package com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.topic.Message; import com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.topic.MessageEntity.EntityType; import com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.topic.MessageListActivity; import com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.topic.TopicListActivity; import com.arrownock.opensource.arrownockers.utils.DBManager.Chat; import com.arrownock.exception.ArrownockException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.arrownock.mrm.MRMJSONResponseHandler; public class AnIMWrapper implements IAnIMCallback { private static final String logTag = "AnIMWrapper"; private static AnIMWrapper wrapper; private AnIM anIM; private Map<String, Message> tmpMessages = new HashMap<String, Message>(); private static AnIMWrapperCallback delegate; public static MessageListActivity messageListActivity; public static TopicListActivity topicListActivity; public static ChatActivity chatActivity; public static SessionActivity sessionActivity; public static boolean status = false; private boolean willDisconnect = false; static int retryCount = 1; private boolean willCheckIfMyTopic = false; public static String thisAnId; private static Context thisContext; // FIXME 以下注释代码用于监听网络连接状态的改变,从而执行重新连接服务器的操作 // private static NetworkChangeMonitor monitor = null; // private class NetworkChangeMonitor extends BroadcastReceiver { // // @Override // public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // String action = intent.getAction(); // if (TextUtils // .equals(action, "")) { // if (ATUtils.getCurrentUsername() != null) { // getWrapper().getClientId(ATUtils.getCurrentUsername()); // } // } // } // } // public void unregisterMonitor() { // try { // thisContext.unregisterReceiver(monitor); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // private void registerDataTransReceiver() { // try { // IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); // filter.addAction(""); // filter.setPriority(1000); // // unregisterMonitor(); // monitor = new NetworkChangeMonitor(); // thisContext.registerReceiver(monitor, filter); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // 获取当前网络状态 private NetworkInfo getActiveNetwork(Context context) { if (context == null) return null; ConnectivityManager mConnMgr = (ConnectivityManager) context .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (mConnMgr == null) return null; NetworkInfo aActiveInfo = mConnMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return aActiveInfo; } public static void init(Context context, String appKey) { try { if (wrapper == null) { wrapper = new AnIMWrapper(); wrapper.anIM = new AnIM(context, appKey); wrapper.anIM.setSecureConnection(true); wrapper.anIM.setCallback(wrapper); thisContext = context; } // FIXME 注册网络状态监听 // wrapper.registerDataTransReceiver(); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static AnIMWrapper getWrapper() { if (wrapper == null) { init(thisContext, AnUtils.AppKey); } return wrapper; } public void getClientId(String userId) { Log.i(logTag, "getClientId: " + userId); try { wrapper.anIM.getClientId(userId); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void getTopics(AnIMWrapperCallback callback) { Log.i(logTag, "getTopics"); if (callback != null) { delegate = callback; } try { wrapper.anIM.getTopicList(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void willJoinTopic(String topicId) { Log.i(logTag, "will join topic: " + topicId); try { Set<String> clientIds = new HashSet<String>(); clientIds.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); wrapper.anIM.addClientsToTopic(topicId, clientIds); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void willQuitTopic(String topicId) { Log.i(logTag, "will quit topic: " + topicId); try { Set<String> clientIds = new HashSet<String>(); clientIds.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); wrapper.anIM.removeClientsFromTopic(topicId, clientIds); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // 查询群组信息,获取群组内用户的clientId列表 public void willCheckIfMyTopic(String topicId) { Log.i(logTag, "will get topicInfo: " + topicId); willCheckIfMyTopic = true; try { wrapper.anIM.getTopicInfo(topicId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // 验证是否处于该群组 private void verifyIfMyTopic(Set<String> clientIds) { Log.i(logTag, "will verify if my topic"); if (willCheckIfMyTopic) { if (messageListActivity != null) { if (clientIds == null) { messageListActivity.onCheckIfMyTopic(false, true); } else { if (clientIds.contains(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId())) { messageListActivity.onCheckIfMyTopic(true, false); } else { messageListActivity.onCheckIfMyTopic(false, false); } } } willCheckIfMyTopic = false; } } public void connect(String clientId) { Log.i(logTag, "connect clientId: " + clientId); willDisconnect = false; try { wrapper.anIM.connect(clientId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void disconnect() { Log.i(logTag, "\t" + "disconnect"); willDisconnect = true; try { wrapper.anIM.