/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.launcher3; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.PointF; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.text.InputType; import android.text.Selection; import android.text.Spannable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.ActionMode; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager; import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.CellInfo; import com.android.launcher3.DragController.DragListener; import com.android.launcher3.FolderInfo.FolderListener; import com.android.launcher3.UninstallDropTarget.UninstallSource; import com.android.launcher3.Workspace.ItemOperator; import com.android.launcher3.accessibility.LauncherAccessibilityDelegate.AccessibilityDragSource; import com.android.launcher3.settings.SettingsProvider; import com.android.launcher3.util.Thunk; import com.android.launcher3.util.UiThreadCircularReveal; import static cyanogenmod.content.Intent.ACTION_PROTECTED; import static cyanogenmod.content.Intent.EXTRA_PROTECTED_COMPONENTS; import static cyanogenmod.content.Intent.EXTRA_PROTECTED_STATE; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a set of icons chosen by the user or generated by the system. */ public class Folder extends LinearLayout implements DragSource, View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener, DropTarget, FolderListener, TextView.OnEditorActionListener, View.OnFocusChangeListener, DragListener, UninstallSource, AccessibilityDragSource, Stats.LaunchSourceProvider { private static final String TAG = "Launcher.Folder"; /** * We avoid measuring {@link #mContentWrapper} with a 0 width or height, as this * results in CellLayout being measured as UNSPECIFIED, which it does not support. */ private static final int MIN_CONTENT_DIMEN = 5; static final int STATE_NONE = -1; static final int STATE_SMALL = 0; static final int STATE_ANIMATING = 1; static final int STATE_OPEN = 2; /** * Time for which the scroll hint is shown before automatically changing page. */ public static final int SCROLL_HINT_DURATION = DragController.SCROLL_DELAY; private static final int CLOSE_FOLDER_DELAY_MS = 150; private static final int ALPHA_DELAY_MULT = 15; /** * Fraction of icon width which behave as scroll region. */ private static final float ICON_OVERSCROLL_WIDTH_FACTOR = 0.45f; private static final int FOLDER_NAME_ANIMATION_DURATION = 633; private static final int REORDER_ANIMATION_DURATION = 230; private static final int REORDER_DELAY = 250; private static final int ON_EXIT_CLOSE_DELAY = 400; private static final Rect sTempRect = new Rect(); private static String sDefaultFolderName; private static String sHintText; private final Alarm mReorderAlarm = new Alarm(); private final Alarm mOnExitAlarm = new Alarm(); private final Alarm mOnScrollHintAlarm = new Alarm(); @Thunk final Alarm mScrollPauseAlarm = new Alarm(); @Thunk final ArrayList<View> mItemsInReadingOrder = new ArrayList<View>(); private final int mExpandDuration; private final int mMaterialExpandDuration; private final int mMaterialExpandStagger; private final InputMethodManager mInputMethodManager; private final PowerManager mPowerManager; protected final Launcher mLauncher; protected DragController mDragController; protected FolderInfo mInfo; @Thunk FolderIcon mFolderIcon; @Thunk FolderPagedView mContent; @Thunk View mContentWrapper; ExtendedEditText mFolderName; private View mFooter; // Cell ranks used for drag and drop @Thunk int mTargetRank, mPrevTargetRank, mEmptyCellRank; @Thunk int mState = STATE_NONE; private boolean mRearrangeOnClose = false; boolean mItemsInvalidated = false; private ShortcutInfo mCurrentDragInfo; private View mCurrentDragView; private boolean mIsExternalDrag; boolean mSuppressOnAdd = false; private boolean mDragInProgress = false; private boolean mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; private boolean mSuppressFolderDeletion = false; private boolean mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; @Thunk float mFolderIconPivotX; @Thunk float mFolderIconPivotY; private boolean mIsEditingName = false; ImageView mFolderLock; private boolean mDestroyed; @Thunk Runnable mDeferredAction; private boolean mDeferDropAfterUninstall; private boolean mUninstallSuccessful; // Folder scrolling private int mScrollAreaOffset; private Handler mHandler; @Thunk int mScrollHintDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; @Thunk int mCurrentScrollDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; /** * Used to inflate the Workspace from XML. * * @param context The application's context. * @param attrs The attributes set containing the Workspace's customization values. */ public Folder(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); setAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled(false); mHandler = new Handler(); mInputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); mPowerManager = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); Resources res = getResources(); mExpandDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_folderExpandDuration); mMaterialExpandDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_materialFolderExpandDuration); mMaterialExpandStagger = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_materialFolderExpandStagger); if (sDefaultFolderName == null) { sDefaultFolderName = res.getString(R.string.folder_name); } if (sHintText == null) { sHintText = res.getString(R.string.folder_hint_text); } mLauncher = (Launcher) context; // We need this view to be focusable in touch mode so that when text editing of the folder // name is complete, we have something to focus on, thus hiding the cursor and giving // reliable behavior when clicking the text field (since it will always gain focus on click). setFocusableInTouchMode(true); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mContentWrapper = findViewById(R.id.folder_content_wrapper); mContent = (FolderPagedView) findViewById(R.id.folder_content); mContent.setFolder(this); mFolderName = (ExtendedEditText) findViewById(R.id.folder_name); mFolderName.setOnBackKeyListener(new ExtendedEditText.OnBackKeyListener() { @Override public boolean onBackKey() { // Close the activity on back key press doneEditingFolderName(true); return false; } }); mFolderName.setOnFocusChangeListener(this); // We disable action mode