package bixie.checker; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import typechecker.TypeChecker; import bixie.Options; import bixie.checker.inconsistency_checker.AbstractChecker; import bixie.checker.inconsistency_checker.CdcChecker; import bixie.checker.inconsistency_checker.CombinedChecker; import bixie.checker.inconsistency_checker.GreedyCfgChecker; import; import bixie.checker.reportprinter.ReportPrinter; import bixie.util.Log; import bixie.util.aspects.Loggable; import boogie.ProgramFactory; import boogie.controlflow.AbstractControlFlowFactory; import boogie.controlflow.CfgProcedure; import boogie.controlflow.DefaultControlFlowFactory; /** * @author schaef * */ public class ProgramAnalysis { private static long timeouts = 0L; public static void runFullProgramAnalysis(ProgramFactory pf, ReportPrinter rp) { GlobalsCache.v().setProgramFactory(pf); TypeChecker tc = new TypeChecker(pf.getASTRoot()); // build the control-flow graphs DefaultControlFlowFactory cff = new DefaultControlFlowFactory( pf.getASTRoot(), tc); Long checkTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (CfgProcedure p : cff.getProcedureCFGs()) { if (p.getRootNode() == null) continue; try { Report report = analyzeProcedure(p, cff); if (report != null ) { report.runFaultLocalization(); // do the interpolation based fault // localization here to avoid timeouts. // if (Options.v().stopTime) { rp.printReport(report); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); break; } } checkTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - checkTime;"Total time: " + ((float) checkTime) / 1000f + "s");"Total Timeouts after " + bixie.Options.v().getTimeout() + "sec: " + timeouts + " of "+ cff.getProcedureCFGs().size()); GlobalsCache.resetInstance(); } private static AbstractChecker getChecker(AbstractControlFlowFactory cff, CfgProcedure p) { AbstractChecker checker = null; switch (Options.v().getSelectedChecker()) { case 1: { checker = new GreedyCfgChecker(cff, p); break; } case 2: { checker = new CdcChecker(cff, p); break; } default: { checker = new CombinedChecker(cff, p); break; } } return checker; } @Loggable private static Report analyzeProcedure(CfgProcedure p, AbstractControlFlowFactory cff) { if (bixie.Options.v().getDebugMode()) {"Checking: " + p.getProcedureName()); } // create an executor to kill the verification with a timeout if // necessary ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); AbstractChecker checkerThread = getChecker(cff, p); final Future<?> future = executor.submit(checkerThread); boolean exception = false; try { // start thread and wait xx seconds. If timeout is set to 0, wait // until it terminates. if (bixie.Options.v().getTimeout() > 0) { future.get(bixie.Options.v().getTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else { future.get(); } Log.debug("Finished method " + p.getProcedureName()); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // set timeout to method info // methodInfo.setTimeout(true); timeouts++;"Timeout reached for method " + p.getProcedureName()); exception = true; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {"Out of memory for " + p.getProcedureName()); exception = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exception = true; } finally { // cancel thread if not done if (!future.isDone()) { future.cancel(true); } // shutdown prover checkerThread.shutDownProver(); // shutdown executor executor.shutdown(); } Report report = checkerThread.getReport(); if (exception) return null; return report; } }