package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; /** * 表单上传 * <p/> * 通过表单,你可以将一个图片或者一个文本文件等上传到七牛服务器。这个表单 * 就是标准的http表单,即<code>enctype="multipart/form-data"</code> * 格式的表单。 */ final class FormUploader { /** * 上传数据,并以指定的key保存文件 * * @param httpManager HTTP连接管理器 * @param data 上传的数据 * @param key 上传的数据保存的文件名 * @param token 上传凭证 * @param completionHandler 上传完成后续处理动作 * @param options 上传时的可选参数 */ static void upload(Client httpManager, Configuration config, byte[] data, String key, UpToken token, final UpCompletionHandler completionHandler, final UploadOptions options) { post(data, null, key, token, completionHandler, options, httpManager, config); } /** * 上传文件,并以指定的key保存文件 * * @param client HTTP连接管理器 * @param file 上传的文件 * @param key 上传的数据保存的文件名 * @param token 上传凭证 * @param completionHandler 上传完成后续处理动作 * @param options 上传时的可选参数 */ static void upload(Client client, Configuration config, File file, String key, UpToken token, UpCompletionHandler completionHandler, UploadOptions options) { post(null, file, key, token, completionHandler, options, client, config); } private static void post(byte[] data, File file, String k, final UpToken token, final UpCompletionHandler completionHandler, final UploadOptions optionsIn, final Client client, final Configuration config) { final String key = k; StringMap params = new StringMap(); final PostArgs args = new PostArgs(); if (k != null) { params.put("key", key); args.fileName = key; } else { args.fileName = "?"; } // data is null , or file is null if (file != null) { args.fileName = file.getName(); } params.put("token", token.token); final UploadOptions options = optionsIn != null ? optionsIn : UploadOptions.defaultOptions(); params.putFileds(options.params); if (options.checkCrc) { long crc = 0; if (file != null) { try { crc = Crc32.file(file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { crc = Crc32.bytes(data); } params.put("crc32", "" + crc); } final ProgressHandler progress = new ProgressHandler() { @Override public void onProgress(int bytesWritten, int totalSize) { double percent = (double) bytesWritten / (double) totalSize; if (percent > 0.95) { percent = 0.95; } options.progressHandler.progress(key, percent); } }; = data; args.file = file; args.mimeType = options.mimeType; args.params = params; final String upHost =, config.useHttps, null); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "upload use up host " + upHost); CompletionHandler completion = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void complete(ResponseInfo info, JSONObject response) { if (info.isNetworkBroken() && !AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { options.netReadyHandler.waitReady(); if (!AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); return; } } if (info.isOK()) { options.progressHandler.progress(key, 1.0); completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); } else if (options.cancellationSignal.isCancelled()) { ResponseInfo i = ResponseInfo.cancelled(token); completionHandler.complete(key, i, null); } else if (info.needRetry() || (info.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) { final String upHostRetry =, config.useHttps, upHost); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "retry upload first time use up host " + upHostRetry); CompletionHandler retried = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void complete(ResponseInfo info, JSONObject response) { if (info.isOK()) { options.progressHandler.progress(key, 1.0); completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); } else if (info.needRetry() || (info.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) { final String upHostRetry2 =, config.useHttps, upHostRetry); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "retry upload second time use up host " + upHostRetry2); CompletionHandler retried2 = new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void complete(ResponseInfo info2, JSONObject response2) { if (info2.isOK()) { options.progressHandler.progress(key, 1.0); } else if (info2.needRetry() || (info2.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) {; } completionHandler.complete(key, info2, response2); } }; client.asyncMultipartPost(upHostRetry2, args, token, progress, retried2, options.cancellationSignal); } else { completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); } } }; client.asyncMultipartPost(upHostRetry, args, token, progress, retried, options.cancellationSignal); } else { completionHandler.complete(key, info, response); } } }; client.asyncMultipartPost(upHost, args, token, progress, completion, options.cancellationSignal); } /** * 上传数据,并以指定的key保存文件 * * @param client HTTP连接管理器 * @param data 上传的数据 * @param key 上传的数据保存的文件名 * @param token 上传凭证 * @param options 上传时的可选参数 * @return 响应信息 ResponseInfo#response 响应体,序列化后 json 格式 */ public static ResponseInfo syncUpload(Client client, Configuration config, byte[] data, String key, UpToken token, UploadOptions options) { try { return syncUpload0(client, config, data, null, key, token, options); } catch (Exception e) { return ResponseInfo.create(null, ResponseInfo.UnknownError, "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, e.getMessage(), token); } } /** * 上传文件,并以指定的key保存文件 * * @param client HTTP连接管理器 * @param file 上传的文件 * @param key 上传的数据保存的文件名 * @param token 上传凭证 * @param options 上传时的可选参数 * @return 响应信息 ResponseInfo#response 响应体,序列化后 json 格式 */ public static ResponseInfo syncUpload(Client client, Configuration config, File file, String key, UpToken token, UploadOptions options) { try { return syncUpload0(client, config, null, file, key, token, options); } catch (Exception e) { return ResponseInfo.create(null, ResponseInfo.UnknownError, "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, e.getMessage(), token); } } private static ResponseInfo syncUpload0(Client client, Configuration config, byte[] data, File file, String key, UpToken token, UploadOptions optionsIn) { StringMap params = new StringMap(); final PostArgs args = new PostArgs(); if (key != null) { params.put("key", key); args.fileName = key; } else { args.fileName = "?"; } // data is null , or file is null if (file != null) { args.fileName = file.getName(); } params.put("token", token.token); final UploadOptions options = optionsIn != null ? optionsIn : UploadOptions.defaultOptions(); params.putFileds(options.params); if (options.checkCrc) { long crc = 0; if (file != null) { try { crc = Crc32.file(file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { crc = Crc32.bytes(data); } params.put("crc32", "" + crc); } = data; args.file = file; args.mimeType = options.mimeType; args.params = params; boolean success =; if (!success) { return ResponseInfo.invalidToken("failed to get up host"); } final String upHost =, config.useHttps, null); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "sync upload use up host " + upHost); ResponseInfo info = client.syncMultipartPost(upHost, args, token); if (info.isOK()) { return info; } //retry for the first time if (info.needRetry() || (info.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) { if (info.isNetworkBroken() && !AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { options.netReadyHandler.waitReady(); if (!AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { return info; } } //retry for the second time String upHostRetry =, config.useHttps, upHost); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "sync upload retry first time use up host " + upHostRetry); info = client.syncMultipartPost(upHostRetry, args, token); if (info.needRetry() || (info.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) { if (info.isNetworkBroken() && !AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { options.netReadyHandler.waitReady(); if (!AndroidNetwork.isNetWorkReady()) { return info; } } String upHostRetry2 =, config.useHttps, upHostRetry); Log.d("Qiniu.FormUploader", "sync upload retry second time use up host " + upHostRetry2); info = client.syncMultipartPost(upHostRetry2, args, token); if (info.needRetry() || (info.isNotQiniu() && !token.hasReturnUrl())) {; } } } return info; } }