package; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.http.txn.AbstractHttpTransaction; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.http.txn.HttpTxnDAO; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.http.txn.HttpTxnDocument; import; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.dao.ReportHostDAO; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.dao.ReportIssueDAO; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.model.ReportHostDocument; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.model.ReportIssueDocument; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.model.ReportIssueVariantDocument; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.scan.model.WebScanDocument; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.webtest.ReportThreatType; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.webtest.ThreatSeverityType; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.common.webtest.dao.ReportThreatTypeDAO; import com.nvarghese.beowulf.sfc.SFControllerManager; import; public class HtmlReportGenerator extends AbstractReportGenerator{ private String newLine; static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HtmlReportGenerator.class); //private int vulnerableURLCount = 0; public HtmlReportGenerator(WebScanDocument webScanDocument, Datastore scanInstanceDataStore, ReportFormat reportFormat, String reportFileName, ThreatSeverityType minSeverity) { super(webScanDocument, scanInstanceDataStore, reportFormat, reportFileName, minSeverity); if (File.separator.equals("/")) { newLine = "\n"; } else { newLine = "\r\n"; } } @Override protected void writeReport() throws ReportException { Date date = new Date(); String dateString = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL).format(date) + " "; dateString += DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL).format(date); StringBuilder reportString = new StringBuilder(""); FileWriter writer; try { writer = new FileWriter(super.getReportFilePath()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("HtmlReportGenerator: IOException while opening FileStream - " + e.getMessage(), e); ReportException reportException = new ReportException("IOException while opening FileStream: " + e.getMessage()); reportException.initCause(e.getCause()); throw reportException; } logger.debug("Report generation started."); /* * * Caution: Dont make any format or indentation changes * * Please keep the formatting as it is. The current fomatting doesnt follow the conventional standards, but it is * kept as it is to ease the readability of hardcoded HTML tags. * * */ reportString.append("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">" + newLine).append( "<html xmlns=\"\">" + newLine).append( "<head>" + newLine).append( "<title>" + "Beowulf Scanner" + " Report: " +dateString + "</title>" + newLine).append( "<style type=\"text/css\">" + newLine).append( "BODY {" + newLine).append( " word-wrap: break-word;" + newLine).append( " font-family: Arial;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 10pt;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".vulnerabilityTitle {" + newLine).append( " text-align: center;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 12pt;" + newLine).append( " font-weight: bold;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".sectionTitle {" + newLine).append( " background-color: #874709;" + newLine).append( " text-align: left;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 14pt;" + newLine).append( " font-weight: bold;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".heading {" + newLine).append( " vertical-align: top;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 11pt;" + newLine).append( " font-weight: bold;" + newLine).append( " background-color: #efb885;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".headingIssues {" + newLine).append( " vertical-align: top;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 11pt;" + newLine).append( " font-weight: bold;" + newLine).append( " background-color: #de9967;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".issueClass {" + newLine).append( " background-color: #783201;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".postIssueClass {" + newLine).append( " background-color: #985321;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".variantHeading {" + newLine).append( " vertical-align: center;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " font-size: 11pt;" + newLine).append( " font-weight: bold;" + newLine).append( " background-color: white;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".vulnerabilityText {" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 1px solid;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".findingTable {" + newLine).append( " border-collapse: collapse;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " vertical-align: top;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " text-align: left;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".threatTable {" + newLine).append( " border-collapse: collapse;" + newLine).append( " border-right: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-top: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " vertical-align: top;" + newLine).append( " border-left: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " border-bottom: gray 2px solid;" + newLine).append( " text-align: left;" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( newLine).append( ".hidden { display: none; }" + newLine).append( ".unhidden { display: block; }" + newLine).append( "</style>" + newLine).append( "</head>" + newLine).append( newLine).append( "<body>" + newLine).append( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + newLine).append( "function unhide(divID) {" + newLine).append( " var item = document.getElementById(divID);" + newLine).append( " if (item) {" + newLine).append( " item.className=(item.className==\'hidden\')?