package com.nbs.client.assassins.models; import; import; import com.nbs.client.assassins.utils.Bus; import com.nbs.client.assassins.utils.KeyValueStore; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; public class PlayerModel extends KeyValueStore { private static final String TAG = "PlayerState"; private static final String PACKAGE = ""; public static final String TARGET_LIFE_CHANGED = PACKAGE + "TARGET_LIFE_CHANGED"; public static final String TARGET_LOCATION_CHANGED = PACKAGE + "TARGET_LOCATION_CHANGED"; public static final String TARGET_BEARING_CHANGED = PACKAGE + "TARGET_BEARING_CHANGED"; public static final String TARGET_RANGE_CHANGED = PACKAGE + "TARGET_RANGE_CHANGED"; public static final String ENEMY_RANGE_CHANGED = PACKAGE + "ENEMY_RANGE_CHANGED"; public static final String ATTACKED = PACKAGE + "ATTACKED"; public static final String TARGET_EVENT = "target_event"; public static final String ENEMY_EVENT = "enemy_event"; public static final String NEW_TARGET = "new_target"; public static final String NEW_ENEMY = "new_enemy"; public static final String HUNT_RANGE = "hunt_range"; public static final String ATTACK_RANGE = "attack_range"; public static Integer getMyLife(Context c) { return getInt(c,"my_life", -1); } public static synchronized void setMyLife(Context c, Integer myLife) { Integer oldLife = getMyLife(c); putInt(c,"my_life", myLife); if(myLife != null && myLife < oldLife) {,ATTACKED); } } private static synchronized void setMyLife(Context c, String myLife) { try { setMyLife(c, Integer.parseInt(myLife)); } catch(NumberFormatException exception) { Log.d(TAG, exception.getMessage()); } } public static Integer getTargetLife(Context c) { return getInt(c,"target_life", -1); } public static synchronized void setTargetLife(Context c, Integer targetLife) { Integer oldLife = getTargetLife(c); putInt(c,"target_life", targetLife); if(targetLife != null && targetLife < oldLife) {,TARGET_LIFE_CHANGED); } } public static Float getTargetBearing(Context c) { return getFloat(c,"target_bearing", Float.NaN); } public static void setTargetBearing(Context c, String targetBearing) { try { setTargetBearing(c, Float.parseFloat(targetBearing)); } catch(NumberFormatException exception) { Log.d(TAG, exception.getMessage()); } } public static void setTargetBearing(Context c, Float targetBearing) { Float oldBearing = getTargetBearing(c); putFloat(c,"target_bearing", targetBearing); if(oldBearing != targetBearing) {,TARGET_BEARING_CHANGED); } } public static String getTargetProximity(Context c) { return getString(c,"target_proximity"); } public static synchronized void setTargetProximity(Context c, String targetRange) { String oldRange = getTargetProximity(c); putString(c,"target_proximity", targetRange); if(targetRange != null && !targetRange.equals(oldRange)) {,TARGET_RANGE_CHANGED); } } public static String getEnemyProximity(Context c) { return getString(c,"enemy_proximity"); } public static synchronized void setEnemyProximity(Context c, String enemyRange) { String oldRange = getEnemyProximity(c); putString(c,"enemy_proximity", enemyRange); if(enemyRange != null && !enemyRange.equals(oldRange)) {,ENEMY_RANGE_CHANGED); } } public static LatLng getTargetLocation(Context c) { return getLatLng(c, "target"); } public static synchronized void setTargetLocation(Context c, LatLng newL) { LatLng oldL = getLatLng(c, "target"); putLatLng(c, "target", newL); if(oldL == null || !oldL.equals(newL)) {,TARGET_LOCATION_CHANGED); } } //TODO the model should not know about a PlayerStateResponse... try to combine PlayerState and PlayerStateResponse public static void setPlayerState(Context c, Player state) { if(state == null) { state = new Player(); } PlayerModel.setMyLife(c,; PlayerModel.setEnemyProximity(c, state.enemyRange); PlayerModel.setTargetLife(c, state.targetHealth); PlayerModel.setTargetLocation(c, (state.targetLat == null ? null : new LatLng(state.targetLat, state.targetLng))); PlayerModel.setTargetBearing(c, state.targetBearing); PlayerModel.setTargetProximity(c, state.targetRange); } public synchronized static void clearTarget(Context c) { Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c).edit(); editor.remove("target_lat"); editor.remove("target_lng"); editor.remove("target_life"); editor.remove("target_bearing"); editor.remove("target_proximity"); //the last attack time applies only to this target //for the 'assassins' game type editor.remove("last_attack_time"); editor.commit(); } public synchronized static void clearEnemy(Context c) { remove(c,"enemy_proximity"); } public static synchronized void onNewTarget(Context c, Bundle extras) { clearTarget(c); onTargetEvent(c, extras);,PlayerModel.NEW_TARGET); } public static synchronized void onTargetEvent(Context c, Bundle extras) { String tRange = extras.getString("target_range"); String tBearing = extras.getString("target_bearing"); String tLat = extras.getString("target_lat"); String tLng = extras.getString("target_lng"); String tLife = extras.getString("target_life"); if(tRange != null) { setTargetProximity(c, tRange); } if(tBearing != null) { setTargetBearing(c, tBearing); } if(tLat != null && tLng != null) { try { setTargetLocation(c, new LatLng(Double.parseDouble(tLat), Double.parseDouble(tLng))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } if(tLife != null) { setTargetLife(c, Integer.parseInt(tLife)); } Log.d(TAG, "onTargetEvent");,PlayerModel.TARGET_EVENT); } public static void onEnemyEvent(Context c, Bundle extras) { String range = extras.getString("enemy_range"); String myLife = extras.getString("my_life"); if(range != null) { setEnemyProximity(c, range); } if(myLife != null) { setMyLife(c, myLife); } } public static void onMatchEnd(Context c, Bundle extras) { PlayerModel.setPlayerState(c, null); } public static void setLastSuccessfulAttackTime(Context c, long time) { putLong(c, "last_attack_time", time); } public static long getLastSuccessfulAttackTime(Context c) { return getLong(c, "last_attack_time", -1); } }