package; /** * @author Hui Cao * */ public class DefaultSQLSyntax implements ISQLSyntax{ protected static final String[] EMPTY = new String[0]; private static final String[] _unreservedwords = { } ; private static final String[] reservedwords = { "action" , "add" , "all" , "alter" , "and" , "any" , "as" , "asc" , "authorization" , "begin" , "between" , "boolean" , "by" , "cascade" , "cascaded" , "char" , "character" , "check" , "collate" , "column" , "commit" , "constant" , "constraint" , "corresponding" , "create" , "cross" , "cursor" , "date" , "default" , "declare" , "delete" , "deferrable" , "desc" , "distinct" , "drop" , "end" , "escape" , "except" , "exists" , "false" , "foreign" , "from" , "full" , "global" , "group" , "having" , "immediate" , "in" , "index" , "initially" , "inner" , "insert" , "intersect" , "into" , "is" , "join" , "left" , "like" , "key" , "local" , "match" , "natural" , "no" , "not" , "null" , "on" , "option" , "outer" , "or" , "order" , "partial" , "pendant" , "preserve" , "primary" , "procedure" , "record" , "references" , "restrict" , "right" , "rows" , "schema" , "select" , "set" , "some" , "table" , "temporary" , "then" , "time" , "timestamp" , "true" , "type" , "union" , "unique" , "unknown" , "update" , "user" , "using" , "value" , "values" , "varchar" , "varying" , "view" , "where" , "with" , "zone" , } ; private static final String[] predicates = { "||", ",", ";", ".", "~", "<", "<=", ",", ",=", "=", "!=", "(+)", "(", ")", "*", "/", "+", "-", "?" } ; private static final String[] types = { "dec" , "decimal" , "double" , "float" , "int" , "integer" , "numeric" , "real" , "smallint" , } ; private static final String[] constants = { "FALSE", "NULL", "TRUE", "false", "true", "null" } ; private static final String[] functions = { "avg" , "both" , "convert" , "count" , "for" , "length" , "leading" , "lower" , "lpad" , "ltrim" , "max" , "min" , "replace" , "rtrim" , "substr" , "substring" , "sum" , "trailing" , "translate" , "trim" , "upper" , } ; private static final String[] _comments = { "--" } ; /** * @return Returns the functions. */ public String[] getFunctions() { return functions; } /** * @return Returns the predicates. */ public String[] getPredicates() { return predicates; } /** * @return Returns the reservedwords. */ public String[] getReservedwords() { return reservedwords; } public String[] getUnreservedwords() { return _unreservedwords; } /** * @return Returns the types. */ public String[] getTypes() { return types; } /** * @return Returns the allWords. */ public Object[] getAllWords() { return new Object[]{ getReservedwords(), getUnreservedwords(), getPredicates(), getTypes(), getConstants(), getFunctions(), getGlobalVariables() }; } /** * @return Returns the constants. */ public String[] getConstants() { return constants; } public String[] getSingleLineComments() { return _comments; } public String[] getGlobalVariables() { return EMPTY; } }