package com.athena.asm.util; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import android.text.Html; import com.athena.asm.aSMApplication; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.athena.asm.fragment.SubjectListFragment; import com.athena.asm.viewmodel.MailViewModel; public class SmthSupport { public String userid; private String passwd; private boolean loginned; SmthCrawler crawler; private static class Holder { private static SmthSupport instance = new SmthSupport(); } public static SmthSupport getInstance() { return Holder.instance; } private SmthSupport() { crawler = SmthCrawler.getIntance(); } public void restore() { if (crawler.isDestroy()) { crawler.init(); } } public boolean getLoginStatus() { return loginned; } /** * 登录. */ public int login() { loginned = true; return crawler.login(userid, passwd); } /** * 退出登录. */ public void logout() { if (loginned) { crawler.getUrlContent(""); loginned = false; } } /** * 退出登录,并关闭httpclient */ public void destory() { // skip the step to logout normally, to accelerate logout // logout(); crawler.destroy(); } public boolean uploadAttachFile(File file) { return crawler.uploadAttachFile(file); } public boolean sendMail(String mailUrl, String mailTitle, String userid, String num, String dir, String file, String signature, String mailContent) { return crawler.sendMail(mailUrl, mailTitle, userid, num, dir, file, signature, mailContent); } public boolean sendPost(String postUrl, String postTitle, String postContent, String signature, boolean isEdit) { return crawler.sendPost(postUrl, postTitle, postContent, signature, isEdit); } public String getUrlContent(String urlString) { return crawler.getUrlContent(urlString); } /** * 获得首页导读. * * @return */ public Object[] getGuidance() { String content = crawler.getUrlContent(""); Pattern hp = Pattern.compile("<table [^<>]+class=\"HotTable\"[^<>]+>(.*?)</table>", Pattern.DOTALL); if (content == null) { return new Object[] { Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList() }; } Matcher hm = hp.matcher(content); List<String> sectionList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<List<Subject>> subjectList = new ArrayList<List<Subject>>(); if (hm.find()) { sectionList.add("水木十大"); String hc =; Pattern boardNamePattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"bbsdoc.php\\?board=\\w+\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher boardNameMatcher = boardNamePattern.matcher(hc); Pattern hip = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"bbstcon.php\\?board=(\\w+)&gid=(\\d+)\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher him = hip.matcher(hc); Pattern hIdPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"bbsqry.php\\?userid=(\\w+)\">"); Matcher hIdMatcher = hIdPattern.matcher(hc); List<Subject> list = new ArrayList<Subject>(); while (him.find() && hIdMatcher.find()) { Subject subject = new Subject(); if (boardNameMatcher.find()) { subject.setBoardChsName(; } subject.setBoardEngName(; subject.setSubjectID(; String titleString = Html.fromHtml(; subject.setTitle(titleString); subject.setAuthor(; list.add(subject); } subjectList.add(list); } Pattern sp = Pattern.compile( "<span class=\"SectionName\"><a[^<>]+>([^<>]+)</a></span>(.*?)class=\"SecLine\"></td>", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher sm = sp.matcher(content); while (sm.find()) { String sectionName =; sectionList.add(sectionName); String sc =; // System.out.println(sectionName); Pattern boardNamePattern = Pattern .compile("\"SectionItem\">.<a href=\"bbsdoc.php\\?board=\\w+\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher boardNameMatcher = boardNamePattern.matcher(sc); Pattern sip = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"bbstcon.php\\?board=(\\w+)&gid=(\\d+)\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher sim = sip.matcher(sc); List<Subject> list = new ArrayList<Subject>(); while (sim.find()) { Subject subject = new Subject(); if (boardNameMatcher.find()) { subject.setBoardChsName(; } subject.setBoardEngName(; subject.setSubjectID(; subject.setTitle(; list.add(subject); } subjectList.add(list); } return new Object[] { sectionList, subjectList }; } /** * 获取版面收藏列表. type用来区别版面自己是不是目录 * * @return */ public void getFavorite(String id, List<Board> boardList, int type) { String url; if (type == 0) { url = "" + id; } else { url = "" + id; } String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return; } // 先提取目录 String patternStr = "o\\.f\\((\\d+),'([^']+)',\\d+,''\\);"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); while (matcher.find()) { list.add(; Board board = new Board(); board.setDirectory(true); board.setDirectoryName(; board.setCategoryName("目录"); boardList.add(board); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { getFavorite(list.get(i), boardList.get(i).getChildBoards(), 0); } // o.o(false,1,998,22156,'[站务]','Ask','新用户疑难解答','haning BJH',733,997,0); patternStr = "o\\.o\\(\\w+,\\d+,(\\d+),\\d+,'([^']+)','([^']+)','([^']+)','([^']*)',\\d+,\\d+,\\d+\\)"; pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); matcher = pattern.matcher(content); while (matcher.find()) { String boardID =; String category =; String engName =; String chsName =; String moderator =; if (moderator.length() > 25) { moderator = moderator.substring(0, 21) + "..."; } Board board = new Board(); board.setDirectory(false); board.setBoardID(boardID); board.setCategoryName(category); board.setEngName(engName); board.setChsName(chsName); board.setModerator(moderator); if (moderator.contains("[目录]")) { board.setDirectory(true); board.setDirectoryName(chsName); getFavorite(engName, board.getChildBoards(), 1); } boardList.add(board); } } /** * 根据boardName来获取boardID */ public String getBoardIDFromName(String boardName) { String url; url = "" + boardName; String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return ""; } // extrat board ID Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("new docWriter\\('(\\w+)',(\\d+),"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); if (matcher.find()) { String name =; String id =; // Log.d("getBoardIDFromName", String.format("name=%s ==>id=%s", name, id)); if(boardName.equals(name)){ return id; } } return ""; } public String checkNewReplyOrAt() { String result = null; String content = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(""); if (content != null) { if (content.contains(">@我(")) { result = "新@"; } else if (content.contains(">回我(")) { result = "新回复"; } } return result; } public boolean checkNewMail() { String content = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(""); if (content == null) { return false; } if (content.contains("邮箱(新)")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void markAllMessageRead(int type) { String url = ""; if (type == 0) { url = ""; } else { url = ""; } crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(url); } /** * 获取邮箱信息 * * @return */ public MailBox getMailBoxInfo() { MailBox mailBox = new MailBox(); String content = crawler.getUrlContent(""); if (content == null) { return null; } if (content.contains("您有未读邮件")) { mailBox.setHavingNewMail(true); } else { mailBox.setHavingNewMail(false); } Pattern inboxPattern = Pattern .compile("<td><a href=\"bbsmailbox.php\\?path=\\.DIR&title=%CA%D5%BC%FE%CF%E4\" class=\"ts2\">[^<>]+</a></td>\\s<td>(\\d+)</td>"); Matcher inboxMatcher = inboxPattern.matcher(content); while (inboxMatcher.find()) { mailBox.setInboxNumber(Integer.parseInt(; } Pattern outboxPattern = Pattern .compile("<td><a href=\"bbsmailbox.php\\?path=\\.SENT&title=%B7%A2%BC%FE%CF%E4\" class=\"ts2\">[^<>]+</a></td>\\s<td>(\\d+)</td>"); Matcher outboxMatcher = outboxPattern.matcher(content); while (outboxMatcher.find()) { mailBox.setOutboxNumber(Integer.parseInt(; } Pattern trashboxPattern = Pattern .compile("<td><a href=\"bbsmailbox.php\\?path=\\.DELETED&title=%C0%AC%BB%F8%CF%E4\" class=\"ts2\">[^<>]+</a></td>\\s<td>(\\d+)</td>"); Matcher trashboxMatcher = trashboxPattern.matcher(content); while (trashboxMatcher.find()) { mailBox.setTrashboxNumber(Integer.parseInt(; } content = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(""); if (content != null) { if (content.contains(">@我(")) { mailBox.setHavingNewAt(true); } else if (content.contains(">回我(")) { mailBox.setHavingNewReply(true); } } return mailBox; } /** * 取得邮件标题列表 * * @param boxType * @param startNumber * @return */ public List<Mail> getMailList(int boxType, int startNumber) { String urlString = ""; String boxString = ""; String boxDirString = ""; String startString = ""; if (startNumber != -1) { startString += "&start=" + startNumber; } switch (boxType) { case 0: urlString += "path=.DIR" + startString + "&title=%CA%D5%BC%FE%CF%E4"; boxString = "%CA%D5%BC%FE%CF%E4"; boxDirString = ".DIR"; break; case 1: urlString += "path=.SENT" + startString + "&title=%B7%A2%BC%FE%CF%E4"; boxString = "%B7%A2%BC%FE%CF%E4"; boxDirString = ".SENT"; break; case 2: urlString += "path=.DELETED" + startString + "&title=%C0%AC%BB%F8%CF%E4"; boxString = "%C0%AC%BB%F8%CF%E4"; boxDirString = ".DELETED"; break; default: break; } List<Mail> mailList = new ArrayList<Mail>(); String result = crawler.getUrlContent(urlString); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } int counter = 0; String matchString = ""; String numberAndDatePatternString = "<td class=\"mt3\">([^<>]+)</td>"; Pattern numberAndDatePattern = Pattern.compile(numberAndDatePatternString); Matcher numberAndDateMatcher = numberAndDatePattern.matcher(result); while (numberAndDateMatcher.find()) { matchString =; int number = Integer.parseInt(matchString) - 1; numberAndDateMatcher.find(); matchString =; Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.setBoxString(boxString); mail.setBoxType(boxType); mail.setBoxDirString(boxDirString); mail.setNumber(number); mail.setDateString(matchString.replaceAll(" ", " ").trim()); mailList.add(mail); } String isUnreadPatternString = "<img src='images/(\\w+).gif'[^<>]+>"; Pattern isUnreadPattern = Pattern.compile(isUnreadPatternString); Matcher isUnreadMatcher = isUnreadPattern.matcher(result); while (isUnreadMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); if (matchString.contains("omail")) { mail.setUnread(false); } else { mail.setUnread(true); } counter++; } counter = 0; String valuePatternString = "<input type=\"checkbox\"[^<>]+value=\"([^<>]+)\">"; Pattern