessage.setOperation(BPELUtils.getOperation(getResource() .getURI(), portType, activityElement, "operation")); } else { // If portType is not specified it will be resolved lazily and // so will the operation. // Save the deserialized name so the operation can be later // resolved. ((OnMessageImpl) onMessage).setOperationName(activityElement .getAttribute("operation")); } } else { onMessage.setOperation(null); } // Set variable setVariable(activityElement, onMessage, "variable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getOnMessage_Variable()); // Set correlations Element correlationsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(activityElement, "correlations"); if (correlationsElement != null && onMessage.getCorrelations() == null) { onMessage.setCorrelations(xml2Correlations(onMessage .getCorrelations(), correlationsElement)); } else if (correlationsElement == null) { onMessage.setCorrelations(null); } } /** * Sets name, portType, operation, partner, variable, messageType and * correlation for a given PartnerActivity object. */ protected void setOperationParmsOnEvent(final Element activityElement, final OnEvent onEvent) { // Set partnerLink setPartnerLink(activityElement, onEvent, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getOnEvent_PartnerLink()); // Set portType PortType portType = null; if (activityElement.hasAttribute("portType")) { portType = BPELUtils.getPortType(getResource().getURI(), activityElement, "portType"); onEvent.setPortType(portType); } else { onEvent.setPortType(null); } // Set operation if (activityElement.hasAttribute("operation")) { if (portType != null) { onEvent.setOperation(BPELUtils.getOperation(getResource() .getURI(), portType, activityElement, "operation")); } else { ((OnEventImpl) onEvent).setOperationName(activityElement .getAttribute("operation")); } } else { onEvent.setOperation(null); } // Set variable if (activityElement.hasAttribute("variable")) { Variable variable = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariable(); // Set name String name = activityElement.getAttribute("variable"); variable.setName(name); onEvent.setVariable(variable); // Don't set the message type of the variable, this will happen // in the next step. } else { onEvent.setVariable(null); } // Set message type if (activityElement.hasAttribute("messageType")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(activityElement, "messageType"); Message messageType = new MessageProxy(getResource().getURI(), qName); onEvent.setMessageType(messageType); } else { onEvent.setMessageType(null); } // // "element" attribute was missing from original model // Set xsd element if (activityElement.hasAttribute("element")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(activityElement, "element"); XSDElementDeclaration element = new XSDElementDeclarationProxy( getResource().getURI(), qName); onEvent.setXSDElement(element); } else { onEvent.setXSDElement(null); } // Set correlations Element correlationsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(activityElement, "correlations"); if (correlationsElement != null && onEvent.getCorrelations() == null) { onEvent.setCorrelations(xml2Correlations(onEvent.getCorrelations(), correlationsElement)); } else if (correlationsElement == null) { onEvent.setCorrelations(null); } } /** * */ protected List<EObject> parseDocument(Document document) { Element element = (document != null) ? document.getDocumentElement() : null; List<EObject> list = new ArrayList<EObject>(); if (element == null) { return list; } if (element.getLocalName().equals("bag")) { for (Node n = element.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n .getNextSibling()) { if (n instanceof Element == false) { continue; } EObject next = parseElement((Element) n); if (next != null) { list.add(next); } } } else { EObject next = parseElement(element); if (next != null) { list.add(next); } } return list; } EObject parseElement(Element element) { Method parseMethod = getParseMethod(element); if (parseMethod == null) { return null; } try { return (EObject) parseMethod.invoke(this, element); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); // } return null; } Method getParseMethod(Element element) { if (BPELUtils.isBPELElement(element) == false) { return null; } String methodName = element.getLocalName(); methodName = "xml2" + Character.toUpperCase(methodName.charAt(0)) + methodName.substring(1); return lookupMethod(getClass(), methodName, Element.class); } Method lookupMethod(Class<?> target, String methodName, Class<?>... args) { if (target == null || target == Object.class) { return null; } for (Method m : target.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (methodName.equals(m.getName()) == false || m.getParameterTypes().length != args.length) { continue; } Class<?> argTypes[] = m.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (!argTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(args[i])) { continue; } } return m; } return lookupMethod(target.getSuperclass(), methodName, args); } /** * Converts an XML document to a BPEL Resource object. */ protected Process xml2Resource(Document document) { Element processElement = (document != null) ? document .getDocumentElement() : null; if (processElement == null) { return null; } return xml2Process(processElement); } /** * Converts an XML process to a BPEL Process object. */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") protected Process xml2Process(Element processElement) { if (!processElement.getLocalName().equals("process")) { return null; } // if (!BPELConstants.isBPELNamespace(processElement.getNamespaceURI())) // { // return null; // } if (process == null) { process = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createProcess(); process.setElement(processElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(process, processElement); // Handle Process element if (processElement.hasAttribute("name")) { process.setName(processElement.getAttribute("name")); } else { process.setName(null); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("targetNamespace")) { process.setTargetNamespace(processElement .getAttribute("targetNamespace")); } else { process.setTargetNamespace(null); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("suppressJoinFailure")) { process.setSuppressJoinFailure(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(processElement .getAttribute("suppressJoinFailure"))); } else { process.unsetSuppressJoinFailure(); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("exitOnStandardFault")) { process.setExitOnStandardFault(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(processElement .getAttribute("exitOnStandardFault"))); } else { process.setExitOnStandardFault(false); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("variableAccessSerializable")) { process.setVariableAccessSerializable(BPELUtils .xml2boolean(processElement .getAttribute("variableAccessSerializable"))); } else { process.unsetVariableAccessSerializable(); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("queryLanguage")) { process.setQueryLanguage(processElement .getAttribute("queryLanguage")); } else { process.unsetQueryLanguage(); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("expressionLanguage")) { process.setExpressionLanguage(processElement .getAttribute("expressionLanguage")); } else { process.unsetExpressionLanguage(); } if (processElement.hasAttribute("abstractProcessProfile")) { process.setAbstractProcessProfile(processElement .getAttribute("abstractProcessProfile")); } else { process.unsetAbstractProcessProfile(); } // Handle Import Elements List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(processElement, "import"); syncLists(processElement, childElements, process.getImports(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Import(null, element); } }); // Handle PartnerLinks Element Element partnerLinksElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(processElement, "partnerLinks"); if (partnerLinksElement != null && (process.getPartnerLinks() == null || process .getPartnerLinks().getChildren().size() == 0)) { process.setPartnerLinks(xml2PartnerLinks(process.getPartnerLinks(), partnerLinksElement)); } else if (partnerLinksElement == null) { process.setPartnerLinks(null); } // Handle Variables Element Element variablesElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(processElement, "variables"); if (variablesElement != null) { if (process.getVariables() == null || process.getVariables().getChildren() == null || process.getVariables().getChildren().size() == 0) { process.setVariables(xml2Variables(process.getVariables(), variablesElement)); } } else { process.setVariables(null); } // Handle CorrelationSets Element Element correlationSetsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(processElement, "correlationSets"); if (correlationSetsElement != null && (process.getCorrelationSets() == null || process .getCorrelationSets().getChildren() == null)) { process.setCorrelationSets(xml2CorrelationSets(process .getCorrelationSets(), correlationSetsElement)); } else if (correlationSetsElement == null) { process.setCorrelationSets(null); } // Handle MessageExchanges Element Element messageExchangesElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(processElement, "messageExchanges"); if (messageExchangesElements != null && (process.getMessageExchanges() == null || process .getMessageExchanges().getChildren() == null )) { process.setMessageExchanges(xml2MessageExchanges(process .getMessageExchanges(), messageExchangesElements)); } else if(messageExchangesElements == null){ // add if(messageExchangesElements == null) by Grid.Qian process.setMessageExchanges(null); } // Handle Extensions Element Element extensionsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(processElement, "extensions"); if (extensionsElement != null && process.getExtensions() == null) { process.setExtensions(xml2Extensions(process.getExtensions(), extensionsElement)); } else if (extensionsElement == null) { process.setExtensions(null); } // Handle FaultHandler element setFaultHandler(processElement, process); // Handle CompensationHandler element // In BPEL 2.0, there is no compensation handler on process // setCompensationHandler(processElement, process); // Handle EventHandler element setEventHandler(processElement, process); process.setActivity(xml2Activity(null, processElement)); xml2ExtensibleElement(process, processElement); return process; } /** * Converts an XML partnerLinks */ protected PartnerLinks xml2PartnerLinks(PartnerLinks partnerLinks, Element partnerLinksElement) { if (!partnerLinksElement.getLocalName().equals("partnerLinks")) { return null; } if (partnerLinks == null) { partnerLinks = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createPartnerLinks(); partnerLinks.setElement(partnerLinksElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(partnerLinks, partnerLinksElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(partnerLinksElement, "partnerLink"); EList<PartnerLink> childrenList = partnerLinks.getChildren(); syncLists(partnerLinksElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2PartnerLink(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(partnerLinks, partnerLinksElement); return partnerLinks; } protected Variables xml2Variables(Variables variables, Element variablesElement) { if (!variablesElement.getLocalName().equals("variables")) return null; if (variables == null) { variables = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariables(); variables.setElement(variablesElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(variables, variablesElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(variablesElement, "variable"); EList<Variable> childrenList = variables.getChildren(); syncLists(variablesElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Variable(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(variables, variablesElement); // Move variables that are extensibility elements to the list of // children // JM: What is this supposed to accomplish? // List<Variable> toBeMoved = new BasicEList<Variable>(); // for (Object next : variables.getExtensibilityElements()) { // if (next instanceof Variable) { // toBeMoved.add((Variable) next); // } // } // // List<?