for now since it messes up the view on phones mFolderName.setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(mActionModeCallback); mFolderName.setOnEditorActionListener(this); mFolderName.setSelectAllOnFocus(true); mFolderName.setInputType(mFolderName.getInputType() | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS); boolean hideLabels = SettingsProvider.getBoolean(mLauncher, SettingsProvider.SETTINGS_UI_HOMESCREEN_HIDE_ICON_LABELS, R.bool.preferences_interface_homescreen_hide_icon_labels_default); if (hideLabels) { mFolderName.setVisibility(View.GONE); } mFolderLock = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.folder_lock); mFolderLock.setOnClickListener(this); mFooter = findViewById(R.id.folder_footer); } private ActionMode.Callback mActionModeCallback = new ActionMode.Callback() { public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { return false; } public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { return false; } public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { } public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { return false; } }; public void onClick(View v) { Object tag = v.getTag(); if (tag instanceof ShortcutInfo) { mLauncher.onClick(v); } if (v.getId() == R.id.folder_lock) { startHiddenFolderManager(mInfo.hidden ? Launcher.REQUEST_UNPROTECT_FOLDER : Launcher.REQUEST_PROTECT_FOLDER); } } public void startHiddenFolderManager(int action) { mLauncher.validateLockForHiddenFolders(mFolderIcon, action); } public List<Pair<ComponentName, CharSequence>> getComponents() { int size = mItemsInReadingOrder.size(); List<Pair<ComponentName, CharSequence>> components = new ArrayList<Pair<ComponentName, CharSequence>>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { View v = mItemsInReadingOrder.get(i); Object tag = v.getTag(); if (tag instanceof ShortcutInfo) { ShortcutInfo shortcut = (ShortcutInfo) tag; components.add(Pair.create(shortcut.getIntent().getComponent(), shortcut.title)); } } return components; } public void modifyProtectedApps(boolean protect) { ArrayList<ComponentName> components = new ArrayList<>(); for (Pair<ComponentName, CharSequence> item : getComponents()) { if (item.first != null) { components.add(item.first); } } Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_PROTECTED); // flip the boolean value to accomodate framework // in framework "false" is "protected" and "true" is "visible" intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROTECTED_STATE, !protect); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROTECTED_COMPONENTS, components); mLauncher.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void removeProtectedApp(ComponentName componentName) { ArrayList<ComponentName> components = new ArrayList<>(); components.add(componentName); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(ACTION_PROTECTED); // flip the boolean value to accomodate framework // in framework "false" is "protected" and "true" is "visible" intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROTECTED_STATE, true); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROTECTED_COMPONENTS, components); mLauncher.sendBroadcast(intent); } public void saveHiddenFolderState(boolean protect) { mInfo.hidden = protect; modifyProtectedApps(protect); LauncherModel.updateItemInDatabase(mLauncher, mInfo); mLauncher.mModel.flushWorkerThread(); rebind(mInfo); } public boolean onLongClick(View v) { // Return if global dragging is not enabled if (!mLauncher.isDraggingEnabled()) return true; return beginDrag(v, false); } private boolean beginDrag(View v, boolean accessible) { Object tag = v.getTag(); if (tag instanceof ShortcutInfo) { ShortcutInfo item = (ShortcutInfo) tag; if (!v.isInTouchMode()) { return false; } mLauncher.getWorkspace().beginDragShared(v, new Point(), this, accessible); mCurrentDragInfo = item; mEmptyCellRank = item.rank; mCurrentDragView = v; mContent.removeItem(mCurrentDragView); mInfo.remove(mCurrentDragInfo); mDragInProgress = true; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; } return true; } @Override public void startDrag(CellInfo cellInfo, boolean accessible) { beginDrag(cellInfo.cell, accessible); } @Override public void enableAccessibleDrag(boolean enable) { mLauncher.getSearchDropTargetBar().enableAccessibleDrag(enable); for (int i = 0; i < mContent.getChildCount(); i++) { mContent.getPageAt(i).enableAccessibleDrag(enable, CellLayout.FOLDER_ACCESSIBILITY_DRAG); } mFooter.setImportantForAccessibility(enable ? IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS : IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO); mLauncher.getWorkspace().setAddNewPageOnDrag(!enable); } public boolean isEditingName() { return mIsEditingName; } public void startEditingFolderName() { mFolderName.setHint(""); mIsEditingName = true; } public void dismissEditingName() { mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindowToken(), 0); doneEditingFolderName(true); } public void doneEditingFolderName(boolean commit) { mFolderName.setHint(sHintText); // Convert to a string here to ensure that no other state associated with the text field // gets saved. String newTitle = mFolderName.getText().toString(); if (!SettingsProvider.getBoolean(mLauncher, SettingsProvider.SETTINGS_UI_HOMESCREEN_HIDE_ICON_LABELS, R.bool.preferences_interface_homescreen_hide_icon_labels_default)) { mInfo.setTitle(newTitle); } LauncherModel.updateItemInDatabase(mLauncher, mInfo); if (commit) { sendCustomAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED, String.format(getContext().getString(R.string.folder_renamed), newTitle)); } // In order to clear the focus from the text field, we set the focus on ourself. This // ensures that every time the field is clicked, focus is gained, giving reliable behavior. requestFocus(); Selection.setSelection((Spannable) mFolderName.getText(), 0, 0); mIsEditingName = false; mLauncher.notifyFolderNameChanged(); } public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE) { dismissEditingName(); return true; } return false; } public View getEditTextRegion() { return mFolderName; } /** * We need to handle touch events to prevent them from falling through to the workspace below. */ @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility") @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { return true; } public void setDragController(DragController