/* LinphoneCallImpl.java Copyright (C) 2010 Belledonne Communications, Grenoble, France This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.linphone.core; class LinphoneCallImpl implements LinphoneCall { protected final long nativePtr; boolean ownPtr = false; native private void ref(long ownPtr); native private void unref(long ownPtr); native private long getCallLog(long nativePtr); private native boolean isIncoming(long nativePtr); native private long getRemoteAddress(long nativePtr); native private int getState(long nativePtr); private native long getCurrentParamsCopy(long nativePtr); private native void enableCamera(long nativePtr, boolean enabled); private native void enableEchoCancellation(long nativePtr,boolean enable); private native boolean isEchoCancellationEnabled(long nativePtr) ; private native void enableEchoLimiter(long nativePtr,boolean enable); private native boolean isEchoLimiterEnabled(long nativePtr); private native long getReplacedCall(long nativePtr); private native int getDuration(long nativePtr); private native float getCurrentQuality(long nativePtr); private native float getAverageQuality(long nativePtr); private native String getAuthenticationToken(long nativePtr); private native boolean isAuthenticationTokenVerified(long nativePtr); private native boolean areStreamsEncrypted(long nativePtr); protected LinphoneCallImpl(long aNativePtr) { nativePtr = aNativePtr; ref(nativePtr); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { unref(nativePtr); } public LinphoneCallLog getCallLog() { long lNativePtr = getCallLog(nativePtr); if (lNativePtr!=0) { return new LinphoneCallLogImpl(lNativePtr); } else { return null; } } public CallDirection getDirection() { return isIncoming(nativePtr)?CallDirection.Incoming:CallDirection.Outgoing; } public LinphoneAddress getRemoteAddress() { long lNativePtr = getRemoteAddress(nativePtr); if (lNativePtr!=0) { return new LinphoneAddressImpl(lNativePtr); } else { return null; } } public State getState() { return LinphoneCall.State.fromInt(getState(nativePtr)); } public LinphoneCallParams getCurrentParamsCopy() { return new LinphoneCallParamsImpl(getCurrentParamsCopy(nativePtr)); } public void enableCamera(boolean enabled) { enableCamera(nativePtr, enabled); } public boolean equals(Object call) { return nativePtr == ((LinphoneCallImpl)call).nativePtr; } public void enableEchoCancellation(boolean enable) { enableEchoCancellation(nativePtr,enable); } public boolean isEchoCancellationEnabled() { return isEchoCancellationEnabled(nativePtr); } public void enableEchoLimiter(boolean enable) { enableEchoLimiter(nativePtr,enable); } public boolean isEchoLimiterEnabled() { return isEchoLimiterEnabled(nativePtr); } public LinphoneCall getReplacedCall(){ long callptr=getReplacedCall(nativePtr); if (callptr!=0){ return new LinphoneCallImpl(callptr); } return null; } public int getDuration() { return getDuration(nativePtr); } public float getAverageQuality() { return getAverageQuality(nativePtr); } public float getCurrentQuality() { return getCurrentQuality(nativePtr); } public String getAuthenticationToken(){ return getAuthenticationToken(nativePtr); } public boolean isAuthenticationTokenVerified(){ return isAuthenticationTokenVerified(nativePtr); } public boolean areStreamsEncrypted() { return areStreamsEncrypted(nativePtr); } }