package org.batfish.representation.aws_vpcs; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.batfish.common.BatfishException; import org.batfish.common.BatfishLogger; import org.batfish.datamodel.Configuration; import org.batfish.datamodel.Interface; import org.batfish.datamodel.Ip; import org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessList; import org.batfish.datamodel.IpAccessListLine; import org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; public class Instance implements AwsVpcEntity, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private transient IpAccessList _inAcl; private final String _instanceId; private final List<String> _networkInterfaces; private transient IpAccessList _outAcl; private final List<String> _securityGroups; private final String _subnetId; private final String _vpcId; public Instance(JSONObject jObj, BatfishLogger logger) throws JSONException { _securityGroups = new LinkedList<>(); _networkInterfaces = new LinkedList<>(); _instanceId = jObj.getString(JSON_KEY_INSTANCE_ID); boolean hasVpcId = jObj.has(JSON_KEY_VPC_ID); _vpcId = hasVpcId ? jObj.getString(JSON_KEY_VPC_ID) : null; _subnetId = hasVpcId ? jObj.getString(JSON_KEY_SUBNET_ID) : null; JSONArray securityGroups = jObj.getJSONArray(JSON_KEY_SECURITY_GROUPS); initSecurityGroups(securityGroups, logger); JSONArray networkInterfaces = jObj .getJSONArray(JSON_KEY_NETWORK_INTERFACES); initNetworkInterfaces(networkInterfaces, logger); // check if the public and private ip addresses are associated with an // interface } @Override public String getId() { return _instanceId; } public IpAccessList getInAcl() { return _inAcl; } public String getInstanceId() { return _instanceId; } public List<String> getNetworkInterfaces() { return _networkInterfaces; } public IpAccessList getOutAcl() { return _outAcl; } public List<String> getSecurityGroups() { return _securityGroups; } public String getSubnetId() { return _subnetId; } public String getVpcId() { return _vpcId; } private void initNetworkInterfaces(JSONArray routes, BatfishLogger logger) throws JSONException { for (int index = 0; index < routes.length(); index++) { JSONObject childObject = routes.getJSONObject(index); _networkInterfaces .add(childObject.getString(JSON_KEY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID)); } } private void initSecurityGroups(JSONArray associations, BatfishLogger logger) throws JSONException { for (int index = 0; index < associations.length(); index++) { JSONObject childObject = associations.getJSONObject(index); _securityGroups.add(childObject.getString(JSON_KEY_GROUP_ID)); } } public Configuration toConfigurationNode(AwsVpcConfiguration awsVpcConfig) { String sgIngressAclName = "~SECURITY_GROUP_INGRESS_ACL~"; String sgEgressAclName = "~SECURITY_GROUP_EGRESS_ACL~"; Configuration cfgNode = new Configuration(_instanceId); List<IpAccessListLine> inboundRules = new LinkedList<>(); List<IpAccessListLine> outboundRules = new LinkedList<>(); // create ACLs from inboundRules and outboundRules IpAccessList inAcl = new IpAccessList(sgIngressAclName, inboundRules); IpAccessList outAcl = new IpAccessList(sgEgressAclName, outboundRules); cfgNode.getIpAccessLists().put(sgIngressAclName, inAcl); cfgNode.getIpAccessLists().put(sgEgressAclName, outAcl); _inAcl = inAcl; _outAcl = outAcl; for (String sGroupId : _securityGroups) { SecurityGroup sGroup = awsVpcConfig.getSecurityGroups().get(sGroupId); if (sGroup == null) { throw new BatfishException("Security group " + sGroupId + " for instance " + _instanceId + " not found"); } sGroup.addInOutAccessLines(inboundRules, outboundRules); } for (String interfaceId : _networkInterfaces) { NetworkInterface netInterface = awsVpcConfig.getNetworkInterfaces() .get(interfaceId); if (netInterface == null) { throw new BatfishException("Network interface " + interfaceId + " for instance " + _instanceId + " not found"); } Interface iface = new Interface(interfaceId, cfgNode); Set<Ip> privateIpAddresses = new TreeSet<>(); privateIpAddresses .addAll(netInterface.getIpAddressAssociations().keySet()); Subnet subnet = awsVpcConfig.getSubnets() .get(netInterface.getSubnetId()); Prefix ifaceSubnet = subnet.getCidrBlock(); for (Ip ip : privateIpAddresses) { if (!ifaceSubnet.contains(ip)) { throw new BatfishException( "Instance subnet: " + ifaceSubnet.toString() + " does not contain private ip: " + ip.toString()); } if (ip.equals(ifaceSubnet.getEndAddress())) { throw new BatfishException("Expected end address: " + ip.toString() + " to be used by generated subnet node"); } Prefix prefix = new Prefix(ip, ifaceSubnet.getPrefixLength()); iface.getAllPrefixes().add(prefix); } Ip lowestIp = privateIpAddresses.toArray(new Ip[] {})[0]; iface.setPrefix(new Prefix(lowestIp, ifaceSubnet.getPrefixLength())); // apply ACLs to interface iface.setIncomingFilter(inAcl); iface.setOutgoingFilter(outAcl); cfgNode.getInterfaces().put(interfaceId, iface); cfgNode.getDefaultVrf().getInterfaces().put(interfaceId, iface); } return cfgNode; } }