/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Christian Kohlschütter (ckkohl79@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.l3s.boilerpipe.sax; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import mf.org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser; import org.cyberneko.html.HTMLConfiguration; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import de.l3s.boilerpipe.BoilerpipeExtractor; import de.l3s.boilerpipe.BoilerpipeProcessingException; import de.l3s.boilerpipe.document.Image; import de.l3s.boilerpipe.document.TextBlock; import de.l3s.boilerpipe.document.TextDocument; /** * Extracts the images that are enclosed by extracted content. * * @author Christian Kohlschütter */ public final class ImageExtractor { public static final ImageExtractor INSTANCE = new ImageExtractor(); /** * Returns the singleton instance of {@link de.l3s.boilerpipe.sax.ImageExtractor}. * * @return the singleton instance of {@link de.l3s.boilerpipe.sax.ImageExtractor}. */ public static ImageExtractor getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private ImageExtractor() { } /** * Processes the given {@link TextDocument} and the original HTML text (as a * String). * * @param doc * The processed {@link TextDocument}. * @param origHTML * The original HTML document. * @return A List of enclosed {@link Image}s * @throws BoilerpipeProcessingException */ public List<Image> process(final TextDocument doc, final String origHTML) throws BoilerpipeProcessingException { return process(doc, new InputSource( new StringReader(origHTML))); } /** * Processes the given {@link TextDocument} and the original HTML text (as an * {@link org.xml.sax.InputSource}). * * @param doc * The processed {@link TextDocument}. * The original HTML document. * @return A List of enclosed {@link Image}s * @throws BoilerpipeProcessingException */ public List<Image> process(final TextDocument doc, final InputSource is) throws BoilerpipeProcessingException { final Implementation implementation = new Implementation(); implementation.process(doc, is); return implementation.linksHighlight; } /** * Fetches the given {@link java.net.URL} using {@link de.l3s.boilerpipe.sax.HTMLFetcher} and processes the * retrieved HTML using the specified {@link BoilerpipeExtractor}. * * The processed {@link TextDocument}. * The original HTML document. * @return A List of enclosed {@link Image}s * @throws BoilerpipeProcessingException */ public List<Image> process(final URL url, final BoilerpipeExtractor extractor) throws IOException, BoilerpipeProcessingException, SAXException { final HTMLDocument htmlDoc = HTMLFetcher.fetch(url); final TextDocument doc = new BoilerpipeSAXInput(htmlDoc.toInputSource()) .getTextDocument(); extractor.process(doc); final InputSource is = htmlDoc.toInputSource(); return process(doc, is); } private final class Implementation extends AbstractSAXParser implements ContentHandler { List<Image> linksHighlight = new ArrayList<Image>(); private List<Image> linksBuffer = new ArrayList<Image>(); private int inIgnorableElement = 0; private int characterElementIdx = 0; private final BitSet contentBitSet = new BitSet(); private boolean inHighlight = false; Implementation() { super(new HTMLConfiguration()); setContentHandler(this); } void process(final TextDocument doc, final InputSource is) throws BoilerpipeProcessingException { for (TextBlock block : doc.getTextBlocks()) { if (block.isContent()) { final BitSet bs = block.getContainedTextElements(); if (bs != null) { contentBitSet.or(bs); } } } try { parse(is); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new BoilerpipeProcessingException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BoilerpipeProcessingException(e); } } public void endDocument() throws SAXException { } public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException { } public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { } public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { } public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { } public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException { } public void startDocument() throws SAXException { } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { TagAction ta = TAG_ACTIONS.get(localName); if (ta != null) { ta.beforeStart(this, localName); } try { if (inIgnorableElement == 0) { if(inHighlight && "IMG".equalsIgnoreCase(localName)) { String src = atts.getValue("src"); if(src != null && src.length() > 0) { linksBuffer.add(new Image(src, atts.getValue("width"), atts.getValue("height"), atts.getValue("alt"))); } } } } finally { if (ta != null) { ta.afterStart(this, localName); } } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { TagAction ta = TAG_ACTIONS.get(localName); if (ta != null) { ta.beforeEnd(this, localName); } try { if (inIgnorableElement == 0) { // } } finally { if (ta != null) { ta.afterEnd(this, localName); } } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { characterElementIdx++; if (inIgnorableElement == 0) { boolean highlight = contentBitSet.get(characterElementIdx); if(!highlight) { if(length == 0) { return; } boolean justWhitespace = true; for(int i=start;i<start+length;i++) { if(!Character.isWhitespace(ch[i])) { justWhitespace = false; break; } } if(justWhitespace) { return; } } inHighlight = highlight; if(inHighlight) { linksHighlight.addAll(linksBuffer); linksBuffer.clear(); } } } public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException { } } private static final TagAction TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT = new TagAction() { void beforeStart(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { instance.inIgnorableElement++; } void afterEnd(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { instance.inIgnorableElement--; } }; private static Map<String, TagAction> TAG_ACTIONS = new HashMap<String, TagAction>(); static { TAG_ACTIONS.put("STYLE", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("SCRIPT", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("OPTION", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("NOSCRIPT", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("EMBED", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("APPLET", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("LINK", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); TAG_ACTIONS.put("HEAD", TA_IGNORABLE_ELEMENT); } private abstract static class TagAction { void beforeStart(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { } void afterStart(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { } void beforeEnd(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { } void afterEnd(final Implementation instance, final String localName) { } } }