package org.appfuse.webapp.action; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanComparator; import org.apache.commons.collections.comparators.NullComparator; import org.apache.commons.collections.comparators.ReverseComparator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.appfuse.Constants; import org.appfuse.model.User; import org.appfuse.service.MailEngine; import org.appfuse.service.UserManager; import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class BasePage { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected UserManager userManager; protected MailEngine mailEngine; protected SimpleMailMessage message; protected String templateName; protected FacesContext facesContext; protected String sortColumn; protected boolean ascending = true; protected boolean nullsAreHigh; public FacesContext getFacesContext() { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); } public void setUserManager(UserManager userManager) { this.userManager = userManager; } // Convenience methods ==================================================== public String getParameter(String name) { return getRequest().getParameter(name); } public Map getCountries() { CountryModel model = new CountryModel(); return model.getCountries(getRequest().getLocale()); } public String getBundleName() { return getFacesContext().getApplication().getMessageBundle(); } public ResourceBundle getBundle() { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); return ResourceBundle.getBundle(getBundleName(), getRequest().getLocale(), classLoader); } public String getText(String key) { String message; try { message = getBundle().getString(key); } catch (java.util.MissingResourceException mre) { log.warn("Missing key for '" + key + "'"); return "???" + key + "???"; } return message; } public String getText(String key, Object arg) { if (arg == null) { return getText(key); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(getBundle().getString(key)); if (arg instanceof String) { return form.format(new Object[] { arg }); } else if (arg instanceof Object[]) { return form.format(arg); } else { log.error("arg '" + arg + "' not String or Object[]"); return ""; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addMessage(String key, Object arg) { List<String> messages = (List) getSession().getAttribute("messages"); if (messages == null) { messages = new ArrayList<String>(); } messages.add(getText(key, arg)); getSession().setAttribute("messages", messages); } protected void addMessage(String key) { addMessage(key, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addError(String key, Object arg) { List<String> errors = (List) getSession().getAttribute("errors"); if (errors == null) { errors = new ArrayList<String>(); } // if key contains a space, don't look it up, it's likely a raw message if (key.contains(" ") && arg == null) { errors.add(key); } else { errors.add(getText(key, arg)); } getSession().setAttribute("errors", errors); } protected void addError(String key) { addError(key, null); } /** * Convenience method for unit tests. * @return boolean indicator of an "errors" attribute in the session */ public boolean hasErrors() { return (getSession().getAttribute("errors") != null); } /** * Servlet API Convenience method * @return HttpServletRequest from the FacesContext */ protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return (HttpServletRequest) getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequest(); } /** * Servlet API Convenience method * @return the current user's session */ protected HttpSession getSession() { return getRequest().getSession(); } /** * Servlet API Convenience method * @return HttpServletResponse from the FacesContext */ protected HttpServletResponse getResponse() { return (HttpServletResponse) getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getResponse(); } /** * Servlet API Convenience method * @return the ServletContext form the FacesContext */ protected ServletContext getServletContext() { return (ServletContext) getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getContext(); } /** * Convenience method to get the Configuration HashMap * from the servlet context. * * @return the user's populated form from the session */ protected Map getConfiguration() { Map config = (HashMap) getServletContext().getAttribute(Constants.CONFIG); // so unit tests don't puke when nothing's been set if (config == null) { return new HashMap(); } return config; } /** * Convenience message to send messages to users, includes app URL as footer. * @param user the user to send the message to * @param msg the message to send * @param url the application's URL */ protected void sendUserMessage(User user, String msg, String url) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sending e-mail to user [" + user.getEmail() + "]..."); } message.setTo(user.getFullName() + "<" + user.getEmail() + ">"); Map<String, Serializable> model = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); model.put("user", user); // TODO: once you figure out how to get the global resource bundle in // WebWork, then figure it out here too. In the meantime, the Username // and Password labels are hard-coded into the template. // model.put("bundle", getTexts()); model.put("message", msg); model.put("applicationURL", url); mailEngine.sendMessage(message, templateName, model); } public void setMailEngine(MailEngine mailEngine) { this.mailEngine = mailEngine; } public void setMessage(SimpleMailMessage message) { this.message = message; } public void setTemplateName(String templateName) { this.templateName = templateName; } // The following methods are used by p:dataTable for sorting. public String getSortColumn() { return sortColumn; } public void setSortColumn(String sortColumn) { this.sortColumn = sortColumn; } public boolean isAscending() { return ascending; } public void setAscending(boolean ascending) { this.ascending = ascending; } /** * Sort list according to which column has been clicked on. * @param list the java.util.List to sort * @return ordered list */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List sort(List list) { Comparator comparator = new BeanComparator(sortColumn, new NullComparator(nullsAreHigh)); if (!ascending) { comparator = new ReverseComparator(comparator); } Collections.sort(list, comparator); return list; } }