\'unhidden':\'hidden\'; " + newLine).append( " }" + newLine).append( "}" + newLine).append( "</script>" + newLine).append( "<center>" + newLine).append( "<table style=\"width: 1000px\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: center ; font-size: 20pt; color: #662b00; font-weight: bold;\">Web Application Report<br>" + newLine).append( " <hr>" + newLine).append( " <div style=\"font-size: 14pt\">" + dateString + "</div><br>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;\">" + newLine).append( " <td><font color=\"#874709\"> General Information<br>" + newLine).append( " </font></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">Scanner Information</font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"80%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>This report was generated by " + "Beowulf Scanner" + " 1.0.0" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>Scan start time: <i>" + webScanDocument.getScanStartTime() + "</i></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>Scan finish time: <i>" + webScanDocument.getScanEndTime() + "</i></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">Content Information</font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"80%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>This report consists of two sections:" + newLine).append( " <ol>" + newLine).append( " <a href=\"#Section1\"><li>Executive Summary</li></a>" + newLine).append( " <a href=\"#Section2\"><li>Detailed Vulnerability Description</li></a>" + newLine).append( " </ol></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>"+ newLine) ; try { writer.append(reportString.toString()); /* * Section 1: Executive Summary * * Section 2: Detailed Vulnerability Description * * Section 3: Application Discovery Details */ reportWriteExecutiveSection(writer); writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td><p align=right><a href=\"#Section1\">[^] Back to Section 1: Executive Summary</a></p></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine); reportWriteDetailedVulnerabilitySection(writer); writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td><p align=right><a href=\"#Section2\">[^] Back to Section 2: Detailed Vulnerability Description</a></p></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine); //reportWriteApplicationDiscoverySection(writer); writer.append( "</table></center></body></html>"); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException while generating report", e); ReportException reportException = new ReportException("IOException while generating report: " + e.getMessage()); reportException.initCause(e.getCause()); throw reportException; } logger.debug("Report generation completed."); } private void reportWriteDetailedVulnerabilitySection(FileWriter writer) throws IOException { /* * * Caution: Dont make any format or indentation changes * * Please keep the formatting as it is. The current fomatting doesnt follow the conventional standards, but it is * kept as it is to ease the readability of hardcoded HTML tags. * * */ writer.append(" <tr class=\"sectionTitle\">" + newLine).append( " <td><font color=\"white\"><a name=\"Section2\">2. Detailed Vulnerability Description</a><br>" + newLine).append( " </font></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine); writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine); ReportIssueDAO reportIssueDAO = new ReportIssueDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); int BATCH_SIZE = 100; int offset = 0; int totalIssues = (int) reportIssueDAO.count(); int count = BATCH_SIZE <= totalIssues ? BATCH_SIZE: totalIssues; int vulnIter = 1; while(offset < totalIssues) { for(ReportIssueDocument issue: reportIssueDAO.getReportIssueDocuments(offset, count)) { String reasoningText = ""; String remediationText = ""; String referencesText = ""; int variantCount = 0; //ReportElementIssueType issueType = reportCollectorEx.getIssueType(issue.getIssueTypeId()); ReportThreatType threatType = issue.getThreatType(); reasoningText = issue.getReasoning(); remediationText = issue.getRemediation(); referencesText = issue.getReferences(); variantCount = 0; writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%>" + newLine + " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine + " <tr class=\"issueClass\">" + newLine + " <td colspan=2 style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 14pt;\"><font" + newLine + " color=\"white\"><a name=\""+ vulnIter + "\">Issue#" + vulnIter + "</a> "+ threatType.getName() + "<br>" + newLine + " </font></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr class=\"postIssueClass\">" + newLine + " <td colspan=2 style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 14pt;\"><font" + newLine + " color=\"white\">Vulnerable URL: " + issue.getIssueUrl() +"<br>" + newLine + " </font></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr class=\"postIssueClass\">" + newLine + " <td width=\"10%%\"> </td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%>" + newLine + " <table width=\"100%\" class=\"findingTable\">" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"headingIssues\">Severity:</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\" bgcolor=\"white\">"+ issue.getThreatSeverityType().getFullName()+"</td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"headingIssues\">Reasoning:</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\" bgcolor=\"white\">"+ reasoningText +"</td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"headingIssues\">Threat details:</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\" bgcolor=\"white\"></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"headingIssues\">Remediation:</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\" bgcolor=\"white\">" + remediationText + "</td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"headingIssues\">References:</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\" bgcolor=\"white\">" + referencesText + "</td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine ); List<ReportIssueVariantDocument> issueVariants = issue.getIssueVariants(); for(ReportIssueVariantDocument issueVariant: issueVariants) { AbstractHttpTransaction originalTxn = getHttpTxn(issueVariant.getOrigicalTxn()); AbstractHttpTransaction testTxn = getHttpTxn(issueVariant.getTestTxn()); variantCount +=1; writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 200px\" class=\"variantHeading\">Variant " + Integer.toString(variantCount) + " of " + Integer.toString(issueVariants.size()) + "</td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 600px\" bgcolor=\"white\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine + " <table>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td> </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"font-size: 12pt;\"><font color=\"black\"><b>Description:</b></font></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td bgcolor=\"white\">" + issueVariant.getDescription() +"</td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td> </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"font-size: 12pt;\"><font" + newLine + " color=\"black\"><b>Transaction Details:</b></font></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td bgcolor=\"white\">Click here to see Original Transaction <a href=\"javascript:unhide(\'" + variantCount + "_OriginalTransaction" + "\');\">>>></a>" + newLine + " <noscript style=\"color:red\"><br>" + newLine + " <i> Your browser does not support JavaScript!</i>" + newLine + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Request:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(originalTxn.requestToString()) + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Response:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(originalTxn.responseToString()) + newLine + " </noscript>" + newLine + " <div id=\"" + variantCount + "_OriginalTransaction" + "\" class=\"hidden\">" + newLine + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Request:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(originalTxn.requestToString()) + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Response:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(originalTxn.responseToString()) + newLine + " </div>" + newLine + " <br>Click here to see Test Transaction <a href=\"javascript:unhide(\'" + variantCount + "_TestTransaction" + "\');\">>>></a>" + newLine + " <noscript style=\"color:red\"><br>" + newLine + " <i> Your browser does not support JavaScript!</i>" + newLine + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Request:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(testTxn.requestToString()) + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Response:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(testTxn.responseToString()) + newLine + " </noscript>" + newLine + " <div id=\"" + variantCount + "_TestTransaction" + "\" class=\"hidden\">" + newLine + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Request:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(testTxn.requestToString()) + " <p style=\"font-size: 9pt; color: brown; font-style: italic\">Response:</p>" + newLine + getProtocolFormat(testTxn.responseToString()) + newLine + " </div>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " </table>" + newLine + " </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine); } writer.append(" </table>" + newLine + " </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " </table>" + newLine + " </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine ); if(!((vulnIter+1) < totalIssues)) { writer.append(" <tr>" + newLine + " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine + " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 10pt;\" width=90%%>" + newLine + " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td><p align=left><a href=\"#" + Integer.toString(vulnIter) + "\">[<] Previous</a></p></td>" + newLine); if(!((vulnIter+2) < totalIssues)) { writer.append( " <td><p align=right><a href=\"#" + Integer.toString(vulnIter + 2)+ "\">Next [>]</a></p></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td colspan =2><p align=right><a href=\"#Section2\">[^] Back to Section 2</a></p></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " </table>" + newLine + " </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine); } else { writer.append( " <td><p align=right><a>Next [>]</a></p></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " <tr>" + newLine + " <td colspan =2><p align=right><a href=\"#Section2\">[^] Back to Section 2</a></p></td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine + " </table>" + newLine + " </td>" + newLine + " </tr>" + newLine); } } } writer.flush(); offset = offset + count; if(offset+BATCH_SIZE < totalIssues) count = BATCH_SIZE; else count = totalIssues - offset; } writer.append(" </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>"); } private