valuePattern = Pattern.compile(valuePatternString); Matcher valueMatcher = valuePattern.matcher(result); while (valueMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); mail.setValueString(matchString); counter++; } counter = 0; String statusPatternString = "<td class=\"mt4\"><nobr>([^<>]+)</nobr></td>"; Pattern statusPattern = Pattern.compile(statusPatternString); Matcher statusMatcher = statusPattern.matcher(result); while (statusMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); mail.setStatus(matchString.replaceAll(" ", "").trim()); counter++; } counter = 0; String senderPatternString = "<td class=\"mt3\"><a href=\"bbsqry.php\\?userid=([^<>]+)\">[^<>]+</a></td>"; Pattern senderPattern = Pattern.compile(senderPatternString); Matcher senderMatcher = senderPattern.matcher(result); while (senderMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); mail.setSenderID(matchString); counter++; } counter = 0; String titlePatternString = "<td class=\"mt5\"> <a[^<>]+>([^<>]+)</a></td>"; Pattern titlePattern = Pattern.compile(titlePatternString); Matcher titleMatcher = titlePattern.matcher(result); while (titleMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); mail.setTitle(matchString.trim()); counter++; } counter = 0; String sizePatternString = "<td class=\"mt3\" style=[^<>]+>(\\d+)</td>"; Pattern sizePattern = Pattern.compile(sizePatternString); Matcher sizeMatcher = sizePattern.matcher(result); while (sizeMatcher.find()) { matchString =; Mail mail = mailList.get(counter); mail.setSizeString(matchString); counter++; } return mailList; } public List<Mail> getReplyOrAtList(MailViewModel mailViewModel, int boxType, int startNumber) { String urlString = ""; switch (boxType) { case 4: urlString = ""; break; case 5: urlString = ""; break; default: break; } if (startNumber != -1) { urlString += "?p=" + startNumber; } List<Mail> mailList = new ArrayList<Mail>(); String result = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(urlString); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // <div><a href="/refer/reply/read?index= Pattern itemPattern; if (boxType == 4) { itemPattern = Pattern.compile("<div><a href=\"/refer/at/read\\?index=(\\d+)\"([^<>]*)>([^<>]+)"); } else { itemPattern = Pattern.compile("<div><a href=\"/refer/reply/read\\?index=(\\d+)\"([^<>]*)>([^<>]+)"); } Matcher itemMatcher = itemPattern.matcher(result); while (itemMatcher.find()) { Mail mail = new Mail(); mail.setBoxType(boxType); int number = Integer.parseInt(; mail.setNumber(number); if (itemMatcher.groupCount() == 2) { mail.setUnread(false); mail.setTitle(; } else { String type =; if (type.contains("top")) { mail.setUnread(true); } else { mail.setUnread(false); } mail.setTitle(; } mailList.add(mail); } // 2012-05-28<a href="/user/query/ Pattern userIDPattern = Pattern.compile("([^<>]+)<a href=\"/user/query/([^<>]+)\""); Matcher userIDMatcher = userIDPattern.matcher(result); int index = 0; while (userIDMatcher.find()) { String dateString =; mailList.get(index).setDateString(dateString.replace(" ", "")); mailList.get(index).setSenderID(; index++; } // / <a class="plant">1/1272</a> Pattern pagePattern = Pattern.compile("<a class=\"plant\">(\\d+)/(\\d+)"); Matcher pageMatcher = pagePattern.matcher(result); if (pageMatcher.find()) { mailViewModel.setCurrentPageNo(Integer.parseInt(; mailViewModel.setTotalPageNo(Integer.parseInt(; } return mailList; } public void getMailContent(Mail mail) { String boxTypeString = ""; switch (mail.getBoxType()) { case 0: boxTypeString = ".DIR"; break; case 1: boxTypeString = ".SENT"; break; case 2: boxTypeString = ".DELETED"; break; default: break; } String url = "" + boxTypeString + "&num=" + mail.getNumber() + "&title=" + mail.getBoxString(); String result = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (result == null) { mail.setContent("加载失败"); mail.setDate(new Date()); } else { Pattern contentPattern = Pattern.compile("prints\\('(.*?)'\\);", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher contentMatcher = contentPattern.matcher(result); if (contentMatcher.find()) { String contentString =; Object[] objects = StringUtility.parsePostContent(contentString); mail.setContent((String) objects[0]); mail.setDate((java.util.Date) objects[1]); } } } /** * 获取分类讨论区列表 * * @return */ public void getCategory(String id, List<Board> boardList, boolean isFolder) { // // there are three kinds of items in category: folder, group, board // 1. folder // o.f(1,'系统    水木社区系统版面 ',0,''); // // 2. group // o.o(true,1,502,356446,'[站务]','BBSData','社区系统数据','[目录]',10,501,0); // // 3. board // o.o(false,1,104,27745,'[出国]','AdvancedEdu','飞跃重洋','LSAT madonion // Mperson',22553,103,25); // String url; if (id.equals("TOP")) { url = ""; } else if (isFolder) { // 1. folder url = "" + id + "&x"; } else { // 2. group url = "" + id; } String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return; } // 先提取folder String patternStr = "o\\.f\\((\\d+),'([^']+)',\\d+,'([^']+)'\\);"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); while (matcher.find()) { // Log.d("Find folder",; getCategory(, boardList, true); } // 再寻找board和group patternStr = "o\\.o\\((\\w+),\\d+,(\\d+),\\d+,'([^']+)','([^']+)','([^']+)','([^']*)',\\d+,\\d+,\\d+\\)"; pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); matcher = pattern.matcher(content); while (matcher.find()) { String isGroup =; String boardID =; String category =; String engName =; String chsName =; String moderator =; if (moderator.length() > 25) { moderator = moderator.substring(0, 21) + "..."; } if (isGroup.equals("true")) { // find group, add its child boards recursively // Log.d("find Group", engName); getCategory(boardID, boardList, false); } else { // Log.d("find Board", engName); Board board = new Board(); board.setBoardID(boardID); board.setCategoryName(category); board.setEngName(engName); board.setChsName(chsName); board.setModerator(moderator); boardList.add(board); } } } /** * 获取经过过滤的主题列表. * * @return */ public List<Subject> getSearchSubjectList(String boardName, String boardID, String queryString) { String url = "" + queryString; String result = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } String patternStr = "ta\\.r\\('[^']+','([^']+)','<a href=\"bbsqry.php\\?userid=(\\w+)\">\\w+</a>','([^']+)','<a href=\"bbscon.php\\?bid=(\\d+)&id=(\\d+)\">([^<>]+)</a>'\\);"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(result); List<Subject> subjectList = new ArrayList<Subject>(); while (matcher.find()) { String type =; String author =; String dateStr =" ", " "); // SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd", // Locale.US); // Date date; // try { // date = formatter.parse(dateStr); // } catch (ParseException e) { // date = new Date(); // } String boardid =; String subjectid =; String title =; Subject subject = new Subject(); subject.setAuthor(author); subject.setBoardID(boardID); subject.setBoardEngName(boardName); subject.setBoardID(boardid); subject.setSubjectID(subjectid); subject.setTitle(title); subject.setType(type); subject.setDateString(dateStr); subjectList.add(subject); } return subjectList; } /** * 获取版面主题列表. * * @return */ public List<Subject> getSubjectListFromMobile(Board board, int boardType, boolean isReloadPageNo, ArrayList<String> blackList) { String boardname = board.getEngName(); int pageno = board.getCurrentPageNo(); if (isReloadPageNo) { pageno = 0; } String result = getMainSubjectListFromMobile(boardname, pageno, boardType); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Subject> subjectList = new ArrayList<Subject>(); // <a class="plant">1/1272</a> 当前页/总共页 Pattern pagePattern = Pattern.compile("<a class=\"plant\">(\\d+)/(\\d+)"); Matcher pageMatcher = pagePattern.matcher(result); if (pageMatcher.find()) { board.setCurrentPageNo(Integer.parseInt(; board.setTotalPageNo(Integer.parseInt(; } // 同主题模式, 主题后面有(NNN), 两个作者 // <div><a href="/article/DC/423562" // class="m">如了个3D相机,FUJI-REAL3D-W3</a>(1)</div><div>2013-02-06 <a // href="/user/query/penwall">penwall</a>|2013-02-06 <a // href="/user/query/DRAGON9">DRAGON9</a></div> // 其他模式 // <div><a // href="/article/DC/single/2515/1">● 如了个3D相机,FUJI-REAL3D-W3</a></div><div>2515 2013-02-06 <a // href="/user/query/penwall">penwall</a></div> // 置顶的帖子, class="top" // <div><a href="/article/DC/419129" // class="top">审核通过DC版治版方针</a>(0)</div><div>2012-12-22 <a // href="/user/query/SYSOP">SYSOP</a>|2012-12-22 <a // href="/user/query/SYSOP">SYSOP</a></div> // 2013-02-06 <a href="/user/query/penwall">penwall</a> Pattern userIDPattern = Pattern.compile("([^<>]+)<a href=\"/user/query/([^<>]+)\""); Matcher userIDMatcher = userIDPattern.matcher(result); int index = 1; while (userIDMatcher.find()) { // subject mode has two author info per subject index = 1 - index; if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT && index == 1) continue; Subject subject = new Subject(); String dateString =; String[] dates = dateString.split(" "); if (dates.length < 2) { subject.setDateString(dates[0]); } else { subject.setDateString(dates[1]); } // subject.setDateString(dateString.replace(" ", "")); subject.setAuthor(; subject.setBoardID(board.getBoardID()); subject.setBoardEngName(boardname); subject.setCurrentPageNo(1); subject.setType(" "); subjectList.add(subject); } // <div><a href="/article/DC/423562" // class="m">如了个3D相机,FUJI-REAL3D-W3</a>(1)</div> // <div><a // href="/article/DC/single/2515/1">● 如了个3D相机,FUJI-REAL3D-W3</a></div> String subPattern1 = ""; String subPattern2 = ""; if (boardType != SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) { boardname = boardname + "/single"; } if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_NORMAL) { subPattern1 = "/0"; } else if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_DIGEST) { subPattern1 = "/1"; } else if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_MARK) { subPattern1 = "/3"; } if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) { subPattern2 = "\\((\\d+)\\)"; } Pattern subjectPattern = Pattern.compile("<div><a href=\"/article/" + boardname + "/(\\d+)" + subPattern1 + "\"([^<>]*)>([^<>]+)</a>" + subPattern2); // Log.d("getSubjectListFromMobile RE", subjectPattern.pattern()); Matcher subjectMatcher = subjectPattern.matcher(result); index = 0; while (subjectMatcher.find()) { // Log.d("getSubjectListFromMobile result", //; if (subjectMatcher.groupCount() == 2) { subjectList.get(index).setSubjectID(; subjectList.get(index).setTitle(; } else { String type =; if (type.contains("top")) { // 置顶的帖子 subjectList.get(index).setType(Subject.TYPE_BOTTOM); } subjectList.get(index).setSubjectID(; // add replied number after subject title in SUBJECT mode String subjectTitle = "null"; if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) subjectTitle = + " (" + + ")"; else subjectTitle =; subjectList.get(index).setTitle(subjectTitle); } index++; if (index > subjectList.size()) { break; } } if (aSMApplication.getCurrentApplication().isHidePinSubject()) { for (Iterator<Subject> iterator = subjectList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Subject subject = (Subject); if (subject.getType().equals(Subject.TYPE_BOTTOM)) { iterator.remove(); } } } return subjectList; } /** * * * @return */ public List<Post> getSinglePostListFromMobileUrl(Subject subject, String url) { String result = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(url); if (result == null || result.contains("指定的文章不存在或链接错误") || result.contains("您无权阅读此版面")) { return null; } List<Post> postList = new ArrayList<Post>(); Post post = new Post(); // <a href="/article/NewSoftware/single/68557">楼主 Pattern infoPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/article/([^<>]+)/single/(\\d+)\">楼主"); Matcher infoMatcher = infoPattern.matcher(result); if (infoMatcher.find()) { subject.setBoardEngName(; subject.setTopicSubjectID(; subject.setCurrentPageNo(1); subject.setType(" "); } // subject.setBoardID(board.getBoardID()); // <a userid href="/user/query/ Pattern userIDPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/user/query/([^<>]+)\""); Matcher userIDMatcher = userIDPattern.matcher(result); if (userIDMatcher.find()) { post.setTopicSubjectID(subject.getTopicSubjectID()); post.setBoardID(subject.getBoardID()); post.setBoard(subject.getBoardEngName()); String author =; post.setAuthor(author); subject.setAuthor(author); } // <a href="/article/NewExpress/post/11111">回复 Pattern subjectPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/article/" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "/post/(\\d+)\\?s=1\""); Matcher subjectMatcher = subjectPattern.matcher(result); if (subjectMatcher.find()) { post.setSubjectID(; subject.setSubjectID(post.getSubjectID()); } // <a class="plant">2012-02-23 00:16:41</a> Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile("<a class=\"plant\">(\\d)([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher dateMatcher = datePattern.matcher(result); if (dateMatcher.find()) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { post.setDate((java.util.Date) sdf.parse( +; subject.setDateString( +; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // <li class="f">title</li> Pattern titlePattern = Pattern.compile("<li class=\"f\">([^<>]+)</li>"); Matcher titleMatcher = titlePattern.matcher(result); String titleString = ""; if (titleMatcher.find()) { titleString = Html.fromHtml(; post.setTitle(titleString); subject.setTitle(titleString); } // post content Pattern contentPattern = Pattern.compile("<div class=\"sp\">(.*?)</div>"); Matcher contentMatcher = contentPattern.matcher(result); if (contentMatcher.find()) { String contentString =; Object[] objects = StringUtility.parseMobilePostContent(contentString); post.setContent((String) objects[0]); ArrayList<Attachment> attachFiles = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<String> attachList = (ArrayList<String>) objects[1]; for (Iterator<String> iterator = attachList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String attach = (String); Attachment innerAtt = new Attachment(); if (attach.contains("<img")) { // this attachment is an image Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"([^<>]+)\""); // there are two kinds of URL here, we should add http if necessary // <a target="_blank" href="/att/NewExpress/3749711/258"> // <a target="_blank" href=""> Matcher urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(attach); if (urlMatcher.find()) { String urlString =; // append prefix if necessary if (!urlString.startsWith("http://")){ urlString = "" + urlString; } innerAtt.setMobileUrlString(urlString); // find image content type from HTTP stream String filename = crawler.fetchAttachmentFilename(urlString); innerAtt.setName(filename); } } else { // other attachment, shown as downloadable link Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"([^<>]+)\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(attach); if (urlMatcher.find()) { innerAtt.setMobileUrlString(; innerAtt.setName(; } } innerAtt.setMobileType(true); attachFiles.add(innerAtt); } post.setAttachFiles(attachFiles); } postList.add(post); return postList; } /** * 获取单贴内容 * * @param subject * @return */ public List<Post> getSinglePostList(Subject subject) { // String result = getPostContent(subject.getBoardID(), // subject.getSubjectID()); List<Post> postList = new ArrayList<Post>(); Post post = new Post(); post.setAuthor(subject.getAuthor()); post.setSubjectID(subject.getSubjectID()); post.setBoardID(subject.getBoardID()); post.setBoard(subject.getBoardEngName()); postList.add(post); crawler.getPostList(postList); subject.setTopicSubjectID(post.getTopicSubjectID()); return