> extensibility = variables.getExtensibilityElements(); // List<Variable> children = variables.getChildren(); // for (Variable element : toBeMoved) { // extensibility.remove(element); // children.add(element); // } return variables; } protected CorrelationSets xml2CorrelationSets( CorrelationSets correlationSets, Element correlationSetsElement) { if (!correlationSetsElement.getLocalName().equals("correlationSets")) return null; if (correlationSets == null) { correlationSets = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCorrelationSets(); correlationSets.setElement(correlationSetsElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(correlationSets, correlationSetsElement); syncLists(correlationSetsElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(correlationSetsElement, BPELConstants.ND_CORRELATION_SET), correlationSets .getChildren(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2CorrelationSet(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(correlationSets, correlationSetsElement); return correlationSets; } protected FromParts xml2FromParts(FromParts fromParts, Element fromPartsElement) { if (!fromPartsElement.getLocalName().equals("fromParts")) return null; if (fromParts == null) { fromParts = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createFromParts(); fromParts.setElement(fromPartsElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(fromParts, fromPartsElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(fromPartsElement, "fromPart"); EList<FromPart> childrenList = fromParts.getChildren(); syncLists(fromPartsElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2FromPart(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(fromParts, fromPartsElement); return fromParts; } protected ToParts xml2ToParts(ToParts toParts, Element toPartsElement) { if (!toPartsElement.getLocalName().equals("toParts")) return null; if (toParts == null) { toParts = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createToParts(); toParts.setElement(toPartsElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(toParts, toPartsElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(toPartsElement, "toPart"); EList<ToPart> childrenList = toParts.getChildren(); syncLists(toPartsElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2ToPart(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(toParts, toPartsElement); return toParts; } /** * Converts an XML messageExchanges */ protected MessageExchanges xml2MessageExchanges( MessageExchanges messageExchanges, Element messageExchangesElement) { if (!messageExchangesElement.getLocalName().equals("messageExchanges")) return null; if (messageExchanges == null) { messageExchanges = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createMessageExchanges(); messageExchanges.setElement(messageExchangesElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(messageExchanges, messageExchangesElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(messageExchangesElement, "messageExchange"); EList<MessageExchange> childrenList = messageExchanges.getChildren(); syncLists(messageExchangesElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2MessageExchange(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(messageExchanges, messageExchangesElement); return messageExchanges; } protected Extensions xml2Extensions(Extensions extensions, Element extensionsElement) { if (!extensionsElement.getLocalName().equals("extensions")) return null; if (extensions == null) { extensions = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExtensions(); extensions.setElement(extensionsElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(extensions, extensionsElement); syncLists(extensionsElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(extensionsElement, BPELConstants.ND_EXTENSION), extensions.getChildren(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Extension(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(extensions, extensionsElement); return extensions; } /** * Converts an XML compensationHandler element to a BPEL CompensationHandler * object. */ protected CompensationHandler xml2CompensationHandler( CompensationHandler compensationHandler, Element activityElement) { if (compensationHandler == null) { compensationHandler = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE .createCompensationHandler(); compensationHandler.setElement(activityElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(compensationHandler, activityElement); compensationHandler.setActivity(getChildActivity(compensationHandler, activityElement)); return compensationHandler; } /** * Converts an XML correlationSet element to a BPEL CorrelationSet object. */ protected CorrelationSet xml2CorrelationSet(CorrelationSet correlationSet, Element correlationSetElement) { if (correlationSet == null) { correlationSet = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCorrelationSet(); correlationSet.setElement(correlationSetElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(correlationSet, correlationSetElement); if (correlationSetElement == null) return correlationSet; // Set name Attr name = correlationSetElement.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getSpecified()) { correlationSet.setName(name.getValue()); } else { correlationSet.setName(null); } setProperties(correlationSetElement, correlationSet, "properties"); xml2ExtensibleElement(correlationSet, correlationSetElement); return correlationSet; } /** * Converts an XML messageExchange element to a BPEL MessageExchange object. */ protected MessageExchange xml2MessageExchange( MessageExchange messageExchange, Element messageExchangeElement) { if (!messageExchangeElement.getLocalName().equals("messageExchange")) return null; if (messageExchange == null) { messageExchange = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createMessageExchange(); messageExchange.setElement(messageExchangeElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(messageExchange, messageExchangeElement); if (messageExchangeElement == null) return messageExchange; if (!messageExchangeElement.getLocalName().equals("messageExchange")) return null; // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(messageExchange, messageExchangeElement); // Set name if (messageExchangeElement.hasAttribute("name")) { messageExchange .setName(messageExchangeElement.getAttribute("name")); } else { messageExchange.setName(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(messageExchange, messageExchangeElement); return messageExchange; } /** * Converts an XML extension element to a BPEL Extension object. */ protected Extension xml2Extension(Extension extension, Element extensionElement) { if (extension == null) { extension = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExtension(); extension.setElement(extensionElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(extension, extensionElement); if (extensionElement == null) return extension; // Set namespace if (extensionElement.hasAttribute("namespace")) { extension.setNamespace(extensionElement.getAttribute("namespace")); } else { extension.setNamespace(null); } // Set mustUnderstand if (extensionElement.hasAttribute("mustUnderstand")) { extension.setMustUnderstand(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(extensionElement .getAttribute("mustUnderstand"))); } else { extension.unsetMustUnderstand(); } xml2ExtensibleElement(extension, extensionElement); return extension; } /** * Converts an XML partnerLink element to a BPEL PartnerLink object. */ protected PartnerLink xml2PartnerLink(PartnerLink partnerLink, Element partnerLinkElement) { if (!partnerLinkElement.getLocalName().equals("partnerLink")) return null; if (partnerLink == null) { partnerLink = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createPartnerLink(); partnerLink.setElement(partnerLinkElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(partnerLink, partnerLinkElement); // Set name if (partnerLinkElement.hasAttribute("name")) { partnerLink.setName(partnerLinkElement.getAttribute("name")); } else { partnerLink.setName(null); } if (partnerLinkElement.hasAttribute("initializePartnerRole")) { partnerLink.setInitializePartnerRole(BPELUtils .xml2boolean(partnerLinkElement .getAttribute("initializePartnerRole"))); } else { partnerLink.unsetInitializePartnerRole(); } Attr partnerLinkTypeName = partnerLinkElement .getAttributeNode("partnerLinkType"); if (partnerLinkTypeName != null && partnerLinkTypeName.getSpecified()) { QName sltQName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(partnerLinkElement, "partnerLinkType"); PartnerLinkTypeProxy slt = new PartnerLinkTypeProxy(getResource() .getURI(), sltQName); if (slt != null) { PartnerLinkType oldPartnerLinkType = partnerLink .getPartnerLinkType(); if (!sltQName.getLocalPart().equals( oldPartnerLinkType == null ? null : oldPartnerLinkType .getName())) { partnerLink.setPartnerLinkType(slt); } if (partnerLinkElement.hasAttribute("myRole")) { RoleProxy role = new RoleProxy(getResource(), slt, partnerLinkElement.getAttribute("myRole")); Role oldRole = partnerLink.getMyRole(); if (!role.getName().equals( oldRole == null ? null : oldRole.getName())) { partnerLink.setMyRole(role); } } else { partnerLink.setMyRole(null); } if (partnerLinkElement.hasAttribute("partnerRole")) { RoleProxy role = new RoleProxy(getResource(), slt, partnerLinkElement.getAttribute("partnerRole")); Role oldRole = partnerLink.getPartnerRole(); if (!role.getName().equals( oldRole == null ? null : oldRole.getName())) { partnerLink.setPartnerRole(role); } } else { partnerLink.setPartnerRole(null); } } else { partnerLink.setPartnerLinkType(null); } } else { partnerLink.setPartnerLinkType(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(partnerLink, partnerLinkElement); return partnerLink; } /** * Converts an XML variable element to a BPEL Variable object. */ protected Variable xml2Variable(Variable variable, Element variableElement) { if (!variableElement.getLocalName().equals("variable")) return null; if (variable == null) { variable = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariable(); variable.setElement(variableElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(variable, variableElement); // Set name if (variableElement.hasAttribute("name")) { variable.setName(variableElement.getAttribute("name")); } else { variable.setName(null); } if (variableElement.hasAttribute("messageType")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(variableElement, "messageType"); Message messageType = new MessageProxy(getResource().getURI(), qName); variable.setMessageType(messageType); } else { variable.setMessageType(null); } // Set xsd type if (variableElement.hasAttribute("type")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(variableElement, "type"); XSDTypeDefinition type = new XSDTypeDefinitionProxy(getResource() .getURI(), qName); variable.setType(type); } else { variable.setType(null); } // Set xsd element if (variableElement.hasAttribute("element")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(variableElement, "element"); XSDElementDeclaration element = new XSDElementDeclarationProxy( getResource().getURI(), qName); variable.setXSDElement(element); } else { variable.setXSDElement(null); } // from-spec Element fromElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(variableElement, "from"); if (fromElement != null && variable.getFrom() == null) { variable.setFrom(xml2From(variable.getFrom(), fromElement)); } else if (fromElement == null) { variable.setFrom(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(variable, variableElement); return variable; } /** * Converts an XML faultHandler element to a BPEL FaultHandler object. */ protected FaultHandler xml2FaultHandler(FaultHandler faultHandler, Element faultHandlerElement) { String localName = faultHandlerElement.getLocalName(); if (!