/** * Copyright (C) 2010 BonitaSoft S.A. * BonitaSoft, 31 rue Gustave Eiffel - 38000 Grenoble * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.bonitasoft.simulation; import groovy.lang.Binding; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.engine.DataUtil; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.model.process.NumericRange; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.model.process.SimBooleanData; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.model.process.SimLiteral; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.model.process.SimLiteralsData; import org.bonitasoft.simulation.model.process.SimNumberData; /** * @author Romain Bioteau * */ public class TestSimulationData extends TestCase { private static final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 50000; public void testBooleanData(){ SimBooleanData d = new SimBooleanData("testBoolean",0.2); int nbOfTrue = 0 ; int nbOfFalse = 0 ; for(int i =0 ; i<SAMPLE_SIZE ; i++){ if(DataUtil.getInstance().generateBoolean(d) == Boolean.TRUE){ nbOfTrue++ ; }else{ nbOfFalse++ ; } } assertEquals(SAMPLE_SIZE, nbOfFalse+nbOfTrue); assertTrue((double)nbOfTrue/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.18 && (double)nbOfTrue/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.22) ; d = new SimBooleanData("testBoolean", 0.50); nbOfTrue = 0 ; nbOfFalse = 0 ; for(int i =0 ; i<SAMPLE_SIZE ; i++){ if(DataUtil.getInstance().generateBoolean(d) == Boolean.TRUE){ nbOfTrue++ ; }else{ nbOfFalse++ ; } } assertEquals(SAMPLE_SIZE, nbOfFalse+nbOfTrue); assertTrue((double)nbOfTrue/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.48 && (double)nbOfTrue/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.52) ; } public void testNumericData(){ List<NumericRange> ranges = new ArrayList<NumericRange>(); NumericRange r1 = new NumericRange(0,1000,0.5,null); NumericRange r2 = new NumericRange(1001,1500,0.5,null); ranges.add(r1); ranges.add(r2); SimNumberData d = new SimNumberData("testNumeric", ranges) ; int nbInR1 = 0; int nbInR2 = 0; for(int i =0 ; i<SAMPLE_SIZE ; i++){ Object v = DataUtil.getInstance().generateNumeric(d) ; assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >= 0 && ((Number)v).doubleValue() < 1501) ; if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <= 1000){ nbInR1++ ; }else if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <=1500){ assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >1000) ; nbInR2++ ; } } assertEquals(SAMPLE_SIZE, nbInR1+nbInR2); assertTrue((double)nbInR1/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.48 && (double)nbInR1/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.52) ; assertTrue((double)nbInR2/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.48 && (double)nbInR2/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.52) ; ranges.clear() ; NumericRange r3 = new NumericRange(1501,2000,0.25,null); NumericRange r4 = new NumericRange(2001,2500,0.25,null); NumericRange r5 = new NumericRange(r1.getMinRange(), r1.getMaxRange() , 0.25, r1.getRepartition()); NumericRange r6 = new NumericRange(r2.getMinRange(), r2.getMaxRange() , 0.25, r2.getRepartition()); ranges.add(r3); ranges.add(r4); ranges.add(r5); ranges.add(r6); d = new SimNumberData("testNumeric", ranges) ; nbInR1 = 0 ; nbInR2 = 0 ; int nbInR3 = 0; int nbInR4 = 0; for(int i =0 ; i<SAMPLE_SIZE ; i++){ Object v = DataUtil.getInstance().generateNumeric(d) ; assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >= 0 && ((Number)v).doubleValue() <= 2500) ; if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <= 1000){ nbInR1++ ; }else if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <=1500){ assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >1000) ; nbInR2++ ; }else if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <=2000){ assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >1500) ; nbInR3++ ; }else if(((Number)v).doubleValue() <=2500){ assertTrue(((Number)v).doubleValue() >2000) ; nbInR4++ ; } } assertEquals(SAMPLE_SIZE, nbInR1+nbInR2+nbInR3+nbInR4); assertTrue((double)nbInR1/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.23 && (double)nbInR1/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.27) ; assertTrue((double)nbInR2/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.23 && (double)nbInR2/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.27) ; assertTrue((double)nbInR3/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.23 && (double)nbInR3/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.27) ; assertTrue((double)nbInR4/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.23 && (double)nbInR4/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.27) ; } public void testLiteralData(){ List<SimLiteral> literals = new ArrayList<SimLiteral>(); SimLiteral l1 = new SimLiteral("low",0.33) ; SimLiteral l2 = new SimLiteral("medium",0.33); SimLiteral l3 = new SimLiteral("high",0.33); literals.add(l1); literals.add(l2); literals.add(l3); SimLiteralsData d = new SimLiteralsData("testLiteral",literals) ; int nbOfL1 = 0; int nbOfL2 = 0; int nbOfL3 = 0; for(int i =0 ; i<SAMPLE_SIZE ; i++){ Object v = DataUtil.getInstance().generateLiteral(d) ; if(v.equals(l1.getLitValue())){ nbOfL1++ ; }else if(v.equals(l2.getLitValue())){ nbOfL2++ ; }else if(v.equals(l3.getLitValue())){ nbOfL3++ ; } } assertEquals(SAMPLE_SIZE, nbOfL1+nbOfL2+nbOfL3); assertTrue((double)nbOfL1/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.30 && (double)nbOfL1/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.35) ; assertTrue((double)nbOfL2/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.30 && (double)nbOfL2/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.35) ; assertTrue((double)nbOfL3/SAMPLE_SIZE > 0.30 && (double)nbOfL3/SAMPLE_SIZE < 0.35) ; } public void testEvaluateGroovyExpression() throws Exception{ Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>() ; variables.put("a",2); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE,DataUtil.getInstance().evaluateGroovyExpression("a==2",new Binding(variables))) ; variables.put("a",3); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE,DataUtil.getInstance().evaluateGroovyExpression("a==2",new Binding(variables))) ; } }