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void connectIfOffline() { if (status == false && AnUtils.getCurrentUsername() != null) { try { wrapper.anIM.getClientId(AnUtils.getCurrentUsername()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // 绑定Push服务 public void bindPush(String anid) { thisAnId = anid; try { wrapper.anIM.bindAnPushService(anid, AnUtils.AppKey, AnPushType.AnPushTypeAndroid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void getOfflineMessages() { Log.i(logTag, "Fetching offline messages..."); wrapper.anIM.getOfflineHistory(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId(), 10, new IAnIMHistoryCallback() { @Override public void onError(ArrownockException e) { Log.e(logTag, "Failed to fetch offline messages. " + e.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(List messages, int count) { for(int i = 0; i< messages.size(); i++) { AnIMMessage message = (AnIMMessage)messages.get(i); if(message != null) { if(AnIMMessageType.AnIMTextMessage == message.getType()) { Map<String, String> customData = message.getCustomData(); String username = customData.get("username"); double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = "text"; chat.fromClientId = message.getFrom(); List<String> p = new ArrayList<String>(); p.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); p.add(message.getFrom()); Collections.sort(p); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(p, ","); chat.message = message.getMessage(); chat.messageId = message.getMsgId(); chat.status = "unread"; chat.income = true; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(time); chat.realname = username; saveReceivedMessage(chat, p); } else if(AnIMMessageType.AnIMBinaryMessage == message.getType()) { Map<String, String> customData = message.getCustomData(); String username = customData.get("username"); double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = message.getFileType(); chat.fromClientId = message.getFrom(); List<String> p = new ArrayList<String>(); p.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); p.add(message.getFrom()); Collections.sort(p); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(p, ","); chat.messageId = message.getMsgId(); chat.status = "unread"; chat.income = true; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(time); chat.realname = username; if (chat.type.equals("location")) { chat.latitude = Double.valueOf(customData.get("latitude") .toString()); chat.longitude = Double.valueOf(customData.get("longitude") .toString()); } else { chat.binary = message.getContent(); } saveRecievedBinaryMessage(chat, p); } } } // if there is still message left, fetch them if(count > 0) { getOfflineMessages(); } } }); } public void getTopicOfflineMessages() { Log.i(logTag, "Fetching topic offline messages...."); wrapper.anIM.getOfflineTopicHistory(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId(), 10, new IAnIMHistoryCallback() { public void onError(ArrownockException e) { Log.e(logTag, "Failed to fetch topic offline messages. " + e.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(List messages, int count) { for(int i = 0; i< messages.size(); i++) { AnIMMessage message = (AnIMMessage)messages.get(i); if(message != null) { if(AnIMMessageType.AnIMTextMessage == message.getType()) { String messageId = message.getMsgId(); String content = message.getMessage(); String topicId = message.getTopicId(); Map<String, String> customData = message.getCustomData(); String realname = customData.get("realname"); String username = customData.get("username"); if (realname == null) { realname = username; } double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Message msg = new Message(); msg.messageId = messageId; msg.content = content; msg.topicId = topicId; msg.realname = realname; msg.username = username; msg.timestamp = time; msg.isUnread = true; msg.isIncoming = true; msg.isUnsent = false; msg.isError = false; msg.type = EntityType.ET_TEXT; DBManager.writeMessage(msg); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessage(msg); } if (topicListActivity != null) { topicListActivity.onMessage(msg); } } else if(AnIMMessageType.AnIMBinaryMessage == message.getType()) { String messageId = message.getMsgId(); byte[] contentData = message.getContent(); String fileType = message.getFileType(); String topicId = message.getTopicId(); Map<String, String> customData = message.getCustomData(); String realname = customData.get("realname"); String username = customData.get("username"); if (realname == null) { realname = username; } double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Message msg = new Message(); msg.messageId = messageId; msg.topicId = topicId; msg.realname = realname; msg.username = username; msg.timestamp = time; msg.isUnread = true; msg.isIncoming = true; msg.isUnsent = false; msg.isError = false; if (fileType.equals("image")) { msg.imageData = contentData; msg.type = EntityType.ET_IMAGE; } else if (fileType.equals("audio")) { msg.audioData = contentData; msg.type = EntityType.ET_AUDIO; } DBManager.writeMessage(msg); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessage(msg); } if (topicListActivity != null) { topicListActivity.onMessage(msg); } } } } // if there is still message left, fetch them if(count > 0) { getTopicOfflineMessages(); } } }); } public String sendMessageToClients(String message, List<String> clientIds) { String messageId = null; try { Set<String> clientIdSet = new HashSet<String>(clientIds); List<String> clientIdList = new ArrayList<String>(clientIds); Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>(); customData.put("username", AnUtils.getCurrentUsername()); customData.put("time", String.format("%f", new Date().getTime() / 1000.0)); messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendMessage(clientIdSet, message, customData, true); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = "text"; chat.fromClientId = AnUtils.getCurrentClientId(); clientIdList.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); Collections.sort(clientIdList); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(clientIdList, ","); chat.message = message; chat.messageId = messageId; chat.status = "sending"; chat.income = false; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(new Date()); DBManager.addChat(chat); } catch (ArrownockException e) { Log.e("sendMessageToClients: ", e.getMessage()); } return messageId; } public String sendBinaryToClients(byte[] binary, String fileType, List<String> clientIds) { String messageId = null; try { Set<String> clientIdSet = new HashSet<String>(clientIds); List<String> clientIdList = new ArrayList<String>(clientIds); Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>(); customData.put("username", AnUtils.getCurrentUsername()); customData.put("time", String.format("%f", new Date().getTime() / 1000.0)); messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendBinary(clientIdSet, binary, fileType, customData, true); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = fileType; chat.fromClientId = AnUtils.getCurrentClientId(); clientIdList.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); Collections.sort(clientIdList); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(clientIdList, ","); chat.binary = binary; chat.messageId = messageId; chat.status = "sending"; chat.income = false; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(new Date()); DBManager.addChat(chat); } catch (ArrownockException e) { Log.e("sendBinaryToClient: ", e.getMessage()); } return messageId; } public String sendLocationToClients(double latitude, double longitude, List<String> clientIds) { Set<String> clientIdSet = new HashSet<String>(clientIds); List<String> clientIdList = new ArrayList<String>(clientIds); String messageId = null; Map<String, String> locMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); locMap.put("latitude", String.valueOf(latitude)); locMap.put("longitude", String.valueOf(longitude)); locMap.put("username", AnUtils.getCurrentUsername()); locMap.put("time", String.format("%f", new Date().getTime() / 1000.0)); try { messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendBinary(clientIdSet, "Location".getBytes(), "location", locMap, true); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = "location"; chat.fromClientId = AnUtils.getCurrentClientId(); clientIdList.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); Collections.sort(clientIdList); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(clientIdList, ","); chat.binary = null; chat.message = "Location..."; chat.latitude = latitude; chat.longitude = longitude; chat.messageId = messageId; chat.status = "sending"; chat.income = false; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(new Date()); DBManager.addChat(chat); } catch (ArrownockException e) { Log.e("sendBinaryToClient: ", e.getMessage()); } return messageId; } // 发送已读回执 public String sendReadACKToClients(List<String> clientIds, String messageId) { String returnedMessageId = null; try { Set<String> clientIdSet = new HashSet<String>(clientIds); returnedMessageId = wrapper.anIM .sendReadACK(clientIdSet, messageId); } catch (ArrownockException e) { Log.e("sendReadACK: ", e.getMessage()); } return returnedMessageId; } // 用户群组聊天发送消息 public String sendText(Message message) { String messageId = null; String topicId = message.topicId; String content = message.content; Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>(); customData.put("realname", message.realname); customData.put("username", message.username); customData.put("time", String.format("%f", message.timestamp.getTime() / 1000.0)); try { messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendMessageToTopic(topicId, content, customData, false); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (messageId != null) { message.messageId = messageId; message.isIncoming = false; message.isUnread = true; message.isUnsent = true; tmpMessages.put(messageId, message); } return messageId; } // 用户群组聊天发送图片 public String sendImage(Message message) { String messageId = null; String topicId = message.topicId; byte[] imageData = message.imageData; Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>(); customData.put("realname", message.realname); customData.put("username", message.username); customData.put("time", String.format("%f", message.timestamp.getTime() / 1000.0)); try { messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendBinaryToTopic(topicId, imageData, "image", customData, false); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (messageId != null) { message.messageId = messageId; message.isIncoming = false; message.isUnread = true; message.isUnsent = true; tmpMessages.put(messageId, message); } return messageId; } // 用户群组聊天发送声音 public String sendAudio(Message message) { String messageId = null; String topicId = message.topicId; byte[] audioData = message.audioData; Map<String, String> customData = new HashMap<String, String>(); customData.put("realname", message.realname); customData.put("username", message.username); customData.put("time", String.format("%f", message.timestamp.getTime() / 1000.0)); try { messageId = wrapper.anIM.sendBinaryToTopic(topicId, audioData, "audio", customData, false); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (messageId != null) { message.messageId = messageId; message.isIncoming = false; message.isUnread = true; message.isUnsent = true; tmpMessages.put(messageId, message); } return messageId; } // 回调函数。添加clientId到某一个群组的回调函数 @Override public void addClientsToTopic(AnIMAddClientsCallbackData arg0) { if (messageListActivity != null) { if (arg0.getException() != null) { messageListActivity.onJoinTopic(false); } else { messageListActivity.onJoinTopic(true); } } } // 回调函数。绑定Push服务的回调函数 @Override public void bindAnPushService(AnIMBindAnPushServiceCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "anPush bound" + (arg0.isError() ? arg0.getException().getErrorCode() : "")); if (!arg0.isError()) { AnUtils.setAnId(thisAnId); } } @Override public void createTopic(AnIMCreateTopicCallbackData arg0) { } // 回调函数。获取某一个userId所对应的clientId的回调函数 @Override public void getClientId(AnIMGetClientIdCallbackData arg0) { if (!arg0.isError()) { Log.i(logTag, "clientId retrived: " + arg0.getClientId()); final String clientId = arg0.getClientId(); if (AnUtils.getCurrentClientId() == null) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); JSONObject customFields = new JSONObject(); try { customFields.put("clientId", clientId); params.put("customFields", customFields); if (AnUtils.getCurrentUserId() != null) { params.put("id", AnUtils.getCurrentUserId()); } MRMWrapper.getMRM(thisContext).sendPostRequest(thisContext, "users/update", params, new MRMJSONResponseHandler() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e, JSONObject response) { } @Override public void onSuccess(int statusCode, JSONObject response) { AnUtils.setCurrentClientId(clientId); } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { wrapper.anIM.connect(clientId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { Log.i(logTag, "clientId retrived error: " + arg0.getException().getErrorCode()); arg0.getException().getInnerException().printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void getClientsStatus(AnIMGetClientsStatusCallbackData arg0) { } @Override public void getSessionInfo(AnIMGetSessionInfoCallbackData arg0) { } // 回调函数。获取群组信息的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void getTopicInfo(AnIMGetTopicInfoCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "topicInfo retrived"); if (arg0.getException() != null) { verifyIfMyTopic(null); } else { verifyIfMyTopic(arg0.getParties()); } } // 回调函数。获取所有群组列表的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void getTopicList(AnIMGetTopicListCallbackData arg0) { if (delegate != null) { if (!arg0.isError()) { delegate.getTopicsDone(arg0.getTopicList()); } else { delegate.getTopicsDone(null); arg0.getException().printStackTrace(); } } } // 回调函数。