package io.sloeber.ui.helpers; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException; import io.sloeber.ui.Activator; import io.sloeber.ui.Messages; /** * ArduinoPreferences is a class containing only static methods that help * managing the preferences. * * @author Jan Baeyens * */ public class MyPreferences { private static final String FALSE = "FALSE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String TRUE = "TRUE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String KEY_BUILD_BEFORE_UPLOAD_OPTION = "Build before upload option"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String NODE_ARDUINO = "io.sloeber.core.ui"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String KEY_OPEN_SERIAL_WITH_MONITOR = "Open serial connections with the monitor"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_CLEAN_MONITOR_AFTER_UPLOAD = "Clean Serial Monitor after upload"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final boolean DEFAULT_OPEN_SERIAL_WITH_MONITOR = true; // Serial monitor keys private static final String KEY_SERIAL_RATE = "Serial monitor last selected rate"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_SERIAL_PORT = "Serial monitor last selected Port"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_LINE_INDES = "Serial Monitor Last Used Line Ending index"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_AUTOSCROLL = "Serial Monitor Last Used auto scroll setting"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_LAST_USED_PLOTTER_FILTER_MENU_OPTION = "Board plotter filter on off"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String KEY_HIDE_JSON_FILES = "Hide json files in preferences platform selection page"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /*** * get the stored option whether a build before the upload is wanted or not. * If nothing is stored the option is ask and this method will pop up a * dialogbox * * @return true if a build is wanted before upload false if no build is * wanted before upload */ public static boolean getBuildBeforeUploadOption() { switch (getGlobalString(KEY_BUILD_BEFORE_UPLOAD_OPTION, "ASK")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; default: break; } class TheDialog implements Runnable { boolean ret = false; boolean getAnswer() { return this.ret; } @Override public void run() { MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(null, Messages.buildBeforeUpload, null, Messages.doYouWantToBuildBeforeUpload, MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[] { "Yes", "No", "Always", "Never" }, 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ switch ( { case 0: this.ret = true; break; case 1: this.ret = false; break; case 2: setGlobalValue(KEY_BUILD_BEFORE_UPLOAD_OPTION, TRUE); this.ret = true; break; case 3: setGlobalValue(KEY_BUILD_BEFORE_UPLOAD_OPTION, FALSE); this.ret = false; break; default: this.ret = false; break; } } } TheDialog theDialog = new TheDialog(); Display.getDefault().syncExec(theDialog); return theDialog.getAnswer(); } public static boolean getOpenSerialWithMonitor() { return getGlobalBoolean(KEY_OPEN_SERIAL_WITH_MONITOR, DEFAULT_OPEN_SERIAL_WITH_MONITOR); } public static void setOpenSerialWithMonitor(boolean value) { setGlobalValue(KEY_OPEN_SERIAL_WITH_MONITOR, value); } private static String getGlobalString(String key, String defaultValue) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); return myScope.get(key, defaultValue); } private static boolean getGlobalBoolean(String key, boolean def) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); return myScope.getBoolean(key, def); } private static int getGlobalInt(String key) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); return myScope.getInt(key, 0); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static long getGlobalLong(String key) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); return myScope.getLong(key, 0); } static void setGlobalValue(String key, String value) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); myScope.put(key, value); try { myScope.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { Activator.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.getId(), "failed to set global variable of type string " + key)); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void setGlobalValue(String key, int value) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); myScope.putInt(key, value); try { myScope.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { Activator.log( new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.getId(), "failed to set global variable of type int " + key)); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void setGlobalValue(String key, boolean value) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); myScope.putBoolean(key, value); try { myScope.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { Activator.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.getId(), "failed to set global variable of type boolean " + key)); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void setGlobalValue(String key, long value) { IEclipsePreferences myScope = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(NODE_ARDUINO); myScope.putLong(key, value); try { myScope.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { Activator.log(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, Activator.getId(), "failed to set global variable of type long " + key)); //$NON-NLS-1$ e.printStackTrace(); } } public static boolean getCleanSerialMonitorAfterUpload() { return getGlobalBoolean(KEY_CLEAN_MONITOR_AFTER_UPLOAD, false); } /** * This method returns the index of the last used line ending options are CR * LF CR+LF none * * @return the index of the last used setting */ public static int getLastUsedSerialLineEnd() { return getGlobalInt(KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_LINE_INDES); } /** * This method returns the index of the last used line ending options are CR * LF CR+LF none * * @return the index of the last used setting */ public static void setLastUsedSerialLineEnd(int index) { setGlobalValue(KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_LINE_INDES, index); } public static boolean getLastUsedAutoScroll() { return getGlobalBoolean(KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_AUTOSCROLL, false); } public static void setLastUsedAutoScroll(boolean autoScroll) { setGlobalValue(KEY_RXTX_LAST_USED_AUTOSCROLL, autoScroll); } public static void setCleanSerialMonitorAfterUpload(boolean newFilter) { setGlobalValue(KEY_CLEAN_MONITOR_AFTER_UPLOAD, newFilter); } public static String getCleanSerialMonitorAfterUploadKey() { return KEY_CLEAN_MONITOR_AFTER_UPLOAD; } public static boolean getLastUsedPlotterFilter() { return getGlobalBoolean(KEY_LAST_USED_PLOTTER_FILTER_MENU_OPTION, false); } public static void setLastUsedPlotterFilter(boolean newFilter) { setGlobalValue(KEY_LAST_USED_PLOTTER_FILTER_MENU_OPTION, newFilter); } public static void setLastUsedBaudRate(String text) { setGlobalValue(KEY_SERIAL_RATE, text); } public static void setLastUsedPort(String selectedPort) { setGlobalValue(KEY_SERIAL_PORT, selectedPort); } public static String getLastUsedRate() { return getGlobalString(KEY_SERIAL_RATE, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static String getLastUsedPort() { return getGlobalString(KEY_SERIAL_PORT, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static boolean getHideJson() { return getGlobalBoolean(KEY_HIDE_JSON_FILES, true); } public static void setHideJson(boolean state) { setGlobalValue(KEY_HIDE_JSON_FILES, state); } }