/** * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 eBusiness Information (www.ebusinessinformation.fr) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed To in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.athomas.androidkickstartr; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class AppDetails { private static final Pattern PATTERN_PACKAGE = Pattern.compile("^[a-z_]\\w*(\\.[a-z_]\\w*)*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern PATTERN_APPLICATION_NAME = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$"); private static final Pattern PATTERN_ACTIVITY = PATTERN_APPLICATION_NAME; private static final Pattern PATTERN_ACTIVITY_LAYOUT = PATTERN_ACTIVITY; private String packageName; private String name; private int minSdk; private int targetSdk; private List<String> permissions; private String activity; private String activityLayout; private boolean actionBarSherlock; private boolean listNavigation; private boolean tabNavigation; private boolean viewPager; private boolean viewPagerIndicator; private boolean roboguice; private boolean androidAnnotations; private boolean restTemplate; private boolean maven; private boolean nineOldAndroids; private boolean supportV4; private boolean acra; private boolean eclipse; private boolean proguard; private boolean git; private boolean sample; public String getPackageName() { return packageName; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getMinSdk() { return minSdk; } public int getTargetSdk() { return targetSdk; } public List<String> getPermissions() { return permissions; } public void setActivity(String activity) { this.activity = activity; } public String getActivity() { return activity; } public String getActivityLayout() { return activityLayout; } public String getActivityPackage() { return packageName + "." + activity; } public String getRestClientPackage() { return packageName + ".rest.RestClient"; } public String getRestClientName() { return "RestClient"; } public String getR() { return packageName + ".R"; } public String getViewPagerAdapterPackage() { return packageName + ".adapter.ViewPagerAdapter"; } public String getSampleFragmentPackage() { return packageName + ".SampleFragment"; } public String getRoboSherlockActivityPackage() { return packageName + ".robosherlock.RoboSherlockActivity"; } public String getRoboSherlockFragmentPackage() { return packageName + ".robosherlock.RoboSherlockFragment"; } public String getRoboSherlockFragmentActivityPackage() { return packageName + ".robosherlock.RoboSherlockFragmentActivity"; } public String getRestTemplateUrl() { return ""; } public String getApplicationPackage() { return packageName + "." + getApplicationClassName(); } public String getApplicationClassName() { return name + "Application"; } public boolean isActionBarSherlock() { return actionBarSherlock; } public boolean isListNavigation() { return listNavigation; } public boolean isTabNavigation() { return tabNavigation; } public boolean isViewPager() { return viewPager; } public boolean isViewPagerIndicator() { return viewPagerIndicator; } public boolean isRoboguice() { return roboguice; } public boolean isAndroidAnnotations() { return androidAnnotations; } public boolean isRestTemplate() { return restTemplate; } public boolean isMaven() { return maven; } public boolean isNineOldAndroids() { return nineOldAndroids; } public boolean isSupportV4() { return supportV4; } public boolean isAcra() { return acra; } public boolean isEclipse() { return eclipse; } public boolean isProguard() { return proguard; } public boolean isGit() { return git; } public boolean isSample() { return sample; } @Override public String toString() { return "State [actionBarSherlock=" + actionBarSherlock + // ", listNavigation=" + listNavigation + // ", tabNavigation=" + tabNavigation + // ", viewPager=" + viewPager + // ", viewPagerIndicator=" + viewPagerIndicator + // ", roboguice=" + roboguice + // ", androidAnnotations=" + androidAnnotations + // ", restTemplate=" + restTemplate + // ", maven=" + maven + // ", nineOldAndroids=" + nineOldAndroids + // ", supportV4=" + supportV4 + // ", acra=" + acra + // ", eclipse=" + eclipse + // ", proguard=" + proguard + // ", git=" + git + // ", sample=" + sample + // "]"; } public static class Builder { private AppDetails state; public Builder() { state = new AppDetails(); } public Builder packageName(String packageName) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_PACKAGE.matcher(packageName); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name '" + packageName + "' is invalid"); state.packageName = packageName; return this; } public Builder name(String name) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_APPLICATION_NAME.matcher(name); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Application name '" + name + "' is invalid"); state.name = name; return this; } public Builder minSdk(int minSdk) { state.minSdk = minSdk; return this; } public Builder targetSdk(int targetSdk) { state.targetSdk = targetSdk; return this; } public Builder permissions(List<String> permissions) { state.permissions = permissions; return this; } public Builder activity(String activity) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_ACTIVITY.matcher(activity); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Activity name '" + activity + "' is invalid"); state.activity = activity; return this; } public Builder activityLayout(String activityLayout) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_ACTIVITY_LAYOUT.matcher(activityLayout); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Activity layout name '" + activityLayout + "' is invalid"); state.activityLayout = activityLayout; return this; } public Builder actionBarSherlock(boolean actionBarSherlock) { state.actionBarSherlock = actionBarSherlock; return this; } public Builder listNavigation(boolean listNavigation) { state.listNavigation = listNavigation; return this; } public Builder tabNavigation(boolean tabNavigation) { state.tabNavigation = tabNavigation; return this; } public Builder viewPager(boolean viewPager) { state.viewPager = viewPager; return this; } public Builder viewPagerIndicator(boolean viewPagerIndicator) { state.viewPagerIndicator = viewPagerIndicator; return this; } public Builder roboguice(boolean roboguice) { state.roboguice = roboguice; return this; } public Builder androidAnnotations(boolean androidAnnotations) { state.androidAnnotations = androidAnnotations; return this; } public Builder restTemplate(boolean restTemplate) { state.restTemplate = restTemplate; return this; } public Builder maven(boolean maven) { state.maven = maven; return this; } public Builder nineOldAndroids(boolean nineOldAndroids) { state.nineOldAndroids = nineOldAndroids; return this; } public Builder supportV4(boolean supportV4) { state.supportV4 = supportV4; return this; } public Builder acra(boolean acra) { state.acra = acra; return this; } public Builder eclipse(boolean eclipse) { state.eclipse = eclipse; return this; } public Builder proguard(boolean proguard) { state.proguard = proguard; return this; } public Builder git(boolean git) { state.git = git; return this; } public Builder sample(boolean sample) { state.sample = sample; return this; } public AppDetails build() { if (state.listNavigation && state.tabNavigation) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("list and tab navigations must not be implemented together."); } if (!state.actionBarSherlock && (state.listNavigation || state.tabNavigation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("using listNavigation or tabNavigation needs actionBarSherlock."); } if (state.supportV4 && (state.actionBarSherlock || state.viewPagerIndicator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("support V4 is already included."); } if (state.viewPager && !state.supportV4 && !state.actionBarSherlock && !state.viewPagerIndicator) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ViewPager needs support v4."); } return state; } } }