dragController) { mDragController = dragController; } public void setFolderIcon(FolderIcon icon) { mFolderIcon = icon; } @Override public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { // When the folder gets focus, we don't want to announce the list of items. return true; } /** * @return the FolderInfo object associated with this folder */ public FolderInfo getInfo() { return mInfo; } void bind(final FolderInfo info) { mInfo = info; ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> children = info.contents; Collections.sort(children, ITEM_POS_COMPARATOR); ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> overflow = mContent.bindItems(children); // If our folder has too many items we prune them from the list. This is an issue // when upgrading from the old Folders implementation which could contain an unlimited // number of items. for (ShortcutInfo item: overflow) { mInfo.remove(item); LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, item); } mItemsInvalidated = true; updateTextViewFocus(); mInfo.addListener(this); setFolderName(); updateLock(); } public void rebind(final FolderInfo info) { bind(info); } public void setFolderName() { if (!sDefaultFolderName.contentEquals(mInfo.title)) { mFolderName.setText(mInfo.title); } else { mFolderName.setText(""); } // In case any children didn't come across during loading, clean up the folder accordingly mFolderIcon.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (getItemCount() <= 1) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } }); } private void updateLock() { if (mInfo != null) { mFolderLock.setImageResource(mInfo.hidden ? R.drawable.folder_locked : R.drawable.folder_unlocked); } } /** * Creates a new UserFolder, inflated from R.layout.user_folder. * * @param context The application's context. * @param root The {@link View} parent of this folder. * * @return A new UserFolder. */ @SuppressLint("InflateParams") static Folder fromXml(Launcher launcher, ViewGroup root) { return (Folder) launcher.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.user_folder, root, false); } /** * This method is intended to make the UserFolder to be visually identical in size and position * to its associated FolderIcon. This allows for a seamless transition into the expanded state. */ private void positionAndSizeAsIcon() { if (!(getParent() instanceof DragLayer)) return; setScaleX(0.8f); setScaleY(0.8f); setAlpha(0f); mState = STATE_SMALL; } private void prepareReveal() { setScaleX(1f); setScaleY(1f); setAlpha(1f); mState = STATE_SMALL; View reveal = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_page_container); reveal.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); View revealFolderIcon = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_folder_icon); revealFolderIcon.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } private void prepareFakeFolderIcon() { mFolderIcon.destroyDrawingCache(); mFolderIcon.buildDrawingCache(true); Bitmap fakeFolderIcon = Bitmap.createBitmap(mFolderIcon.getDrawingCache()); View fakeFolderIconView = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_folder_icon); FrameLayout.LayoutParams flp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) fakeFolderIconView.getLayoutParams(); // Get globalVisibleRect of the folderIcon. getWidth and getHeight are inaccurate for // hotseat icons Rect rect = new Rect(); mFolderIcon.getGlobalVisibleRect(rect); flp.height = rect.height(); flp.width = rect.width(); fakeFolderIconView.setLayoutParams(flp); int [] folderIconXY = new int[2]; mFolderIcon.getLocationOnScreen(folderIconXY); fakeFolderIconView.setX(folderIconXY[0]); fakeFolderIconView.setY(folderIconXY[1]); fakeFolderIconView.setBackground(new BitmapDrawable(null, fakeFolderIcon)); fakeFolderIconView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } public void animateOpen() { if (!(getParent() instanceof DragLayer)) return; mContent.completePendingPageChanges(); if (!mDragInProgress) { // Open on the first page. mContent.snapToPageImmediately(0); } Animator openFolderAnim = null; final Runnable onCompleteRunnable; if (!Utilities.ATLEAST_LOLLIPOP) { positionAndSizeAsIcon(); calculatePivot(); PropertyValuesHolder alpha = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("alpha", 1); PropertyValuesHolder scaleX = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("scaleX", 1.0f); PropertyValuesHolder scaleY = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("scaleY", 1.0f); final ObjectAnimator oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, alpha, scaleX, scaleY); oa.setDuration(mExpandDuration); openFolderAnim = oa; setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); } }; } else { calculatePivot(); AnimatorSet anim = LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet(); int width = getMeasuredWidth(); int height = getMeasuredHeight(); float transX = - 0.075f * (width / 2 - getPivotX()); float transY = - 0.075f * (height / 2 - getPivotY()); setTranslationX(transX); setTranslationY(transY); PropertyValuesHolder tx = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationX", transX, 0); PropertyValuesHolder ty = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", transY, 0); Animator drift = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, tx, ty); drift.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); drift.setStartDelay(mMaterialExpandStagger); drift.setInterpolator(new LogDecelerateInterpolator(60, 0)); int rx = (int) Math.max(Math.max(width - getPivotX(), 0), getPivotX()); int ry = (int) Math.max(Math.max(height - getPivotY(), 0), getPivotY()); float radius = (float) Math.hypot(rx, ry); Animator reveal = UiThreadCircularReveal.createCircularReveal(this, (int) getPivotX(), (int) getPivotY(), 0, radius); reveal.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); reveal.setInterpolator(new LogDecelerateInterpolator(100, 0)); mContentWrapper.setAlpha(0f); Animator iconsAlpha = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mContentWrapper, "alpha", 0f, 1f); iconsAlpha.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); iconsAlpha.setStartDelay(mMaterialExpandStagger); iconsAlpha.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.5f)); mFooter.setAlpha(0f); Animator textAlpha = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mFooter, "alpha", 0f, 1f); textAlpha.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); textAlpha.setStartDelay(mMaterialExpandStagger); textAlpha.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.5f)); prepareFakeFolderIcon(); float iconTransY = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.folder_icon_translate_y_dist); final View fakeFolderIconView = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_folder_icon); float baseIconTranslationY = fakeFolderIconView.getTranslationY(); PropertyValuesHolder iconty = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", baseIconTranslationY, baseIconTranslationY + iconTransY); PropertyValuesHolder iconAlpha = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("alpha", 1f, 0f); Animator fakeFolderIcon = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(fakeFolderIconView, iconty, iconAlpha); fakeFolderIcon.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); fakeFolderIcon.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.5f)); fakeFolderIcon.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mFolderIcon.setAlpha(0); fakeFolderIconView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { fakeFolderIconView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }); prepareReveal(); anim.play(drift); anim.play(iconsAlpha); anim.play(textAlpha); anim.play(reveal); openFolderAnim = anim; mContentWrapper.setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); mFooter.setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mContentWrapper.setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); } }; } openFolderAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { sendCustomAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED, mContent.getAccessibilityDescription()); hideWorkspace(); mState = STATE_ANIMATING; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mState = STATE_OPEN; if (onCompleteRunnable != null) { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } mContent.setFocusOnFirstChild(); } }); // Footer animation if (mContent.getPageCount() > 1 && !mInfo.hasOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION)) { int footerWidth = mContent.getDesiredWidth() - mFooter.getPaddingLeft() - mFooter.getPaddingRight(); float textWidth = mFolderName.getPaint().measureText(mFolderName.getText().toString()); float translation = (footerWidth - textWidth) / 2; mFolderName.setTranslationX(mContent.mIsRtl ? -translation : translation); mContent.setMarkerScale(0); // Do not update the flag if we are in drag mode. The flag will be updated, when we // actually drop the icon. final boolean updateAnimationFlag = !mDragInProgress; openFolderAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mFolderName.animate().setDuration(FOLDER_NAME_ANIMATION_DURATION) .translationX(0) .setInterpolator(Utilities.ATLEAST_LOLLIPOP ? AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(mLauncher, android.R.interpolator.fast_out_slow_in) : new LogDecelerateInterpolator(100, 0)); mContent.animateMarkers(); if (updateAnimationFlag) { mInfo.setOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION, true, mLauncher); } } }); } else { mFolderName.setTranslationX(0); mContent.setMarkerScale(1); } openFolderAnim.start(); // Make sure the folder picks up the last drag move even if the finger doesn't move. if (mDragController.isDragging()) { mDragController.forceTouchMove(); } FolderPagedView pages = (FolderPagedView) mContent; pages.verifyVisibleHighResIcons(pages.getNextPage()); } public void beginExternalDrag(ShortcutInfo item) { mCurrentDragInfo = item; mEmptyCellRank = mContent.allocateRankForNewItem(item); mIsExternalDrag = true; mDragInProgress = true; // Since this folder opened by another controller, it might not get onDrop or // onDropComplete. Perform cleanup once drag-n-drop ends. mDragController.addDragListener(this); } @Override public void onDragStart(DragSource source, Object info, int dragAction) { } @Override public void onDragEnd() { if (mIsExternalDrag && mDragInProgress) { completeDragExit(); } mDragController.removeDragListener(this); } @Thunk void sendCustomAccessibilityEvent(int type, String text) { AccessibilityManager accessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE); if (accessibilityManager.isEnabled()) { AccessibilityEvent event = AccessibilityEvent.obtain(type); onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); event.getText().add(text); accessibilityManager.sendAccessibilityEvent(event); } } public int getState() { return mState; } public void animateClosed(final boolean animate) { if (!(getParent() instanceof DragLayer)) return; AnimatorSet anim = LauncherAnimUtils.createAnimatorSet(); PropertyValuesHolder alpha = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("alpha", 0f); float transY = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.folder_translate_y_dist); PropertyValuesHolder translationY = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", 0f, transY); setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); float animatorDurationScale = Settings.Global.getFloat(getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE, 1); ObjectAnimator oa; if (mPowerManager.isPowerSaveMode() || animatorDurationScale < 0.01f) { // power save mode is no fun - skip alpha animation and just set it to 0 // otherwise the icons will stay around until the duration of the animation if (animate) { oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, translationY); } else { oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this); } setAlpha(0f); } else { if (animate) { oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, alpha, translationY); } else { oa = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, alpha); } } oa.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); oa.setInterpolator(new LogDecelerateInterpolator(60, 0)); anim.play(oa); Animator reverseRevealAnim = null; Animator fakeFolderIconAnim = null; if (animate) { prepareFakeFolderIcon(); float iconTransY = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.folder_icon_translate_y_dist); final View fakeFolderIconView = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_folder_icon); float baseIconTranslationY = fakeFolderIconView.getTranslationY(); PropertyValuesHolder iconty = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("translationY", baseIconTranslationY + iconTransY, baseIconTranslationY); PropertyValuesHolder iconAlpha = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("alpha", 0f, 1f); fakeFolderIconAnim = LauncherAnimUtils.ofPropertyValuesHolder(fakeFolderIconView, iconty, iconAlpha); fakeFolderIconAnim.setDuration(mMaterialExpandDuration); fakeFolderIconAnim.