postList; } public List<Post> getTopicPostList(Subject subject, int action) { List<Post> postList = new ArrayList<Post>(); String url = "" + subject.getBoardID() + "&id="; if (action == Post.ACTION_FIRST_POST_IN_SUBJECT) { // url += subject.getTopicSubjectID(); } else { url += subject.getSubjectID(); if (action == Post.ACTION_PREVIOUS_POST_IN_SUBJECT) { // url += "&p=tp"; } else { // // Post.ACTION_NEXT_POST_IN_SUBJECT url += "&p=tn"; } } String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return null; } Post post = new Post(); post.setBoardID(subject.getBoardID()); post.setBoard(subject.getBoardEngName()); Pattern contentPattern = Pattern.compile("prints\\('(.*?)'\\);", Pattern.DOTALL); Pattern infoPattern = Pattern .compile("conWriter\\(\\d+, '[^']+', \\d+, (\\d+), (\\d+), (\\d+), '[^']+', (\\d+), \\d+,'([^']+)'\\);"); Matcher contentMatcher = contentPattern.matcher(content); if (contentMatcher.find()) { String contentString =; Object[] objects = StringUtility.parsePostContent(contentString); post.setContent((String) objects[0]); post.setDate((java.util.Date) objects[1]); int index1 = contentString.indexOf("发信人:"); int index2 = contentString.indexOf("("); String authorString = contentString.substring(index1 + 4, index2 - 1).trim(); post.setAuthor(authorString); } Matcher infoMatcher = infoPattern.matcher(content); if (infoMatcher.find()) { post.setSubjectID(; post.setTopicSubjectID(; post.setTitle(; } String bid = null, id = null, ftype = null, num = null, cacheable = null; Matcher attachPartOneMatcher = Pattern.compile("attWriter\\((\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)").matcher( content); if (attachPartOneMatcher.find()) { bid =; id =; ftype =; num =; cacheable =; } ArrayList<Attachment> attachFiles = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); Matcher attachPartTwoMatcher = Pattern.compile("attach\\('([^']+)', (\\d+), (\\d+)\\)").matcher(content); while (attachPartTwoMatcher.find()) { Attachment innerAtt = new Attachment(); innerAtt.setBid(bid); innerAtt.setId(id); innerAtt.setFtype(ftype); innerAtt.setNum(num); innerAtt.setCacheable(cacheable); String name =; String len =; String pos =; innerAtt.setName(name); innerAtt.setLen(len); innerAtt.setPos(pos); attachFiles.add(innerAtt); } post.setAttachFiles(attachFiles); postList.add(post); subject.setSubjectID(post.getSubjectID()); subject.setTopicSubjectID(post.getTopicSubjectID()); subject.setAuthor(post.getAuthor()); subject.setDateString(StringUtility.getFormattedString(post.getDate())); return postList; } /** * 获取同主题帖子列表. * * @param board * @param mainSubjectid * @param pageno * @return */ public List<Post> getPostList(Subject subject, ArrayList<String> blackList, int startNumber) { // String result = getPostListContent(subject.getBoardEngName(), // subject.getSubjectID(), subject.getCurrentPageNo(), startNumber); String url = "" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "&gid=" + subject.getSubjectID(); if (subject.getCurrentPageNo() > 0) { url += "&pno=" + subject.getCurrentPageNo(); } if (startNumber > 0) { // 对应web的"从此处展开" url += "&start=" + startNumber; } String result = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Matcher bidMatcher = Pattern.compile("tconWriter\\('[^']+',(\\d+),\\d+,\\d+,(\\d+),(\\d+),\\d+,\\d+,\\d+") .matcher(result); String boardid = ""; if (bidMatcher.find()) { boardid =; int totalPage = Integer.parseInt(; subject.setTotalPageNo(totalPage); // Log.d("asm : totalpageno", totalPage + ""); int page = Integer.parseInt(; subject.setCurrentPageNo(page); } String patternStr = "\\[(\\d+),'([^']+)'\\]"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(result); List<Post> postList = new ArrayList<Post>(); boolean flag = true; while (matcher.find()) { String subjectid =; String author =; if (blackList.contains(author)) { continue; } if (flag) { flag = false; if (!StringUtility.isEmpty(author) && StringUtility.isEmpty(subject.getAuthor())) { subject.setAuthor(author); } } Post post = new Post(); post.setAuthor(author); post.setSubjectID(subjectid); post.setBoardID(boardid); post.setBoard(subject.getBoardEngName()); postList.add(post); } crawler.getPostList(postList); return postList; } /** * 获取移动版水木帖子列表. * * @param board * @param mainSubjectid * @param pageno * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Post> getPostListFromMobile(Subject subject, ArrayList<String> blackList, int boardType) { String url = ""; int currentPageNo = subject.getCurrentPageNo(); boolean isInSubject = false; if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) { // url = "" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "/" + subject.getSubjectID(); if (currentPageNo > 0) { url += "?p=" + currentPageNo; } isInSubject = true; } else if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_DIGEST) { url = "" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "/single/" + subject.getSubjectID() + "/1"; } else if (boardType == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_MARK) { url = "" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "/single/" + subject.getSubjectID() + "/3"; } String result = crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(url); if (result == null || result.contains("指定的文章不存在或链接错误") || result.contains("您无权阅读此版面")) { return null; } List<Post> postList = new ArrayList<Post>(); boolean flag = true; // <a class="plant">10楼</a>|<a href="/user/query/xiaojunxiao">xiaojunxiao</a> // <a class="plant">楼主</a>|<a href="/user/query/vivianv">vivianv</a> Pattern userIDPattern = Pattern.compile("<a class=\"plant\">((\\d+)楼|楼主)</a>\\|<a href=\"/user/query/([^<>]+)\""); Matcher userIDMatcher = userIDPattern.matcher(result); while (userIDMatcher.find()) { Post post = new Post(); post.setTopicSubjectID(subject.getTopicSubjectID()); post.setBoardID(subject.getBoardID()); post.setBoard(subject.getBoardEngName()); String post_index =; post.setPostIndex(post_index); String post_author =; post.setAuthor(post_author); post.setTopicSubjectID(subject.getSubjectID()); if (flag) { flag = false; if (!StringUtility.isEmpty(post_author) && StringUtility.isEmpty(subject.getAuthor())) { subject.setAuthor(post_author); } } postList.add(post); } // <a href="/article/NewExpress/post/11111">回复 // only logined user has this option. guest user will have subjectID = null Pattern subjectPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/article/" + subject.getBoardEngName() + "/post/(\\d+)\""); Matcher subjectMatcher = subjectPattern.matcher(result); int index = 0; while (subjectMatcher.find()) { postList.get(index).setSubjectID(; ++index; } // <a class="plant">2012-02-23 00:16:41</a> Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile("<a class=\"plant\">(\\d)([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher dateMatcher = datePattern.matcher(result); index = 0; boolean isOdd = !isInSubject; flag = true; while (dateMatcher.find()) { if (isOdd) { if (currentPageNo > 1) {; currentPageNo = 0; continue; } isOdd = false; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { postList.get(index) .setDate((java.util.Date) sdf.parse( +; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!isInSubject) { break; } ++index; } else { if (flag) { flag = false; String pageString = +; int splitIndex = pageString.indexOf("/"); int totalPage = Integer.parseInt(pageString.substring(splitIndex + 1)); subject.setTotalPageNo(totalPage); int page = Integer.parseInt(pageString.substring(0, splitIndex)); subject.setCurrentPageNo(page); } isOdd = true; continue; } } // <li class="f">title</li> index = 0; Pattern titlePattern = Pattern.compile("<li class=\"f\">([^<>]+)</li>"); Matcher titleMatcher = titlePattern.matcher(result); String titleString = ""; if (titleMatcher.find()) { titleString = Html.fromHtml(; postList.get(index).setTitle(titleString); } titleString = "Re: " + titleString; for (int i = 1; i < postList.size(); i++) { postList.get(i).setTitle(titleString); } // post content index = 0; Pattern contentPattern = Pattern.compile("<div class=\"sp\">(.*?)</div>"); Matcher contentMatcher = contentPattern.matcher(result); while (contentMatcher.find()) { String contentString =; Object[] objects = StringUtility.parseMobilePostContent(contentString); postList.get(index).setContent((String) objects[0]); ArrayList<Attachment> attachFiles = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); ArrayList<String> attachList = (ArrayList<String>) objects[1]; for (Iterator<String> iterator = attachList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String attach = (String); Attachment innerAtt = new Attachment(); if (attach.contains("<img")) { // this attachment is an image Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"([^<>]+)\""); Matcher urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(attach); if (urlMatcher.find()) { String urlString =; // append prefix if necessary if (!urlString.startsWith("http://")){ urlString = "" + urlString; } innerAtt.setMobileUrlString(urlString); // find image conten·t type from HTTP stream String filename = crawler.fetchAttachmentFilename(urlString); innerAtt.setName(filename); } } else { // other attachment, shown as downloadable link Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"([^<>]+)\">([^<>]+)</a>"); Matcher urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(attach); if (urlMatcher.find()) { innerAtt.setMobileUrlString(; innerAtt.setName(; } } innerAtt.setMobileType(true); attachFiles.add(innerAtt); } postList.get(index).setAttachFiles(attachFiles); ++index; } return postList; } private Boolean forwardGroupPostTo(Post post, String to) { String url = ""; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("board", post.getBoard())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("gid", post.getSubjectID())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("start", post.getSubjectID())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("noansi", "1")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("target", to)); String content = crawler.getPostRequestResult(url, params); if (content != null && content.contains("操作成功")) { return true; } else { return false; } } private Boolean forwardPostTo(Post post, String to) { String url = ""; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("board", post.getBoard())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("id", post.getSubjectID())); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("noansi", "1")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("target", to)); String content = crawler.getPostRequestResult(url, params); if (content != null && content.contains("操作成功")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean forwardGroupPostToExternalMail(Post post, String emailAddress) { return forwardGroupPostTo(post, emailAddress); } public Boolean forwardGroupPostToMailBox(Post post) { return forwardPostTo(post, userid); } public Boolean forwardPostToExternalMail(Post post, String emailAddress) { return forwardPostTo(post, emailAddress); } public Boolean forwardPostToMailBox(Post post) { return forwardPostTo(post, userid); } public Boolean deletePost(String boardname, String postid) { // // "操作成功: 删除成功. String url = "" + boardname + "&id=" + postid; String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return false; } if (content.contains("删除成功")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean addBoardToFavorite(String groupid, String boardname) { //<boardname>&select=<groupid> // return new favorite list: if the boardname is returned, operation success String url = "" + groupid + "&bname=" + boardname; String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return false; } if (content.contains(boardname)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean removeBoardFromFavorite(String groupid, String boardname, String boardid) { //<groupid>&delete=<boardid-1> // return new favorite list: if the boardname is not returned, operation success if(boardid == null && boardname != null) { boardid = getBoardIDFromName(boardname); } // o.o(false,1,1029,1441174,'[数码]','PocketLife','掌上智能','leavesnow earthmouse wedf',372363,1028,644); // it's strange the value of delete parameter is not boardid, but boardid-1 int bid = Integer.parseInt(boardid) - 1; String url = "" + groupid + "&delete=" + bid; String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return false; } if (! content.contains(boardname)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 获得个人信息 * * @param userID * 要查询的用户ID * @return */ public Profile getProfile(String userID) { String url = "" + userID; String content = crawler.getUrlContent(url); if (content == null) { return null; } Pattern profilePattern = Pattern.compile("<pre>(.*?)</pre>", Pattern.DOTALL); Profile profile = new Profile(); Matcher profileMatcher = profilePattern.matcher(content); if (profileMatcher.find()) { String detailString =; profile = StringUtility.parseProfile(detailString); } Pattern desPattern = Pattern.compile("prints\\('(.*?)'\\);", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher desMatcher = desPattern.matcher(content); if (desMatcher.find()) { String descriptionString =; descriptionString = descriptionString.replaceAll("\\\\/", "/"); // \/ ==> / descriptionString = descriptionString.replaceAll("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\"); // \\ ==> \ descriptionString = descriptionString.replaceAll("\\\\\"", "\""); // \" ==> " descriptionString = descriptionString.replaceAll("\\\\'", "'"); // \' ==> ' descriptionString = descriptionString.replaceAll("\\\\n", "<br/>"); // \n ==> <br/> profile.setDescription(descriptionString); } else { profile.setDescription("这家伙很懒,啥也没留下"); } return profile; } public String getPostContent(String boardid, String subjectid) { String url = "" + boardid + "&id=" + subjectid; return crawler.getUrlContent(url); } // private String getPostListContent(String board, String subjectid, int // pageno, int startNumber) { // String url = "" + board // + "&gid=" + subjectid; // if (pageno > 0) { // url += "&pno=" + pageno; // } // if (startNumber > 0) { // url += "&start=" + startNumber; // } // return crawler.getUrlContent(url); // } public String getMainSubjectList(String board, int pageno, int type) { String url = ""; if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) { url = "" + board + "&ftype=6"; } else if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_NORMAL) { url = "" + board + "&ftype=0"; } else if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_DIGEST) { url = "" + board + "&ftype=1"; } else {// mark url = "" + board + "&ftype=3"; } if (pageno > 0) { url = url + "&page=" + pageno; } return crawler.getUrlContent(url); } public String getMainSubjectListFromMobile(String board, int pageno, int type) { String url = ""; if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_SUBJECT) { url = "" + board; } else if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_NORMAL) { url = "" + board + "/0"; } else if (type == SubjectListFragment.BOARD_TYPE_DIGEST) { url = "" + board + "/1"; } else {// mark url = "" + board + "/3"; } if (pageno > 0) { url = url + "?p=" + pageno; } return crawler.getUrlContentFromMobile(url); } public String getUserid() { return userid; } public void setUserid(String userid) { this.userid = userid; } public String getPasswd() { return passwd; } public void setPasswd(String passwd) { this.passwd = passwd; } }