package com.pinthecloud.athere.model; import java.util.Random; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.format.Time; import com.pinthecloud.athere.AhApplication; public class AhMessage implements Parcelable { public enum STATUS{ FAIL(-1), SENDING(0), SENT(1); private final int value; private STATUS(final int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public enum TYPE { // No user Update TALK("TALK"), // To Square Users CHUPA("CHUPA"), // To Individual ADMIN_MESSAGE("ADMIN_MESSAGE"), NOTIFICATION("NOTIFICATION"), MESSAGE_READ("MESSAGE_READ"), // User Update ENTER_SQUARE("ENTER_SQUARE"), // To Square Users EXIT_SQUARE("EXIT_SQUARE"), // To Square Users UPDATE_USER_INFO("UPDATE_USER_INFO"), // To Square Users FORCED_LOGOUT("FORCED_LOGOUT"); private final String value; private TYPE(final String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return getValue(); } }; private String id; private String type; private String content; private String sender; private String senderId; private String receiver; private String receiverId; private String timeStamp; private String chupaCommunId; private int status = STATUS.SENDING.getValue(); private AhMessage() { } public AhMessage(Parcel in){ this(); readToParcel(in); } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getType() { return type; } public String getContent() { return content; } public String getSender() { return sender; } public String getSenderId() { return senderId; } public String getReceiver() { return receiver; } public String getReceiverId() { return receiverId; } public String getTimeStamp() { return timeStamp; } public void setTimeStamp() { Time time = new Time(); time.setToNow(); this.timeStamp = time.format("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); } public String getChupaCommunId() { return chupaCommunId; } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public void setStatus(STATUS status) { this.status = status.getValue(); } /* * Parcelable */ public static final Parcelable.Creator<AhMessage> CREATOR = new Creator<AhMessage>(){ public AhMessage createFromParcel(Parcel in){ return new AhMessage(in); } public AhMessage[] newArray(int size){ return new AhMessage[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(id); dest.writeString(type); dest.writeString(content); dest.writeString(sender); dest.writeString(senderId); dest.writeString(receiver); dest.writeString(receiverId); dest.writeString(timeStamp); dest.writeString(chupaCommunId); dest.writeInt(status); } public void readToParcel(Parcel in){ id = in.readString(); type = in.readString(); content = in.readString(); sender = in.readString(); senderId = in.readString(); receiver = in.readString(); receiverId = in.readString(); timeStamp = in.readString(); chupaCommunId = in.readString(); status = in.readInt(); } /* * Utility */ @Override public String toString() { return "{ id : " + " \n " + " type : "+this.type + " \n " + " content : "+this.content + " \n " + " sender : "+this.sender + " \n " + " senderId : "+this.senderId + " \n " + " receiver : "+this.receiver + " \n " + " receiverId : "+this.receiverId + " \n " + " timeStamp : "+this.timeStamp + " \n " + " chupaCommunId : "+this.chupaCommunId + " \n " + " status : "+this.status + " }"; } public boolean isMine(){ return senderId.equals(AhApplication.getInstance().getUserHelper().getMyUserInfo().getId()); } public boolean isNotification(){ return type.equals(TYPE.NOTIFICATION.toString()); } public boolean isEnterExitNotification(){ return type.equals(TYPE.ENTER_SQUARE.toString()) || type.equals(TYPE.EXIT_SQUARE.toString()); } public boolean isAdmin(){ return type.equals(TYPE.ADMIN_MESSAGE.toString()); } public static String buildChupaCommunId(String id0, String id1) { if (id0.compareTo(id1) > 0) { return id0 + id1; } else { return id1 + id0; } } /* * Make random message for test */ private static int count = 0; public static AhMessage buildMessage(String type){ AhMessage message = new AhMessage(); // = ("id-"+(count)); message.type = (type); message.content = ("Content-" + (count)); message.sender = ("sender-"+count); message.senderId = ("senderId-"+count); message.receiver = ("receiver-"+count); message.receiverId = ("receiverId-"+count); count++; return message; } public static AhMessage buildMessage(AhMessage.TYPE type){ return buildMessage(type.toString()); } public static AhMessage buildMessage(){ AhMessage.TYPE type; Random r = new Random(); int _count = r.nextInt(5); switch(_count){ case 0: type = AhMessage.TYPE.TALK; break; case 1: type = AhMessage.TYPE.CHUPA; break; case 2: type = AhMessage.TYPE.ENTER_SQUARE; break; case 3: type = AhMessage.TYPE.EXIT_SQUARE; break; case 4: type = AhMessage.TYPE.UPDATE_USER_INFO; break; default: type = AhMessage.TYPE.CHUPA; break; } return buildMessage(type); } /* * Message Builder Class */ public static class Builder { private String id; private String type; private String content; private String sender; private String senderId; private String receiver; private String receiverId; private String timeStamp = null; private String chupaCommunId = null; private int status = STATUS.SENDING.getValue(); public Builder setId(String id) { = id; return this; } public Builder setType(String type) { this.type = type; return this; } public Builder setType(AhMessage.TYPE type) { this.type = type.toString(); return this; } public Builder setContent(String content) { this.content = content; return this; } public Builder setSender(String sender) { this.sender = sender; return this; } public Builder setSenderId(String senderId) { this.senderId = senderId; return this; } public Builder setReceiver(String receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; return this; } public Builder setReceiverId(String receiverId) { this.receiverId = receiverId; return this; } public Builder setTimeStamp() { Time time = new Time(); time.setToNow(); this.timeStamp = time.format("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); return this; } public Builder setTimeStamp(String timeStamp) { this.timeStamp = timeStamp; return this; } public Builder setChupaCommunId(String chupaCommunId) { this.chupaCommunId = chupaCommunId; return this; } public Builder setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; return this; } public Builder setStatus(STATUS status) { this.status = status.getValue(); return this; } public AhMessage build(){ AhMessage message = new AhMessage(); = id; message.type = type; message.content = content; message.sender = sender; message.senderId = senderId; message.receiver = receiver; message.receiverId = receiverId; message.status = status; if (this.timeStamp == null){ message.timeStamp = "99999999999999"; } else { message.timeStamp = timeStamp; } if (this.chupaCommunId == null){ message.chupaCommunId = buildChupaCommunId(this.senderId, this.receiverId); } else { message.chupaCommunId = chupaCommunId; } return message; } } }