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(2f)); fakeFolderIconAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mFolderIcon.setAlpha(0); fakeFolderIconView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { fakeFolderIconView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mFolderIcon.setAlpha(1); View revealView = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_page_container); revealView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }); } else { View revealView = mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.reveal_fake_page_container); revealView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mFolderIcon.setAlpha(1); } if (reverseRevealAnim != null) { anim.play(reverseRevealAnim); } if (fakeFolderIconAnim != null) { anim.play(fakeFolderIconAnim); } anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { sendCustomAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED, getContext().getString(R.string.folder_closed)); unHideWorkspace(); mState = STATE_ANIMATING; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { onCloseComplete(); setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); mState = STATE_SMALL; } }); anim.start(); } private int mSavedWidgetsVisibilityState = INVISIBLE; private void hideWorkspace() { mSavedWidgetsVisibilityState = mLauncher.getWidgetsView().getVisibility(); mLauncher.getWidgetsView().setVisibility(INVISIBLE); mLauncher.getWorkspace().setVisibility(INVISIBLE); mLauncher.getHotseat().setVisibility(INVISIBLE); mLauncher.getSearchDropTargetBar().setVisibility(INVISIBLE); mLauncher.getPageIndicator().setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } private void unHideWorkspace() { mLauncher.getWidgetsView().setVisibility(mSavedWidgetsVisibilityState); mLauncher.getWorkspace().setVisibility(VISIBLE); mLauncher.getHotseat().setVisibility(VISIBLE); mLauncher.getSearchDropTargetBar().setVisibility(VISIBLE); mLauncher.getPageIndicator().setVisibility(VISIBLE); } public boolean acceptDrop(DragObject d) { final ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo; final int itemType = item.itemType; return ((itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION || itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT) && !isFull()); } public void onDragEnter(DragObject d) { mPrevTargetRank = -1; mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); // Get the area offset such that the folder only closes if half the drag icon width // is outside the folder area mScrollAreaOffset = d.dragView.getDragRegionWidth() / 2 - d.xOffset; } OnAlarmListener mReorderAlarmListener = new OnAlarmListener() { public void onAlarm(Alarm alarm) { mContent.realTimeReorder(mEmptyCellRank, mTargetRank); mEmptyCellRank = mTargetRank; } }; @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) public boolean isLayoutRtl() { return (getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL); } @Override public void onDragOver(DragObject d) { onDragOver(d, REORDER_DELAY); } private int getTargetRank(DragObject d, float[] recycle) { recycle = d.getVisualCenter(recycle); return mContent.findNearestArea( (int) recycle[0] - getPaddingLeft(), (int) recycle[1] - getPaddingTop()); } @Thunk void onDragOver(DragObject d, int reorderDelay) { if (mScrollPauseAlarm.alarmPending()) { return; } final float[] r = new float[2]; mTargetRank = getTargetRank(d, r); if (mTargetRank != mPrevTargetRank) { mReorderAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mReorderAlarm.setOnAlarmListener(mReorderAlarmListener); mReorderAlarm.setAlarm(REORDER_DELAY); mPrevTargetRank = mTargetRank; } float x = r[0]; int currentPage = mContent.getNextPage(); float cellOverlap = mContent.getCurrentCellLayout().getCellWidth() * ICON_OVERSCROLL_WIDTH_FACTOR; boolean isOutsideLeftEdge = x < cellOverlap; boolean isOutsideRightEdge = x > (getWidth() - cellOverlap); if (currentPage > 0 && (mContent.mIsRtl ? isOutsideRightEdge : isOutsideLeftEdge)) { showScrollHint(DragController.SCROLL_LEFT, d); } else if (currentPage < (mContent.getPageCount() - 1) && (mContent.mIsRtl ? isOutsideLeftEdge : isOutsideRightEdge)) { showScrollHint(DragController.SCROLL_RIGHT, d); } else { mOnScrollHintAlarm.cancelAlarm(); if (mScrollHintDir != DragController.SCROLL_NONE) { mContent.clearScrollHint(); mScrollHintDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; } } } private void showScrollHint(int direction, DragObject d) { // Show scroll hint on the right if (mScrollHintDir != direction) { mContent.showScrollHint(direction); mScrollHintDir = direction; } // Set alarm for when the hint is complete if (!mOnScrollHintAlarm.alarmPending() || mCurrentScrollDir != direction) { mCurrentScrollDir = direction; mOnScrollHintAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mOnScrollHintAlarm.setOnAlarmListener(new OnScrollHintListener(d)); mOnScrollHintAlarm.setAlarm(SCROLL_HINT_DURATION); mReorderAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mTargetRank = mEmptyCellRank; } } OnAlarmListener mOnExitAlarmListener = new OnAlarmListener() { public void onAlarm(Alarm alarm) { completeDragExit(); } }; public void completeDragExit() { if (mInfo.opened) { mLauncher.closeFolder(); mRearrangeOnClose = true; } else if (mState == STATE_ANIMATING) { mRearrangeOnClose = true; } else { rearrangeChildren(); clearDragInfo(); } } private void clearDragInfo() { mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; mIsExternalDrag = false; } public void onDragExit(DragObject d) { // We only close the folder if this is a true drag exit, ie. not because // a drop has occurred above the folder. if (!d.dragComplete) { mOnExitAlarm.setOnAlarmListener(mOnExitAlarmListener); mOnExitAlarm.setAlarm(ON_EXIT_CLOSE_DELAY); } mReorderAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mOnScrollHintAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mScrollPauseAlarm.cancelAlarm(); if (mScrollHintDir != DragController.SCROLL_NONE) { mContent.clearScrollHint(); mScrollHintDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; } } /** * When performing an accessibility