(localName.equals("faultHandlers") || localName.equals("invoke"))) return null; if (faultHandler == null) { faultHandler = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createFaultHandler(); } if (localName.equals("faultHandlers")) { // This is "overloaded", what's the proper facade for the fault // handler element in this case. faultHandler.setElement(faultHandlerElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(faultHandler, faultHandlerElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(faultHandlerElement, "catch"); syncLists(faultHandlerElement, childElements, faultHandler.getCatch(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Catch(null, element); } }); Element catchAllElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(faultHandlerElement, "catchAll"); if (catchAllElement != null && faultHandler.getCatchAll() == null) { faultHandler.setCatchAll(xml2CatchAll(faultHandler.getCatchAll(), catchAllElement)); } else if (catchAllElement == null) { faultHandler.setCatchAll(null); } // Only do this for an element named faultHandlers. If the element is // named // invoke, then there really is no fault handler, only a series of // catches. if (faultHandlerElement.getLocalName().equals("faultHandlers")) { xml2ExtensibleElement(faultHandler, faultHandlerElement); } return faultHandler; } /** * Converts an XML catchAll element to a BPEL CatchAll object. */ protected CatchAll xml2CatchAll(CatchAll catchAll, Element catchAllElement) { if (!catchAllElement.getLocalName().equals("catchAll")) return null; if (catchAll == null) { catchAll = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCatchAll(); catchAll.setElement(catchAllElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(catchAll, catchAllElement); catchAll.setActivity(getChildActivity(catchAll, catchAllElement)); xml2ExtensibleElement(catchAll, catchAllElement); return catchAll; } /** * Converts an XML catch element to a BPEL Catch object. */ protected Catch xml2Catch(Catch _catch, Element catchElement) { if (_catch == null) { _catch = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCatch(); _catch.setElement(catchElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(_catch, catchElement); if (catchElement == null) return _catch; if (catchElement.hasAttribute("faultName")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(catchElement, "faultName"); _catch.setFaultName(qName); } else { _catch.setFaultName(null); } if (catchElement.hasAttribute("faultVariable")) { if (_catch.getFaultVariable() == null) { // Set fault variable Variable variable = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariable(); // TODO: Should not this be the variable proxy ? variable.setName(catchElement.getAttribute("faultVariable")); _catch.setFaultVariable(variable); } } else { _catch.setFaultVariable(null); } if (catchElement.hasAttribute("faultMessageType")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(catchElement, "faultMessageType"); Message messageType = new MessageProxy(getResource().getURI(), qName); _catch.setFaultMessageType(messageType); } else { _catch.setFaultMessageType(null); } if (catchElement.hasAttribute("faultElement")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(catchElement, "faultElement"); XSDElementDeclaration element = new XSDElementDeclarationProxy( getResource().getURI(), qName); _catch.setFaultElement(element); } else { _catch.setFaultElement(null); } // Set Activities _catch.setActivity(getChildActivity(_catch, catchElement)); xml2ExtensibleElement(_catch, catchElement); return _catch; } /** * Converts an XML activity element to a BPEL Activity object. */ public Activity xml2Activity(Activity activity, Element activityElement) { boolean checkExtensibility = true; // if (!BPELUtils.isBPELElement(activityElement)) // return null; String localName = activityElement.getLocalName(); if (localName.equals("process")) { activity = getChildActivity(process, activityElement); checkExtensibility = false; } else if (localName.equals("receive")) { activity = xml2Receive(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("reply")) { activity = xml2Reply(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("invoke")) { activity = xml2Invoke(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("assign")) { activity = xml2Assign(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("throw")) { activity = xml2Throw(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("exit")) { activity = xml2Exit(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("wait")) { activity = xml2Wait(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("empty")) { activity = xml2Empty(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("sequence")) { activity = xml2Sequence(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("if")) { activity = xml2If(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("while")) { activity = xml2While(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("pick")) { activity = xml2Pick(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("flow")) { activity = xml2Flow(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("scope")) { activity = xml2Scope(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("compensate")) { activity = xml2Compensate(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("compensateScope")) { activity = xml2CompensateScope(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("rethrow")) { activity = xml2Rethrow(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("extensionActivity")) { // extensionActivity is a special case. It does not have any // standard attributes or elements, nor is it an extensible // element. Return immediately. // // Need to pass the activity in to the deserializer activity = xml2ExtensionActivity(activity,activityElement); return activity; } else if (localName.equals("opaqueActivity")) { activity = xml2OpaqueActivity(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("forEach")) { activity = xml2ForEach(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("repeatUntil")) { activity = xml2RepeatUntil(activity, activityElement); } else if (localName.equals("validate")) { activity = xml2Validate(activity, activityElement); } else { return null; } setStandardElements(activityElement, activity); if (checkExtensibility) { xml2ExtensibleElement(activity, activityElement); // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(activity, activityElement); } return activity; } protected void setStandardElements(Element activityElement, Activity activity) { // Handle targets Element targetsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(activityElement, "targets"); if (targetsElement != null && activity.getTargets() == null) { activity.setTargets(xml2Targets(activity.getTargets(), targetsElement)); } else if (targetsElement == null) { activity.setTargets(null); } // Handle sources Element sourcesElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(activityElement, "sources"); if (sourcesElement != null && activity.getSources() == null) { activity.setSources(xml2Sources(activity.getSources(), sourcesElement)); } else if (sourcesElement == null) { activity.setSources(null); } } protected Targets xml2Targets(Targets targets, Element targetsElement) { if (targets == null) { targets = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createTargets(); targets.setElement(targetsElement); } syncLists(targetsElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(targetsElement, BPELConstants.ND_TARGET), targets.getChildren(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Target(null, element); } }); // Join condition Element joinConditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(targetsElement, "joinCondition"); if (joinConditionElement != null && targets.getJoinCondition() == null) { targets.setJoinCondition(xml2Condition(targets.getJoinCondition(), joinConditionElement)); } else if (joinConditionElement == null) { targets.setJoinCondition(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(targets, targetsElement); return targets; } protected Target xml2Target(Target target, Element targetElement) { if (target == null) { target = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createTarget(); target.setElement(targetElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(target, targetElement); xml2ExtensibleElement(target, targetElement); if (targetElement.hasAttribute("linkName")) { final String linkName = targetElement.getAttribute("linkName"); createLink(target, linkName); } else { target.setLink(null); } return target; } protected Sources xml2Sources(Sources sources, Element sourcesElement) { if (sources == null) { sources = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createSources(); sources.setElement(sourcesElement); } syncLists(sourcesElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(sourcesElement, BPELConstants.ND_SOURCE), sources.getChildren(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Source(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(sources, sourcesElement); return sources; } protected Source xml2Source(Source source, Element sourceElement) { final String linkName = sourceElement.getAttribute("linkName"); if (source == null) { source = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createSource(); source.setElement(sourceElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(source, sourceElement); // Read transitionCondition element Element transitionConditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(sourceElement, "transitionCondition"); if (transitionConditionElement != null && source.getTransitionCondition() == null) { source.setTransitionCondition(xml2Condition(source .getTransitionCondition(), transitionConditionElement)); } else if (transitionConditionElement == null) { source.setTransitionCondition(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(source, sourceElement); if (linkName != null) { createLink(source, linkName); } else { source.setLink(null); } return source; } /** * Converts an XML scope element to a BPEL Scope object. */ protected Activity xml2Scope(Activity scopeActivity, Element scopeElement) { Scope scope; if (scopeActivity instanceof Scope) { scope = (Scope) scopeActivity; } else { scope = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createScope(); scope.setElement(scopeElement); } Attr isolated = scopeElement.getAttributeNode("isolated"); if (isolated != null && isolated.getSpecified()) { scope.setIsolated(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(isolated.getValue())); } else { scope.unsetIsolated(); } // Handle attribute exitOnStandardFault Attr exitOnStandardFault = scopeElement .getAttributeNode("exitOnStandardFault"); if (exitOnStandardFault != null && exitOnStandardFault.getSpecified()) { scope.setExitOnStandardFault(BPELUtils .xml2boolean(exitOnStandardFault.getValue())); } else { scope.unsetExitOnStandardFault(); } // Handle Variables element Element variablesElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "variables"); if (variablesElement != null && (scope.getVariables() == null || scope.getVariables() .getChildren().size() == 0)) { scope.setVariables(xml2Variables(scope.getVariables(), variablesElement)); } else if (variablesElement == null) { scope.setVariables(null); } // Handle CorrelationSet element Element correlationSetsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "correlationSets"); if (correlationSetsElement != null && (scope.getCorrelationSets() == null || scope .getCorrelationSets().getChildren().size() == 0)) { scope.setCorrelationSets(xml2CorrelationSets(scope .getCorrelationSets(), correlationSetsElement)); } else if (correlationSetsElement == null) { scope.setCorrelationSets(null); } // Handle PartnerLinks element Element partnerLinksElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "partnerLinks"); if (partnerLinksElement != null && (scope.getPartnerLinks() == null || scope.getPartnerLinks() .getChildren().size() == 0)) { scope.setPartnerLinks(xml2PartnerLinks(scope.getPartnerLinks(), partnerLinksElement)); } else if (partnerLinksElement == null) { scope.setPartnerLinks(null); } // MessageExchanges element Element messageExchangesElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "messageExchanges"); if (messageExchangesElement != null && (scope.getMessageExchanges() == null || scope .getMessageExchanges().getChildren().size() == 0)) { scope.setMessageExchanges(xml2MessageExchanges(scope .getMessageExchanges(), messageExchangesElement)); } else if (messageExchangesElement == null) { scope.setMessageExchanges(null); } // Handle FaultHandler element Element faultHandlerElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "faultHandlers"); if (faultHandlerElement != null && scope.getFaultHandlers() == null) { scope.setFaultHandlers(xml2FaultHandler(scope.getFaultHandlers(), faultHandlerElement)); } else if (faultHandlerElement == null) { scope.setFaultHandlers(null); } // Handle CompensationHandler element setCompensationHandler(scopeElement, scope); // Handler TerminationHandler element Element terminationHandlerElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(scopeElement, "terminationHandler"); if (terminationHandlerElement != null && scope.getTerminationHandler() == null) { scope.setTerminationHandler(xml2TerminationHandler(scope .getTerminationHandler(), terminationHandlerElement)); } else if (terminationHandlerElement == null) { scope.setTerminationHandler(null); } // Handler EventHandler element setEventHandler(scopeElement, scope); setStandardAttributes(scopeElement, scope); // Handle activities NodeList scopeElements = scopeElement.getChildNodes(); Element activityElement = null; if (scopeElements != null && scopeElements.getLength() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < scopeElements.getLength(); i++) { if (scopeElements.item(i).