AbstractHttpTransaction getHttpTxn(ObjectId txnObjId) { HttpTxnDAO txnDAO = new HttpTxnDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); HttpTxnDocument txnDocument = txnDAO.getHttpTxnDocument(txnObjId); AbstractHttpTransaction httpTransaction = AbstractHttpTransaction.getObject(txnDocument); return httpTransaction; } private void reportWriteExecutiveSection(FileWriter writer) throws IOException { /* * * Caution: Dont make any format or indentation changes * * Please keep the formatting as it is. The current fomatting doesnt follow the conventional standards, but it is * kept as it is to ease the readability of hardcoded HTML tags. * * */ writer.append(" <tr class=\"sectionTitle\">" + newLine).append( " <td><font color=\"white\"><a name=\"Section1\">1. Executive Summary</a><br>" + newLine).append( " </font></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">1.1 Security Risks</font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <table>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>The following are the security risks that were identified" + newLine).append( " in this scanning session. Refer <a href=\"#Section2\">Section 2</a>: Detailed Vulnerability" + newLine).append( " Description for more information." + newLine).append( " <ul>" + newLine).append( // Section 1.1 reasoning texts reportWriteSubSectionReasoning() + " </ul>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">1.2 Host Details </font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <br>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"80%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td colspan=3>Enumerated host details are listed below: </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( reportWriteSubSectionHostDetails() + " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">1.3 Issues per Host </font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <br>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"80%\" class=\"threatTable\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"heading\">Hosts</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">High</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Medium</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Low</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Informational</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Total</td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( //Writes the per host statistics reportWriteSubSectionPerHostIssueStatistics() + // " <tr>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\"></td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">10</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">20</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">20</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">20</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">70</td>" + newLine).append( // " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"100%\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 10%%\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left; font-size: 12pt;\" width=90%%><b><font" + newLine).append( " color=\"#874709\">1.4 Detected Threat Classes</font></b><br>" + newLine).append( " <br>" + newLine).append( " <table width=\"80%\" class=\"threatTable\">" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"heading\">Threat Name</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Severity</td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"heading\">Count</td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( reportWriteSubSectionThreatClasses() + // " <tr>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">Command Execution: SQL Injection</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">High</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">2</td>" + newLine).append( // " <td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine).append( // " <a href=\"#issue1\">1</a>,<a href=\"#issue2\">2</a></td>" + newLine).append( // " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " </table>" + newLine).append( " </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine) ; } private String reportWriteSubSectionHostDetails() { StringBuilder hostDetails = new StringBuilder(""); ReportHostDAO hostDAO = new ReportHostDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); ReportHostDocument hostDocument = hostDAO.find().get(); { hostDetails.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td colspan=2> </td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine).append( " <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px;\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left;\"><b>Hostname: <i>"+ hostDocument.getHostName() + "</i></b></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine) ; hostDetails.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px;\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left;\"><i>    -"+ "IP" + ": " + hostDocument.getIpAddress()+"</i></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine) ; hostDetails.