drop, onDrop is sent immediately after onDragEnter. So we * need to complete all transient states based on timers. */ @Override public void prepareAccessibilityDrop() { if (mReorderAlarm.alarmPending()) { mReorderAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mReorderAlarmListener.onAlarm(mReorderAlarm); } } public void onDropCompleted(final View target, final DragObject d, final boolean isFlingToDelete, final boolean success) { if (mDeferDropAfterUninstall) { Log.d(TAG, "Deferred handling drop because waiting for uninstall."); mDeferredAction = new Runnable() { public void run() { onDropCompleted(target, d, isFlingToDelete, success); mDeferredAction = null; } }; return; } boolean beingCalledAfterUninstall = mDeferredAction != null; boolean successfulDrop = success && (!beingCalledAfterUninstall || mUninstallSuccessful); if (successfulDrop) { if (mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted && !mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon && target != this) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } else { // The drag failed, we need to return the item to the folder ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) d.dragInfo; View icon = (mCurrentDragView != null && mCurrentDragView.getTag() == info) ? mCurrentDragView : mContent.createNewView(info); ArrayList<View> views = getItemsInReadingOrder(); views.add(info.rank, icon); mContent.arrangeChildren(views, views.size()); mItemsInvalidated = true; mSuppressOnAdd = true; mFolderIcon.onDrop(d); mSuppressOnAdd = false; } if (target != this) { if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); if (!successfulDrop) { mSuppressFolderDeletion = true; } mScrollPauseAlarm.cancelAlarm(); completeDragExit(); if (successfulDrop) { ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) d.dragInfo; Intent intent = info.getIntent(); if (intent != null && mInfo.hidden) { removeProtectedApp(intent.getComponent()); } } } } mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; mDragInProgress = false; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; // Reordering may have occured, and we need to save the new item locations. We do this once // at the end to prevent unnecessary database operations. updateItemLocationsInDatabaseBatch(); // Use the item count to check for multi-page as the folder UI may not have // been refreshed yet. if (getItemCount() <= mContent.itemsPerPage()) { // Show the animation, next time something is added to the folder. mInfo.setOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION, false, mLauncher); } } @Override public void deferCompleteDropAfterUninstallActivity() { mDeferDropAfterUninstall = true; } @Override public void onUninstallActivityReturned(boolean success) { mDeferDropAfterUninstall = false; mUninstallSuccessful = success; if (mDeferredAction != null) { mDeferredAction.run(); } } @Override public float getIntrinsicIconScaleFactor() { return 1f; } @Override public boolean supportsFlingToDelete() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsAppInfoDropTarget() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsDeleteDropTarget() { return true; } @Override public void onFlingToDelete(DragObject d, PointF vec) { // Do nothing } @Override public void onFlingToDeleteCompleted() { // Do nothing } /** * @return true if contents should persist their status to the database. */ protected boolean shouldUpdateContentsInDatabase() { return true; } private void updateItemLocationsInDatabaseBatch() { if (!shouldUpdateContentsInDatabase()) return; ArrayList<View> list = getItemsInReadingOrder(); ArrayList<ItemInfo> items = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { View v = list.get(i); ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) v.getTag(); info.rank = i; items.add(info); } LauncherModel.moveItemsInDatabase(mLauncher, items, mInfo.id, 0); } public void addItemLocationsInDatabase() { if (!shouldUpdateContentsInDatabase()) return; ArrayList<View> list = getItemsInReadingOrder(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { View v = list.get(i); ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) v.getTag(); LauncherModel.addItemToDatabase(mLauncher, info, mInfo.id, 0, info.cellX, info.cellY); } } public void notifyDrop() { if (mDragInProgress) { mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = true; } } public boolean isDropEnabled() { return true; } public boolean isFull() { return mContent.isFull(); } protected void calculatePivot() { int width = getMeasuredWidth(); int height = getMeasuredHeight(); // If we haven't measured ourselves yet, force one now to determine our dimensions. if (width <= 0 && height <= 0) { measure(MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); width = getMeasuredWidth(); height = getMeasuredHeight(); } calculatePivot(width, height); } private void calculatePivot(int width, int height) { DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.drag_layer); float scale = parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mFolderIcon, sTempRect); DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile(); int centerX = (int) (sTempRect.left + sTempRect.width() * scale / 2); int centerY = (int) (sTempRect.top + sTempRect.height() * scale / 2); int centeredLeft = centerX - width / 2; int centeredTop = centerY - height / 2; int currentPage = mLauncher.getWorkspace().getNextPage(); // We first fetch the currently visible CellLayoutChildren CellLayout currentLayout = (CellLayout) mLauncher.getWorkspace().getChildAt(currentPage); ShortcutAndWidgetContainer boundingLayout = currentLayout.getShortcutsAndWidgets(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(boundingLayout, bounds); // Center the folder int left = (grid.availableWidthPx - width) / 2; // Drop the top down a little so it isn't bounded by the page indicators int top = (int) (bounds.top + (bounds.height() * 1.15) - height); if (width >= bounds.width()) { // If the folder doesn't fit within the bounds, center it about the desired bounds left = bounds.left + (bounds.width() - width) / 2; } int folderPivotX = width / 2 + (centeredLeft - left); int folderPivotY = height / 2 + (centeredTop - top); setPivotX(folderPivotX); setPivotY(folderPivotY); mFolderIconPivotX = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredWidth() * (1.0f * folderPivotX / width)); mFolderIconPivotY = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredHeight() * (1.0f * folderPivotY / height)); } float getPivotXForIconAnimation() { return mFolderIconPivotX; } float getPivotYForIconAnimation() { return mFolderIconPivotY; } protected int getContentAreaHeight() { return Math.max(mContent.getDesiredHeight(), MIN_CONTENT_DIMEN); } protected int getContentAreaWidth() { return Math.max(mContent.getDesiredWidth(), MIN_CONTENT_DIMEN); } protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { mContent.setFixedSize(getContentAreaWidth(), getContentAreaHeight()); super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } /** * Rearranges the children based on their rank. */ public void rearrangeChildren() { rearrangeChildren(-1); } /** * Rearranges the children based on their rank. * @param itemCount if greater than the total children count, empty spaces are left at the end, * otherwise it is ignored. */ public void rearrangeChildren(int itemCount) { ArrayList<View> views = getItemsInReadingOrder(); mContent.arrangeChildren(views, Math.max(itemCount, views.size())); mItemsInvalidated = true; } // TODO remove this once GSA code fix is submitted public ViewGroup getContent() { return (ViewGroup) mContent; } public int getItemCount() { return mContent.getItemCount(); } @Thunk void onCloseComplete() { DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeView(this); } mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) this); clearFocus(); mFolderIcon.requestFocus(); if (mRearrangeOnClose) { rearrangeChildren(); mRearrangeOnClose = false; } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { if (!mDragInProgress && !mSuppressFolderDeletion) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } else if (mDragInProgress) { mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = true; } } mSuppressFolderDeletion = false; clearDragInfo(); } @Thunk void replaceFolderWithFinalItem() { // Add the last remaining child to the workspace in place of the folder Runnable onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CellLayout cellLayout = mLauncher.getCellLayout(mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId); View child = null; // Move the item from the folder to the workspace, in the position of the folder if (!mInfo.hidden && getItemCount() == 1) { ShortcutInfo finalItem = mInfo.contents.get(0); child = mLauncher.createShortcut(cellLayout, finalItem); LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, finalItem, mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY); } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { // Remove the folder LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, mInfo); if (cellLayout != null) { // b/12446428 -- sometimes the cell layout has already gone away? cellLayout.removeView(mFolderIcon); } if (mFolderIcon instanceof DropTarget) { mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) mFolderIcon); } mLauncher.removeFolder(mInfo); } // We add the child after removing the folder to prevent both from existing at // the same time in the CellLayout. We need to add the new item with addInScreenFromBind() // to ensure that hotseat items are placed correctly. if (child != null) { mLauncher.getWorkspace().addInScreenFromBind(child, mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY, mInfo.spanX, mInfo.spanY); } } }; View finalChild = mContent.getLastItem(); if (finalChild != null) { mFolderIcon.performDestroyAnimation(finalChild, onCompleteRunnable); } else { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } mDestroyed = true; } boolean isDestroyed() { return mDestroyed; } // This method keeps track of the last item in the folder for the purposes // of keyboard focus public void updateTextViewFocus() { View lastChild = mContent.getLastItem(); if (lastChild != null) { mFolderName.setNextFocusDownId(lastChild.getId()); mFolderName.setNextFocusRightId(lastChild.getId()); mFolderName.setNextFocusLeftId(lastChild.getId()); mFolderName.setNextFocusUpId(lastChild.getId()); } } public void onDrop(DragObject d) { Runnable cleanUpRunnable = null; // If we are coming from All Apps space, we defer removing the extra empty screen // until the folder closes if (d.dragSource != mLauncher.getWorkspace() && !(d.dragSource instanceof Folder)) { cleanUpRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragModeDelayed(true, Launcher.EXIT_SPRINGLOADED_MODE_SHORT_TIMEOUT, null); } }; } // If the icon was dropped while the page was being scrolled, we need to compute // the target location again such that the icon is placed of the final page. if (!mContent.rankOnCurrentPage(mEmptyCellRank)) { // Reorder again. mTargetRank = getTargetRank(d, null); // Rearrange items immediately. mReorderAlarmListener.onAlarm(mReorderAlarm); mOnScrollHintAlarm.cancelAlarm(); mScrollPauseAlarm.cancelAlarm(); } mContent.completePendingPageChanges(); View currentDragView; ShortcutInfo si = mCurrentDragInfo; if (mIsExternalDrag) { currentDragView = mContent.createAndAddViewForRank(si, mEmptyCellRank); // Actually move the item in the database if it was an external drag. Call this // before creating the view, so that ShortcutInfo is updated appropriately. if (shouldUpdateContentsInDatabase()) { LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase( mLauncher, si, mInfo.id, 0, si.cellX, si.cellY); } // We only need to update the locations if it doesn't get handled in #onDropCompleted. if (d.dragSource != this) { updateItemLocationsInDatabaseBatch(); } } else { currentDragView = mCurrentDragView; mContent.addViewForRank(currentDragView, si, mEmptyCellRank); } if (d.dragView.hasDrawn()) { // Temporarily reset the scale such that the animation target gets calculated correctly. float scaleX = getScaleX(); float scaleY = getScaleY(); setScaleX(1.0f); setScaleY(1.0f); mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(d.dragView, currentDragView, cleanUpRunnable, null); setScaleX(scaleX); setScaleY(scaleY); } else { d.deferDragViewCleanupPostAnimation = false; currentDragView.