package org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.enricher; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.EndpointAddress; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.EndpointSubset; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.Endpoints; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.Pod; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.Service; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.ServicePort; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.clnt.v2_2.ConfigBuilder; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.clnt.v2_2.KubernetesClient; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.arquillian.cube.impl.util.Strings; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.annotations.Port; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.annotations.PortForward; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.annotations.Scheme; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.api.Session; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.api.SessionListener; import org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.portforward.PortForwarder; import org.jboss.arquillian.core.api.Instance; import org.jboss.arquillian.core.api.annotation.Inject; import org.jboss.arquillian.core.spi.ServiceLoader; import org.jboss.arquillian.test.api.ArquillianResource; import org.jboss.arquillian.test.spi.enricher.resource.ResourceProvider; /** * A {@link ResourceProvider} for {@link io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.v2_2.ServiceList}. * It refers to services that have been created during the current session. */ public class KuberntesServiceUrlResourceProvider extends AbstractKubernetesResourceProvider { private static final String SERVICE_PATH = ""; private static final String SERVICE_SCHEME = ""; private static final String DEFAULT_SCHEME = "http"; private static final String DEFAULT_PATH = "/"; private static final String POD = "Pod"; private static final String LOCALHOST = ""; private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); @Inject private Instance<ServiceLoader> serviceLoader; private ResourceProvider next; /** * @param qualifiers * The qualifiers * * @return true if qualifiers contain the `PortForward` qualifier. */ private static boolean isPortForwardingEnabled(Annotation... qualifiers) { for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof PortForward) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the {@link ServicePort} of the {@link Service} that matches the qualifiers * * @param service * The target service. * @param qualifiers * The qualifiers. */ private static ServicePort findQualifiedServicePort(Service service, Annotation... qualifiers) { Port port = null; for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof Port) { port = (Port) q; } } if (service.getSpec() != null && service.getSpec().getPorts() != null) { for (ServicePort servicePort : service.getSpec().getPorts()) { //if no port name is specified we will use the first. if (port == null) { return servicePort; } if (servicePort.getName() != null && servicePort.getName().equals( { return servicePort; } } } return null; } /** * Find the the qualified container port of the target service * Uses java annotations first or returns the container port. * * @param service * The target service. * @param qualifiers * The set of qualifiers. * * @return Returns the resolved containerPort of '0' as a fallback. */ private static int getPort(Service service, Annotation... qualifiers) { for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof Port) { Port port = (Port) q; if (port.value() > 0) { return port.value(); } } } ServicePort servicePort = findQualifiedServicePort(service, qualifiers); if (servicePort != null) { return servicePort.getPort(); } return 0; } /** * Find the the qualfied container port of the target service * Uses java annotations first or returns the container port. * * @param service * The target service. * @param qualifiers * The set of qualifiers. * * @return Returns the resolved containerPort of '0' as a fallback. */ private static int getContainerPort(Service service, Annotation... qualifiers) { for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof Port) { Port port = (Port) q; if (port.value() > 0) { return port.value(); } } } ServicePort servicePort = findQualifiedServicePort(service, qualifiers); if (servicePort != null) { return servicePort.getTargetPort().getIntVal(); } return 0; } /** * Find the scheme to use to connect to the service. * Uses java annotations first and if not found, uses kubernetes annotations on the service object. * * @param service * The target service. * @param qualifiers * The set of qualifiers. * * @return Returns the resolved scheme of 'http' as a fallback. */ private static String getScheme(Service service, Annotation... qualifiers) { for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof Scheme) { return ((Scheme) q).value(); } } if (service.getMetadata() != null && service.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) { String s = service.getMetadata().getAnnotations().get(SERVICE_SCHEME); if (s != null && s.isEmpty()) { return s; } } return DEFAULT_SCHEME; } /** * Find the path to use . * Uses java annotations first and if not found, uses kubernetes annotations on the service object. * * @param service * The target service. * @param qualifiers * The set of qualifiers. * * @return Returns the resolved path of '/' as a fallback. */ private static String getPath(Service service, Annotation... qualifiers) { for (Annotation q : qualifiers) { if (q instanceof Scheme) { return ((Scheme) q).value(); } } if (service.getMetadata() != null && service.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) { String s = service.getMetadata().getAnnotations().get(SERVICE_SCHEME); if (s != null && s.isEmpty()) { return s; } } return DEFAULT_PATH; } /** * Get a random pod that provides the specified service in the specified namespace. * * @param client * The client instance to use. * @param name * The name of the service. * @param namespace * The namespace of the service. * * @return The pod or null if no pod matches. */ private static Pod getRandomPod(KubernetesClient client, String name, String namespace) { Endpoints endpoints = client.endpoints().inNamespace(namespace).withName(name).get(); List<String> pods = new ArrayList<>(); if (endpoints != null) { for (EndpointSubset subset : endpoints.getSubsets()) { for (EndpointAddress address : subset.getAddresses()) { if (address.getTargetRef() != null && POD.equals(address.getTargetRef().getKind())) { String pod = address.getTargetRef().getName(); if (pod != null && !pod.isEmpty()) { pods.add(pod); } } } } } if (pods.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { String chosen = pods.get(RANDOM.nextInt(pods.size())); return client.pods().inNamespace(namespace).withName(chosen).get(); } } /** * @return A random free local port. */ private static final int findRandomFreeLocalPort() { try (ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0)) { return socket.getLocalPort(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public boolean canProvide(Class<?> type) { return URL.class.isAssignableFrom(type); } @Override public Object lookup(ArquillianResource resource, Annotation... qualifiers) { String name = getName(qualifiers); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { ResourceProvider delegate = getNext(); if (delegate != null) { return delegate.lookup(resource, qualifiers); } } String namespace = getSession().getNamespace(); Service service = getClient().services().inNamespace(namespace).withName(name).get(); String scheme = getScheme(service, qualifiers); String path = getPath(service, qualifiers); String ip = service.getSpec().getClusterIP(); int port = 0; if (isPortForwardingEnabled(qualifiers)) { Pod pod = getRandomPod(getClient(), name, namespace); int containerPort = getContainerPort(service, qualifiers); port = portForward(getSession(), pod.getMetadata().getName(), containerPort); ip = LOCALHOST; } else { port = getPort(service, qualifiers); } try { if (port > 0) { return new URL(scheme, ip, port, path); } else { return new URL(scheme, ip, path); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot resolve URL for service: [" + name + "] in namespace:[" + namespace + "]."); } } private ResourceProvider getNext() { if (next != null) { return next; } synchronized (this) { Collection<ResourceProvider> providers = serviceLoader.get().all(ResourceProvider.class); for (ResourceProvider provider : providers) { if (!(provider instanceof KuberntesServiceUrlResourceProvider) && provider.canProvide(URL.class)) { = provider; break; } } } return next; } private int portForward(Session session, String podName, int targetPort) { return portForward(session, podName, findRandomFreeLocalPort(), targetPort); } private int portForward(Session session, String podName, int sourcePort, int targetPort) { try { final PortForwarder portForwarder = new PortForwarder( new ConfigBuilder(getClient().getConfiguration()).withNamespace(session.getNamespace()).build(), podName); final PortForwarder.PortForwardServer server = portForwarder.forwardPort(sourcePort, targetPort); session.addListener(new SessionListener() { @Override public void onClose() { server.close(); portForwarder.close(); } }); return sourcePort; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }