package com.boardgamegeek.service; import android.content.Context; import; import com.boardgamegeek.R; import; import com.boardgamegeek.provider.BggContract.Games; import com.boardgamegeek.util.SelectionBuilder; /** * Syncs all games in the collection that have not been updated completely. */ public class SyncGamesUnupdated extends SyncGames { public SyncGamesUnupdated(Context context, BggService service) { super(context, service); } @Override public int getSyncType() { return SyncService.FLAG_SYNC_COLLECTION_DOWNLOAD; } @NonNull @Override protected String getIntroLogMessage(int gamesPerFetch) { return String.format("Syncing %,d unupdated games in the collection...", gamesPerFetch); } @NonNull @Override protected String getExitLogMessage() { return " more unupdated games"; } @Override protected String getSelection() { return SelectionBuilder.whereZeroOrNull("games." + Games.UPDATED); } @Override protected int getMaxFetchCount() { return 20; } @Override public int getNotificationSummaryMessageId() { return R.string.sync_notification_games_unupdated; } }