package; import static java.lang.String.format; import java.util.Locale; import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; import; import org.bonitasoft.engine.session.APISession; /** * {@link PageContextImpl} specific assertions - Generated by CustomAssertionGenerator. */ public class PageContextAssert extends AbstractAssert<PageContextAssert, PageContextImpl> { /** * Creates a new </code>{@link PageContextAssert}</code> to make assertions on actual PageContext. * @param actual the PageContext we want to make assertions on. */ public PageContextAssert(PageContextImpl actual) { super(actual, PageContextAssert.class); } /** * An entry point for PageContextAssert to follow AssertJ standard <code>assertThat()</code> statements.<br> * With a static import, one's can write directly : <code>assertThat(myPageContext)</code> and get specific assertion with code completion. * @param actual the PageContext we want to make assertions on. * @return a new </code>{@link PageContextAssert}</code> */ public static PageContextAssert assertThat(PageContextImpl actual) { return new PageContextAssert(actual); } /** * Verifies that the actual PageContext's apiSession is equal to the given one. * @param apiSession the given apiSession to compare the actual PageContext's apiSession to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual PageContext's apiSession is not equal to the given one. */ public PageContextAssert hasApiSession(APISession apiSession) { // check that actual PageContext we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> apiSession to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, apiSession, actual.getApiSession()); // check if (!actual.getApiSession().equals(apiSession)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual PageContext's locale is equal to the given one. * @param locale the given locale to compare the actual PageContext's locale to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual PageContext's locale is not equal to the given one. */ public PageContextAssert hasLocale(Locale locale) { // check that actual PageContext we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> locale to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, locale, actual.getLocale()); // check if (!actual.getLocale().equals(locale)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual PageContext's profileID is equal to the given one. * @param profileID the given profileID to compare the actual PageContext's profileID to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual PageContext's profileID is not equal to the given one. */ public PageContextAssert hasProfileID(String profileID) { // check that actual PageContext we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> profileID to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, profileID, actual.getProfileID()); // check if (!actual.getProfileID().equals(profileID)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } }