/** * Copyright 2008 biaoping.yin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.frameworkset.common.tag.pager.tags; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.frameworkset.util.DataFormatUtil; import com.frameworkset.common.tag.exception.FormulaException; import com.frameworkset.common.tag.pager.model.Field; import com.frameworkset.common.tag.pager.model.Formula; import com.frameworkset.common.util.ValueObjectUtil; import com.frameworkset.platform.cms.driver.htmlconverter.CmsLinkProcessorInf; import com.frameworkset.platform.cms.driver.htmlconverter.CmsLinkProcessorUtil; import com.frameworkset.platform.cms.driver.jsp.CMSServletRequest; import com.frameworkset.platform.cms.driver.jsp.InternalImplConverter; import com.frameworkset.util.RegexUtil; import com.frameworkset.util.SimpleStringUtil; import com.frameworkset.util.StringUtil; /** * @author biaoping.yin * 显示一个数据的tag * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */ public class CellTag extends PagerTagSupport { protected Object actual; protected boolean actualseted = false; protected String requestKey; protected String sessionKey; protected String pageContextKey; protected String parameter; private boolean currentcelltoColName=false; private String usecurrentCellValuetoCellName; private String locale; private String timeZone = null; private boolean userRequestLocale; public String getRequestKey() { return requestKey; } public void setRequestKey(String requestKey) { this.requestKey = requestKey; } public String getSessionKey() { return sessionKey; } public void setSessionKey(String sessionKey) { this.sessionKey = sessionKey; } public String getPageContextKey() { return pageContextKey; } public void setPageContextKey(String pageContextKey) { this.pageContextKey = pageContextKey; } public String getParameter() { return parameter; } public void setParameter(String parameter) { this.parameter = parameter; } private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger (CellTag.class); /** * 记录cell的元模型元素 */ private Field metafield; /** * 列名 */ private String colName; /** * 祖先索引 */ protected int index = -1; /** * 输出日期格式 */ private String dateformat; /** * 输出数字格式 */ private String numerformat; /** * 属性名称 */ private String property; /** * 指定属性输出内容 */ private String content; /** * 列的索引 */ private int colid = -1; protected Object defaultValue; /** * 计算公式 */ private String expression; protected Formula t_formula; /** * 是否进行url编码 */ private String encode; /** * 编码次数,连续编码次数 */ private int encodecount = 1; /** * 是否进行url解码 */ private String decode; protected int maxlength = -1; protected String replace ; /** * true * false */ protected boolean trim ; /** * 包含cell标签的dataSet */ protected PagerDataSet dataSet; protected PagerDataSet currentDataSet; protected boolean htmlEncode = false; protected boolean htmlDecode = false; /** * 标识是否对标签属性对应的值进行发布,内容管理系统中使用的标签 * true-发布 * false-不发布 * 主要是针对内容中对应的链接和附件的发布和路径修改 */ protected boolean publish = false; //protected boolean isLogicoperation = false; protected void init() { dataSet = searchDataSet(this,PagerDataSet.class); if(dataSet != null) { try{ t_formula = dataSet.getFormula(getExpression()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // //设置报表元模型 // setMeta(); } else { try { HttpServletRequest request = getHttpServletRequest(); // HttpSession session = request.getSession(false) ; CMSServletRequest cmsRequest = InternalImplConverter.getInternalRequest(request); if( cmsRequest != null) { // CMSServletRequest internalRequest = (CMSServletRequest)request; dataSet = (PagerDataSet)cmsRequest.getAttribute("dataset." + cmsRequest.getContext().getID()); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.frameworkset.common.tag.BaseTag#generateContent() */ public String generateContent() { return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.frameworkset.common.tag.BaseTag#write(java.io.OutputStream) */ public void write(OutputStream output) { } protected String getStringValue() { String outStr = this.getOutStr(); return outStr; } public int doStartTag() throws JspException { //super.doStartTag(); //初始化dataSet init(); String outStr = this.getOutStr(); if(outStr != null) { if(getEncode() != null && getEncode().equals("true")) { // if(this.encodecount == 1) // try { // outStr = URLEncoder.encode(outStr,"UTF-8"); // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // else if(this.encodecount == 2) // try { // outStr = URLEncoder.encode(URLEncoder.encode(outStr,"UTF-8"),"UTF-8"); // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // else if(this.encodecount == 3) // try { // outStr = URLEncoder.encode(URLEncoder.encode(URLEncoder.encode(outStr,"UTF-8"),"UTF-8"),"UTF-8"); // } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } outStr = SimpleStringUtil.urlencode(outStr, "UTF-8",encodecount); } if(getDecode() != null && getDecode().equals("true")) outStr = URLDecoder.decode(outStr); } try { /** * 如果需要对输出的内容进行发布则执行发布的过程 */ if(this.isPublish()) { String encoding = ""; // CmsLinkProcessorInf