某条消息发送成功/失败的回调函数 @Override public void messageSent(AnIMMessageSentCallbackData arg0) { if (arg0.getException() != null) { String messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); tmpMessages.remove(messageId); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessageSent(null); } if (chatActivity != null) { chatActivity.onChatSent(null); } } else { final String messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); if (messageId != null) { Message message = tmpMessages.get(messageId); if (message != null) { message.isUnsent = false; DBManager.writeMessage(message); tmpMessages.remove(messageId); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessageSent(messageId); } } DBManager.updateChatStatus(messageId, false, "sent"); if (chatActivity != null) { chatActivity.onChatSent(messageId); } } } } // 回调函数。收到来自某个用户的binary数据时的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void receivedBinary(AnIMBinaryCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "received binary: " + arg0.getMsgId()); try { Map<String, String> customData = arg0.getCustomData(); String username = customData.get("username"); double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = arg0.getFileType(); chat.fromClientId = arg0.getFrom(); List<String> p = new ArrayList<String>(); p.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); p.add(arg0.getFrom()); Collections.sort(p); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(p, ","); chat.messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); chat.status = "unread"; chat.income = true; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(time); chat.realname = username; if (chat.type.equals("location")) { chat.latitude = Double.valueOf(customData.get("latitude") .toString()); chat.longitude = Double.valueOf(customData.get("longitude") .toString()); } else { chat.binary = arg0.getContent(); } saveRecievedBinaryMessage(chat, p); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void saveRecievedBinaryMessage(Chat chat, List<String> parties) { DBManager.addChat(chat); parties.remove(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); boolean existing = DBManager.setSessionUnread(parties, chat.time, "收到了新" + chat.type); if (existing) { if ((chatActivity == null && sessionActivity == null) || (chatActivity == null && !sessionActivity.alive) || (chatActivity != null && !chatActivity.alive)) { AnUtils.showNotification(thisContext, "session"); return; } if (chatActivity != null && chatActivity.alive) { chatActivity.onReceivedChat(); Log.i(logTag, "sendReadACK messageReceived"); wrapper.sendReadACKToClients(parties, chat.messageId); } if (sessionActivity != null && sessionActivity.alive) { sessionActivity.initData(); } } else { DBManager.addSession(parties, chat.realname, chat.time, "收到了新" + chat.type, "unread"); } } // 回调函数。收到来自某个用户的文本消息时的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void receivedMessage(AnIMMessageCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "received message: " + arg0.getMessage()); try { Map<String, String> customData = arg0.getCustomData(); String username = customData.get("username"); double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Chat chat = new Chat(); chat.type = "text"; chat.fromClientId = arg0.getFrom(); List<String> p = new ArrayList<String>(); p.add(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); p.add(arg0.getFrom()); Collections.sort(p); chat.parties = StringUtils.join(p, ","); chat.message = arg0.getMessage(); chat.messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); chat.status = "unread"; chat.income = true; chat.time = AnUtils.getTimeString(time); chat.realname = username; saveReceivedMessage(chat, p); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void saveReceivedMessage(Chat chat, List<String> parties) { DBManager.addChat(chat); parties.remove(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); boolean existing = DBManager.setSessionUnread(parties, chat.time, chat.message); if (existing) { if ((chatActivity == null && sessionActivity == null) || (chatActivity == null && !sessionActivity.alive) || (chatActivity != null && !chatActivity.alive)) { AnUtils.showNotification(thisContext, "session"); return; } if (chatActivity != null && chatActivity.alive) { chatActivity.onReceivedChat(); Log.i(logTag, "sendReadACK messageReceived"); wrapper.sendReadACKToClients(parties, chat.messageId); } if (sessionActivity != null && sessionActivity.alive) { sessionActivity.initData(); } } else { DBManager.addSession(parties, chat.realname, chat.time, chat.message, "unread"); } } @Override public void receivedNotice(AnIMNoticeCallbackData arg0) { } // 回调函数。