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px;\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left;\"><i>    -"+ "Server" + ": " + hostDocument.getServerValue()+"</i></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine) ; hostDetails.append(" <tr>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"width: 100px;\"> </td>" + newLine).append( " <td style=\"text-align: left;\"><i>    -"+ "-Technology" + ": " + hostDocument.getTechnology()+"</i></td>" + newLine).append( " </tr>" + newLine) ; } return hostDetails.toString(); } private String reportWriteSubSectionThreatClasses() { /* * * Caution: Dont make any format or indentation changes * * Please keep the formatting as it is. The current fomatting doesnt follow the conventional standards, but it is * kept as it is to ease the readability of hardcoded HTML tags. * * */ String formattedText = "\t\t\t\t\t"; StringBuilder threatClassRowHigh = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder threatClassRowMedium = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder threatClassRowLow = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder threatClassRowInfo = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder threatClassFull = new StringBuilder(""); ReportIssueDAO issueDAO = new ReportIssueDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); ReportThreatTypeDAO threatTypeDAO = new ReportThreatTypeDAO(SFControllerManager.getInstance().getDataStore()); for(ReportThreatType threatType: ReportThreatType.values()) { List<ReportIssueDocument> issueDocuments = issueDAO.findByThreatType(threatType, false); if(issueDocuments.size() > 0) { //ReportThreatTypeDocument threatTypeDocument = threatTypeDAO.get for(ReportIssueDocument issue: issueDocuments) { if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.HIGH) { threatClassRowHigh.append(formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ threatType.getName() +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">High</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + Integer.toString(issueDocuments.size()) + "</td>" + newLine).append( //formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine ); //formattedText + "<a href=\"#issue1\">1</a>,<a href=\"#issue2\">2</a></td>" + newLine).append( //for(Integer issueId: reportCollectorEx.getIssueIds(issueType.getId())) //{ //threatClassRowHigh.append(formattedText + "\t<a href=\"#"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "\">"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "</a>," + newLine); //} //threatClassRowHigh.append(formattedText + "\t</td>" + newLine + formattedText + "</tr>" + newLine); } else if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.MEDIUM) { threatClassRowMedium.append(formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine).append( formattedText).append("\t<td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">").append(threatType.getName() + "</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">Medium</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + Integer.toString(issueDocuments.size()) + "</td>" + newLine).append( //formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine) ; //formattedText + "<a href=\"#issue1\">1</a>,<a href=\"#issue2\">2</a></td>" + newLine + //for(Integer issueId: reportCollectorEx.getIssueIds(issueType.getId())) //{ // threatClassRowMedium.append(formattedText + "\t<a href=\"#"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "\">"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "</a>," + newLine); //} //threatClassRowMedium.append(formattedText + "\t</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "</tr>" + newLine); } else if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.LOW) { threatClassRowLow.append(formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine).append( formattedText).append("\t<td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">").append(threatType.getName() +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">Low</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + Integer.toString(issueDocuments.size()) + "</td>" + newLine).append( //formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine) ; //formattedText + "<a href=\"#issue1\">1</a>,<a href=\"#issue2\">2</a></td>" + newLine + //for(Integer issueId: reportCollectorEx.getIssueIds(issueType.getId())) //{ // threatClassRowLow.append(formattedText + "\t<a href=\"#"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "\">"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "</a>," + newLine); //} //threatClassRowLow.append(formattedText + "\t</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "</tr>" + newLine); } else if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.LOW) { threatClassRowInfo.append(formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ threatType.getName() + "</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">Info</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + Integer.toString(issueDocuments.size()) + "</td>" + newLine).append( //formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">" + newLine) ; //formattedText + "<a href=\"#issue1\">1</a>,<a href=\"#issue2\">2</a></td>" + newLine).append( //for(Integer issueId: reportCollectorEx.getIssueIds(issueType.getId())) //{ // threatClassRowInfo.append(formattedText + "\t<a href=\"#"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "\">"+ Integer.toString(issueId) + "</a>," + newLine); //} //threatClassRowInfo.append(formattedText + "\t</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "</tr>" + newLine); } } } } threatClassFull = threatClassRowHigh.append(threatClassRowMedium).append(threatClassRowLow).append(threatClassRowInfo) ; return threatClassFull.toString(); } private String reportWriteSubSectionPerHostIssueStatistics() { /* * * Caution: Dont make any format or indentation changes * * Please keep the formatting as it is. The current fomatting doesnt follow the conventional standards, but it is * kept as it is to ease the readability of hardcoded HTML tags. * * */ String formattedText = "\t\t\t\t\t"; StringBuilder hostIssueStatistics = new StringBuilder(""); Pattern p; String regexURL = ""; String