package; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.crypto.util.CertificatePair; import com.intrbiz.bergamot.crypto.util.SerialNum; /** * A simple, low security file based key store, which * stores the certificates and keys in raw, unprotected * PEM format. * * If using this key store, it is suggested to use an * encrypted file system. * * On disk layout * * base/ * /root/ * /ca.crt * /ca.key * /site/ * /<site_uuid>.crt * /<site_uuid>.key * /server/ * /<crt_uuid>/ * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * /<common_name>.crt -> /server/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<common_name>.key -> /server/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * /agent/ * /<crt_uuid>/ * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * /<agent_uuid>.crt -> /agent/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<agent_uuid>.key -> /agent/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * /template/ * /<crt_uuid>/ * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * /<template_uuid>.crt -> /template/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.crt * /<template_uuid>.key -> /template/<crt_uuid>/<crt_uuid>.<rev>.key * */ public class FileKeyStore implements BergamotKeyStore { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileKeyStore.class); private final File base; private final File root; private final File site; private final File server; private final File agent; private final File template; public FileKeyStore(File base) { this.base = base.getAbsoluteFile(); this.root = new File(this.base, "root"); = new File(this.base, "site"); this.server = new File(this.base, "server"); this.agent = new File(this.base, "agent"); this.template = new File(this.base, "template"); // ensure dirs exists if (! this.base.exists()) this.base.mkdirs(); if (! this.root.exists()) this.root.mkdirs(); if (!; if (! this.server.exists()) this.server.mkdirs(); if (! this.agent.exists()) this.agent.mkdirs(); if (! this.template.exists()) this.template.mkdirs(); } /** * Check this keystore structure is ok */ public void check() { // validate the root if (! this.hasRootCA()) { logger.error("No root CA keypair exists"); } // sites File[] sites =; if (sites != null) { for (File site : sites) { if (site.isFile() && site.getName().endsWith(".crt")) { try { UUID siteId = UUID.fromString(site.getName().replace(".crt", "")); if (! this.hasSiteCA(siteId)) { logger.error("No site CA keypair exists for site " + siteId); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } } } // servers File[] servers = this.server.listFiles(); if (servers != null) { for (File server : servers) { if ((! Files.isSymbolicLink(server.toPath())) && (! server.isDirectory()) && server.getName().endsWith(".crt")) { try { // get the common name String commonName = server.getName().replace(".crt", ""); // looks like we have a regular file, convert to links"Migrating server " + commonName + " into V2 file layout"); // migrate CertificatePair crtPair = new CertificatePair(server, null); SerialNum crtSerial = SerialNum.fromBigInt(crtPair.getCertificate().getSerialNumber()); File crtFile = this.serverCrtFile(crtSerial); File keyFile = this.serverKeyFile(crtSerial); File crtLink = this.serverCrtFile(commonName); File keyLink = this.serverKeyFile(commonName); // move stuff crtFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.move(server.toPath(), crtFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.createSymbolicLink(crtLink.toPath(), crtFile.toPath()); if (keyLink.exists()) { keyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.move(keyLink.toPath(), keyFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.createSymbolicLink(keyLink.toPath(), keyFile.toPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to migrate server " + server.getName() + " to V2 file layout"); } } } } // agents File[] agentSites = this.agent.listFiles(); if (agentSites != null) { for (File agentSite : agentSites) { if (agentSite.isDirectory()) { try { UUID agentSiteId = UUID.fromString(agentSite.getName()); File[] agents = agentSite.listFiles(); if (agents != null) { for (File agent : agents) { if ((! Files.isSymbolicLink(agent.toPath())) && (! agent.isDirectory()) && agent.getName().endsWith(".crt")) { try { // get the agent id UUID agentId = UUID.fromString(agent.getName().replace(".crt", ""));"Migrating agent " + agentId + " into V2 file layout"); // migrate CertificatePair crtPair = new CertificatePair(agent, null); SerialNum crtSerial = SerialNum.fromBigInt(crtPair.getCertificate().getSerialNumber()); File crtFile = this.agentCrtFile(agentSiteId, crtSerial); File keyFile = this.agentKeyFile(agentSiteId, crtSerial); File crtLink = this.agentCrtFile(agentSiteId, agentId); File keyLink = this.agentKeyFile(agentSiteId, agentId); // move stuff crtFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.move(server.toPath(), crtFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.createSymbolicLink(crtLink.toPath(), crtFile.toPath()); if (keyLink.exists()) { keyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Files.move(keyLink.toPath(), keyFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.createSymbolicLink(keyLink.toPath(), keyFile.toPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to migrate agent " + agent.getName() + " to V2 file layout"); } } } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } } } } @Override public boolean hasRootCA() { return new File(this.root, "ca.crt").exists() || new File(this.root, "ca.key").exists(); } @Override public CertificatePair loadRootCA() { try { return new CertificatePair(new File(this.root, "ca.crt"), new File(this.root, "ca.key")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load Root CA", e); } } @Override public void storeRootCA(CertificatePair pair) { synchronized (this) { if (this.hasRootCA()) throw new RuntimeException("Root CA already exists, not overstoring!"); try { pair.saveCertificate(new File(this.root, "ca.crt")); pair.saveKey(new File(this.root, "ca.key")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store Root CA", e); } } } @Override public boolean hasSiteCA(UUID siteId) { return new File(, siteId + ".crt").exists() || new File(, siteId + ".key").exists(); } @Override public CertificatePair loadSiteCA(UUID siteId) { try { return new CertificatePair(new File(, siteId + ".crt"), new File(, siteId + ".key")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load Site CA for site: " + siteId, e); } } @Override public void storeSiteCA(UUID siteId, CertificatePair pair) { synchronized (this) { if (this.hasSiteCA(siteId)) throw new RuntimeException("Site CA already exists for site " + siteId + ", not overstoring!"); try { pair.saveCertificate(new File(, siteId + ".crt")); pair.saveKey(new File(, siteId + ".key")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store Site CA for site: " + siteId, e); } } } private File agentCrtFile(UUID siteId, UUID agentId) { return new File(new File(this.agent, siteId.toString()), agentId + ".crt"); } private File agentCrtFile(UUID siteId, SerialNum agentSerial) { return new File(new File(new File(this.agent, siteId.toString()), agentSerial.getId().toString()), agentSerial.getId() + "." + agentSerial.getRev() + ".crt"); } private File agentKeyFile(UUID siteId, UUID agentId) { return new File(new File(this.agent, siteId.toString()), agentId + ".key"); } private File agentKeyFile(UUID siteId, SerialNum agentSerial) { return new File(new File(new File(this.agent, siteId.toString()), agentSerial.getId().toString()), agentSerial.getId() + "." + agentSerial.getRev() + ".key"); } @Override public boolean hasAgent(UUID siteId, UUID agentId) { return this.agentCrtFile(siteId, agentId).exists(); } @Override public CertificatePair loadAgent(UUID siteId, UUID agentId) { try { if (this.agentKeyFile(siteId, agentId).exists()) { return new CertificatePair(this.agentCrtFile(siteId, agentId), this.agentKeyFile(siteId, agentId)); } else { return new CertificatePair(this.agentCrtFile(siteId, agentId)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load certificate for agent: " + siteId + "::" + agentId, e); } } @Override public void storeAgent(UUID siteId, UUID agentId, CertificatePair pair) { synchronized (this) { try { SerialNum serial = SerialNum.fromBigInt(pair.getCertificate().getSerialNumber()); // store the certificate under the serial number File crtFile = this.agentCrtFile(siteId, serial); crtFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveCertificate(crtFile); // link the certificate to the agent Path crtLink = this.agentCrtFile(siteId, agentId).toPath(); try { Files.delete(crtLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(crtLink, crtFile.toPath()); // key? if (pair.getKey() != null) { // store the key under the serial number File keyFile = this.agentKeyFile(siteId, serial); keyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveKey(keyFile); // link the key to the agent Path keyLink = this.agentKeyFile(siteId, agentId).toPath(); try { Files.delete(keyLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(keyLink, keyFile.toPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store