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } activityElement = (Element) scopeElements.item(i); if (activityElement.getLocalName().equals("faultHandlers") || activityElement.getLocalName().equals( "compensationHandler")) { continue; } Activity activity; if (scope.getActivity() == null || scope.getActivity().getElement() != activityElement) { activity = xml2Activity(null, activityElement); } else { activity = scope.getActivity(); activityElement = activity.getElement(); } if (activity != null) { scope.setActivity(activity); break; } } } if (activityElement == null) { scope.setActivity(null); } return scope; } /** * Converts an XML flow element to a BPEL Flow object. */ protected Activity xml2Flow(Activity flowActivity, Element flowElement) { Flow flow; if (flowActivity instanceof Flow) { flow = (Flow) flowActivity; } else { flow = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createFlow(); flow.setElement(flowElement); } Element linksElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(flowElement, "links"); if (linksElement != null && flow.getLinks() == null) { flow.setLinks(xml2Links(flow.getLinks(), linksElement)); } else if (linksElement == null) { flow.setLinks(null); } Element completionConditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(flowElement, "completionCondition"); if (completionConditionElement != null && flow.getCompletionCondition() == null) { flow.setCompletionCondition(xml2CompletionCondition(flow .getCompletionCondition(), completionConditionElement)); } else if (completionConditionElement == null) { flow.setCompletionCondition(null); } setStandardAttributes(flowElement, flow); syncSequences(flowElement, flow.getActivities()); return flow; } protected Links xml2Links(Links links, Element linksElement) { if (!linksElement.getLocalName().equals("links")) return null; if (links == null) { links = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createLinks(); links.setElement(linksElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(links, linksElement); List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(linksElement, "link"); EList<Link> childrenList = links.getChildren(); syncLists(linksElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Link(null, element); } }); // extensibility elements xml2ExtensibleElement(links, linksElement); return links; } /** * Converts an XML link element to a BPEL Link object. */ protected Link xml2Link(Link link, Element linkElement) { if (link == null) { link = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createLink(); link.setElement(linkElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(link, linkElement); Attr name = linkElement.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getSpecified()) { link.setName(name.getValue()); } else { link.setName(null); } xml2ExtensibleElement(link, linkElement); return link; } /** * Converts an XML pick element to a BPEL Pick object. */ protected Activity xml2Pick(Activity pickActivity, Element pickElement) { Pick pick; if (pickActivity instanceof Pick) { pick = (Pick) pickActivity; } else { pick = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createPick(); pick.setElement(pickElement); } // Set name Attr name = pickElement.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getSpecified()) { pick.setName(name.getValue()); } else { pick.setName(null); } // Set createInstance Attr createInstance = pickElement.getAttributeNode("createInstance"); if (createInstance != null && createInstance.getSpecified()) { pick.setCreateInstance(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(createInstance .getValue())); } else { pick.unsetCreateInstance(); } syncLists(pickElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(pickElement, BPELConstants.ND_ON_ALARM), pick.getAlarm(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2OnAlarm(null, element); } }); syncLists(pickElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(pickElement, BPELConstants.ND_ON_MESSAGE), pick.getMessages(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2OnMessage(null, element); } }); setStandardAttributes(pickElement, pick); return pick; } /** * Converts an XML eventHandler element to a BPEL eventHandler object. */ protected EventHandler xml2EventHandler(EventHandler eventHandler, Element eventHandlerElement) { if (eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createEventHandler(); eventHandler.setElement(eventHandlerElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(eventHandler, eventHandlerElement); syncLists(eventHandlerElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(eventHandlerElement, BPELConstants.ND_ON_ALARM), eventHandler.getAlarm(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2OnAlarm(null, element); } }); syncLists(eventHandlerElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(eventHandlerElement, BPELConstants.ND_ON_EVENT), eventHandler.getEvents(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2OnEvent(null, element); } }); xml2ExtensibleElement(eventHandler, eventHandlerElement); return eventHandler; } /** * Converts an XML onMessage element to a BPEL OnMessage object. */ protected OnMessage xml2OnMessage(OnMessage onMessage, Element onMessageElement) { if (onMessage == null) { onMessage = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createOnMessage(); onMessage.setElement(onMessageElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(onMessage, onMessageElement); // Set several parms setOperationParmsOnMessage(onMessageElement, onMessage); // Set activity onMessage.setActivity(getChildActivity(onMessage, onMessageElement)); // set the fromParts Element fromPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onMessageElement, "fromParts"); if (fromPartsElement != null && onMessage.getFromParts() == null) { onMessage.setFromParts(xml2FromParts(onMessage.getFromParts(), fromPartsElement)); } else if (fromPartsElement == null) { onMessage.setFromParts(null); } // Set messageExchange setMessageExchange(onMessageElement, (EObject) onMessage, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getOnMessage_MessageExchange()); xml2ExtensibleElement(onMessage, onMessageElement); return onMessage; } /** * Converts an XML onEvent element to a BPEL OnEvent object. */ protected OnEvent xml2OnEvent(OnEvent onEvent, Element onEventElement) { if (onEvent == null) { onEvent = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createOnEvent(); onEvent.setElement(onEventElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(onEvent, onEventElement); // Set several parms setOperationParmsOnEvent(onEventElement, onEvent); // Set activity onEvent.setActivity(getChildActivity(onEvent, onEventElement)); // set the fromParts Element fromPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onEventElement, "fromParts"); if (fromPartsElement != null && onEvent.getFromParts() == null) { FromParts fromParts = xml2FromParts(onEvent.getFromParts(), fromPartsElement); onEvent.setFromParts(fromParts); } else if (fromPartsElement == null) { onEvent.setFromParts(null); } // Handle CorrelationSets Element Element correlationSetsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onEventElement, "correlationSets"); if (correlationSetsElement != null && onEvent.getCorrelationSets() == null) { onEvent.setCorrelationSets(xml2CorrelationSets(onEvent .getCorrelationSets(), correlationSetsElement)); } else if (correlationSetsElement == null) { onEvent.setCorrelationSets(null); } // Set messageExchange setMessageExchange(onEventElement, (EObject) onEvent, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getOnEvent_MessageExchange()); xml2ExtensibleElement(onEvent, onEventElement); return onEvent; } /** * Converts an XML onAlarm element to a BPEL OnAlarm object. */ protected OnAlarm xml2OnAlarm(OnAlarm onAlarm, Element onAlarmElement) { if (onAlarm == null) { onAlarm = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createOnAlarm(); onAlarm.setElement(onAlarmElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(onAlarm, onAlarmElement); // Set for element Element forElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onAlarmElement, "for"); if (forElement != null && onAlarm.getFor() == null) { onAlarm.setFor(xml2Expression(onAlarm.getFor(), forElement)); } else if (forElement == null) { onAlarm.setFor(null); } // Set until element Element untilElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onAlarmElement, "until"); if (untilElement != null && onAlarm.getUntil() == null) { onAlarm.setUntil(xml2Expression(onAlarm.getUntil(), untilElement)); } else if (untilElement == null) { onAlarm.setUntil(null); } // Set repeatEvery element Element repeatEveryElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(onAlarmElement, "repeatEvery"); if (repeatEveryElement != null && onAlarm.getRepeatEvery() == null) { onAlarm.setRepeatEvery(xml2Expression(onAlarm.getRepeatEvery(), repeatEveryElement)); } else if (repeatEveryElement == null) { onAlarm.setRepeatEvery(null); } // Set activity onAlarm.setActivity(getChildActivity(onAlarm, onAlarmElement)); xml2ExtensibleElement(onAlarm, onAlarmElement); return onAlarm; } /** * Converts an XML while element to a BPEL While object. */ protected Activity xml2While(Activity whileActivity, Element whileElement) { While _while; if (whileActivity instanceof While) { _while = (While) whileActivity; } else { _while = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createWhile(); _while.setElement(whileElement); } // Handle condition element Element conditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(whileElement, "condition"); if (conditionElement != null && _while.getCondition() == null) { _while.setCondition(xml2Condition(_while.getCondition(), conditionElement)); } else if (conditionElement == null) { _while.setCondition(null); } _while.setActivity(getChildActivity(_while, whileElement)); setStandardAttributes(whileElement, _while); return _while; } /** * Converts an XML terminationHandler element to a BPEL TerminationHandler * object. */ protected TerminationHandler xml2TerminationHandler( TerminationHandler terminationHandler, Element terminationHandlerElement) { if (terminationHandler == null) { terminationHandler = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE .createTerminationHandler(); terminationHandler.setElement(terminationHandlerElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(terminationHandler, terminationHandlerElement); terminationHandler.setActivity(getChildActivity(terminationHandler, terminationHandlerElement)); xml2ExtensibleElement(terminationHandler, terminationHandlerElement); return terminationHandler; } /** * Converts an XML if element to a BPEL If object. */ protected Activity xml2If(Activity ifActivity, Element ifElement) { If _if; if (ifActivity instanceof If) { _if = (If) ifActivity; } else { _if = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createIf(); _if.setElement(ifElement); } // Set activity Activity activity = getChildActivity(_if, ifElement); _if.setActivity(activity); // Handle condition element Element conditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(ifElement, "condition"); if (conditionElement != null && _if.getCondition() == null) { _if .setCondition(xml2Condition(_if.getCondition(), conditionElement)); } else if (conditionElement == null) { _if.setCondition(null); } // Handle elseif List<Element> childElements = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(ifElement, "elseif"); EList<ElseIf> childrenList = _if.getElseIf(); syncLists(ifElement, childElements, childrenList, new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2ElseIf(null, element); } }); // Handle else Element elseElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(ifElement, "else"); if (elseElement != null && _if.getElse() == null) { _if.setElse(xml2Else(_if.getElse(), elseElement)); } else if (elseElement == null) { _if.setElse(null); } setStandardAttributes(ifElement, _if); return _if; } /** * Converts an XML elseIf element to a BPEL ElseIf object. */ protected ElseIf xml2ElseIf(ElseIf elseIf, Element elseIfElement) { if (elseIf == null) { elseIf = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createElseIf(); elseIf.setElement(elseIfElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(elseIf, elseIfElement); // Handle condition element Element conditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(elseIfElement, "condition"); if (conditionElement != null && elseIf.getCondition() == null) { elseIf.setCondition(xml2Condition(elseIf.getCondition(), conditionElement)); } else if (conditionElement == null) { elseIf.setCondition(null); } elseIf.setActivity(getChildActivity(elseIf, elseIfElement)); return elseIf; } /** * Converts an XML condition element to a BPEL Condition object. */ protected Condition xml2Condition(Condition condition, Element conditionElement) { if (condition == null) { condition = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCondition(); condition.setElement(conditionElement); } xml2Expression(condition, conditionElement); return condition; } /** * Converts an XML expression element to a BPEL Expression object. * * Accept a pre-constructed argument. This is good for sub-types of * expression. * * Returns the second argument as a convenience. * */ protected Expression xml2Expression(Expression expression, Element expressionElement) { if (expression == null) { expression = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExpression(); expression.setElement(expressionElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(expression, expressionElement); if (expressionElement == null) { return expression; } // Set expressionLanguage if (expressionElement.hasAttribute("expressionLanguage")) { expression.setExpressionLanguage(expressionElement .getAttribute("expressionLanguage")); } else { expression.unsetExpressionLanguage(); } // Set opaque if (expressionElement.hasAttribute("opaque")) { expression.setOpaque(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(expressionElement .getAttribute("opaque"))); } else { expression.unsetOpaque(); } String data = getText(expressionElement); if (data != null) { expression.setBody(data); } else { expression.setBody(null); } return expression; } protected Else xml2Else(Else _else, Element elseElement) { if (_else == null) { _else = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createElse(); _else.setElement(elseElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(_else, elseElement); Activity activity = getChildActivity(_else, elseElement); _else.setActivity(activity); return _else; } /** * Converts an XML sequence element to a BPEL Sequence object. */ protected Activity xml2Sequence(Activity sequenceActivity, Element sequenceElement) { Sequence sequence; if (sequenceActivity instanceof Sequence) { sequence = (Sequence) sequenceActivity; } else { sequence = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createSequence(); sequence.setElement(sequenceElement); } syncSequences(sequenceElement, sequence.getActivities()); setStandardAttributes(sequenceElement, sequence); return sequence; } /** * Converts an XML empty element to a BPEL Empty object. */ protected Activity xml2Empty(Activity activity, Element emptyElement) { Empty empty; if (activity instanceof Empty) { empty = (Empty) activity; } else { empty = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createEmpty(); empty.setElement(emptyElement); } setStandardAttributes(emptyElement, empty); return empty; } /** * Converts an XML opaqueActivity element to a BPEL OpaqueActivity object. */ protected Activity xml2OpaqueActivity(Activity opaque, Element opaqueActivityElement) { OpaqueActivity opaqueActivity; if (opaque instanceof OpaqueActivity) { opaqueActivity = (OpaqueActivity) opaque; } else { opaqueActivity = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createOpaqueActivity(); opaqueActivity.setElement(opaqueActivityElement); } setStandardAttributes(opaqueActivityElement, opaqueActivity); return opaqueActivity; } /** * Converts an XML valdateXML element to a BPEL ValidateXML object. */ protected Activity xml2Validate(Activity validateActivity, Element validateElement) { final Validate validate; if (validateActivity instanceof Validate) { validate = (Validate) validateActivity; } else { validate = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createValidate(); validate.setElement(validateElement); } setStandardAttributes(validateElement, validate); validate.getVariables().clear(); if (validateElement.hasAttribute("variables")) { String variables = validateElement.getAttribute("variables"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(variables); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String variableName = st.nextToken(); // We must do this as a post load runnable because the variable // might not // exist yet. Variable targetVariable = getVariable(validate, variableName); if (targetVariable == null) { targetVariable = new VariableProxy(getResource().getURI(), variableName); } validate.getVariables().add(targetVariable); } } return validate; } /** * Converts an XML rethrow element to a BPEL Rethrow object. */ protected Activity xml2Rethrow(Activity rethrowActivity, Element rethrowElement) { Rethrow rethrow; if (rethrowActivity instanceof Rethrow) { rethrow = (Rethrow) rethrowActivity; } else { rethrow = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createRethrow(); rethrow.setElement(rethrowElement); } setStandardAttributes(rethrowElement, rethrow); return rethrow; } /** * Converts an XML extensionactivity element to a BPEL ExtensionActivity * object. */ protected Activity xml2ExtensionActivity(Activity extensionActivity, Element extensionActivityElement) { // Do not call setStandardAttributes here because // extensionActivityElement // doesn't have them. List<Element> nodeList = getChildElements(extensionActivityElement); if (nodeList.size() == 1) { Element child = nodeList.get(0); // We found a child element. Look up a deserializer for this // activity and call it. String localName = child.getLocalName(); String namespace = child.getNamespaceURI(); QName qname = new QName(namespace, localName); BPELActivityDeserializer deserializer = extensionRegistry .getActivityDeserializer(qname); if (deserializer != null) { // Deserialize the DOM element and return the new Activity Map<String, String> nsMap = getAllNamespacesForElement(child); // // pass the activity that was already created to the serializer extensionActivity = deserializer.unmarshall(qname, child, extensionActivity, process, nsMap, extensionRegistry, getResource() .getURI(), this); // Now let's do the standard attributes and elements setStandardAttributes(child, extensionActivity); setStandardElements(child, extensionActivity); // Don't do extensibility because extensionActivity is not // extensible. // If individual extensionActivity subclasses are actually // extensible, they // have to do this themselves in their deserializer. // The created Activity that extends from ExtensioActivity // should get the // whole <extensionActivity>-DOM-Fragment, this is done here. extensionActivity.setElement(extensionActivityElement); return extensionActivity; } } // TODO: do something smart here (deserializer not found?) return null; } /** * Converts an XML wait element to a BPEL Wait object. */ protected Activity xml2Wait(Activity waitActivity, Element waitElement) { Wait wait; if (waitActivity instanceof Wait) { wait = (Wait) waitActivity; } else { wait = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createWait(); wait.setElement(waitElement); } // Set name Attr name = waitElement.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getSpecified()) wait.setName(name.getValue()); // Set for element Element forElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(waitElement, "for"); if (forElement != null && wait.getFor() == null) { wait.setFor(xml2Expression(wait.getFor(), forElement)); } else if (forElement == null) { wait.setFor(null); } // Set until element Element untilElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(waitElement, "until"); if (untilElement != null && wait.getUntil() == null) { wait.setUntil(xml2Expression(wait.getUntil(), untilElement)); } else if (untilElement == null) { wait.setUntil(null); } setStandardAttributes(waitElement, wait); return wait; } /** * Converts an XML exit element to a BPEL Exit object. */ protected Activity xml2Exit(Activity activity, Element exitElement) { Exit exit; if (activity instanceof Exit) { exit = (Exit) activity; } else { exit = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExit(); exit.setElement(exitElement); } setStandardAttributes(exitElement, exit); return exit; } /** * Converts an XML throw element to a BPEL Throw object. */ protected Activity xml2Throw(Activity throwActivity, Element throwElement) { Throw _throw; if (throwActivity instanceof Throw) { _throw = (Throw) throwActivity; } else { _throw = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createThrow(); _throw.setElement(throwElement); } if (throwElement.hasAttribute("faultName")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(throwElement, "faultName"); _throw.setFaultName(qName); } else { _throw.setFaultName(null); } // Set fault variable name setVariable(throwElement, _throw, "faultVariable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getThrow_FaultVariable()); setStandardAttributes(throwElement, _throw); return _throw; } /** * Converts an XML assign element to a BPEL Assign object. */ protected Activity xml2Assign(Activity assignActivity, Element assignElement) { Assign assign; if (assignActivity instanceof Assign) { assign = (Assign) assignActivity; } else { assign = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssign(); assign.setElement(assignElement); } if (assignElement.hasAttribute("validate")) { assign.setValidate(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(assignElement .getAttribute("validate"))); } else { assign.setValidate(false); } syncLists(assignElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(assignElement, "copy"), assign .getCopy(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Copy(null, element); } }); setStandardAttributes(assignElement, assign); return assign; } /** * Converts an XML copy element to a BPEL Copy object. */ protected Copy xml2Copy(Copy copy, Element copyElement) { if (copy == null) { copy = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCopy(); copy.setElement(copyElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(copy, copyElement); Element fromElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(copyElement, "from"); if (fromElement != null && copy.getFrom() == null) { copy.setFrom(xml2From(copy.getFrom(), fromElement)); } else if (fromElement == null) { copy.setFrom(null); } Element toElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(copyElement, "to"); if (toElement != null && copy.getTo() == null) { copy.setTo(xml2To(copy.getTo(), toElement)); } else if (toElement == null) { copy.setTo(null); } if (copyElement.hasAttribute("keepSrcElementName")) { copy.setKeepSrcElementName(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(copyElement .getAttribute("keepSrcElementName"))); } else { copy.unsetKeepSrcElementName(); } if (copyElement.hasAttribute("ignoreMissingFromData")) { copy.setIgnoreMissingFromData(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(copyElement .getAttribute("ignoreMissingFromData"))); } else { copy.unsetIgnoreMissingFromData(); } xml2ExtensibleElement(copy, copyElement); return copy; } /** * Converts an XML toPart element to a BPEL ToPart object. */ protected ToPart xml2ToPart(ToPart toPart, Element toPartElement) { if (toPart == null) { toPart = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createToPart(); toPart.setElement(toPartElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(toPart, toPartElement); // Set part Attr part = toPartElement.getAttributeNode("part"); if (part != null && part.getSpecified()) { final String partAttr = toPartElement.getAttribute("part"); ((ToPartImpl) toPart).setPartName(partAttr); } else { ((ToPartImpl) toPart).setPartName(null); } // Set fromVariable setVariable(toPartElement, toPart, "fromVariable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getToPart_FromVariable()); return toPart; } /** * Converts an XML fromPart element to a BPEL FromPart object. */ protected FromPart xml2FromPart(FromPart fromPart, Element fromPartElement) { if (fromPart == null) { fromPart = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createFromPart(); fromPart.setElement(fromPartElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(fromPart, fromPartElement); // Set part Attr part = fromPartElement.getAttributeNode("part"); if (part != null && part.getSpecified()) { final String partAttr = fromPartElement.getAttribute("part"); ((FromPartImpl) fromPart).setPartName(partAttr); } else { ((FromPartImpl) fromPart).setPartName(null); } // Set toVariable setVariable(fromPartElement, fromPart, "toVariable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getFromPart_ToVariable()); return fromPart; } /** * Converts an XML "to" element to a BPEL To object. */ protected To xml2To(To to, Element toElement) { if (to == null) { to = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createTo(); to.setElement(toElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(to, toElement); // Set variable Attr variable = toElement.getAttributeNode("variable"); if (variable != null && variable.getSpecified()) { setVariable(toElement, to, "variable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getAbstractAssignBound_Variable()); } else { to.setVariable(null); } // Set part Attr part = toElement.getAttributeNode("part"); if (part != null && part.getSpecified()) { final String partAttr = toElement.getAttribute("part"); ((ToImpl) to).setPartName(partAttr); } else { ((ToImpl) to).setPartName(null); } // Set partnerLink Attr partnerLink = toElement.getAttributeNode("partnerLink"); if (partnerLink != null && partnerLink.getSpecified()) { setPartnerLink(toElement, to, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getAbstractAssignBound_PartnerLink()); } else { to.setPartnerLink(null); } // Set property Attr property = toElement.getAttributeNode("property"); if (property != null && property.getSpecified()) { setProperties(toElement, to, "property"); } else { to.setProperty(null); } // Set query element Element queryElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(toElement, "query"); if (queryElement != null && to.getQuery() == null) { to.setQuery(xml2Query(to.getQuery(), queryElement)); } else if (queryElement == null) { if (partnerLink == null && variable == null) { Expression expression = to.getExpression(); if (expression == null) { expression = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExpression(); to.setExpression(expression); } xml2Expression(expression, toElement); } } return to; } /** * Converts an XML "from" element to a BPEL From object. */ protected From xml2From(From from, Element fromElement) { if (from == null) { from = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createFrom(); from.setElement(fromElement); } /** This is basically what's in xml2To */ // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(from, fromElement); // Set variable Attr variable = fromElement.getAttributeNode("variable"); if (variable != null && variable.getSpecified()) { setVariable(fromElement, from, "variable", BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getAbstractAssignBound_Variable()); } else { from.setVariable(null); } // Set part Attr part = fromElement.getAttributeNode("part"); if (part != null && part.getSpecified()) { final String partAttr = fromElement.getAttribute("part"); ((FromImpl) from).setPartName(partAttr); } else { ((FromImpl) from).setPartName(null); } // Set partnerLink Attr partnerLink = fromElement.getAttributeNode("partnerLink"); if (partnerLink != null && partnerLink.getSpecified()) { setPartnerLink(fromElement, from, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getAbstractAssignBound_PartnerLink()); } else { from.setPartnerLink(null); } // Set property Attr property = fromElement.getAttributeNode("property"); if (property != null && property.getSpecified()) { setProperties(fromElement, from, "property"); } // Set query element Element queryElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(fromElement, "query"); if (queryElement != null && from.getQuery() == null) { from.setQuery(xml2Query(from.getQuery(), queryElement)); } else if (queryElement == null) { from.setQuery(null); } Attr endpointReference = fromElement .getAttributeNode("endpointReference"); if (endpointReference != null && endpointReference.getSpecified()) { from.setEndpointReference(EndpointReferenceRole .get(endpointReference.getValue())); } else { from.unsetEndpointReference(); } // Set service-ref element Element serviceRefElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(fromElement, "service-ref"); if (serviceRefElement != null && from.getServiceRef() == null) { from.setServiceRef(xml2ServiceRef(from.getServiceRef(), serviceRefElement)); } else if (serviceRefElement == null) { from.setServiceRef(null); } // Set opaque Attr opaque = fromElement.getAttributeNode("opaque"); if (opaque != null && opaque.getSpecified()) { from.setOpaque(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(opaque.getValue())); } else { from.unsetOpaque(); } // Literal node Element literalElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(fromElement, "literal"); if (literalElement != null) { StringBuilder elementData = new StringBuilder(256); NodeList nl = literalElement.getChildNodes(); outer: for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); switch (n.getNodeType()) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: elementData.setLength(0); elementData.append(BPELUtils.elementToString((Element) n)); break outer; case Node.TEXT_NODE: case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: // // // don't display "null" for literal editor widgets { String data = getText(n); if (data != null) elementData.append(data); break; } } } from.setUnsafeLiteral(Boolean.FALSE); String elementDataFinal = elementData.toString(); if (isEmptyOrWhitespace(elementDataFinal) == false) { from.setUnsafeLiteral(Boolean.TRUE); from.setLiteral(elementDataFinal); } } else { // add the judgment for these elements == null by Grid.Qian // if no the judgment, for example variable !=null, the from // element will has variable != null and expression != null // at the same time if (variable == null && partnerLink == null && endpointReference == null && opaque ==null) { // must be expression Expression expressionObject = from.getExpression(); if (expressionObject == null) { expressionObject = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createExpression(); from.setExpression(expressionObject); } xml2Expression(expressionObject, fromElement); } } // See if there is an xsi:type attribute. if (fromElement.hasAttribute("xsi:type")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(fromElement, "xsi:type"); XSDTypeDefinition type = new XSDTypeDefinitionProxy(getResource() .getURI(), qName); from.setType(type); } else { from.setType(null); } return from; } protected ServiceRef xml2ServiceRef(ServiceRef serviceRef, Element serviceRefElement) { if (serviceRef == null) { serviceRef = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createServiceRef(); serviceRef.setElement(serviceRefElement); } // Set reference scheme if (serviceRefElement.hasAttribute("reference-scheme")) { String scheme = serviceRefElement.getAttribute("reference-scheme"); serviceRef.setReferenceScheme(scheme); } // Set the value of the service reference // Determine whether or not there is an element in the child list. Node candidateChild = null; NodeList nodeList = serviceRefElement.getChildNodes(); int length = nodeList.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node child = nodeList.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { candidateChild = child; break; } } if (candidateChild == null) { candidateChild = serviceRefElement.getFirstChild(); } String data = getText(candidateChild); if (data == null) { // No text or CDATA node. If it's an element node, then // deserialize and install. if (candidateChild != null && candidateChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Look if there's an ExtensibilityElement deserializer for // this element Element childElement = (Element) candidateChild; QName qname = new QName(childElement.getNamespaceURI(), childElement.getLocalName()); BPELExtensionDeserializer deserializer = null; try { deserializer = (BPELExtensionDeserializer) extensionRegistry .queryDeserializer(BPELExtensibleElement.class, qname); } catch (WSDLException e) { } if (deserializer != null && !(deserializer instanceof BPELUnknownExtensionDeserializer)) { // Deserialize the DOM element and add the new // Extensibility element to the parent // BPELExtensibleElement try { Map<String, String> nsMap = getAllNamespacesForElement(serviceRefElement); ExtensibilityElement extensibilityElement = deserializer .unmarshall(BPELExtensibleElement.class, qname, childElement, process, nsMap, extensionRegistry, getResource() .getURI(), this); serviceRef.setValue(extensibilityElement); } catch (WSDLException e) { throw new WrappedException(e); } } else { ServiceReferenceDeserializer referenceDeserializer = extensionRegistry .getServiceReferenceDeserializer(serviceRef .getReferenceScheme()); if (referenceDeserializer != null) { Object serviceReference = referenceDeserializer .unmarshall(childElement, process); serviceRef.setValue(serviceReference); } } } } else { serviceRef.setValue(data); } return serviceRef; } protected Query xml2Query(Query queryObject, Element queryElement) { if (queryObject == null) { queryObject = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createQuery(); } queryObject.setElement(queryElement); // Set queryLanguage if (queryElement.hasAttribute("queryLanguage")) { String queryLanguage = queryElement.getAttribute("queryLanguage"); queryObject.setQueryLanguage(queryLanguage); } else { queryObject.setQueryLanguage(null); } // Set query text // Get the condition text String data = getText(queryElement); if (data != null) { queryObject.setValue(data); } else { queryObject.setValue(null); } return queryObject; } /** * Converts an XML import element to a BPEL Import object. */ protected Import xml2Import(Import imp, Element importElement) { if (!importElement.getLocalName().equals("import")) return null; if (imp == null) { imp = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createImport(); imp.setElement(importElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(imp, importElement); // namespace if (importElement.hasAttribute("namespace")) { imp.setNamespace(importElement.getAttribute("namespace")); } else { imp.setNamespace(null); } // location if (importElement.hasAttribute("location")) { imp.setLocation(importElement.getAttribute("location")); } else { imp.setLocation(null); } // importType if (importElement.hasAttribute("importType")) { imp.setImportType(importElement.getAttribute("importType")); } else { imp.setImportType(null); } return imp; } /** * Converts an XML invoke element to a BPEL Invoke object. */ protected Activity xml2Invoke(Activity invokeActivity, Element invokeElement) { Invoke invoke; if (invokeActivity instanceof Invoke) { invoke = (Invoke) invokeActivity; } else { invoke = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createInvoke(); invoke.setElement(invokeElement); } // Set several parms setStandardAttributes(invokeElement, invoke); setOperationParms(invokeElement, invoke, null, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getInvoke_InputVariable(), BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getInvoke_OutputVariable(), BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getPartnerActivity_PartnerLink()); // Set compensationHandler setCompensationHandler(invokeElement, invoke); // Set the