processor = new CmsLinkProcessor(null, // CmsLinkProcessorInf.REPLACE_LINKS, // encoding); CmsLinkProcessorInf processor = CmsLinkProcessorUtil.getCmsLinkProcessor(null, CmsLinkProcessorInf.REPLACE_LINKS, encoding); processor.setHandletype(CmsLinkProcessorInf.PROCESS_CONTENT); content = processor.process(content,encoding); } outStr = StringUtil.getHandleString(maxlength,replace,htmlEncode,htmlDecode,outStr); // if(this.maxlength > 0 && outStr != null && outStr.length() > maxlength) // { // outStr = outStr.substring(0,this.maxlength); // if(replace != null) // outStr += replace; // } // if(this.htmlEncode) // { // out.print(StringUtil.HTMLEncode(outStr)); // } // else if(this.htmlDecode) // { // out.print(StringUtil.HTMLEncodej(outStr)); // } // else // { // out.print(outStr); // } if(outStr != null) this.getJspWriter().print(outStr); else this.getJspWriter().print(""); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JspException(e.getMessage()); } return SKIP_BODY; } protected void setMeta() { if(isExportMeta()) { if(metafield == null) { metafield = new Field(); //设置字段名称,如果指定的是列索引,通过索引查找字段的名称 if(this.getColid() == -1) metafield.setField(this.getColName()); else metafield.setField(fieldHelper.getFields()[getColid()]); //设置字段id metafield.setColid(getColid()); //设置字段的显示标题 metafield.setTitle(this.fieldHelper.getTitles()[getColid()]); //设置统计公式 if(t_formula != null) { //Formula t_formula = searchDataSet(this,PagerDataSet.class).getFormula(getExpression()); metafield.setFormula(t_formula); } metafield.setNumerFormat(this.getNumerformat()); metafield.setDateFormat(this.getDateformat()); PagerDataSet data_father = (PagerDataSet)findAncestorWithClass(this, PagerDataSet.class); data_father.getDataModel().getMetaDatas().addMetaField(metafield); metafield.setHasAdded(true); } else if(!metafield.isHasAdded()) { PagerDataSet data_father = (PagerDataSet)findAncestorWithClass(this, PagerDataSet.class); data_father.getDataModel().getMetaDatas().addMetaField(metafield); metafield.setHasAdded(true); } } } private String getValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, int colid) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, colid, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colid, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getString(rowid, colid); } private Object getObjectValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, int colid) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, colid, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colid, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getValue(rowid, colid); } private String getValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } Object value = dataSet.getObject(rowid); if(value != null) return String.valueOf(value); return null; } private Object getObjectValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getObject(rowid); } /** * 缺省值为对象时调用以下方法,获取输出 * @param obj * @return String */ private String getValue(Object obj) { try { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { NumberFormat numerFormat = DataFormatUtil.getDecimalFormat(getNumerformat()); if (obj == null) return null; return numerFormat.format(obj); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = DataFormatUtil.getSimpleDateFormat(getDateformat()); if (obj == null) return null; return dateFormat.format(obj); } } catch(Exception e) { } return obj.toString(); } /** * 缺省值为对象时调用以下方法,获取输出 * @param obj * @return String */ private Object getObjectValue(Object obj) { try { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { NumberFormat numerFormat = DataFormatUtil.getDecimalFormat(getNumerformat()); if (obj == null) return null; return numerFormat.format(obj); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = DataFormatUtil.getSimpleDateFormat(getDateformat()); if (obj == null) return null; return dateFormat.format(obj); } } catch(Exception e) { } return obj; } private String getValue( PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, int colid, String property) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData( rowid, colid, property, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colid, property, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getString(rowid, colid, property); } private Object getObjectValue( PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, int colid, String property) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData( rowid, colid, property, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colid, property, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getObject(rowid, colid, property); } private String getValue( PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, String colName, String Property) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData( rowid, colName, property, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colName, property, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getString(rowid, colName, property); } private Object