certificate for agent: " + siteId + "::" + agentId, e); } } } private File serverCrtFile(String commonName) { return new File(this.server, commonName + ".crt"); } private File serverCrtFile(SerialNum serverSerial) { return new File(new File(this.server, serverSerial.getId().toString()), serverSerial.getId() + "." + serverSerial.getRev() + ".crt"); } private File serverKeyFile(String commonName) { return new File(this.server, commonName + ".key"); } private File serverKeyFile(SerialNum serverSerial) { return new File(new File(this.server, serverSerial.getId().toString()), serverSerial.getId() + "." + serverSerial.getRev() + ".key"); } @Override public boolean hasServer(String commonName) { return this.serverCrtFile(commonName).exists(); } @Override public CertificatePair loadServer(String commonName) { try { if (this.serverKeyFile(commonName).exists()) { return new CertificatePair(this.serverCrtFile(commonName), this.serverKeyFile(commonName)); } else { return new CertificatePair(this.serverCrtFile(commonName)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load certificate for server: " + commonName, e); } } @Override public void storeServer(String commonName, CertificatePair pair) { synchronized (this) { try { SerialNum serial = SerialNum.fromBigInt(pair.getCertificate().getSerialNumber()); // store and link the certificate File crtFile = this.serverCrtFile(serial); crtFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveCertificate(crtFile); Path crtLink = this.serverCrtFile(commonName).toPath(); try { Files.delete(crtLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(crtLink, crtFile.toPath()); // store and link the key if (pair.getKey() != null) { File keyFile = this.serverKeyFile(serial); keyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveKey(keyFile); Path keyLink = this.serverKeyFile(commonName).toPath(); try { Files.delete(keyLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(keyLink, keyFile.toPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store server certificate: " + commonName, e); } } } private File templateCrtFile(UUID siteId, UUID templateId) { return new File(new File(this.template, siteId.toString()), templateId + ".crt"); } private File templateCrtFile(UUID siteId, SerialNum templateSerial) { return new File(new File(new File(this.template, siteId.toString()), templateSerial.getId().toString()), templateSerial.getId() + "." + templateSerial.getRev() + ".crt"); } private File templateKeyFile(UUID siteId, UUID templateId) { return new File(new File(this.template, siteId.toString()), templateId + ".key"); } private File templateKeyFile(UUID siteId, SerialNum templateSerial) { return new File(new File(new File(this.template, siteId.toString()), templateSerial.getId().toString()), templateSerial.getId() + "." + templateSerial.getRev() + ".key"); } @Override public boolean hasTemplate(UUID siteId, UUID templateId) { return this.templateCrtFile(siteId, templateId).exists(); } @Override public CertificatePair loadTemplate(UUID siteId, UUID templateId) { try { if (this.templateKeyFile(siteId, templateId).exists()) { return new CertificatePair(this.templateCrtFile(siteId, templateId), this.templateKeyFile(siteId, templateId)); } else { return new CertificatePair(this.templateCrtFile(siteId, templateId)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load certificate for template: " + siteId + "::" + templateId, e); } } @Override public void storeTemplate(UUID siteId, UUID templateId, CertificatePair pair) { synchronized (this) { try { SerialNum serial = SerialNum.fromBigInt(pair.getCertificate().getSerialNumber()); // store the certificate under the serial number File crtFile = this.templateCrtFile(siteId, serial); crtFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveCertificate(crtFile); // link the certificate to the template Path crtLink = this.templateCrtFile(siteId, templateId).toPath(); try { Files.delete(crtLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(crtLink, crtFile.toPath()); // key? if (pair.getKey() != null) { // store the key under the serial number File keyFile = this.templateKeyFile(siteId, serial); keyFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); pair.saveKey(keyFile); // link the key to the template Path keyLink = this.templateKeyFile(siteId, templateId).toPath(); try { Files.delete(keyLink); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { } Files.createSymbolicLink(keyLink, keyFile.toPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to store certificate for template: " + siteId + "::" + templateId, e); } } } }