/* * Copyright (c) 2012 S.C. Axemblr Software Solutions S.R.L * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.axemblr.provisionr.commands; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.Provisionr; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.access.AdminAccess; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.hardware.BlockDevice; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.hardware.Hardware; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.network.Network; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.network.Rule; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.pool.Pool; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.provider.Provider; import com.axemblr.provisionr.api.software.Software; import com.axemblr.provisionr.commands.predicates.ProvisionrPredicates; import com.axemblr.provisionr.core.templates.PoolTemplate; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.io.Files; import java.io.File; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Option; import org.apache.karaf.shell.console.OsgiCommandSupport; /** * A typical call looks like this: * <p/> * $ provisionr:create --id amazon --key web-1 --size 5 --hardware-type m1.small \ * --port 80 --port 443 --package nginx --package gunicorn --package python-pip */ @Command(scope = "provisionr", name = "create", description = "Create pool of virtual machines") public class CreatePoolCommand extends OsgiCommandSupport { @Option(name = "--id", description = "Service ID (use provisionr:services)", required = true) private String id; @Option(name = "-k", aliases = "--key", description = "Unique business identifier for this pool", required = true) private String key; @Option(name = "-s", aliases = "--size", description = "Expected pool size") private int size = 1; @Option(name = "-t", aliases = "--template", description = "Pool pre-configured template") private String template; @Option(name = "-h", aliases = "--hardware-type", description = "Virtual machine hardware type") private String hardwareType = "t1.micro"; @Option(name = "--timeout", description = "Timeout in seconds for the pool's initialization steps. " + "If not specified, defaults to 600 seconds.") private int bootstrapTimeout = 600; @Option(name = "--volume", description = "Block devices that will be attached to each instance. " + "(multi-valued) Expects the following format: [mapping]:[size in GB]. ", multiValued = true) private List<String> blockDeviceOptions = Lists.newArrayList(); @Option(name = "-o", aliases = "--provider-options", description = "Provider-specific options (multi-valued)." + "Expects either the key=value format or just plain key. If value is not specified, defaults to 'true'." + "Supported values: spotBid=x.xxx (Amazon).", multiValued = true) private List<String> providerOptions = Lists.newArrayList(); @Option(name = "--port", description = "Firewall port that need to be open for any TCP traffic " + "(multi-valued). SSH (22) is always open by default.", multiValued = true) private List<Integer> ports = Lists.newArrayList(); @Option(name = "--package", description = "Package to install by default (multi-valued)", multiValued = true) private List<String> packages = Lists.newArrayList(); @Option(name = "--cache", description = "Cache base operating system image (including files & packages)") private boolean cacheBaseImage = false; private final List<Provisionr> services; private final List<PoolTemplate> templates; public CreatePoolCommand(List<Provisionr> services, List<PoolTemplate> templates) { this.services = checkNotNull(services, "services is null"); this.templates = checkNotNull(templates, "templates is null"); } @Override protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { checkArgument(size > 0, "size should be a positive integer"); Optional<Provisionr> service = Iterables.tryFind(services, ProvisionrPredicates.withId(id)); if (service.isPresent()) { final Pool pool = createPoolFromArgumentsAndServiceDefaults(service.get()); final String processInstanceId = service.get().startPoolManagementProcess(key, pool); return String.format("Pool management process started (id: %s)", processInstanceId); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("No provisioning service found with id: " + id); } } @VisibleForTesting Pool createPoolFromArgumentsAndServiceDefaults(Provisionr service) { final Optional<Provider> defaultProvider = service.getDefaultProvider(); checkArgument(defaultProvider.isPresent(), String.format("please configure a default provider " + "by editing etc/com.axemblr.provisionr.%s.cfg", id)); /* append the provider options that were passed in and rebuild the default provider */ // TODO: this currently does not support overriding default options, it will throw an exception Map<String,String> options = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() .putAll(defaultProvider.get().getOptions()) // default options .putAll(parseProviderOptions(providerOptions)) // options added by the user .build(); Provider provider = defaultProvider.get().toBuilder().options(options).createProvider(); /* Always allow ICMP and ssh traffic by default */ final Network network = Network.builder().addRules( Rule.builder().anySource().icmp().createRule(), Rule.builder().anySource().tcp().port(22).createRule() ).addRules( formatPortsAsIngressRules() ).createNetwork(); final Hardware hardware = Hardware.builder() .type(hardwareType) .blockDevices(parseBlockDeviceOptions(blockDeviceOptions)) .createHardware(); final Software software = Software.builder().packages(packages).createSoftware(); final Pool pool = Pool.builder() .provider(provider) .hardware(hardware) .software(software) .network(network) .adminAccess(collectCurrentUserCredentialsForAdminAccess()) .minSize(size) .expectedSize(size) .cacheBaseImage(cacheBaseImage) .bootstrapTimeInSeconds(bootstrapTimeout) .createPool(); if (template != null) { for (PoolTemplate candidate : templates) { if (candidate.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(template)) { return candidate.apply(pool); } } throw new NoSuchElementException("No pool template found with name: " + template); } return pool; } private List<BlockDevice> parseBlockDeviceOptions(List<String> options) { List<BlockDevice> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String option : options) { String[] parts = option.split(":"); checkArgument(parts.length == 2, "The arguments for the --volume option must be mapping:size"); result.add(BlockDevice.builder().name(parts[0]).size(Integer.parseInt(parts[1])).createBlockDevice()); } return result; } private Map<String, String> parseProviderOptions(List<String> providerOptions) { Map<String, String> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String option : providerOptions) { String[] parts = option.split("="); String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "true"; result.put(parts[0], value); } return result; } private Set<Rule> formatPortsAsIngressRules() { ImmutableSet.Builder<Rule> rules = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (int port : ports) { rules.add(Rule.builder().anySource().tcp().port(port).createRule()); } return rules.build(); } protected AdminAccess collectCurrentUserCredentialsForAdminAccess() { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); try { String publicKey = Files.toString(new File(userHome, ".ssh/id_rsa.pub"), Charsets.UTF_8); String privateKey = Files.toString(new File(userHome, ".ssh/id_rsa"), Charsets.UTF_8); return AdminAccess.builder().username(System.getProperty("user.name")) .publicKey(publicKey).privateKey(privateKey).createAdminAccess(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @VisibleForTesting void setId(String id) { this.id = checkNotNull(id, "id is null"); } @VisibleForTesting void setKey(String key) { this.key = checkNotNull(key, "key is null"); } @VisibleForTesting void setSize(int size) { checkArgument(size > 0, "size should be a positive number"); this.size = size; } @VisibleForTesting void setTemplate(String template) { this.template = checkNotNull(template, "template is null"); } @VisibleForTesting void setHardwareType(String hardwareType) { this.hardwareType = checkNotNull(hardwareType, "hardwareType is null"); } @VisibleForTesting void setPorts(List<Integer> ports) { this.ports = ImmutableList.copyOf(ports); } @VisibleForTesting void setPackages(List<String> packages) { this.packages = ImmutableList.copyOf(packages); } @VisibleForTesting void setProviderOptions(List<String> providerOptions) { this.providerOptions = ImmutableList.copyOf(providerOptions); } @VisibleForTesting void setBlockDeviceOptions(List<String> blockDeviceOptions) { this.blockDeviceOptions = ImmutableList.copyOf(blockDeviceOptions); } @VisibleForTesting void setCacheBaseImage(boolean cacheBaseImage) { this.cacheBaseImage = cacheBaseImage; } }