package net.blogracy.errors; /** * Enrico Franchi, 2011 (c) * <p/> * This program or module is released under the terms of the MIT license. * <p/> * User: enrico * Date: 11/2/11 * Time: 6:30 PM */ public class URLMappingError extends BlogracyError { private int httpErrorStatus; public URLMappingError(int httpErrorStatus) { this.httpErrorStatus = httpErrorStatus; } public URLMappingError(int httpErrorStatus, String s) { super(s); this.httpErrorStatus = httpErrorStatus; } public URLMappingError(int httpErrorStatus, String s, Throwable throwable) { super(s, throwable); this.httpErrorStatus = httpErrorStatus; } public URLMappingError(int httpErrorStatus, Throwable throwable) { super(throwable); this.httpErrorStatus = httpErrorStatus; } public int getHttpErrorStatus() { return httpErrorStatus; } }