package org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.resourceapi.resource; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.BinaryChannel.ContentDispositionType; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.CalendarProperty; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.ContentObject; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.SimpleCmsProperty; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.StringProperty; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.api.model.Topic; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.client.AstroboaClient; import org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.resourceapi.utility.ContentApiUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SimplePropertyResource extends AstroboaResource{ private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final static String DATE_WITH_TIME_FORMAT_PATTERN = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z"; private SimpleCmsProperty property; private int valueIndex; private ContentObject contentObject; public SimplePropertyResource ( AstroboaClient astroboaClient, ContentObject contentObject, SimpleCmsProperty property, int valueIndex) { super(astroboaClient); this.contentObject = contentObject; = property; this.valueIndex = valueIndex; } // This will be called through the content object resource. The contentObjectIdOrName, propertyPath have been already consumed and the requested // property and value index are passed through the class constructor. // The API call always returns a single value even if the property is multivalue. // This means that for multivalue properties you should provide a value index (between brackets) at the end of the path, // e.g. departments.department[0] or departments.department[0].jobPositions.jobPosition[0] //If the value index is omitted, the first value is always returned @GET @Path("/") public Response getContentObjectSimplePropertyValue( @QueryParam("contentDispositionType") String contentDispositionType, @QueryParam("callback") String callback) { if (property == null) { logger.warn("The property passed through the class constructor is null"); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(contentDispositionType) || ! ContentDispositionType.ATTACHMENT.toString().equals(contentDispositionType.toUpperCase())){ contentDispositionType = ContentDispositionType.INLINE.toString(); } else { contentDispositionType = contentDispositionType.toUpperCase(); } try{ if (property.hasNoValues()){ logger.warn("Content Object name: {}. The provided property {} does not have any values", contentObject.getSystemName(), property.getPath()); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } Object propertyValue; if (property.getPropertyDefinition().isMultiple()){ try{ propertyValue = property.getSimpleTypeValues().get(valueIndex); } catch(Exception e){ logger.warn("Content Object name: " + contentObject.getSystemName() + ". Unable to retrieve value from property "+ property.getPath() + " for index "+ valueIndex, e); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } } else{ if (valueIndex != 0){ logger.warn("Content Object name: {}. A value index greater than 0 has been provided but the property {} is a single value property. You will get back the value but you should avoid to specify a value index for single value properties", contentObject.getSystemName(), property.getPath()); } propertyValue = property.getSimpleTypeValue(); } if (propertyValue == null) { logger.warn("Content Object name: {}. The property value does not exist in path {}. Check if the value index you provided is correct", contentObject.getSystemName(), property.getPath()); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } // now that we have the value lets typecast it and convert it to string in order to generate the response String propertyValueAsString = null; switch (property.getValueType()) { case String: propertyValueAsString = (String) propertyValue; break; case Date: propertyValueAsString = convertDateToString(((Calendar) propertyValue).getTime(), DATE_WITH_TIME_FORMAT_PATTERN); break; case Boolean: propertyValueAsString = ((Boolean) propertyValue).toString(); break; case Long: propertyValueAsString = ((Long) propertyValue).toString(); break; case Double: propertyValueAsString = ((Double) propertyValue).toString(); break; case ObjectReference: propertyValueAsString = ((ContentObject) propertyValue).getId(); // when values are references to cms entities the id of the entity is returned break; case TopicReference: propertyValueAsString = ((Topic) propertyValue).getId(); // when values are references to cms entities the id of the entity is returned break; default: logger.warn("Content Object name: " + contentObject.getSystemName() + ". The provided property " + property.getPath() + " has the value type " + property.getValueType().toString() + " which is not supported by the current astroboa resource api version"); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(callback)) { propertyValueAsString = callback + "('" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(propertyValueAsString) + "')" + ";"; } ResponseBuilder responseForPropertyValue = null; String responseFileName = contentObject.getSystemName() + "-" + property.getPath(); responseForPropertyValue = Response.ok(propertyValueAsString); responseForPropertyValue.type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN + "; charset=utf-8"); // in some special cases we need to return a different mime type if ("cascadingStyleSheetObject".equals(contentObject.getContentObjectType())) { responseForPropertyValue.type("text/css; charset=utf-8"); responseFileName = responseFileName + ".css"; } else if ("scriptObject".equals(contentObject.getContentObjectType())) { StringProperty scriptLanguageProperty = (StringProperty) contentObject.getCmsProperty("scriptLanguage"); if (scriptLanguageProperty != null && scriptLanguageProperty.hasValues()) { String scriptLanguage = scriptLanguageProperty.getFirstValue(); if ("javascript".equals(scriptLanguage)) { responseForPropertyValue.type("text/javascript; charset=utf-8"); responseFileName = responseFileName + ".js"; } else { responseFileName = responseFileName + scriptLanguage; } } } ContentApiUtils.addContentDispositionHeaderToResponse(responseForPropertyValue, ContentDispositionType.valueOf(contentDispositionType), responseFileName); ContentApiUtils.addLastModifiedAndETagHeaderToResponse(responseForPropertyValue, ((CalendarProperty)contentObject.getCmsProperty("profile.modified")).getSimpleTypeValueAsDate(), propertyValueAsString.length()); return; } catch (WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("A problem occured while connecting repository client to Astroboa Repository", e); throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } } private String convertDateToString(Date date, String dateFormatPattern) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(); dateFormat.setLenient(false); // be strict in the formatting // apply accepted pattern dateFormat.applyPattern(dateFormatPattern); return dateFormat.format(date); } }