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } mItemsInvalidated = true; rearrangeChildren(); // Temporarily suppress the listener, as we did all the work already here. mSuppressOnAdd = true; mInfo.add(si); mSuppressOnAdd = false; // Clear the drag info, as it is no longer being dragged. mCurrentDragInfo = null; mDragInProgress = false; if (mContent.getPageCount() > 1) { // The animation has already been shown while opening the folder. mInfo.setOption(FolderInfo.FLAG_MULTI_PAGE_ANIMATION, true, mLauncher); } if (mIsExternalDrag) { // Delay the close animation to reduce jank mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mLauncher.closeFolder(Folder.this); } }, 100); mIsExternalDrag = false; } } // This is used so the item doesn't immediately appear in the folder when added. In one case // we need to create the illusion that the item isn't added back to the folder yet, to // to correspond to the animation of the icon back into the folder. This is public void hideItem(ShortcutInfo info) { View v = getViewForInfo(info); v.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } public void showItem(ShortcutInfo info) { View v = getViewForInfo(info); v.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAdd(ShortcutInfo item) { // If the item was dropped onto this open folder, we have done the work associated // with adding the item to the folder, as indicated by mSuppressOnAdd being set if (mSuppressOnAdd) return; mContent.createAndAddViewForRank(item, mContent.allocateRankForNewItem(item)); mItemsInvalidated = true; if (shouldUpdateContentsInDatabase()) { LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase( mLauncher, item, mInfo.id, 0, item.cellX, item.cellY); } } public void onRemove(ShortcutInfo item) { mItemsInvalidated = true; // If this item is being dragged from this open folder, we have already handled // the work associated with removing the item, so we don't have to do anything here. if (item == mCurrentDragInfo) return; mContent.removeItem(getViewForInfo(item)); if (mState == STATE_ANIMATING) { mRearrangeOnClose = true; } else { rearrangeChildren(); } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } @Override public void onRemoveAll() { // Clear the UX after folder contents are removed from the DB removeViewsForItems(null); mLauncher.closeFolder(this); replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } @Override public void onRemoveAll(ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> items) { removeViewsForItems(items); if (mState == STATE_ANIMATING) { mRearrangeOnClose = true; } else { rearrangeChildren(); } if (mInfo.contents.isEmpty()) { mLauncher.closeFolder(this); } replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } /** * Remove all the supplied item views from this folder. * @param items info of views to remove, or null if all views should be removed. */ protected void removeViewsForItems(ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> items) { mItemsInvalidated = true; if (items == null) { mContent.removeAllItems(); } else { for (ShortcutInfo item : items) { mContent.removeItem(getViewForInfo(item)); } } } /** * Update the view tied to this shortcut. * @param info updated info to be applied to view. * @return true if view for info was found, false otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean updateViewForInfo(final ShortcutInfo info) { View v = getViewForInfo(info); if (v != null & v instanceof BubbleTextView) { ((BubbleTextView) v).reapplyItemInfo(info); mItemsInvalidated = true; return true; } return false; } public View getViewForInfo(ShortcutInfo item) { View v = mContent.getChildAtRank(item.rank); if (v != null && v.getTag() == item) { return v; } return null; } public void onItemsChanged() { updateTextViewFocus(); } public void onTitleChanged(CharSequence title) { } public ArrayList<View> getItemsInReadingOrder() { if (mItemsInvalidated) { mItemsInReadingOrder.clear(); mContent.iterateOverItems(new ItemOperator() { @Override public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View view, View parent) { mItemsInReadingOrder.add(view); return false; } }); mItemsInvalidated = false; } return mItemsInReadingOrder; } public void getLocationInDragLayer(int[] loc) { mLauncher.getDragLayer().getLocationInDragLayer(this, loc); } public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) { if (v == mFolderName && hasFocus) { startEditingFolderName(); } } @Override public void getHitRectRelativeToDragLayer(Rect outRect) { getHitRect(outRect); outRect.left -= mScrollAreaOffset; outRect.right += mScrollAreaOffset; } public View getViewFromPosition(int position) { return mItemsInReadingOrder.get(position); } @Override public void fillInLaunchSourceData(Bundle sourceData) { // Fill in from the folder icon's launch source provider first Stats.LaunchSourceUtils.populateSourceDataFromAncestorProvider(mFolderIcon, sourceData); sourceData.putString(Stats.SOURCE_EXTRA_SUB_CONTAINER, Stats.SUB_CONTAINER_FOLDER); sourceData.putInt(Stats.SOURCE_EXTRA_SUB_CONTAINER_PAGE, mContent.getCurrentPage()); } private class OnScrollHintListener implements OnAlarmListener { private final DragObject mDragObject; OnScrollHintListener(DragObject object) { mDragObject = object; } /** * Scroll hint has been shown long enough. Now scroll to appropriate page. */ @Override public void onAlarm(Alarm alarm) { if (mCurrentScrollDir == DragController.SCROLL_LEFT) { mContent.scrollLeft(); mScrollHintDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; } else if (mCurrentScrollDir == DragController.SCROLL_RIGHT) { mContent.scrollRight(); mScrollHintDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; } else { // This should not happen return; } mCurrentScrollDir = DragController.SCROLL_NONE; // Pause drag event until the scrolling is finished mScrollPauseAlarm.setOnAlarmListener(new OnScrollFinishedListener(mDragObject)); mScrollPauseAlarm.setAlarm(DragController.RESCROLL_DELAY); } } private class OnScrollFinishedListener implements OnAlarmListener { private final DragObject mDragObject; OnScrollFinishedListener(DragObject object) { mDragObject = object; } /** * Page scroll is complete. */ @Override public void onAlarm(Alarm alarm) { // Reorder immediately on page change. onDragOver(mDragObject, 1); } } // Compares item position based on rank and position giving priority to the rank. public static final Comparator<ItemInfo> ITEM_POS_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<ItemInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ItemInfo lhs, ItemInfo rhs) { if (lhs.rank != rhs.rank) { return lhs.rank - rhs.rank; } else if (lhs.cellY != rhs.cellY) { return lhs.cellY - rhs.cellY; } else { return lhs.cellX - rhs.cellX; } } }; }