package com.github.mikephil.charting.utils; import android.content.Context; import com.github.mikephil.charting.R; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Class that holds predefined color arrays (e.g. * ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) and convenience methods for loading colors * from resources. * * @author Philipp Jahoda */ public class ColorTemplate { /** * THE COLOR THEMES ARE PREDEFINED, FEEL FREE TO CREATE YOUR OWN WITH AS * MANY DIFFERENT COLORS AS YOU WANT */ public static final int[] FRESH_COLORS = { R.color.fresh_1, R.color.fresh_2, R.color.fresh_3, R.color.fresh_4, R.color.fresh_5 }; public static final int[] MONO_COLORS = { R.color.mono_1, R.color.mono_2, R.color.mono_3, R.color.mono_4, R.color.mono_5 }; public static final int[] LIBERTY_COLORS = { R.color.liberty_1, R.color.liberty_2, R.color.liberty_3, R.color.liberty_4, R.color.liberty_5 }; public static final int[] COLORFUL_COLORS = { R.color.colorful_1, R.color.colorful_2, R.color.colorful_3, R.color.colorful_4, R.color.colorful_5 }; public static final int[] GREEN_COLORS = { R.color.greens_1, R.color.greens_2, R.color.greens_3, R.color.greens_4, R.color.greens_5 }; public static final int[] JOYFUL_COLORS = { R.color.joyful_1, R.color.joyful_2, R.color.joyful_3, R.color.joyful_4, R.color.joyful_5 }; public static final int[] PASTEL_COLORS = { R.color.pastel_1, R.color.pastel_2, R.color.pastel_3, R.color.pastel_4, R.color.pastel_5 }; public static final int[] VORDIPLOM_COLORS = { R.color.vordiplom_1, R.color.vordiplom_2, R.color.vordiplom_3, R.color.vordiplom_4, R.color.vordiplom_5 }; /** * turn an array of resource-colors into an arraylist of actual color values * * @param c * @param colors e.g. ColorTemplate.MONO_COLORS * @return */ public static ArrayList<Integer> createColors(Context c, int[] colors) { ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i : colors) { result.add(c.getResources().getColor(i)); } return result; } /** * Turns an array of colors (already converted with * getResources().getColor(...)) into an ArrayList of colors. * * @param colors * @return */ public static ArrayList<Integer> createColors(int[] colors) { ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i : colors) { result.add(i); } return result; } }