当某条发送出的消息已经被对方阅读的回调函数 @Override public void receivedReadACK(AnIMReadACKCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "message: " + arg0.getMsgId() + " read by: " + arg0.getFrom()); DBManager.updateChatStatus(arg0.getMsgId(), false, "read"); if (chatActivity != null && chatActivity.alive) { chatActivity.onChatRead(); } } // 回调函数。当某条发送出的消息已经被对方接收到的回调函数 @Override public void receivedReceiveACK(AnIMReceiveACKCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "message: " + arg0.getMsgId() + " recevied by: " + arg0.getFrom()); DBManager.updateChatStatus(arg0.getMsgId(), false, "received"); if (chatActivity != null && chatActivity.alive) { chatActivity.onChatReceived(); } } // 回调函数。收到来自某个群组的binary数据时的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void receivedTopicBinary(AnIMTopicBinaryCallbackData arg0) { String messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); byte[] contentData = arg0.getContent(); String fileType = arg0.getFileType(); String topicId = arg0.getTopic(); Map<String, String> customData = arg0.getCustomData(); String realname = customData.get("realname"); String username = customData.get("username"); if (realname == null) { realname = username; } double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Message message = new Message(); message.messageId = messageId; message.topicId = topicId; message.realname = realname; message.username = username; message.timestamp = time; message.isUnread = true; message.isIncoming = true; message.isUnsent = false; message.isError = false; if (fileType.equals("image")) { message.imageData = contentData; message.type = EntityType.ET_IMAGE; } else if (fileType.equals("audio")) { message.audioData = contentData; message.type = EntityType.ET_AUDIO; } DBManager.writeMessage(message); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessage(message); } if (topicListActivity != null) { topicListActivity.onMessage(message); } } // 回调函数。收到来自某个群组的文本消息时的回调函数 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void receivedTopicMessage(AnIMTopicMessageCallbackData arg0) { String messageId = arg0.getMsgId(); String content = arg0.getMessage(); String topicId = arg0.getTopic(); Map<String, String> customData = arg0.getCustomData(); String realname = customData.get("realname"); String username = customData.get("username"); if (realname == null) { realname = username; } double timeDouble = Double.parseDouble(customData.get("time")); long longTime = (long) timeDouble * 1000; Date time = new Date(longTime); Message message = new Message(); message.messageId = messageId; message.content = content; message.topicId = topicId; message.realname = realname; message.username = username; message.timestamp = time; message.isUnread = true; message.isIncoming = true; message.isUnsent = false; message.isError = false; message.type = EntityType.ET_TEXT; DBManager.writeMessage(message); if (messageListActivity != null) { messageListActivity.onMessage(message); } if (topicListActivity != null) { topicListActivity.onMessage(message); } } // 回调函数。从某个群组将某个(某些)用户移除的回调函数 @Override public void removeClientsFromTopic(AnIMRemoveClientsCallbackData arg0) { if (messageListActivity != null) { if (arg0.getException() != null) { messageListActivity.onQuitTopic(false); } else { messageListActivity.onQuitTopic(true); } } } // 回调函数。当IM与服务器连接状态有更新时的回调函数 @Override public void statusUpdate(AnIMStatusUpdateCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, " statusUpdate"); if (arg0.getException() != null) { Log.i(logTag, "statusUpdate error: " + arg0.getException().getErrorCode()); status = false; int ec = arg0.getException().getErrorCode(); if (ec == 3102 || ec == 3105) { return; } } if (arg0.getStatus() == AnIMStatus.OFFLINE) { Log.i(logTag, "statusUpdate OFFLINE"); status = false; if (!willDisconnect && retryCount > 0) { try { retryCount--; if (wrapper.getActiveNetwork(thisContext) == null) { return; } wrapper.anIM.connect(AnUtils.getCurrentClientId()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { retryCount = 1; } } else { Log.i(logTag, "statusUpdate ONLINE"); status = true; if (AnUtils.getAnId() == null) { if (thisAnId != null) { Log.i(logTag, "bind anPush"); try { wrapper.anIM.bindAnPushService(thisAnId, AnUtils.AppKey, AnPushType.AnPushTypeAndroid); } catch (ArrownockException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // fetch all offline messages when open the app getOfflineMessages(); getTopicOfflineMessages(); } } // 解除Push服务的回调函数 @Override public void unbindAnPushService(AnIMUnbindAnPushServiceCallbackData arg0) { Log.i(logTag, "didUnbindPush"); try { willDisconnect = true; wrapper.anIM.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void updateTopic(AnIMUpdateTopicCallbackData arg0) { // the topic has been updated } }