package; import; import; import; import; import org.robotninjas.barge.api.*; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * For now this is just a simple program to print the contents of the log. I envision * this turning into a generic tool for working with the log. * */ public class LogTool { private static enum Type {EMPTY, APPEND, COMMIT, MEMBERSHIP, SNAPSHOT, TERM, VOTE} public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { Journal journal = JournalBuilder.of(new File(args[0])).open(); long term = 0; long index = 0; long committed = 0; List<String> membership = Collections.emptyList(); Optional<String> lastVotedFor = Optional.absent(); Type lastEntryType = Type.EMPTY; for (Location loc : journal.redo()) { byte[] rawEntry =, Journal.ReadType.ASYNC); JournalEntry entry = JournalEntry.parseFrom(rawEntry); if (entry.hasAppend()) { Append a = entry.getAppend(); index = a.getIndex(); term = a.getEntry().getTerm(); lastEntryType = Type.APPEND; } else if (entry.hasCommit()) { Commit c = entry.getCommit(); committed = c.getIndex(); lastEntryType = Type.COMMIT; } else if (entry.hasMembership()) { Membership m = entry.getMembership(); membership = m.getMembersList(); lastEntryType = Type.MEMBERSHIP; } else if (entry.hasSnapshot()) { Snapshot s = entry.getSnapshot(); index = s.getLastIncludedIndex(); term = s.getLastIncludedTerm(); lastEntryType = Type.SNAPSHOT; } else if (entry.hasTerm()) { Term t = entry.getTerm(); term = t.getTerm(); lastEntryType = Type.TERM; } else if (entry.hasVote()) { Vote v = entry.getVote(); lastVotedFor = Optional.fromNullable(v.getVotedFor()); lastEntryType = Type.VOTE; System.out.println("Vote: " + lastVotedFor.orNull()); } System.out.println(lastEntryType.toString() + " " + "term: " + term + ", index: " + index + ", committed: " + committed); } journal.close(); } }