getObjectValue( PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, String colName, String Property) { if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData( rowid, colName, property, getNumerformat()); } if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate( rowid, colName, property, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getObject(rowid, colName, property); } private String getValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, String colName) { if (getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, colName, getNumerformat()); } if (getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate(rowid, colName, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getString(rowid, colName); } private Object getObjectValue(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, String colName) { if (getNumerformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatData(rowid, colName, getNumerformat()); } if (getDateformat() != null) { return dataSet.getFormatDate(rowid, colName, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } return dataSet.getObject(rowid, colName); } protected int index() { return index; } protected PagerDataSet searchDataSet(Tag obj,Class clazz) { PagerDataSet dataSet = null; if (this.getIndex() < 0) { dataSet = (PagerDataSet) findAncestorWithClass(obj, clazz); // if(this.currentcelltoColName || this.usecurrentCellValuetoCellName != null) // this.currentDataSet = dataSet; } else { //int idx = index(); HttpServletRequest request = getHttpServletRequest(); // HttpSession session = request.getSession(false) ; java.util.Stack stack = (java.util.Stack) request.getAttribute( PagerDataSet.PAGERDATASET_STACK); dataSet = (PagerDataSet) stack.elementAt(this.getIndex()); if(this.currentcelltoColName || this.usecurrentCellValuetoCellName != null) currentDataSet = (PagerDataSet) findAncestorWithClass(obj, clazz); } return dataSet; } /** * 包含标签库属性变量的表达式匹配公式,其他的表达式将不能使用本表达式 */ public static final String EXPRESSION_PATTERN = "\\s*\\{[^\\}]+\\}\\s*"; /** * 求一般表达式的值 * @param formula * @return Object * @throws FormulaException */ protected Object getFormulaValue(String formula) throws FormulaException { return dataSet.getFormula(formula).getValue(); } /** * 求一定包含对象属性表达式的值 * @param formula * @return Object * added on 2007.11.5 */ protected Object getFormulaValueWithAttribute(String formula) { if(RegexUtil.isContain(formula,EXPRESSION_PATTERN)) { try { return dataSet.getFormula(formula).getValue(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return formula; } } else { return formula; } } /** * 求一定包含对象属性表达式的值,首先判断formula是不是表达式,如果不是则直接获取属性formula(将其当作属性来使用) * @param formula * @return Object * added on 2007.11.5 */ public static Object getCommonFormulaValue(PagerDataSet dataSet,int rowid,String formula) { if(RegexUtil.isContain(formula,EXPRESSION_PATTERN)) { try { return dataSet.getFormula(formula).getValue(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return dataSet.getValue(rowid,formula); } } else { return dataSet.getValue(rowid,formula); } } /** * 获取单元格的输出 * @return String */ protected String getOutStr() { String outStr = getOut(); if(trim && outStr != null) { outStr = outStr.trim(); } return outStr; // //PagerDataSet dataSet = this.searchDataSet(this,PagerDataSet.class); // //在setMeta方法中初始化t_formula对象 // //如果设置了表达式,则通过表达式求解返回的值 // if(this.t_formula != null) // { // try { // Object data = t_formula.getValue(); // if(getNumerformat() != null) // { // NumberFormat numerFormat = new DecimalFormat(getNumerformat()); // outStr = numerFormat.format(data); // } // outStr = data.toString(); // } catch (FormulaException e) { // //System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // log.error(e); // } // } // else if (this.getColid() != -1) { // if (getProperty() == null) // { // //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColId()); // outStr = getValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColid()); // } // else // outStr = // getValue( // dataSet, // dataSet.getRowid(), // getColid(), // getProperty()); // } else if (getColName() != null) { // if (getProperty() == null) // outStr = // getValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColName()); // else // outStr = // getValue( // dataSet, // dataSet.getRowid(), // this.getColName(), // getProperty()); // //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColName()); // } else // outStr = getContent(); // if(outStr == null && getDefaultValue() != null) // outStr = getValue(getDefaultValue()); // if(outStr == null) // outStr = ""; // return outStr; } private void evalColName() { if(this.index >= 0 && colName == null) { if(this.currentcelltoColName) { this.colName = String.valueOf(this.currentDataSet.getObject()); } else if(this.usecurrentCellValuetoCellName != null) { this.colName = String.valueOf(this.currentDataSet.getObject(currentDataSet.getRowid(), usecurrentCellValuetoCellName)); } } } protected Object getObjectValue() { return _getObjectValue(true); } /** * * @param