package; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Represents a setup of a game (i.e., which heroes are selected, * as well as villain and environment). */ public class GameSetup implements Parcelable { private static final int MIN_HEROES = 3; private static final int MAX_HEROES = 5; private List<Card> mHeroes = new ArrayList<Card>(5); private Card mVillain; private List<Card> mVillainTeam = new ArrayList<Card>(1); private Card mEnvironment; public GameSetup() { // Default setup is 3 random heroes, 1 random villain and 1 random environment mHeroes.add(Card.RANDOM_HERO); mHeroes.add(Card.RANDOM_HERO); mHeroes.add(Card.RANDOM_HERO); mVillain = Card.RANDOM_VILLAIN; mEnvironment = Card.RANDOM_ENVIRONMENT; } public GameSetup(GameSetup toCopy) { mHeroes.addAll(toCopy.mHeroes); mVillain = toCopy.mVillain; mEnvironment = toCopy.mEnvironment; } public void reset() { for (int a = 0; a < mHeroes.size(); a++) { mHeroes.set(a, Card.RANDOM_HERO); } mVillain = Card.RANDOM_VILLAIN; mEnvironment = Card.RANDOM_ENVIRONMENT; mVillainTeam.clear(); } public List<Card> getHeroes() { return mHeroes; } public int getHeroCount() { return mHeroes.size(); } public void addHero() { mVillainTeam.clear(); mHeroes.add(Card.RANDOM_HERO); } public void setHero(int index, Card card) { mHeroes.set(index, card); } public void removeHero(int index) { mVillainTeam.clear(); mHeroes.remove(index); } public boolean canRemoveHero() { return mHeroes.size() > MIN_HEROES; } public boolean canAddHero() { return mHeroes.size() < MAX_HEROES; } public void setVillain(Card card) { mVillainTeam.clear(); mVillain = card; } public Card getVillain() { return mVillain; } public Card getVillainAt(int position) { if (mVillainTeam.size() == 0) { return mVillain; } return mVillainTeam.get(position); } public void setVillainTeam(List<Card> villainTeam) { mVillainTeam = villainTeam; } public List<Card> getVillainTeam() { return mVillainTeam; } public int getVillainCount() { return Math.max(mVillainTeam.size(), 1); } public boolean isAdvancedVillain() { return mVillain.isAdvanced(); } public void setEnvironment(Card card) { mEnvironment = card; } public Card getEnvironment() { return mEnvironment; } /** * @return true if there is a random card in the setup, false if all cards are filled out */ public boolean hasRandomCards() { for (Card card : mHeroes) { if (card.isRandom()) { return true; } } // Villain is either random with no team, or is random but hasn't selected a team if (mVillain.isRandom() && (!mVillain.isTeam() || mVillainTeam.size() == 0)) { return true; } return mEnvironment.isRandom(); } public boolean isCompletelyRandom() { for (Card card : mHeroes) { if (!card.equals(Card.RANDOM_HERO)) { return false; } } return mVillain.equals(Card.RANDOM_VILLAIN) && mEnvironment.equals(Card.RANDOM_ENVIRONMENT); } /** * We might not be able to randomize if there aren't enough options available */ public boolean canRandomize() { return getFirstLackingType() == null; } /** * @return the first type without enough enabled cards, or null if we're good to go */ public Type getFirstLackingType() { // Make sure we count each hero (and alternate) only once, as we // cannot pick the same hero twice (even with promos) int heroCount = 0; List<Card> heroList = Db.getCards(Type.HERO); Set<Card> countedSet = new HashSet<Card>(); for (Card hero : heroList) { if (!countedSet.contains(hero)) { heroCount++; countedSet.addAll(Db.getCardAndAlternates(hero)); } } if (heroCount < getHeroCount()) { return Type.HERO; } else if (Db.getCards(Type.VILLAIN).size() == 0) { return Type.VILLAIN; } else if (Db.getCards(Type.ENVIRONMENT).size() == 0) { return Type.ENVIRONMENT; } return null; } /** * Calculates the points that this setup represents. If there * are random cards, it counts them as 0. */ public int getPoints() { int points = 0; for (Card card : mHeroes) { if (card != Card.RANDOM_HERO) { points += card.getPoints(); } } if (mVillain != Card.RANDOM_VILLAIN) { if (isAdvancedVillain()) { points += mVillain.getAdvancedPoints(); } else { points += mVillain.getPoints(); } } if (mEnvironment != Card.RANDOM_ENVIRONMENT) { points += mEnvironment.getPoints(); } // Factor in # of players points += Db.getPointsForNumPlayers(mHeroes.size()); return points; } /** * Gets the possible range of points (if all cards were filled in with * their highest/lowest scoring items). * * If there are no random cards, the range is 0. */ public Pair<Integer, Integer> getPointRange() { return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(getPoints(true), getPoints(false)); } // Returns either the minimum or maximum points possible with this game setup. private int getPoints(boolean minPoints) { int points = getPoints(); List<Card> possibleHeroes = Db.getCards(Type.HERO); Collections.sort(possibleHeroes, Card.POINT_COMPARATOR); for (Card hero : mHeroes) { if (hero.isRandom()) { if (minPoints) { points += possibleHeroes.get(0).getPoints(); possibleHeroes.remove(0); } else { points += possibleHeroes.get(possibleHeroes.size() - 1).getPoints(); possibleHeroes.remove(possibleHeroes.size() - 1); } } } if (mVillain.isRandom()) { List<Card> possibleVillains = Db.getCards(Type.VILLAIN); Collections.sort(possibleVillains, Prefs.isAdvancedAllowed() ? Card.POINT_ADVANCED_COMPARATOR : Card.POINT_COMPARATOR); if (minPoints) { points += possibleVillains.get(0).getPoints(); } else { points += possibleVillains.get(possibleVillains.size() - 1).getPoints(); } } if (mEnvironment.isRandom()) { List<Card> possibleEnvironments = Db.getCards(Type.ENVIRONMENT); Collections.sort(possibleEnvironments, Card.POINT_COMPARATOR); if (minPoints) { points += possibleEnvironments.get(0).getPoints(); } else { points += possibleEnvironments.get(possibleEnvironments.size() - 1).getPoints(); } } return points; } /** * @return The estimated chance of winning, as an int 0-100 */ public int getWinPercent() { return Db.getWinPercent(getPoints()); } public void updateFrom(GameSetup other) { mHeroes.clear(); mHeroes.addAll(other.mHeroes); mVillain = other.mVillain; mEnvironment = other.mEnvironment; mVillainTeam.clear(); mVillainTeam.addAll(other.mVillainTeam); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof GameSetup)) { return false; } GameSetup other = (GameSetup) o; return mHeroes.equals(other.mHeroes) && mVillain.equals(other.mVillain) && mEnvironment.equals(other.mEnvironment); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Heroes: "); int heroCount = mHeroes.size(); for (int a = 0; a < heroCount; a++) { if (a != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(mHeroes.get(a).getId()); } sb.append("\nVillain: " + mVillain.getId()); if (isAdvancedVillain()) { sb.append(" (Advanced)"); } if (mVillainTeam.size() != 0) { List<String> teamIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Card teamMember : mVillainTeam) { teamIds.add(teamMember.getId()); } sb.append("\nVillain Team): [" + TextUtils.join(", ", teamIds) + "]"); } sb.append("\nEnvironment: " + mEnvironment.getId()); return sb.toString(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parcelable private GameSetup(Parcel in) { ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); in.readList(mHeroes, cl); mVillain = in.readParcelable(cl); mEnvironment = in.readParcelable(cl); in.readList(mVillainTeam, cl); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeList(mHeroes); dest.writeParcelable(mVillain, flags); dest.writeParcelable(mEnvironment, flags); dest.writeList(mVillainTeam); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public static final Parcelable.Creator<GameSetup> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<GameSetup>() { public GameSetup createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new GameSetup(in); } public GameSetup[] newArray(int size) { return new GameSetup[size]; } }; }