fault handler (for catche-s and catchAll-s) FaultHandler faultHandler = xml2FaultHandler(invoke.getFaultHandler(), invokeElement); if (faultHandler != null && (!faultHandler.getCatch().isEmpty() || faultHandler .getCatchAll() != null)) { // Only set this on the activity if there is at least one catch // clause, or a catchAll clause invoke.setFaultHandler(faultHandler); } // set the toParts Element toPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(invokeElement, "toParts"); if (toPartsElement != null && invoke.getToParts() == null) { invoke.setToParts(xml2ToParts(invoke.getToParts(), toPartsElement)); } else if (toPartsElement == null) { invoke.setToParts(null); } // set the fromParts Element fromPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(invokeElement, "fromParts"); if (fromPartsElement != null && invoke.getFromParts() == null) { invoke.setFromParts(xml2FromParts(invoke.getFromParts(), fromPartsElement)); } else if (fromPartsElement == null) { invoke.setFromParts(null); } return invoke; } /** * Converts an XML reply element to a BPEL Reply object. * * @param activity */ protected Activity xml2Reply(Activity replyActivity, Element replyElement) { Reply reply; if (replyActivity instanceof Reply) { reply = (Reply) replyActivity; } else { reply = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createReply(); reply.setElement(replyElement); } // Set several parms setStandardAttributes(replyElement, reply); setOperationParms(replyElement, reply, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getReply_Variable(), null, null, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getPartnerActivity_PartnerLink()); if (replyElement.hasAttribute("faultName")) { QName qName = BPELUtils.createAttributeValue(replyElement, "faultName"); reply.setFaultName(qName); } else { reply.setFaultName(null); } // set the toParts Element toPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(replyElement, "toParts"); if (toPartsElement != null && reply.getToParts() == null) { reply.setToParts(xml2ToParts(reply.getToParts(), toPartsElement)); } else if (toPartsElement == null) { reply.setToParts(null); } // Set messageExchange setMessageExchange(replyElement, (EObject) reply, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getReply_MessageExchange()); return reply; } /** * Converts an XML receive element to a BPEL Receive object. */ protected Activity xml2Receive(Activity receiveActivity, Element receiveElement) { Receive receive; if (receiveActivity instanceof Receive) { receive = (Receive) receiveActivity; } else { receive = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createReceive(); receive.setElement(receiveElement); } // Set several parms setStandardAttributes(receiveElement, receive); setOperationParms(receiveElement, receive, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getReceive_Variable(), null, null, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE .getPartnerActivity_PartnerLink()); // Set createInstance if (receiveElement.hasAttribute("createInstance")) { receive.setCreateInstance(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(receiveElement .getAttribute("createInstance"))); } else { receive.unsetCreateInstance(); } // set the fromParts Element fromPartsElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(receiveElement, "fromParts"); if (fromPartsElement != null && receive.getFromParts() == null) { receive.setFromParts(xml2FromParts(receive.getFromParts(), fromPartsElement)); } else if (fromPartsElement == null) { receive.setFromParts(null); } // Set messageExchange setMessageExchange(receiveElement, (EObject) receive, BPELPackage.eINSTANCE.getReceive_MessageExchange()); return receive; } /** * Converts an XML forEach element to a BPEL ForEach object. */ protected Activity xml2ForEach(Activity forEachActivity, Element forEachElement) { ForEach forEach; if (forEachActivity instanceof ForEach) { forEach = (ForEach) forEachActivity; } else { forEach = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createForEach(); forEach.setElement(forEachElement); } // Set several parms setStandardAttributes(forEachElement, forEach); if (forEachElement.hasAttribute("parallel")) { // if (process != null) { // process.setSuppressJoinFailure(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(forEachElement.getAttribute("parallel")); // } forEach.setParallel(BPELUtils.xml2boolean(forEachElement .getAttribute("parallel"))); } else { forEach.setParallel(false); } // Set counterName variable if (forEachElement.hasAttribute("counterName")) { String counterName = forEachElement.getAttribute("counterName"); if (forEach.getCounterName() == null || !forEach.getCounterName().getName().equals(counterName)) { Variable variable = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createVariable(); // TODO: How to facade this ? variable.setName(counterName); QName qName = new QName( XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001, "unsignedInt"); XSDTypeDefinition type = new XSDTypeDefinitionProxy( getResource().getURI(), qName); variable.setType(type); forEach.setCounterName(variable); } } else { forEach.setCounterName(null); } // Set startCounterValue element Element startCounterValueElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(forEachElement, "startCounterValue"); if (startCounterValueElement != null && forEach.getStartCounterValue() == null) { forEach.setStartCounterValue(xml2Expression(forEach .getStartCounterValue(), startCounterValueElement)); } else if (startCounterValueElement == null) { forEach.setStartCounterValue(null); } // Set finalCounterValue element Element finalCounterValueElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(forEachElement, "finalCounterValue"); if (finalCounterValueElement != null && forEach.getFinalCounterValue() == null) { forEach.setFinalCounterValue(xml2Expression(forEach .getFinalCounterValue(), finalCounterValueElement)); } else if (finalCounterValueElement == null) { forEach.setFinalCounterValue(null); } // Set completionCondition element Element completionConditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(forEachElement, "completionCondition"); if (completionConditionElement != null && forEach.getCompletionCondition() == null) { forEach.setCompletionCondition(xml2CompletionCondition(forEach .getCompletionCondition(), completionConditionElement)); } else if (completionConditionElement == null) { forEach.setCompletionCondition(null); } // Set activity Activity activity = getChildActivity(forEach, forEachElement); if (activity instanceof Scope) { forEach.setActivity(activity); } else { forEach.setActivity(null); } return forEach; } /** * Converts an XML completionCondition element to a BPEL CompletionCondition * object. */ protected CompletionCondition xml2CompletionCondition( CompletionCondition completionCondition, Element completionConditionElement) { if (completionCondition == null) { completionCondition = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE .createCompletionCondition(); completionCondition.setElement(completionConditionElement); } // Set branches element Element branchesElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(completionConditionElement, "branches"); if (branchesElement != null && completionCondition.getBranches() == null) { completionCondition.setBranches(xml2Branches(completionCondition .getBranches(), branchesElement)); } else if (branchesElement == null) { completionCondition.setBranches(null); } return completionCondition; } /** * Converts an XML branches element to a BPEL Branches object. */ protected Branches xml2Branches(Branches branches, Element branchesElement) { if (branches == null) { branches = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createBranches(); branches.setElement(branchesElement); } xml2Expression(branches, branchesElement); if (branchesElement.hasAttribute("successfulBranchesOnly")) { branches.setCountCompletedBranchesOnly(BPELUtils .xml2boolean(branchesElement .getAttribute("successfulBranchesOnly"))); } else { branches.unsetCountCompletedBranchesOnly(); } return branches; } /** * Converts an XML documentation element to a BPEL Documentation object. */ protected Documentation xml2Documentation(Documentation documentation, Element documentationElement) { if (documentation == null) { documentation = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createDocumentation(); } ((DocumentationImpl) documentation).setElement(documentationElement); if (documentationElement.hasAttribute("xml:lang")) { documentation .setLang(documentationElement.getAttribute("xml:lang")); } else { documentation.setLang(null); } if (documentationElement.hasAttribute("source")) { documentation .setSource(documentationElement.getAttribute("source")); } else { documentation.setSource(null); } String text = getText(documentationElement); if (text != null) { documentation.setValue(text); } else { documentation.setValue(null); } return documentation; } /** * Converts an XML repeatUntil element to a BPEL RepeatUntil object. */ protected Activity xml2RepeatUntil(Activity repeatUntilActivity, Element repeatUntilElement) { RepeatUntil repeatUntil; if (repeatUntilActivity instanceof RepeatUntil) { repeatUntil = (RepeatUntil) repeatUntilActivity; } else { repeatUntil = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createRepeatUntil(); repeatUntil.setElement(repeatUntilElement); } // Set several parms setStandardAttributes(repeatUntilElement, repeatUntil); // Handle condition element Element conditionElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(repeatUntilElement, "condition"); if (conditionElement != null && repeatUntil.getCondition() == null) { repeatUntil.setCondition(xml2Condition(repeatUntil.getCondition(), conditionElement)); } else if (conditionElement == null) { repeatUntil.setCondition(null); } repeatUntil.setActivity(getChildActivity(repeatUntil, repeatUntilElement)); return repeatUntil; } protected Correlations xml2Correlations(Correlations correlations, Element correlationsElement) { if (!correlationsElement.getLocalName().equals("correlations")) return null; if (correlations == null) { correlations = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCorrelations(); correlations.setElement(correlationsElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(correlations, correlationsElement); syncLists(correlationsElement, ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementsByLocalName(correlationsElement, BPELConstants.ND_CORRELATION), correlations .getChildren(), new Creator() { public WSDLElement create(Element element) { return xml2Correlation(null, element); } }); // extensibility elements xml2ExtensibleElement(correlations, correlationsElement); return correlations; } /** * Converts an XML correlation element to a BPEL Correlation object. */ protected Correlation xml2Correlation(Correlation correlation, Element correlationElement) { if (correlation == null) { correlation = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCorrelation(); correlation.setElement(correlationElement); } // Save all the references to external namespaces saveNamespacePrefix(correlation, correlationElement); if (correlationElement == null) return correlation; // Set set if (correlationElement.hasAttribute("set")) { final String correlationSetName = correlationElement .getAttribute("set"); CorrelationSet cSet = BPELUtils.getCorrelationSetForActivity( correlation, correlationSetName); if (cSet == null) { cSet = new CorrelationSetProxy(getResource().getURI(), correlationSetName); } correlation.setSet(cSet); } else { correlation.setSet(null); } // Set initiation Attr initiation = correlationElement.getAttributeNode("initiate"); if (initiation != null && initiation.getSpecified()) { if (initiation.getValue().equals("yes")) correlation.setInitiate("yes"); else if (initiation.getValue().equals("no")) correlation.setInitiate("no"); else if (initiation.getValue().equals("join")) correlation.setInitiate("join"); else correlation.unsetInitiate(); } else { correlation.unsetInitiate(); } // Set pattern Attr pattern = correlationElement.getAttributeNode("pattern"); if (pattern != null && pattern.getSpecified()) { if (pattern.getValue().equals("request")) correlation.setPattern(CorrelationPattern.REQUEST_LITERAL); else if (pattern.getValue().equals("response")) correlation.setPattern(CorrelationPattern.RESPONSE_LITERAL); else