returncurrentObject 是否返回当前记录 true返回,false不返回 * @return */ protected Object _getObjectValue(boolean returncurrentObject) { try { if(this.actualseted) { Object data = (this.actual == null?getDefaultValue():this.actual); if (this.getNumerformat() != null) { return PagerDataSet.formatData(request,data, getNumerformat()); } else if (this.getDateformat() != null) { return PagerDataSet.formatDate(request,data, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } else { return data; } } evalColName(); if(this.requestKey == null && this.sessionKey == null && this.pageContextKey == null && parameter == null) { if(this.dataSet == null) // return getDefaultValue() != null?getObjectValue(getDefaultValue()) :null; return null; Object outStr = null; // 在setMeta方法中初始化t_formula对象 //如果设置了表达式,则通过表达式求解返回的值 if(this.t_formula != null) { try { Object data = t_formula.getValue(); if(data != null ) { if(getNumerformat() != null) { outStr = PagerDataSet.formatData(request,data, getNumerformat()); } else if(this.getDateformat() != null) { outStr = PagerDataSet.formatDate(request,data, getDateformat(), locale, userRequestLocale, timeZone); } else { outStr = data; } } else { outStr = data; } } catch (FormulaException e) { //System.out.println(e.getMessage()); log.debug(e.getMessage()); } } else if (this.getColid() != -1) { if (getProperty() == null) { //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColId()); outStr = getObjectValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColid()); } else outStr = getObjectValue( dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColid(), getProperty()); } else if (getColName() != null) { if (getProperty() == null) outStr = getObjectValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColName()); else outStr = getObjectValue( dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColName(), getProperty()); //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColName()); } else if(this.content != null) outStr = getContent(); else if(returncurrentObject) outStr = getObjectValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid()); if(outStr == null && getDefaultValue() != null) outStr = getObjectValue(getDefaultValue()); return outStr; } else { Object outStr = null; // Object temp = null; if(this.requestKey != null) { outStr = request.getAttribute(requestKey); } else if(this.sessionKey != null) { outStr = session.getAttribute(sessionKey); } else if(this.pageContextKey != null) { outStr = this.pageContext.getAttribute(pageContextKey); } else if(this.parameter != null) { outStr = this.request.getParameter(parameter); } if(outStr != null) { if(this.getProperty() != null) { outStr = ValueObjectUtil.getValue(outStr,this.getProperty()); } } if(outStr == null && getDefaultValue() != null) outStr = getObjectValue(getDefaultValue()); return outStr; } } catch(Exception e) { log.debug("eval cell value error:" ,e); return null; } } protected String getOut() { // try // { // if(this.dataSet == null) // return null; // String outStr = null; // // 在setMeta方法中初始化t_formula对象 // //如果设置了表达式,则通过表达式求解返回的值 // if(this.t_formula != null) // { // try { // Object data = t_formula.getValue(); // if(data != null) // { // if(getNumerformat() != null) // { // NumberFormat numerFormat = new DecimalFormat(getNumerformat()); // outStr = numerFormat.format(data); // } // outStr = data.toString(); // } // } catch (FormulaException e) { // //System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // log.error(e); // } // } // else if (this.getColid() != -1) { // if (getProperty() == null) // { // //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColId()); // outStr = getValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColid()); // } // else // outStr = // getValue( // dataSet, // dataSet.getRowid(), // getColid(), // getProperty()); // } else if (getColName() != null) { // if (getProperty() == null) // outStr = // getValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid(), getColName()); // else // outStr = // getValue( // dataSet, // dataSet.getRowid(), // this.getColName(), // getProperty()); // //outStr = dataSet.getString(dataSet.getRowid(), this.getColName()); // } // else if(this.content != null) // // outStr = getContent(); // else // outStr = getValue(dataSet, dataSet.getRowid()); // if(outStr == null && getDefaultValue() != null) // outStr = getValue(getDefaultValue()); // if(outStr == null) // outStr = null; // return outStr; // } // catch(Exception e) // { // e.printStackTrace(); //// log.debug("error:" ,e); // return null; // } Object ret = getObjectValue(); if(ret == null) return null; return String.valueOf(ret); } /** * @return 返回属性索引 */ public int getColid() { return this.colid; } /** * @param colid */ public void setColid(int colid) { this.colid = colid; } /** * @return String 返回属性名称 */ public String getColName() { return colName; } /** * @param string */ public void setColName(String string) { colName = string; } /** * @return String */ public String getContent() { return