package com.github.shell88.bddvideoannotator.annotationfile.converter; import com.github.shell88.bddvideoannotator.annotationfile.exporter.Helper; import com.github.shell88.bddvideoannotator.annotationfile.exporter.HtmlAnnotationExporter; import com.github.shell88.bddvideoannotator.annotationfile.exporter.ScenarioAnnotationsDto; import com.github.shell88.bddvideoannotator.annotationfile.parser.AnnotationFileParserFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Converts AnnotationFiles to a HTMLReport using * {@link FfmpegCommandLineH264Encoder} and {@link HtmlAnnotationExporter}. * * @author Hell * */ //FIXME: fix linking of steps to video in Internet Explorer (media fragments) public class HtmlConverter { private File scanDir; private File targetDir; /** * @param scanDir * - Directory to search for AnnoationFiles. * @param targetDir * - TargetDirectory where to store the HTMLReport. */ public HtmlConverter(String scanDir, String targetDir) { this(new File(scanDir),new File(targetDir)); } /** * @param scanDir * - Directory to search for AnnoationFiles. * @param targetDir * - TargetDirectory where to store the HTMLReport. */ public HtmlConverter(File scanDir, File targetDir) { if (!scanDir.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(scanDir.getAbsolutePath() + " not found!"); } if (!targetDir.exists()) { targetDir.mkdir(); } if (!targetDir.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(targetDir.getAbsolutePath() + " not writable!"); } this.scanDir = scanDir; this.targetDir = targetDir; } /** * Converts the annotationFiles from {@link #scanDir} to a HTML-Report. * * @throws Throwable * - IOErrors */ public void convert() throws Throwable { System.out.println("----Start converting2html inputDirectory: " + scanDir.getAbsolutePath() + " target " + this.targetDir.getAbsolutePath()); File[] annotationFiles = Helper.getAnnotationFilesInDirectory(scanDir); if (annotationFiles.length == 0) { System.out.println("No annotation files found => exit"); return; } BlockingQueue<Runnable> encodingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>( annotationFiles.length); ThreadPoolExecutor encodingThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, encodingQueue); HtmlAnnotationExporter annotationExporterHtml = new HtmlAnnotationExporter( targetDir); List<Future<Object>> encodingTasks = new ArrayList<Future<Object>>( annotationFiles.length); ScenarioAnnotationsDto dto; File videoInputFile; File videoOutputFile; for (File annotationFile : annotationFiles) { System.out.println("Parsing : " + annotationFile.getName()); dto = AnnotationFileParserFactory.getFileParser(annotationFile).parse(); videoInputFile = new File(annotationFile.getParentFile(), dto.getNameVideoFile()); if (!videoInputFile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Could not find videoReferenceFile for " + annotationFile); } if (!dto.getSha1ChecksumVideo().equals( Helper.calcSha1Checksum(videoInputFile))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsed SHA-1 Checksum in " + annotationFile.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn´t match to refered VideoFile " + videoInputFile.getName()); } System.out.println("Encoding: " + videoInputFile.getName()); videoOutputFile = new File(targetDir, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(videoInputFile.getName()) + ".mp4"); encodingTasks.add(encodingThreadPool .submit(new FfmpegCommandLineH264Encoder(videoInputFile, videoOutputFile))); dto.setNameVideoFile(videoOutputFile.getName()); annotationExporterHtml.write(dto); } encodingThreadPool.shutdown(); for (Future<Object> encodingTask : encodingTasks) { encodingTask.get(); } encodingThreadPool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES); System.out.println("----End of converting2html"); } /** * Runs HtmlConverter from the command line (used in standalone_server). * Requires ffmpeg to be installed and available on the system path. * * @param args 0: directory to scan for eaf/avi files * args 1: target directory for the html report * @throws Throwable when something with the annotationfiles is wrong * or encoding with ffmpeg did not work */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { if (args.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Misconfiguration: <scanDirectory> <targetDirectory"); } new HtmlConverter( new File(args[0]), new File(args[1]) ).convert(); } }