totalHostIssueStatistics = ""; int hostIssueHigh = 0; int hostIssueMedium = 0; int hostIssueLow = 0; int hostIssueInfo = 0; int hostIssueTotal = 0; //Set<String> baseURIList = new HashSet<String>(); boolean flag = false; ReportHostDAO hostDAO = new ReportHostDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); ReportHostDocument hostDocument = hostDAO.find().get(); ReportIssueDAO issueDAO = new ReportIssueDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); { /* * Only if the host is unique */ hostIssueHigh = (int) issueDAO.getCountOfIssuesByThreatSeverityType(ThreatSeverityType.HIGH); hostIssueMedium = (int) issueDAO.getCountOfIssuesByThreatSeverityType(ThreatSeverityType.MEDIUM); hostIssueLow = (int) issueDAO.getCountOfIssuesByThreatSeverityType(ThreatSeverityType.LOW); hostIssueInfo = (int) issueDAO.getCountOfIssuesByThreatSeverityType(ThreatSeverityType.INFO); hostIssueTotal = hostIssueHigh + hostIssueMedium + hostIssueLow + hostIssueInfo; hostIssueStatistics.append(formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ hostDocument.getHostName() +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ Integer.toString(hostIssueHigh) +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ Integer.toString(hostIssueMedium) +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ Integer.toString(hostIssueLow) +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ Integer.toString(hostIssueInfo) +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "\t<td style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"vulnerabilityText\">"+ Integer.toString(hostIssueTotal) +"</td>" + newLine).append( formattedText + "<tr>" + newLine); totalHostIssueStatistics += hostIssueStatistics.toString(); } return totalHostIssueStatistics; } private String getProtocolFormat(String text) { String dataStringFormatted = ""; dataStringFormatted = "<p width=\"70%%\" style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #c79262; border: 1px dashed darkgrey; white-space: pre-wrap;\">"; dataStringFormatted += StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(text); dataStringFormatted += "</p>"; return dataStringFormatted; } private String getVulnerableURLCount() { return Integer.toString(10); } private String getBrokenURLCount() { return String.valueOf(5); } private String getScannedURLCount() { return String.valueOf(10); } private String reportWriteSubSectionReasoning() { /* * This section fetches the reasoning text from the issues. * * Only one reasoning is fetched per detected issueType ID * */ StringBuilder reasoningText = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder reasoningTextHigh = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder reasoningTextMedium = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder reasoningTextLow = new StringBuilder(""); String formatText = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; ReportIssueDAO issueDAO = new ReportIssueDAO(scanInstanceDatastore); for(ReportThreatType threatType: ReportThreatType.values()) { for(ReportIssueDocument issue: issueDAO.findByThreatType(threatType, false)) { if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.HIGH) { reasoningTextHigh = reasoningTextHigh.append(formatText) .append("<li>") .append(issue.getReasoning()) .append("</li>").append(newLine); } else if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.MEDIUM) { reasoningTextMedium = reasoningTextMedium.append(formatText) .append("<li>").append(issue.getReasoning()) .append("</li>").append(newLine); } else if(issue.getThreatSeverityType() == ThreatSeverityType.LOW) { reasoningTextLow = reasoningTextLow.append(formatText).append("<li>") .append(issue.getReasoning()) .append("</li>").append(newLine); } break; } } reasoningText = reasoningText.append(reasoningTextHigh).append(reasoningTextMedium).append(reasoningTextLow); return reasoningText.toString(); } // private String reportWriteFormatText(ReportFormatText fmtText) // { // StringBuilder formattedText = new StringBuilder(""); // // for (ReportFormatableString fmtString : fmtText.getFormatStringList()) // { // formattedText.append(reportWriteFormtString(fmtString)); // } // // return formattedText.toString(); // } // // private String reportWriteFormtString() // { // String dataStringFormatted = ""; // String dataString = fmtString.toString(); // // if(dataString == null) { // dataString = ""; // } // // dataString = HtmlUtils.escapeHTML(dataString); // // if(fmtString.isFormatTypeCode()) // { // dataStringFormatted = "<p width=\"70%%\" style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #c79262; border: 1px dashed darkgrey; white-space: pre-wrap;\">"; // dataStringFormatted += dataString; // dataStringFormatted += "</p>"; // } // else if(fmtString.isFormatTypeText()) // { // //dataStringFormatted += dataString; // dataStringFormatted = "<p width=\"70%%\" style=\"white-space: pre-wrap;\">"; // dataStringFormatted += dataString; // dataStringFormatted += "</p>"; // // } // else if(fmtString.isFormatTypePre()) // { // dataStringFormatted = "<pre>"; // dataStringFormatted += dataString; // dataStringFormatted += "</pre>"; // } // else if(fmtString.isFormatTypeProtocol()) // { // dataStringFormatted = "<p width=\"70%%\" style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #c79262; border: 1px dashed darkgrey; white-space: pre-wrap;\">"; // dataStringFormatted += dataString; // dataStringFormatted += "</p>"; // } // else if(fmtString.isFormatTypeLineBreak()) // { // dataStringFormatted = "<br>"; // // } // else // { // /* RAW */ // dataStringFormatted = dataString; // // } // // return dataStringFormatted; // } }