package com.kth.baasio.query; import com.kth.baasio.Baas; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioQueryAsyncTask; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioQueryCallback; import com.kth.baasio.entity.BaasioBaseEntity; import; import com.kth.baasio.entity.user.BaasioUser; import com.kth.baasio.exception.BaasioError; import com.kth.baasio.exception.BaasioException; import com.kth.baasio.response.BaasioResponse; import com.kth.baasio.utils.ObjectUtils; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import; import; import java.util.Stack; public class BaasioQuery implements Cloneable { public enum ORDER_BY { ASCENDING, DESCENDING }; private Stack<String> cursorStack = new Stack<String>(); private String currentCursor; private int limit = 10; private BaasioBaseEntity entity; private BaasioBaseEntity relatedWithThisEntity; private String relationship; private BaasioGroup inThisGroup; private String projectionIn; private String wheres; private String orderByKey; private ORDER_BY orderByMethod = ORDER_BY.ASCENDING; private String rawString; @Override public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public BaasioQuery() { } /** * Get raw query string. * * @return the rawString */ public String getRawString() { return rawString; } /** * Set raw query string. If set raw query string, other query setting will * reset. * * @param rawString the rawString to set */ public void setRawString(String rawString) { this.entity = null; this.inThisGroup = null; this.relatedWithThisEntity = null; this.relationship = null; this.rawString = rawString; } /** * Set limit. * * @param limit Limit */ public void setLimit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; } /** * Get limit. * * @return Limit */ public int getLimit() { return limit; } /** * Set query method by entity type. * * @param entity Entity. Entity must have type. */ public <T extends BaasioBaseEntity> void setType(T entity) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } this.inThisGroup = null; this.relatedWithThisEntity = null; this.relationship = null; this.entity = new BaasioBaseEntity(entity.getType()); } /** * Set entity type to query. * * @param type Entity type */ public void setType(String type) { this.inThisGroup = null; this.relatedWithThisEntity = null; this.relationship = null; this.entity = new BaasioBaseEntity(type); } /** * Get entity type to query. * * @return Entity type to query */ public String getType() { return entity.getType(); } /** * Set query method by relationship. If set relation, type and group will * reset. * * @param entity Target entity. Entity must have type and uuid. * @param relationship Relationship name */ public <T extends BaasioBaseEntity> void setRelation(T entity, String relationship) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TARGET_ENTITY); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relationship)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_RELATIONSHIP); } if (entity instanceof BaasioUser) { BaasioUser targetUserEntity = (BaasioUser)entity; if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(targetUserEntity.getUniqueKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_USER_UUID_OR_USERNAME); } } else { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity.getUniqueKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_UUID_OR_NAME); } } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relationship)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_RELATIONSHIP); } this.entity = null; this.inThisGroup = null; this.relatedWithThisEntity = entity; this.relationship = relationship; } /** * Get relation name to query. * * @return Relationship name */ public String getRelationShip() { return this.relationship; } /** * Get target entity to query which have relationship. * * @return Target entity */ public BaasioBaseEntity getRelationEntity() { return this.relatedWithThisEntity; } /** * Set query method by group. If set group, type and group will reset. * * @param group Target group. Group must have group path. */ public void setGroup(BaasioGroup group) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(group)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TARGET_GROUP_ENTITY); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(group.getUniqueKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_GROUP_UUID_OR_PATH); } this.entity = null; this.relatedWithThisEntity = null; this.relationship = null; this.inThisGroup = group; } /** * Get target group to query. * * @return Target group */ public BaasioGroup getGroup() { return this.inThisGroup; } /** * Get columns to query. A list of which columns to return. * * @return Projection clause */ public String getProjectionIn() { return projectionIn; } /** * Set columns to query. A list of which columns to return. * * @param projectionIn A list of which columns to return */ public void setProjectionIn(String projectionIn) { this.projectionIn = projectionIn; } /** * Get where clause. * * @return the wheres */ public String getWheres() { return wheres; } /** * Set where clause. * * @param wheres Where clause */ public void setWheres(String wheres) { this.wheres = wheres; } /** * Get next cursor to query. * * @return Next cursor */ private String getNextCursor() { int index = -1; if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(currentCursor)) { index = cursorStack.indexOf(currentCursor); } if (cursorStack.size() > index + 1) { String next = cursorStack.get(index + 1); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(next)) { return next; } } return null; } /** * To check whether have next entity. * * @return If true, have next entity. */ public boolean hasNextEntities() { int index = -1; if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(currentCursor)) { index = cursorStack.indexOf(currentCursor); } if (cursorStack.size() > index + 1) { String next = cursorStack.get(index + 1); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(next)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get previous cursor to query. * * @return Previous cursor */ private String getPrevCursor() { int index = -1; if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(currentCursor)) { index = cursorStack.indexOf(currentCursor); } if (index > 0) { String prev = cursorStack.get(index - 1); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(prev)) { return prev; } } return null; } /** * To check whether have previous entity. * * @return If true, have previous entity. */ public boolean hasPrevEntities() { int index = -1; if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(currentCursor)) { index = cursorStack.indexOf(currentCursor); } if (index > -1) { if (index == 0) { return true; } else { String