if (pattern.getValue().equals("request-response")) correlation .setPattern(CorrelationPattern.REQUESTRESPONSE_LITERAL); else correlation.unsetPattern(); } else { correlation.unsetPattern(); } xml2ExtensibleElement(correlation, correlationElement); return correlation; } protected Compensate xml2Compensate(Activity compensateActivity, Element compensateElement) { Compensate compensate; if (compensateActivity instanceof Compensate) { compensate = (Compensate) compensateActivity; } else { compensate = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCompensate(); compensate.setElement(compensateElement); } setStandardAttributes(compensateElement, compensate); return compensate; } protected CompensateScope xml2CompensateScope( Activity compensateScopeActivity, Element compensateScopeElement) { CompensateScope compensateScope; if (compensateScopeActivity instanceof CompensateScope) { compensateScope = (CompensateScope) compensateScopeActivity; } else { compensateScope = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE.createCompensateScope(); compensateScope.setElement(compensateScopeElement); } final String target = compensateScopeElement.getAttribute("target"); if (target != null && target.length() > 0) { compensateScope.setTarget(target); } else { compensateScope.setTarget((Activity) null); } setStandardAttributes(compensateScopeElement, compensateScope); return compensateScope; } /** * Converts an XML extensible element to a BPEL extensible element */ protected void xml2ExtensibleElement(BPELExtensibleElement extensibleElement, Element element) { if (extensionRegistry == null) { return; } // Handle the documentation element first Element documentationElement = ReconciliationHelper .getBPELChildElementByLocalName(element, "documentation"); if (documentationElement != null && extensibleElement.getDocumentation() == null) { extensibleElement .setDocumentation(xml2Documentation(extensibleElement .getDocumentation(), documentationElement)); } else if (documentationElement == null) { extensibleElement.setDocumentation(null); } // Get the child nodes, elements and attributes List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); NodeList nodeList = element.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0, n = nodeList.getLength(); i < n; i++) { if (nodeList.item(i) instanceof Element) { final String namespaceURI = ((Element) nodeList.item(i)) .getNamespaceURI(); if (!(BPELConstants.isBPELNamespace(namespaceURI))) nodes.add(nodeList.item(i)); } } NamedNodeMap nodeMap = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0, n = nodeMap.getLength(); i < n; i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) nodeMap.item(i); if (attr.getNamespaceURI() != null && !attr.getNamespaceURI().equals( XSDConstants.XMLNS_URI_2000)) { nodes.add(attr); } } extensibleElement.getExtensibilityElements().clear(); for (Node node : nodes) { // TODO What is this check for? If we're actually checking for // the BPEL namespace, use BPELConstants instead. if (MessagepropertiesConstants.isMessagePropertiesNamespace(node .getNamespaceURI())) { continue; } if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { deserialize(extensibleElement, (Element) node); } else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { deserialize(extensibleElement, (Attr) node); } } } protected void deserialize(BPELExtensibleElement ee, Element elm) { QName qname = new QName(elm.getNamespaceURI(), elm.getLocalName()); BPELExtensionDeserializer deserializer = null; try { deserializer = (BPELExtensionDeserializer) extensionRegistry .queryDeserializer(BPELExtensibleElement.class, qname); } catch (WSDLException e) { // we don't have one. } if (deserializer == null) { return; } // Deserialize the DOM element and add the new Extensibility element to // the parent // BPELExtensibleElement Map<String, String> nsMap = getAllNamespacesForElement(elm); try { ExtensibilityElement extensibilityElement = deserializer .unmarshall(ee.getClass(), qname, elm, process, nsMap, extensionRegistry, getResource().getURI(), this); ee.addExtensibilityElement(extensibilityElement); } catch (WSDLException e) { throw new WrappedException(e); } } protected void deserialize(BPELExtensibleElement ee, Attr attr) { if (attr.getSpecified() == false) { return; } QName qname = new QName(attr.getNamespaceURI(), "extensibilityAttributes"); BPELExtensionDeserializer deserializer = null; try { deserializer = (BPELExtensionDeserializer) extensionRegistry .queryDeserializer(BPELExtensibleElement.class, qname); } catch (WSDLException e) { // ignore } if (deserializer == null) { return; } // Create a temp element to host the extensibility attribute // // This turns something that looks like this: // <bpws:X someNS:Y="Z"/> // into something that looks like this: // <someNS:extensibilityAttributes xmlns:someNS="http://the.namespace" // Y="Z"/> Element tempElement = attr.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS( attr.getNamespaceURI(), attr.getPrefix() + ":extensibilityAttributes"); tempElement.setAttribute(BPELUtils.ATTR_XMLNS + ":" + attr.getPrefix(), attr.getNamespaceURI()); tempElement.setAttribute(attr.getLocalName(), attr.getNodeValue()); // Deserialize the temp DOM element and add the new Extensibility // element to the parent // BPELExtensibleElement Map<String, String> nsMap = getAllNamespacesForElement((Element) attr .getParentNode()); try { ExtensibilityElement extensibilityElement = deserializer .unmarshall(BPELExtensibleElement.class, qname, tempElement, process, nsMap, extensionRegistry, getResource() .getURI(), this); if (extensibilityElement != null) { ee.addExtensibilityElement(extensibilityElement); } } catch (WSDLException e) { throw new WrappedException(e); } } /** * Returns true if the string is either null or contains just whitespace. * * @param value * @return true if empty or whitespace, false otherwise. */ static public boolean isEmptyOrWhitespace(String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0, j = value.length(); i < j; i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(value.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the text of the given node. If the node is an element node, its * children text value is returned. Otherwise, the node is assumed to be the * first child node and the siblings sequence is scanned. * * */ String getText(Node node) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); if (node instanceof Element) { node = ((Element) node).getFirstChild(); } boolean bCData = false; while (node != null) { switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (bCData) { break; } Text text = (Text) node; sb.append(text.getData()); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: if (bCData == false) { sb.setLength(0); bCData = true; } CDATASection cdata = (CDATASection) node; sb.append(cdata.getData()); break; } node = node.getNextSibling(); } String data = sb.toString(); if (isEmptyOrWhitespace(data)) { return null; } return data; } /** * @param eObject * @param variableName * @return the resolved variable */ public static Variable getVariable(EObject eObject, String variableName) { return VARIABLE_RESOLVER.getVariable(eObject, variableName); } /** * @param activity * @param linkName * @return the resolved link */ public static Link getLink(Activity activity, String linkName) { return LINK_RESOLVER.getLink(activity, linkName); } private interface Creator { WSDLElement create(Element element); } private void syncLists(Element ifElement, List<Element> childElements, EList childrenList, Creator creator) { WSDLElement[] children = (WSDLElement[]) childrenList .toArray(new WSDLElement[childrenList.size()]); int i, j, insertionIndex = 0; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < children.length && j < childElements.size(); i++) { WSDLElement elseIf = children[i]; if (elseIf.getElement() == null || elseIf.getElement().getParentNode() != ifElement) { childrenList.remove(insertionIndex); continue; } Element element = childElements.get(j); while (elseIf.getElement() != element && j < childElements.size()) { childrenList.add(insertionIndex, creator.create(element)); j++; insertionIndex++; element = childElements.get(j); } if (elseIf.getElement() == element) { j++; insertionIndex++; } } for (int k = i; k < children.length; k++) { WSDLElement elseIf = children[k]; if (elseIf.getElement() == null || elseIf.getElement().getParentNode() != ifElement) { childrenList.remove(elseIf); } } for (int k = j; k < childElements.size(); k++) { childrenList.add(creator.create(childElements.get(k))); } } private void syncSequences(Element sequenceElement, EList<Activity> activitiesList) { NodeList sequenceElements = sequenceElement.getChildNodes(); Element activityElement = null; Activity[] activities = new Activity[activitiesList.size()]; activitiesList.toArray(activities); if (sequenceElements != null) { int i = 0, j = 0, insertionIndex = 0; for (; i < sequenceElements.getLength() && j < activities.length; j++) { while (sequenceElements.item(i) != null && (sequenceElements.item(i).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || ((Element) sequenceElements .item(i)).getLocalName().equals("links"))) { i++; } activityElement = (Element) sequenceElements.item(i); Activity activity = activities[j]; if (activity.getElement() == null || activity.getElement().getParentNode() != sequenceElement) { activitiesList.remove(insertionIndex); continue; } Node node = activityElement; while (node != activity.getElement() && i < sequenceElements.getLength()) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !((Element) node).getLocalName().equals("links")) { activityElement = (Element) sequenceElements.item(i); Activity newActivity = xml2Activity(null, activityElement); if (newActivity != null) { activitiesList.add(insertionIndex, newActivity); insertionIndex++; } } i++; node = sequenceElements.item(i); } if (node == activity.getElement()) { insertionIndex++; i++; } } for (int k = j; k < activities.length; k++) { Activity activity = activities[k]; if (activity.getElement() == null || activity.getElement().getParentNode() != sequenceElement) { activitiesList.remove(activity); } } for (int k = i; k < sequenceElements.getLength(); k++) { if (sequenceElements.item(k) != null && (sequenceElements.item(k).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || ((Element) sequenceElements .item(k)).getLocalName().equals("links"))) { continue; } activityElement = (Element) sequenceElements.item(k); Activity newActivity = xml2Activity(null, activityElement); if (newActivity != null) { activitiesList.add(newActivity); } } } else { activitiesList.clear(); } } private void createLink(final Target target, final String linkName) { Link link = getLink(target.getActivity(), linkName); if (link != null) target.setLink(link); else target.setLink(new LinkProxy(getResource().getURI(), linkName)); } private void createLink(final Source source, final String linkName) { Link link = getLink(source.getActivity(), linkName); if (link != null) source.setLink(link); else source.setLink(new LinkProxy(getResource().getURI(), linkName)); } /** * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#error(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void error(SAXParseException exception) { String message = java.text.MessageFormat.format( "Error in {0} [{2}:{3}] {4}", exception.getPublicId(), exception.getSystemId(), exception.getLineNumber(), exception .getColumnNumber(), exception.getLocalizedMessage()); BPELPlugin.logMessage(message, exception, IStatus.ERROR); } /** * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) { String message = java.text.MessageFormat.format( "Fatal Error in {0} [{2}:{3}] {4}", exception.getPublicId(), exception.getSystemId(), exception.getLineNumber(), exception .getColumnNumber(), exception.getLocalizedMessage()); BPELPlugin.logMessage(message, exception, IStatus.ERROR); } /** * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#warning(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void warning(SAXParseException exception) { String message = java.text.MessageFormat.format( "Warning in {0} [{2}:{3}] {4}", exception.getPublicId(), exception.getSystemId(), exception.getLineNumber(), exception .getColumnNumber(), exception.getLocalizedMessage()); BPELPlugin.logMessage(message, exception, IStatus.WARNING); } }