content; } /** * @param string */ public void setContent(String string) { content = string; } /** * @return String */ public String getProperty() { return property; } /** * @param string */ public void setProperty(String string) { property = string; } /** * Description: * @return String */ public String getDateformat() { return dateformat; } /** * Description: * @return String */ public String getNumerformat() { return numerformat; } /** * Description: * @return void */ public void setDateformat(String string) { dateformat = string; } /** * Description: * @return void */ public void setNumerformat(String string) { numerformat = string; } // protected Object getObject(PagerDataSet dataSet, int rowid, int colid) { // // return dataSet.getValue(rowid, colid); // // } // // protected Object getObject( // PagerDataSet dataSet, // int rowid, // int colid, // String property) { // // return dataSet.getValue( // rowid, // colid, // property); // } // // protected Object getObject( // PagerDataSet dataSet, // int rowid, // String colName, // String Property) { // return dataSet.getValue( // rowid, // colName, // property); // } // // protected Object getObject( // PagerDataSet dataSet, // int rowid, // String colName) { // return dataSet.getValue(rowid, colName); // } /** * @return int */ public int getIndex() { return index; } /** * @param string */ public void setIndex(int string) { index = string; } /** * Description: * @return * String */ public Object getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } /** * Description: * @param string * void */ public void setDefaultValue(Object string) { defaultValue = string; } /** * Description: * @return * String */ public String getDecode() { return decode; } /** * Description: * @return * String */ public String getEncode() { return encode; } /** * Description: * @param string * void */ public void setDecode(String string) { decode = string; } /** * Description: * @param string * void */ public void setEncode(String string) { encode = string; } /** * @return Returns the expression. */ public String getExpression() { return expression; } /** * @param expression The expression to set. */ public void setExpression(String expression) { this.expression = expression; } public int getMaxlength() { return maxlength; } public void setMaxlength(int maxlength) { this.maxlength = maxlength; } public String getReplace() { return replace; } public void setReplace(String replace) { this.replace = replace; } @Override public void doFinally() { this.pagerContext = null; this.t_formula = null; this.expression = null; this.htmlDecode = false; this.htmlEncode = false; this.publish = false; this.colid = -1; this.colName = null; this.content = null; this.dataSet = null; this.dateformat = null; this.decode = null; this.defaultValue = null; this.encode = null; this.index = -1; this.maxlength = -1; this.metafield = null; this.numerformat = null; this.property = null; this.replace = null; this.actual = null; this.actualseted = false; this.requestKey = null ; this.sessionKey= null ; this.pageContextKey= null ; this.parameter= null ; this.trim = false; this.usecurrentCellValuetoCellName = null; this.currentcelltoColName = false; this.currentDataSet = null; timeZone = null; this.locale = null; this.userRequestLocale = false; super.doFinally(); } public int doEndTag() throws JspException { int ret = super.doEndTag(); return ret; } public boolean isHtmlDecode() { return htmlDecode; } public void setHtmlDecode(boolean htmlDecode) { this.htmlDecode = htmlDecode; } public boolean isHtmlEncode() { return htmlEncode; } public void setHtmlEncode(boolean htmlEncode) { this.htmlEncode = htmlEncode; } public boolean isPublish() { return publish; } public void setPublish(boolean publish) { this.publish = publish; } public Object getActual() { return actual; } public void setActual(Object actual) { actualseted = true; this.actual = actual; } public int getEncodecount() { return encodecount; } public void setEncodecount(int encodecount) { this.encodecount = encodecount; } public boolean getTrim() { return trim; } public void setTrim(boolean trim) { this.trim = trim; } public boolean isCurrentcelltoColName() { return currentcelltoColName; } public void setCurrentcelltoColName(boolean currentcelltoColName) { this.currentcelltoColName = currentcelltoColName; } public String getUsecurrentCellValuetoCellName() { return usecurrentCellValuetoCellName; } public void setUsecurrentCellValuetoCellName( String usecurrentCellValuetoCellName) { this.usecurrentCellValuetoCellName = usecurrentCellValuetoCellName; } public String getLocale() { return locale; } public void setLocale(String locale) { this.locale = locale; } public boolean isUserRequestLocale() { return userRequestLocale; } public void setUserRequestLocale(boolean userRequestLocale) { this.userRequestLocale = userRequestLocale; } public String getTimeZone() { return timeZone; } public void setTimeZone(String timeZone) { this.timeZone = timeZone; } }