prev = cursorStack.get(index - 1); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(prev)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Set orderby clause. * * @param key Property name * @param orderBy Orderby method * @return this */ public BaasioQuery setOrderBy(String key, ORDER_BY orderBy) { orderByKey = key; orderByMethod = orderBy; return this; } private StringBuilder getQueryBaseString() throws BaasioException { StringBuilder queryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); queryStringBuilder.append("select "); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(projectionIn)) { queryStringBuilder.append(getProjectionIn()); } else { queryStringBuilder.append("*"); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getWheres())) { queryStringBuilder.append(" where "); queryStringBuilder.append(getWheres()); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(orderByKey)) { queryStringBuilder.append(" order by "); queryStringBuilder.append(orderByKey); if (orderByMethod == ORDER_BY.ASCENDING) { queryStringBuilder.append(" asc"); } else { queryStringBuilder.append(" desc"); } } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (queryStringBuilder.length() > 0) { if (result.length() <= 0) { result.append("?ql="); } try { result.append(URLEncoder.encode(queryStringBuilder.toString(), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } } if (getLimit() != 10) { result.append("&limit=" + getLimit()); } return result; } private String getQueryString(boolean next) throws BaasioException { StringBuilder queryStringBuilder = getQueryBaseString(); if (getLimit() != 10) { queryStringBuilder.append("&limit=" + getLimit()); } if (next) { if (hasNextEntities()) { queryStringBuilder.append("&cursor=" + getNextCursor()); } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_QUERY_NO_MORE_NEXT); } } else { if (hasPrevEntities()) { queryStringBuilder.append("&cursor=" + getPrevCursor()); } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_QUERY_NO_MORE_PREV); } } return queryStringBuilder.toString(); } /** * Query entities. * * @return Query result */ public BaasioResponse query() throws BaasioException { BaasioResponse response = null; if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getRawString())) { if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity)) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, relatedWithThisEntity.getType(), relatedWithThisEntity.getUniqueKey(), relationship + getQueryBaseString()); } else if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(inThisGroup)) { response =, null, null, "groups", inThisGroup.getUniqueKey(), "users" + getQueryBaseString()); } else { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, getType() + getQueryBaseString()); } } else { response =, null, null, getRawString()); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(response)) { currentCursor = null; cursorStack.clear(); String nextCursor = response.getCursor(); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(nextCursor)) { cursorStack.push(nextCursor); } return response; } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } } /** * Query entities. Executes asynchronously in background and the callbacks * are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void queryInBackground(final BaasioQueryCallback callback) { (new BaasioQueryAsyncTask(this, callback) { @Override public BaasioResponse doTask() throws Exception { return query(); } }).execute(); } /** * Query previous entities. * * @return Query result */ public BaasioResponse prev() throws BaasioException { BaasioResponse response = null; if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getRawString())) { if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity)) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, relatedWithThisEntity.getType(), relatedWithThisEntity.getUniqueKey(), relationship + getQueryString(false)); } else if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(inThisGroup)) { response =, null, null, "groups", inThisGroup.getPath(), "users" + getQueryString(false)); } else { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, getType() + getQueryString(false)); } } else { if (hasPrevEntities()) { response =, null, null, getRawString() + "&cursor=" + getPrevCursor()); } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_QUERY_NO_MORE_PREV); } } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(response)) { currentCursor = getPrevCursor(); do { cursorStack.pop(); } while (!cursorStack.isEmpty() && !cursorStack.lastElement().equals(currentCursor)); String nextCursor = response.getCursor(); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(nextCursor)) { cursorStack.push(nextCursor); } } return response; } /** * Query previous entities. Executes asynchronously in background and the * callbacks are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void prevInBackground(final BaasioQueryCallback callback) { (new BaasioQueryAsyncTask(this, callback) { @Override public BaasioResponse doTask() throws Exception { return prev(); } }).execute(); } /** * Query next entities. * * @return Query result */ public BaasioResponse next() throws BaasioException { BaasioResponse response = null; if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getRawString())) { if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity)) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(relatedWithThisEntity.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, relatedWithThisEntity.getType(), relatedWithThisEntity.getUniqueKey(), relationship + getQueryString(true)); } else if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(inThisGroup)) { response =, null, null, "groups", inThisGroup.getUniqueKey(), "users" + getQueryString(true)); } else { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } response =, null, null, getType() + getQueryString(true)); } } else { if (hasNextEntities()) { response =, null, null, getRawString() + "&cursor=" + getNextCursor()); } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_QUERY_NO_MORE_NEXT); } } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(response)) { currentCursor = getNextCursor(); String nextCursor = response.getCursor(); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(nextCursor)) { cursorStack.push(nextCursor); } return response; } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } } /** * Query next entities. Executes asynchronously in background and the * callbacks are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void nextInBackground(final BaasioQueryCallback callback) { (new BaasioQueryAsyncTask(this, callback) { @Override public BaasioResponse doTask() throws Exception { return next(); } }).execute(); } }